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Marriage. We celebrate it, sometimes mourn it, and even argue

vehemently over it. Well, that is just what is happening today. No
one can agree when it comes to the rights of marriage. Same-sex
couples claim it is an unalienable right for them to marry. Opposite-
sex couples get married on Friday and divorce on Monday. So
what is the big issue? The hot topic these days seems to be the
highly controversial issue of same-sex marriage. Should it be
legalized? No. Same-sex marriage should not be legalized due to
its harmful effects on societal order, the Constitution, and
traditional religious values. Many people think that variety is the
spice of life, but that is not always necessarily true.
, both who lived in a home with heterosexual parents, and those
who lived in a home where either one or both of the parents had
been in a same-sex relationship in their lifetime. The results were
astounding. A higher percentage of children who had parents with
a past same-sex relationship used marijuana, smoked, were
arrested and convicted for non-minor offenses, and thought about
suicide (Regnerus). Also as a direct result of same-sex parents,
children are deprived of either one or the other of their natural
parents. When children are raised in a home without a father, the
odds of an unhappy life go up. The same goes for a mother’s
absence (Bauman). We see that the result of having both parents
around not only has effects on the children’s happiness, it also has
a fascinating biological and social effect. Girls that grow up without
a father are “much more likely to experience early puberty and a
teen pregnancy” (“Ten Arguments from Social Science Against
Same-Sex Marriage”). In contrast, girls who grew up with an intact
family are much less likely to suffer from such things.
Same-Sex marriage also distorts the normal values that each child
grows up learning. Marriage has always been between a man and
a woman, right? Well, then what happens
1. If same-sex civil marriage becomes common, most same-sex
couples with children would be lesbian couples. This would mean
that we would have yet more children being raised apart from
fathers. Among other things, we know that fathers excel in
reducing antisocial behavior and delinquency in boys and sexual
activity in girl.
2. First, allowing same sex marriage in the Philippines is nothing
but an attempt of making morally wrong action into a civil right.
The civil code it had been enforced for more than half a century
while the family code because effective in not less than three
decades already and these laws were passed in co-existence with
the increasing growth of the third sex individuals. It is ought to be
known that there was no proposal to amend these laws but
LGBT’s endeavor to push same sex marriage in the country is
tantamount to circumvention of these codes which has been our
country’s basis of its morals and tradition from the very beginning.
3. The law is very clear. it does not mention gay or a lesbian.
Amendment by ratification to suit the demand of a certain class
only is highly improbable when matters of greater national interest
such a educational reform health, programs infrastructure to ease
the traffic congestion and other important government projects
require more funding and attention than this proposal. hence,
same sex marriage is not practicable
4. SWS surveys may show numerous constructive responses on
same sex marriage but this does not mean that it reflects the
collective thought of the people who will consider making a law
favoring it. Approval of marriage between persons of same sex
will only encourage more homosexual activities and promote their
lifestyle in the community that one day those which are deemed
forbidden maybe permitted in the society. Legal recognition of the
domestic relationship of the same sex is an obscure mandate
tantamount to degrading our basic moral values and the
sacredness of marriage which should otherwise requires serious
consideration and paramount importances provided in Section 2,
Art 15 of the Constitution which provides that marriage as an
inviolable social institution is the foundation of a family which the
state protects.
5. If homosexual “marriage” is widely accepted as the present
step in sexual “freedom,” what logical arguments can be used to
stop the next steps of incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and other
forms of unnatural behavior? Are we bound to accept these?
Filipinos are not prepared nor are we ready to embrace union of
the same sex because it would require immense alterations on
the basic educational curriculum in school instructions, if only to
educate people, by making it appear to the young minds that
lgbt’s relationship is the ordinary norm rather than it being odd,
and this

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