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Research title: A Case Study about Street Food Safety and Cleanliness Drive

Researchers: Villegas, Jhazmine Nicole A.

Coronado, Kyle Hyacinth

Villapando, Mark James A.

Dacanay, Kurt Daniel

Dumdum, Angelo M.

Site of Implementation: Laguna

Background and Rationale

Street food is ready-to-eat food or drink sold by a hawker, or vendor, in a street or other
public place, such as at a market or fair. It is often sold from a portable food booth, (Simonpoulus,
2000) The Philippines offers a wealth of street food. Street food is available everywhere they are
available near churches, universities and parks. It is convenient, easy to find, cheap, and delicious
that is why a lot of people love it. Street food is a huge part of Filipinos culinary culture, a showcase
of how Filipinos can squeeze fun and flavor from the unlikeliest and least palatable ingredients.

The researchers conducted this study about the street food safety and cleanliness drive to
promote the importance of food hygiene.

Theoretical Framework

According to Khairuzzaman et al, (2014) The street foods play an important socioeconomic
role in meeting food and nutritional requirements of city consumers at affordable prices to the
lower- and middle-income people. The number of food poisoning notifications rose steadily
worldwide since the inception of E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in the 1980s to date. This may be partly
attributed to improved surveillance, increased global trade and travel, changes in modern food
production, the impact of modern lifestyles, changes in food consumption, and the emergence of
new pathogens. Consumer’s knowledge and attitude may influence food safety behavior and
practice. For the sake of public health, it is important to understand the epidemiology of foodborne
illnesses that help in prevention and control efforts, appropriately allocating resources to control
foodborne illness, monitoring and evaluation of food safety measures, development of new food
safety standards, and assessment of the cost-effectiveness of interventions.

Conceptual Research Question

These are the question that will be ask during the interview:

 Why do you buy street foods?

 Do you consider the cleanliness of the place before you buy the street food?
 How many street foods you consume a day?

Conceptual Research Objectives

These are the following research objectives:

 To know the reasons why people still buys street food even it is not clean.
 To promote how important hygiene in purchasing a food.
 To create a documentary that will inform people about street foods here in the


This study used a documentary video it is a non-fictional, motion picture intended

to "document reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education, or maintaining
a historical record", (Oxford English Dictionary, 2018)

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