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Republic of the Philippines


Division of Cebu Province


South Poblacion, San Fernando, Cebu



Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully. Use your answer sheet/question paper for your answer.

1. A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human,material

,economic loses and impacts which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its
own resources.
a. Hazard b. Disaster c. Exposure d. Vulnerability
2. A dangerous phenomenon ,substance,human activity or condition that may cause loss of life ,injury or other
health impacts,property damage,loss of livelihood and services.
a. Hazard b. Disaster c. Exposure d. Vulnerability
3. All of the following are True about the effect of disaster in one’s life EXCEPT:
a. Death b. Injury c. Stress d. Happiness
4. The following are the factors underlying disasters EXCEPT:
a. Climate Change b. Enviroment Degration c. Social Status d. Poverty
5. Why does disaster happen?
a. Because of the weather c. Because of human destruction.
b. Because of natural conditions d. All of the above.
6. A natural occurring physical phenomena caused either by rapid or slow onset events.
a. Natural Hazards b. Man-Made Hazards c. Hazards d. Disaster
7. An events that are caused by humans and occur in or close to human settlements.
a. Natural Hazards b. Man-Made Hazards c. Hazards d. Disaster
8. A process or phenomenon that are present when a worker is exposed to any chemical
Preparation in the workplace.
a. Biological b. Chemical c. Physical d. Ergonomic
9. A process or phenomenon wherein wastes from the hospitals and research facilities may
Contain disease-causing organisms that could infect sire personnel.
a. Biological b. Chemical c. Physical d. Ergonomic
10. A process or phenomenon that occur when the type of work ,body positions and
Working conditions put strain on your body.
a. Biological b. Chemical c. Physical d. Ergonomic
11. A hazard within the environment that can harm the body without necessarily touching it.
a. Biological b. Chemical c. Physical d. Ergonomic
12. The possibility that something bad or unpleasant will happen such as injury or loss.
a. Hazard b. Risk c. Exposure d. Vulnerability
13. Below are examples of Man-Made Hazards EXCEPT:
a. Flood b. Fire c. Typhoon d. Air Pollution
14. Below are examples of Natural Hazards EXCEPT:
a. Fire b. Earthquake c. Typhoon d. Tsunami
15. Which of the following instances makes the Philippines more vulnerable to disaster?
a. The Philippines is comprised of islands
b. The Philippines is politically divided.
c. The country is near the Pacific Ring of Fire.
d. Filipinos are known as Pearl of the Orient Seas.
16. Which of the following is an example of Technological Hazards?
a. cyber terrorism b. Nuclear accidents c. Epidemic diseases d. AIDS
17. Which of the following is not a common long term impact of hazards?
a.Destruction of vital infrastructure like roads and bridges.
b. Disconnection of communication lines
c. Loss of Housing
d. Pemanent Disability
18. Which of the following is an effect of disasters in one’s life?
a. Food Scarcity c. Distubance of Biodiversity
b.Illness and Diseases d. All of the above
19. Which of the following pertains to a disaster?
a. A landslide in Ligao that destroyed a mountain village.
b. A volcano erupting in isolation in the middle of Pacific Ocean.
c. Typhoon Haiyan passing over a remote an unpopulated island.
d. A landslide high on the mountain and slopes away from any settlement.
20. Elements located in the coastal areas are likely to be exposed to:
a. Volcanic Eruption b. Drought c. Storm Surge d. Hailstorm
21. A feeble shaking to violent trembling of the ground produced by a sudden
Displacement of rocks below the Earthe surface.
a. Typhoon b. Earthquake c. Tsunami d.Volcanic Eruption
22. The leading cause of most earthquake –related deaths is __________.
a. Collapse of structures c. Violent shaking of the ground
b. Unexpected tsunami that follows d. Flooding due to liquefaction
23. People living in a barrio near the seashore are more exposed to _____________.
a. Fire b. Earthquake c. Landslide d. Storm Surge
24. During a typhoon, mountain climbers going up the slope may experience ______.
a. Drowning b. Shaking c. Injuries from landslide d. Caught in Fire
25. Family in a concrete house near the highway far from the river and mountain may
Experience ______ during a typhoon EXCEPT.
a.Power Interruption b. Fire c. Flood d. Landslide
26. What could possibly happen to a fisherman on the open sea during a Typhoon?
a. Drown b. Caught on Fire c. Caught in Debris d. None
27. When indoors during an earthquake,the safest place to be is________.
a. Under a sturdy piece of furniture c. At the attic
b. Near the windows and doors d. At the upper floor
28. What should you do if you were outside during an earthquake?
a. Stay away from the trees, powerlines and concrete structures.
b. Look for a building and stay at its main entrance.
c. Drive quickly away from the earthquake.
d. Seek shelter in a building.
29. Which of the following statement about earthquakes is correct?
a. Earthquakes are easily predicted.
b. Plate motions cause earthquakes.
c. Tsunamis are effects of small earthquakes.
d. All of the above.
30. Which of the following hazards normally result from the occurrence of an
a. Lahar b. Landslide c. Drought d. La Nina
31. Refers to a fracture,fissure or a zone of weakness where movement or displacement has occured or may
occur again.
a. Tsunami b. Liquefaction c. Fault d. Rupture
32. A process that transforms the behavior of a body of sediments from that of a solid to
liquid when subjected to extremely intense shaking.
a. Tsunami b. Liquefaction c. Fault d. Rupture
33. A fault which has move within the last 10,000 years.
a. Inactive Fault b. Dormant Fault c. Active Fault d. Fault Rupture
34. A disruptive up-down and sideways movements or motion experienced during an earthquake.
a. Shaking b. Fault c. Rupture d. Ground Shaking
35. A displacement on the ground due to movement of fault.
a. Ground Rupture b. Ground Shaking c. Fault d. Tsunami
36. Earthquake may be caused by which of the following ?
a. Tectonic b. Volcanic Eruption c. Fire d. Landslide
37. During an earthquake,the following are the safe things to do,EXCEPT?
a. Do the “duck,cover and hold”. C. Stay calm.
b. Secure all your belongings. D. Run immediately and shout.
38. Which among the following would be the things to do after an earthquake incident?
a. Do the “duck,cover and hold”.
b. Check for damages and injuries so that first aid will be given.
c. Remove all the possible falling objects.
d. Run immediately and shout.
39. A seawaves resulting from the disturbance of ocean floor by an earthquake.
a. Fault b. Landslide c. Tsunami d. Tornado
40. The single most important secondary effect of earthquake is _.
a. Fire b. Tsunami c. Typhoon d. Landslide
41. A violent type of mudflow or debris flow composed of a slurry of pyroclastic
material , rocky debris and water.
a. Ashfall b. Lahar c. Lava d. Volcanic Gases
42. A deposit of volcanic ash.
a. Ashfall b. Lahar c. Lava d. Volcanic Gases
43. Is a fast moving current of hot gas and volcanic matter.
a. Pyroclastic flow b. Lahar c. Lava d. Volcanic Gases
44. Are gasses given off by active volcanoes.
a. Pyroclastic flow b. Lahar c. Lava d. Volcanic Gases
45. A visual ,geospatial depictions of areas that could be impacted by various
volcanic phenomena during or subsequent to an eruption.
a. Danger Zone Map c. Volcanic Hazard Map
b. Lava Flow Map d. Lahar Hazard Map
46. Is the strength of an earthquake as perceived and felt by people in a certain
a. Magnitude b. Intensity c. Fault d. Signal
47. Refers to the amount of energy released ,measured by the amount of ground
displacement or shaking.
a. Magnitude b. Intensity c. Fault d. Signal
48. Which of the following is the best way to mitigate the impact form all volcanic
a. Cooling down lava with water c. Bomb Explosion
b. Evacuation d. Stay in your houses
49. When inside the building or classroom, the three steps you should take at the
first sign of an earthquake are _________.
a. Stop, Drop, and Cover c. Cover, Drop, Stop
b. Drop, Cover, Hold d. Stop, Drop, Roll
50. What is frequently a warning sign of an impending tsunami?
a. Seawater suddenly retreats from the shore.
b. Abnormal ocean activity.
c. A loud roaring sound similar to train will be heard.
d. All of these.


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