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Subcontractor’s Scope of Works

The Subcontractor’s Scope of Works and Responsibilities shall include but is not limited
to the following:
1.1.1. The complete design responsibility including design coordination with other
trades (lots) that rely on his services or are affected by them. The preparation of all
drawings (Workshop Drawings, and “As Built” drawings will have to be prepared
by the Subcontractor on Site during execution of the Works), the calculations; and
samples (where necessary) for approval, all in accordance with the Subcontract
Documents and to the satisfaction and approval of the Client. Shop drawings shall be complete and shall contain all required
detailed information. The approval of the drawings by the
Contractor/Client shall not be construed as a complete check but will
indicate only that the general method of construction and detailing is
satisfactory. Approval of such drawings will not relieve the Subcontractor
of the responsibility for any error which may exist, as the Subcontractor
shall retain responsibility for the dimensions and design of adequate
connections, details and satisfactory construction for all works.
1.1.2. The fabrication and/or procurement and delivery to the Site storage areas of all
approved materials.
1.1.3. The installation of approved equipment, materials and related accessories
and ancillaries all in accordance with the specifications, approved drawings, and
to the satisfaction of both the Client and the Contractor.
1.1.4. Testing, start-up and commissioning where applicable and required,
leading to successful Substantial Completion and hand-over to the Client
including all necessary training of the Client’s personnel and provision and supply
of the required spare parts, all as required by the Subcontract.
1.1.5. The component and/or system performance guarantees all in accordance
with the Subcontract.
1.1.6. The Warranty Period with all related requirements leading to the final
completion and hand-over of the Sub works
Subcontractor’s Scope of Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Subcontractor to provide the following at his own expense
unless otherwise specified:
1.1.7. Any special assembly and handling equipment and any craneage / lifting,
transport or tools required including all scaffolding.
1.1.8. Protection of the Sub works, including the Subcontractor’s own works,
and those of others and suitable safety measures
1.1.9. On-site storage protection and safeguarding against loss or damage or
deterioration and management of stocks. (the Contractor provides an uncovered
open space with no fencing only within the area allocated for material/equipment
1.1.10. Unloading at Site, transport and handling from on-Site storage areas to the
utilization point(s). This includes all materials and equipment for which the
Subcontractor is responsible for under the terms of the Subcontract, whether
supplied by him or not.
1.1.11. Transport and accommodation and meals for his personnel and all other
related requirements.
1.1.12. Subcontractor’s work-site offices, workshops and all other related
requirements and equipment.
1.1.13. “As-built” drawings in the form, type and quantity as detailed and required
by the Subcontract.
1.1.14. Operations and Maintenance manuals, instructions for use, mimic
diagrams, labels, rating plates, publications and any other related requirements all
to be provided in the form, type, quantity and in the language(s) specified all in
accordance with the Subcontract. Important safety regulation and emergency
procedures shall be printed in English and Arabic languages (refer to Article
1.1.15. Utilities or consumable needed to execute the Sub works, and for star-up
and commissioning required for Substantial Completion purposes (refer to Article
1.1.16. Any taxes the Subcontractor is liable to pay under the prevailing relevant
rules and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
1.1.17. Cleaning, as required, of construction/installation leftovers resulting from
the Subcontractor’s Work and disposing of such material to an approved dump
area or location.
1.1.18. Cleaning before handing over; Cost of cleaning shall be shared weekly by
all Subcontractors as arranged by a committee consisting of 2 representatives
from the Technical Lots and 2 representatives from non-technical lots and one
representative of the Contractor. The latter shall bear his fair portion of the total
cost of cleaning.
1.1.19. On Site all risk insurance as per conditions stipulated.
1.1.20. Professional insurance cover for the Subcontractor.
1.1.21. Cost of the Subcontractor’s Work-site representative who shall perform
permanent supervision until all defects (reserves) have been cleared i.e. till final
1.1.22. Long distance telephone calls, fax communications, photocopies, and blue
prints or similar copying of drawings.
1.1.23. Liquid fuel, gases, and special products required and other utilities or
consumable during execution and for testing, start-up and commissioning.
1.1.24. Cost of measures taken to rectify delays for which the Subcontractor has
been responsible.
1.1.25. Compliance to the LEED Standards for the protection and safeguard of the
1.1.26. Safety.
1.1.27. All other expenses involved for complete and satisfactory completion of
the Sub works which the Subcontractor is required to execute.

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