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Choose the plugin from the folder that represents your operating system.
Copy the plugin to the appropriate VST plugins folder.

For macOS, the default folders for VST and VST3 plugins are:


For Windows, these are:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST

C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3


If you are unsure whether your host application supports VST3 or not, pick the
VST version (for instance for Ableton Live users).

For macOS users:

The plugin has been compiled for both 32- and 64-bit hosts and tested in both
Studio (VST3) and Ableton Live 9 (VST2). On some configurations the VST3 version of
plugin looks like a folder (with the name being "vstsid.vst3"). Copy this folder in
entirety to the destination plugin folder as it is actually a file which auto
its contents in the Finder, making it look like a folder.

If a compatibility issue occurs reach out using the contact page.

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