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Thanksgiving Praises to Yeshua, our Greatest High Priest

by Dionne Sabbay Thompson November 24, 2010 (Revised) Listen to: A Bible Study regarding the Shaking and Sealing of Gods remnant. Praise God for His goodness, mercy and grace! On Thanksgiving eve while many are busy shopping for special gourmet foods as they prepare for the annual, special family feast, Overcomers will instead turn their eyes to the heavens, where Yeshua has been interceding in the Holy of Holies on their behalf, since 1844 (October 22nd). Overcomers, having their names in the heavenly sanctuary, must approach Christs throne of Grace, crying out for mercy and grace in their time of need Heb. 4:16. It remains imperative that all seek Christ with a broken and contrite heart, enabling them to be melted in compassion (Review and Herald May 11, 1897). By faith all are encouraged to seek out an abiding relationship with Yeshua, as He is the only source of holiness Eze. 20:12. Overcomers must add to their faith--virtue, as it lays down the foundation of Character Purity, that remains essential for character building. Gods remnant must search for Truth as hidden treasure, as Christ is the chief Corner Stone 1Peter 2:6. Ephesians 2:20 emphasizes the need to banish all things that seek to interfere with an Overcomers sanctification process. While Satan seeks to defile the human soul, Overcomers seek to enable a direct connection to Christ; permitting Him to control their soul. The Great controversy involves Gods loving, sinless government and satans selfish, iniquitous administration. Gods final righteous generation will serve a purpose of ultimately vindicating Gods Government. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced

in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own Christs Object Lessons page 69. Regarding the great controversy between God and Satan, the Most Highs differing, loving, governing principles and its demonstration will be settled absent of the use of force 1John 1:5, 4:8, The Desire of Ages page 22. Ultimately, such a controversy must be resolved by demonstration of applied principles by which each government operates How Will Sin Be Eradicated? By Might or by Right? by Force or by Love pages 6, 7.1 1John 3:4 defines sin as the transgression of the law, encouraging Overcomers to resist temptation through the infinite power of God, enabling the production of a divine character experience. Overcomers, Subjects of Yahwehs heavenly government, must permit righteousness to be interwoven into their human character experience, causing their human soul to stand in its integrity. Humans desiring a seat at the foot of Yeshuas throne must willfully submit themselves to Christ, causing the adversary to flee from them James 4:7. Ultimately, Christ must be in full control of an Overcomers heart and mind; as once sealed, Gods remnant will have a fixed, irreversible relationship with Him, both intellectually and spiritually 1John 3:9, The Faith I live by page 287. For those who discount the Character Perfection message and revival, Enoch presents as an inarguable example of a Prophet of God--who walked with the Most High until he was eventually translated Heb. 11:5. Tests and trials will emerge but, God never permits suffering more than a human soul can tolerate 1Cor. 10:13. The righteous remnant while advancing in sanctification should encounter necessary trials, as it is used for the purpose of purification Zech. 13:9, Mal. 3:1-3. The Lords grace will empower all souls that remain loyal to the fourth Commandment, the Seventh-day Sabbath, His divine day of rest and refreshment Exo. 20:8-11, 31:16-18. Joseph presents as another wonderful example of a human soul that strived to reproduce the character of God, as (even after experiencing imprisonment and slavery) he continued on his path to character perfection Gen. 50:20, Heb. 11:22. Similarly, Overcomers must remain encouraged, turning away from the evil den of the world, abhorring sin, while dressing themselves with the goodness and righteousness of Christ Eph. 2:8-10, Phil. 3:9-11. Being reborn, it is important that Overcomers die to self, while being crucified with Christ Gal.2:20. All must be sealed in righteousness, resisting sin, as it is imperative during this antitypical Day of Atonement. At present, within the Heavenly Sanctuary, God is prepared to cleanse the Sanctuary completely from sin however, He requires that His righteous remnant, by way of His righteous robe, manifest complete VICTORY OVER SIN, unto their irreversible sealing by the living God Eph. 4:30, 1John 3:9, Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers page 445. Our Great High Priest has not achieved His goal of completely cleansing His people and their bodies from sin, as many are still holding on to iniquity within their character experiences, failing to utilize His perfect, imputed righteous gift unto eternal salvation Matt. 5:48, Gal. 3:24, Phil. 3:911. Human bodies are a Temple of God 1Cor. 6:19. God requires that the Adventist world, those awaiting Christs return, His second coming, take heed, reproducing the character of Christ Rev. 14:4. The responsibility has been ours, as we can be empowered by the
1 Thompson, D. A Soul Sealed at Character Perfection p. 72.

Holy Spirit, allowing Christ to cleanse and perfect us Matt. 5:48. Daniel 8:14 foretells the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary. Within Matthew 25, Christ instructed the Adventist believers to prepare for His return. This symbol of a perfect marriage union described by Christ is a powerful parable relating to the Adventist world, those awaiting Christs return Eph. 5:21-31. Dan. 8:14, 7:13 Mal. 3 and Matt. 25, point to work that needs to be completed by Christ through His people regarding their cleansing before He can return, as He can not return before such a task is complete on earth, as who will He be returning to reap. Christ is thus preparing us for His Second Advent Rev. 14:14-16. Christ will not return if His people are not ready, thus His righteous harvest have been delaying His return Rev. 7:1-4, Early Writings pages 3638. The Advent believers must understand the work and Ministry of Christ, being revived by the Holy Spirit, moving forward conquering sin and perfecting character. Accepting knowledge, greater light will emerge once one permits God to draw them to Present Truth. The first angels message pointed to God's forthcoming, cleansing work in the Most Holy Place Heb. 6:20, 8:3-4, 9:12-28. The righteous remnant's robes must be purged and spotless, as they can be conquerors through the battle of evil, triumphing over sin Eph. 5:27, Tit. 2:11. Gods remnant must diligently pray and reach the point of fixing their minds on Christ solely Rev. 14:1-5, Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers page 445. The righteous harvest must be diligent in their Christian walk, on guard, resisting temptation James 4:7. They must through the grace of God, continue in an effort, reproducing the character of Christ Rev. 14:1-4. God can not resist temptation for us, as it would not assist with the righteous remnants character development and their required vindication of His Government and Character. Although their lives were not completely sinless from birth, both Elijah and Enoch were eventually able to manifest complete victory over sin and they were consequently translated. Elijah symbolizes the righteous remnant Gen. 5:24, 2Kings 2:11, Heb. 11:5, 1Cor. 15:5-52, 1Thess. 4:16-18. There is a special work of purification, a putting away sin, evidenced in the THREE ANGELS MESSAGES AND LOUD CRY Rev. 14:6-12, 18:1-4. Yeshua OUR GREAT, MAGNIFICENT HIGH PRIEST is now, at work, patiently cleansing our sins from the Heavenly Sanctuary, a special work of purification Psa. 77:13, Heb. 6:20, 8:3-4. Let us follow in His perfect ways, putting on His righteous garments, hastening His return to reap us as His righteous harvest 2Pet. 3:12-15, Rev. 14:14-16.

Character Purity Ministries, located in Pelham, New York (Westchester County),

aims to edify the globe about the Three Angels' Messages, the Loud cry and all relevant end-time present Truth, as Christ's return is imminent: and, He hopes to cut His work short in righteousness Rom. 9:28; Rev. 14:6-12, 18:1-4.

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