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Phase Diagram in


Mavindra Ramadhani, S.T., M.T

Thursday, 31st Oct 2019

• Slow reaction in the solid state usually makes it
possible to cool the eutectoid alloy to temperatures far
below the eutectoid temperature without decomposition
of the high-temperature phase, provided, of course, that
the speed of cooling is sufficient.
• If the alloy is quickly cooled to and then held at a
temperature somewhat below that of the eutectoid,
transformation will proceed at a definite rate
characteristic of that temperature.
T T T diagram
• T T T diagram stands for Time Temperature-Transformation Diagram.
• It is also called isothermal transformation diagram.
• T T T diagram give the kinetics of isothermal transformations.
• T T T diagram is a plot of temperature versus the logarithm of time for a
steel alloy of definite composition. It is used to determine when
transformation begin and end for an isothermal (constant temperature)
heat treatment of previously asutenitized alloy.
• When austenite is cooled slowly to temperature below LCT (Lower
Critical Temperature), the structure is formed is Pearlite.
• As the cooling rate increases, the Pearlite transformation temperature gets
lower. The microstructure of the material is significantly altered as the
cooling rate increases. By heating and cooling a series of samples, the
history of the austenite transformation may be recorded.
• T T T diagram indicates when a specific transformation starts and ends. It
also shows what percentage of transformation of austenite at a particular
temperature is achieved.
T T T Diagram
• If a cooling rate is very high, the cooling curve will remain on the
left hand side of the Transformation Start Curve.
• In this case all Austenite will transform to Martensite. If there is no
interruption in cooling, the end of product will be Martensite.
T T T Diagram Gives
• Nature of transformation-isothermal or athermal (time
independent) or mixed.
• Type of transformation-reconstructive or displacive.
• Rate of Transformation
• Stability of phases under isothermal transformation
• Temperature or time required to start or finish
• Qualitative information about size scale
Cooling Curves and the I-T Diagram

• A cooling curve is determined experimentally by placing a

thermocouple at a definite location in a steel sample and then
measuring the variation of temperature with time.
• Since the coordinates of the I-T diagram are the same as those for
a cooling curve, it is possible to superimpose various cooling
curves on the I-T diagram.
Explanation of IT Diagram
• Cooling curve 1 shows a very slow cooling rate typical of conventional annealing.
The diagram indicates that the material will remain austenitic for a relatively long
period of time. Transformation will start when the cooling curve crosses the
beginning of transformation at point x1. The transformation product at that
temperature will be very coarse pearlite.
Explanation of IT - Diagram
• Cooling curve 2 illustrates sothermal or cycle annealing•and was
developed directly from the I-T diagram. The process is carried out by
cooling the material rapidly from above the critical range to a
predetermined temperature in the upper portion of the I-T diagram and
holding for the time indicated to produce complete transformation. In
contrast to conventional annealing, this treatment produces a more
uniform microstructure and hardness, in many cases with a shorter time
Explanation of IT Diagram

• Cooling curve 3 is a faster cooling rate than annealing and may be considered
typical of normalizing. The diagram indicates that the transformation will start at
x3, with the formation of coarse pearlite, in a much shorter time than annealing.
Transformation will be complete at x’3 with the formation of medium pearlite.
Since there is a greater temperature difference between x3 and x’3 than there is
between x1 and x’1, the normalized microstructure will show a greater variation in
the fineness of pearlite and a smaller proportion of coarse pearlite than the
annealed microstructure.
• Cooling curve 4, typical of a slow oil quench, is similar to the one just described,
and the microstructure will be a mixture of medium and fine pearlite.
Explanation of IT Diagram

• Cooling curve 5, typical of an intermediate cooling rate, will start to transform (at
x5) to fine pearlite in a relatively short time. The transformation to fine pearlite
will continue until the curve becomes tangent to some percentage transformed, say
25 percent, at x5. Below this temperature, the cooling curve is going in a direction
of decreasing percent transformed. Since pearlite cannot form from austenite on
cooling, the transformation must stop at x’5.
• The microstructure at this point will consist 25 percent of fine, nodular pearlite
largely surrounding the existing austenitic grains. It will remain in this condition
until the Ms line is crossed at x’5. The remaining austenite now transforms to
martensite. The final microstructure at room temperature will consist of 75 percent
martensite and 25 percent fine nodular pearlite largely concentrated along the
original austenite grain boundaries.
Explanation of IT Diagram
• Cooling curve 6, typical of a drastic quench, is rapid enough to avoid
transformation in the nose region. It remains austenitic until the Ms line is
reached at x6. Transformation to martensite will take place between Ms and
Mf lines. The final microstructure will be entirely martensite of high
• It is apparent that to obtain fully martensite structure it is necessary to
avoid transformation in the nose region. Therefore, cooling rate 7, which
is tangent to the nose, would be approximate critical cooling rate (CCR)
for this steel. Any cooling rate slower than the one indicated will cut the
curve above the nose and form some softer transformation product. Any
cooling rate faster than the one illustrated will form only martensite.
Thus different steels may be compared on the basis of their critical
cooling rates.
When austenite is cooled at a very high rate, such as quenching it in
water, the FCC structure transforms to Body Centre Tetragonal
(BCT) known as Martensite. Martensite is extremely hard and
brittle phase which lacks toughness, so limited use.
Alloy Elements
• Austenite Sabilizing Element :
Ni, Mn, Co, and Ru, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt.
C, N, Cu, Zn, Au
• Ferrite Stabilizing Element :
Si, Al, Be, P and Ti, V, Mo, Cr.
B, and Ta, Nb, Zr.
• Eutectoid Point Changing Element :
Austenite Stabilizing decrease A1
Ferrite Stabilizing increase A1
All element make the Eutectoid Point decrease to lower carbon
• Carbide / Nitride Element :
Carbide : Cr, W, Mo, V, Ti, Nb and Zr.
Nitride, Al and all Carbide elemetns
Effect of Alloy Elements

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