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Name: Emma

Famous People and Mental Illness

General Psychology 20
Research 8 people from the following list and 2 other people not included in the
list. Complete the chart. Please include the websites you found your research.
Abraham Lincoln; Winston Churchill; Carrie Fisher; Dorothy Hamill; Clara Hughes; Demi Lovato; Jared Padalecki; Megan
Fox; Pete Wentz; David Beckham; Brittany Snow; Josh Ramsay; Leo Tolstoy; Virginia Woolf; Ernest Hemingway; Margot
Kidder; Margaret Trudeau; Ludwig van Beethoven; Patty Duke; Karen Carpenter; Boris Yeltsin; Britney Spears; Charles
Darwin; John Nash; Janet Jackson; Buzz Aldrin; Terry Bradshaw; Marlon Brando; Jim Carrey; Robin Williams; Sheryl
Crow; Kurt Cobain; Calvin Coolidge; Princess Diana; Prince Harry; Tipper Gore; John Daly; Emma Stone; Leonardo
Dicaprio; Justin Bieber; John Hamm; Michelangelo; Issac Newton; Vincent Van Gough; Pablo Picasso; Martin Luther King
Jr.; Patrick Kennedy; Betty Ford; Catherine Zeta-Jones; Brooke Shields; Jean-Claude Van Damme; Michael Phelps;
Mariah Carey; Chrissy Teigen; Dwayne Johnson; Chris Evans; Ryan Reynolds; Lili Reinhart; James Franco; Kristen Bell;
Joey Votto

Name and Area of Greatest Type of Mental Illness

Picture of Person Contribution Explained
1. She started acting in 2002, for She suffers with Bipolar Disorder,
Demi Lovato disney. She has won over 60 depression, and an eating disorder.
awards, for her music and films She went to rehab at 18 and they
diagnose the disorders. In 2018 she
overdosed, but was hospitalized, went
to rehab an got sober. Then she
released a song called “Sober” that she
wrote while she was in rehab.
Bipolar is a mental illness that causes
the person to have mood swings, with
depression. It can be known as manic
depression. With being bipolar they will
experience episodes. Where they can
be very energetic or very down, and
sad. And having mood swings.
There are different types of eating
disorders. Binge eating, Bulium, and
anorexia. Binge eating is when you eat
and overeat, and not being controlling
it. Bulium is when they over eat, and
then throw it all up. And anorexia is
afraid of gaining weight.

2. She is best known for acting in She struggles with anxiety. She has
Emma Stone movies. She got an academy struggled since she was at the age of 7
award in the movie La La Land. years old. She says he anxiety is
constant. She has been in therapy and
medication for it. Anxiety is how your
body deals with stress. And it can be
extreme, causing it to interfere with life.

3. He was born in a professional He suffered with depression. When he

Dwayne Johnson wrestling family. When he got was 15 he saw his mother try to commit
injured play college football that suicde by walking into oncoming traffic.
ended his career. So Then he He got injured and couldn’t play
went to the world wrestling professional football. He said that the
federation, WWF. was to the point he didn’t want to do
Thats why hes known as the anything, and cried constantly.
Rock, and he won the WWF. Depression is the way that negatively
affects the way you feel. By making you
feel sad,and not enjoying activities that
you once enjoyed.

4. She is known for the role in the Suffers with Anxiety. She got so
Lili Reinhat CW as Betty Cooper on anxious that she had to quit a few jobs
Riverdale. that she had since they made her
anxiety so bad that she could not work.
It was making her physically ill, that she
would have panic attacks and locked
herself in her room.
Having anxiety can interfere with daily
life. It can be difficult to do things go
places and you may try to get out of
doing things.

Name and Area of Greatest Type of Mental Illness

Picture of Person Contribution Explained
5. Over the time of 8 years Chris Chris struggles with social anxiety. It
Chris Evans Evans became one of the biggest can be hard for small talks and in
movie stars. He is well known for groups. When he gets on the red carpet
his role in Marvel’s first avengers his anxiety trends to start. Social
as Captain America. anxiety is when people try to avoid
social contact. Or when you are talking
or making eye contact you get
uncomfortable. It can usually come in
around the age 13.

6. He is a Canadain actor, mainly He struggles with anxiety. He says he's

Ryan Reynolds known for comedic performances. always had battled with anxiety. He
used meditation to try to clear his mind.
He says how he has grown up with it.
And it’s always been apart of his life.
Everyone struggles with anxiety on a
daily basis, but more people will have it
for a long period of time causing it to
affect their daily tasks.
7. She is known for being a Chrissy struggles with postpartum
Chrissy Teigen American model, as well as a tv depression, after she had her first child
personality. She is known as an Luna was born. Her family noticed her
author as she has written some distancing herself in her personality.
books, famous for her cooking. Postpartum depression is a type of
depression that ends up occuring after
you have a baby. The symptoms can
be crying much more, feeling anger,
pulling away from family, feeling
disconnected from the baby, fear you
will hurt the baby,

8. Megan fox is best known as a Megan fox suffers from psychological

Megan Fox American actress, and filming in breakdown. She says it is from being
action movies. hypersexualized. She talked about how
she didn’t want to be seen, walk a
carpet, take photos, or be seen in
Psychological breakdown is also known
as nervous breakdown. It is a serious
mental illness and should be treated.
Having lots of stress can cause it. As
well as having to take lots of
responsibility, working long hours, and

9. Kate spade was known and still is She suffered with depression and
Kate Spade for an american fashion designer. anxiety for many years. She was seeing
It is sold all around the world and a therapist for over five years for it, as
is very famous. There is lots of well as medication. She ended up
jewelry, and hand bags made, committing suicde by hanging herself in
and sold. 2018.
Depression affects about one in fifteen
adults a year. And one in six people will
experience depression in their lifetime.
When you are depressed you don’t
have the joy in things, you are very sad,
have not motivation. Have suicidal
thoughts. And with anxiety you worry,
panic, feel on edge all the time.
10. Gina is known for being a Gina suffer anxiety and suicidal
Gina Rodriguez american actress. She is mainly thoughts(depression). When she was
known as Jane, from the Cw tv around the age sixteen she struggled
show Jane The Virgin. with depression. Then she decided to
start dealing with it when she was
sixteen. When she lost her father-in-law
to suicide.


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