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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

Second Summative Test


I. TRUE OR FALSE: Analyze each sentence. Write TRUE if the sentence is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your
answer on the space before the number.

__________1. Muslims used the Islamic calendar in their observances.

__________2. Allah is the only God of Islam.
__________3. Majority of the Muslims are belong to the Sunni denomination.
__________4. The underprivileged Muslims are exempted to observe the Five Pillars of Islam.
__________5. Islam is the second largest group and fastest growing religion.
__________6. Ritual washing or wudu is not required before praying.
__________7. The zakat collected where intended to aid the wealthy Muslims.
__________8. All Muslims must attempt to undertake a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.
__________9. Muhammad came from Quraysh tribe.
__________10. Islam is the oldest monotheistic religion.
__________11. Paying zakat is required for all underprivileged Muslims.

__________12. Muslim offers salat five times each day and everyday.

__________13. All Muslims must attempt to undertake a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.

__________14. The basic creed of Islam that “there is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”.

__________15. Meccan surah is the longest surah in Quran.

II. MATCHING TYPE: Match the meaning In Column A to the term in Column B. Write your answer before the number.


_____1. “the one who submit”.. A. Muhammad

_____2. Mandatory payment of wealthy Muslims. B Id al-Adha

_____3. Recitation C Muslim

_____4. Feast of Sacrifice D. Hadith

_____5. Submission E Quran

_____6. Collection of deeds and sayings of Muhammad and his followers F. Zakat

_____7. Place of origin of Islam religion G Islam

_____8. Fundamental obligations of Muslim H. Five Pillars of Islam

_____9. Muslims are expected to observe fasting I. Arabian Peninsula

_____10. Last prophet of the Muslims J. Ramadan


1-6 Beliefs of Muslim 7-8 Subdivision of Islam

9-10 Observances of the Muslims

IV: ESSAY: Answer the question substantially.

1. Choose one pillar of Islam and explain. (10)

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