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The sooner you get this done, the better. Please submit it by Sunday February 9 at the
latest… END OF DAY
Do not send a separate list of answers to the fill ins. Fill in the blank or write the
answer next to the stem. I will not grade a list with no context provided.

Name __________________

Part I: Fill in the Blank (one point each, do ALL 30 items)

1. According to your textbook, a _____________ lover enjoys game-playing, seduction and “the

2. The “exotic becomes erotic” theory of sexual orientation was proposed by


3. What is the most common sexual functioning problem for men? _________________

4. Name one weakness of sex education that focuses on “abstinence only” as a way to prevent

5. Since the late 1990’s there has been a sharp increase in the number of people in what marital
status category? ____________________

6. In Kinsey’s studies, which factor was associated with an increase in the length of
foreplay from 5 to 15 minutes? ____________________

7. If a man OR a woman sometimes experiences painful intercourse the condition is referred to as

8. Yoline was raped two years ago. Since that time, she cannot engage in sexual relations with her
husband or any other potential partner. Yoline’s dysfunction would be categorized as an acquired
and _________________ problem.

9. Who pioneered the use of the direct behavioral approach to treat sexual

10. According to your textbook, how many Americans are estimated to be infected with STIs
other than HIV? _________________________

11. Of the women who contract chlamydia, approximately how many have no symptoms?

12. Before 1973, a gay male or lesbian sexual orientation was listed as a

13. Name a commonly used form of hormonal birth control. ____________________

14. List one fact about the circumstances under which the majority of rapes take place.

15. The _______________ are the large fleshy folds of skin on each side of the vaginal opening.

16. Name a marriage practice that is outlawed in modern America that is not forbidden in the
Old Testament. ____________________________

17. In a PAP test, the __________cells are examined for abnormalities.

18. What is gynecomastia? ____________________________________

19. The only organ that appears to have the sole purpose of creating sexual pleasure is the

20. The muscular organ extending from the cervix to the external genitalia is the
21. The ancient Greeks viewed _______________ behavior as normal and acceptable

22. The correct name for the female external genital organs is the ________________

23. This is the structure in the male reproductive system that secretes and alkaline fluid. It helps
to neutralize the acidity of the vagina. ________________

24. Dr. Colson wants to study the relationship between different types of sex education and
teenage pregnancy rates. To ensure that she can generalize her results to the U.S. teen population,
Dr. Colson needs to select participants by using a _______________ sampling method:

25. While reading the results of a sex survey conducted by a magazine such as Cosmopolitan or
Maxim you’d be wise to remain skeptical of the results because of
_______________________________________, a type of problem with survey research.

26. Name a genetically-based enzyme disorder that prevents the masculinization of the external
genitals in an XY embryo. _____________________

27. Some strains of this STI may be part of the causal chain that facilitates the development of
cervical cancer _____________________.

28. Name the research method to use in a study of the effect of regular exercise on sex drive and
sexual responsiveness if you as the research want to be relatively sure of a cause and effect
relationship between these variables. ___________________________

29. The __________ Scale describes human sexual orientation on a continuum as opposed to in
terms of categories or dichotomies.

30. Most transgendered individuals describe feeling “not at home in their bodies” starting in

Part II: (Definitions – 30 points total maximum)

Choose six (6) of the following concepts and define them. Describe their importance in the
scientific study of human sexuality. Each concept definition and description is worth a maximum
of 5 points.
Assisted Reproductive Technology
The Embryonic Stage
Hormonal contraception
Barrier method
Induced abortion
Sexual arousal disorder
Rapid ejaculation
Sexually transmitted infection
Safe sex
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Sexual harassment
Testicular Cancer
The Evolutionary Perspective
The Sexual Revolution
Queer Theory
The Scientific Method
The Tuskagee Syphilis Study
Sexual Orientation
The Menstrual Cycle
Circumcision (Male)
Erogenous Zone
Part III: ESSAY OPTIONS: Choose one essay and write a comprehensive answer. As this is a 40
point essay, you should synthesize and present a substantive answer to the question you select.

1. Discuss some of the cultural variations in human sexual behavior. What trends appear to
be universal? Name two customs that appear to be relatively specific to their cultures. What do
we learn about sexuality from this information?

2. Based on what you’ve learned in this course, evaluate the idea that sexual activity is right
or wrong because it is “natural” or “unnatural.”

3. Discuss the nearly universal tendency of societies to repress and oppress female sexual
activity and pleasure. Do you think it will ever be possible to change attitudes related to female
sexuality? Name one thing that an individual might do to help change attitudes along this line.

4. What do we learn about that nature of maleness and females from studying inter-sex
individuals and tragic case studies such as John/Joan (a.k.a. Bruce Reimer)? Name one difference
between men and women that appears to be firmly rooted in biological cause, and then name one
similarity between men and women.

5. Imagine you have a friend who is about to drop 500.00 on a three-month supply of
“Incite” (“The female herbal sex appeal supplement that will cause the men to riot!”). Based on
what you’ve learned about critical thinking and evaluating claims, what questions would you ask
your friend about this product? What advice would you give her regarding this investment of her

6. Describe/summarize the research of Alfred Kinsey and identify two major conclusions of
his work. Discuss the problems that Kinsey had carrying out his research and their implications
for how sexuality is viewed in modern America.

7. Propose a research study on a topic related to human sexuality. State your hypothesis, the
method that would be best suited to test this research question, the strengths and weaknesses of
the method and any ethical issues that might be raised. What would you expect to be your
outcome (speculate about it)?
8. Discuss the parts of the female sexual/reproductive system that generate and promote
pleasure and satisfaction for her. Discuss the influences – biological and social – that make it
more difficult for women to experience and claim their right to satisfying and enjoyable sexual

9. Define the term coming out and discuss the stresses and concerns that an adolescent or
young adult who is contemplating taking this step might face. You may refer to the experiences of
people you know but please also refer to the book and to research on this life transition.
10. Define the term homophobia and discuss the social forces that promote it in American
culture. Name 2 ways that concerned straight folks can help to educate others and decrease the
occurrence of homophobic violence.

11. Describe a piece of misinformation or a myth about sexual functioning with which you are
familiar or perhaps that you believed for some period of time in the past. Discuss what you’ve
learned related to the topic that appears to be true or is at least is well-supported by research in
health, medicine, sexology and/or psychology.

12, Drawing upon your knowledge from the relevant chapters of your textbook, lectures and
online media presentations, name and describe three things that parents or adults who work with
teenagers can do for young women AND young men to help reduce the likelihood that they will be
involved in incidents of domestic violence or sexual coercion (rape or sexual assault.)

13. Identify and describe one (1) form of sexually transmitted infection. Describe how common it
is, how it is transmitted and how it is treated (if that is possible) and also discuss the most
effective forms of prevention.

14. Identify and describe one (1) form of sexual dysfunction. Describe what is known about its
causes and any available treatments that are used. Also discuss to what extent the dysfunction
can actually be considered to be a disorder, according to scientists and clinicians.

15. Discuss how parental reactions to sexual activity between very young children (i.e.
masturbation, exploration, and “playing doctor”) might influence the development of children’s
sexuality. Describe a constructive reaction that a parent might have if he or she discovers a child
engaged in sexual behavior alone or with a same-age peer.

16. Using the information on childbirth in the text, and your instructor’s comments, please
discusses how a mother or a couple preparing to be parents can maximize their chances of having
a good experience in pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting.

17. Drawing on your knowledge from this course, describe what you’d do if a friend approached
you to discuss a disagreement he or she was having about engaging in a certain type of sexual
activity with his or her partner. (You can create the scenario in terms of type of sexual activity
and whether your friend is male, female, straight, gay and interested in the type of sex or
resistant to it.)

18. Melucci can’t create a good essay question to save her life. OK, so if you are so smart,
make-up your own essay question and answer it thoroughly and thoughtfully.
EXTRA CREDIT (Worth up to 10 points)
If you were in control of a large grant of money for sexual health or education research, to what
area of the scientific study of sexuality would you designate the funds? Please identify the area in
detail and explain why you think the information gained about that area would be beneficial to
humanity in general.

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