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Division Lanao del Norte

School Pigcarangan Integrated School Grade Level G9

Teacher Leah U. Cinco Learning Area Cookery
Time & Dates Quarter Fourth Quarter

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding how to prepare desserts and sweet
Standards sauces
B. Performance The learners independently prepare desserts and sweet sauces
LO 2. Prepare desserts and sweet sauces
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
C. Learning
1. identify ingredients for desserts;
2. select and prepare sweet sauces
Objectives (Write
3. prepare variety of desserts and sauces using sanitary practices; and
the code for each
4. follow workplace safety procedures

A. Subject Matter Ingredient in Making Desserts
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide CG
2. Learner’s PP 201-206
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages No additional textbook used
4. Additional
Materials from
DLP, Flat screen tv, Laptop, Powerpoint presentation and bondpaper
LR Portal
B. Other Learning
Resources youtube.com/watch?v=6vscXVIALRs&t=436s

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected Response/s

Yesterday we discussed about the tools,
equipment and utensils needed in preparing  Measuring spoon and
desserts. Can you name some of those tools? cups, mixing bowl, can
opener, funnels, cutting
board, double boiler,
A. Reviewing graters, kitchen knives,
previous lesson kitchen shears, scraper,
or presenting the spoons,
new lesson How about the equipment needed?
 Refrigerator and freezers,
mixer, range, blenders

B. Establishing a This morning, we will be discussing about

purpose for the how to prepare desserts and sweet sauces. But
lesson before we proceed, I will orient you about our
objectives for today.

At the end of the lesson, the students are

expected to:
1. identify ingredients for desserts;
2. select and prepare sweet sauces
3. prepare variety of desserts and sauces
using sanitary practices; and
4. follow workplace safety procedures

Are you now ready for a new discovery?

Motivation Yes, ma’am.

I have here some pictures of different desserts.
I want you to observe closely.
What do you think are the ingredients in the Students will see the screen and
following desserts? observe closely the pictures.

Cocont Gelatin
Light coconut milk,cream, sugar
and gelatin

Cheesy Maja Blanca

milk,condensed milk,evaporated
milk, cream style corn,sugar

Mango Float
Mango, crushed graham, nestle
cream, condensed milk
Students will be divided into their
Very good! These are ingredients of desserts. assigned groups.
I want you to divide into three (3) groups.

I have here scrambled letters written on a

manila paper. These are the ingredients of
dessert as what you see in the picture. The
first group who can guess correctly will be
declared winner.

C. Presenting
3. ITEWGGEH – EGG WHITE Students perform the activity
es of the new

Kindly read altogether. ( integrate with

English vocabulary) Students read the words.

Today we will be learning about the

ingredients and components used in
preparing sandwiches
I will now divide the class into two (2) groups.
For Group 1, you are assigned to assemble the
cut out pictures of the ingredients needed.
For group 2, you are to miss and match the
definition of these ingredients

In doing your activity, you will be graded with

the use of these rubrics


For Group 1
D. Discussing new 5- All of the pictures are correctly assembled
concepts and 4 – Almost all of the ingredients are correctly
practicing new assembled
skills #2 3 - Some of the pictures are correctly
assembled Students will proceed to their
2- few of the pictures are correctly assembled respective groups and expected
1-None of the pictures is correctly assembled. to participate in the group
. For Group 2 activity.
5- All of the ingredients are correctly matched
4 – Almost all of the ingredients are correctly
3 - Some of the ingredients are correctly
2- few of the ingredients are correctly matched
1-None of the ingredients is correctly matched.
I want you to group yourselves now. Remember
you are given only 10 minutes to do the task

Group 1 answers:
Group 1 had already identified the different
ingredients needed to prepare desserts.

E. Developing

For group 2, let’s check their work. This is the

correct meaning and uses of each ingredients

The common element linking virtually all
desserts is sugar. It may be used to sprinkle over
fruit, beaten into egg yolks for custard or into
whites for a meringue.
Gelatine is used to set many cold moulded
desserts. It is the basis for jellies and is also
used to set creams and mousses.
3. Egg yolks
Egg yolks may be mixed with flavourings,
sugar and cream or milk to make custard or they
may be whisked together over hot water to
create a sabayon.

4. Egg whites
When raw egg whites are beaten, air is trapped
in the mixture in the form of bubbles.
5. Fruit
Ripe perfect fruit provides the basis for many
desserts, with very little effort needed to make
an attractive colourful display.
6. Cream
This ingredient is often used as a decoration or
accompaniment for both cold and hot desserts,
but may also be used as one of the recipe
7. Batters
This simple mixture of flour and water is used
to make crepes and pancakes. Batter is also used
to coat fruit for fritters.
8. Nuts
Nuts are available whole, ground, roasted or
caramelized. They are an important part of
dessert cookery as they provide flavor for
creams and ice creams.
9. Chocolate
Chocolate may be melted to easily blend into
fillings and batters. It can also be poured over
desserts such as cakes and puddings.

Is somebody from the class love to share about

his experienced in preparing desserts ? (Call 2 Students are expected to share
F. Developing
to 3 students) their experiences.

G. Finding practical
1. How was the feeling of doing the task
applications of
without any prior knowledge about it?
concepts and
2. Did you find the activity enjoyable or
skills in daily
annoying? Why?
1. Do you think are the importance of Yes ma’am. It will give idea as
knowing the ingredients in making to what ingredients are to be
H. Making
desserts before preparing some? included in making desserts.
2. Why do you think it’s important to be
and abstractions
familiar with what you’re doing?
about the lesson
So that you will be guided

H. Evaluating A. Identify the ingredients described in the
learning following statements.
__________1. Simple mixture of flour and
water is used to make crepes and pancakes.
It is also used to coat fruit for fritters.
__________2. These ingredients are available
whole, chopped or ground, roasted or
caramelized. They are an important part of
dessert cookery as they provide flavor for
creams and ice creams.
__________3. Melted to easily blend into
fillings and butters. It can also be poured over
desserts such as puddings. When melted and
cooled it can be shaped and molded into many
attractive decorations ___________4. The
common element for all desserts. It may be used
to sprinkle over fruit, beaten into egg yolks for
custard or into whites for a meringue. It serves
as sweeteners.
___________5. This is used to set many cold
molded desserts. It is the basis for jellies and is
also used to set creams, mousses and glazes
1. Butter
2. Nuts
3. Chocolate
4. Sugar
5. Gelatin

I. Additional ASSIGNMENT.
activities for Within your group, decide and choose for a
application or Recipe for LECHE FLAN and prepare a
remediation “Project Plan”



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

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