Letter To Tomasz Ochinowski

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6th Nov 2019

Sub: Individual View regarding the journals:
1. Spirituality in Vocational training of Information and Communication technology
Professional in the Light if David Hay’s Conception.
Dear Sir
The purpose of this letter is to share my views on your journals mentioned in the subject .
INTERESTING IN THE ARTICLE : Research methodology used to understand importance
of spirituality in vocation training of Information and technology professionals. David Hay’s
conception to define spirituality revolves mainly to – awareness, mystery ,value sensing but
how this conception is related to vocational training and if it is related ,how the same is
connected with ICT professionals .Such a complex dynamic has been explained with the
research work following qualitative data collection and various interviews and using of
Nvivo 11 software to generate themes and categories of spirituality . I found this type of
research work very interesting and with this we can know how in this changing world ICT
professionals are far away from spirituality and don’t understand the importance of
individual peace and happiness .Such a complicated phenomenon of spirituality and
connecting it with vocational training of ICT profession is what I found most interesting in
the article .
WHAT I AGREE : I agree to the main summary of this article that spirituality is very vital of
vocational training .Most of the vocational training is focussed on professional studies
,traditional trades ,advanced technology training but hardly there is any focus on spirituality
.Since nobody understand the relation of spirituality and VET ,they also don’t recognise the
importance of teaching it to the employees of any organisation .Hence I agree that the
research work done to understand the connection and the need to learn spirituality can be
adopted in all current firm by conducting any kind of interview taking the feedback and
understand how the employee are far away from David Hay’s conceptions .Once the
management realised its significance after studying the thematic network ,they can include
vocational training for all the employee to keep them grounded and improve the trust factor
in the organisation.

DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND : Separately spirituality and need of vocational training

has been explained with pure clarity .But the connection of vocational training with ICT was
difficult for me to understand . It is mentioned that Information and communication
technology training is fundamental vocational training programme and also it is written that
spiritual dimension in vocational training of ICT professional have been ignored .I couldn’t
connect both this statement .Whether it means ICT is a part of VET and VET is related to
spirituality .It can be simplified to inclusion of spirituality in vocational training .As all
organisation conducts vocational training for their employee to expertise them in professional
fields ,it is necessary to add spiritual training in that to understand the value trust and
truthfulness .However adding the ICT and again linking it with VET was difficult for me to
understand .May be it much wider perspective than what I’m able to think but from my point
of view it was difficult to understand .
WHAT I DISAGREE: Though I certainly agree the method used in the article to understand
the relevance of spirituality in VET .However spirituality is explained in terms of individual
and organisational aspect .But according to me spirituality is only linked with individuals
however if all the employee develops the spiritual aspect then the organisation might be called
spiritual .But workplace spirituality is something I don’t agree with .Also in the research to
understand spirituality only David Hay’s conception is used , I think some aspect of modern
management theories related to competition ,appraisal , job satisfaction at work place,
economics, political and cultural views can be added so that comparisons can be done to
investigate the overall scenario and where spirituality stands .With this research methodology
organisation can understand how spirituality has been completely supressed by other factors
and its high time organisation add spirituality in vocational training .However from my little
understanding this is a small proposal which might not be correct and I wish to get your kind
support in the same .Also I would like to highlight in present situations where globalisation
and international trade is ruling all the organisation spirituality may play vital role but not
solely play the key role .

I’m a great admirer of your work ,I wish my views are considerate enough to understand the
importance of spirituality for any organisation . Undoubtedly the research methodology used
in the article is the best way to connect such a complicate topic of spirituality with vocational
training programmes .

Arpita Sahu
(student university of Warsaw)
IBP batch 2019-2021

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