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OF CAVITE, INC. A.Y. 2018-2019

A Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Practical Research 2

Czyril Abueg
Jaeniell Wendy Baylon
Antonette Buhain
Jhon Reven Cana
Christian Dave Cordero
Almira Joy Limbo
John Alfred Obille
Alaiza Marie Perey
Kaizer Marc Pradel
Shienna Mae Sindayen


Stress is very common yet a dangerous mental condition of some individuals due to

various variables that make them stressed and pressured at the same time. Nowadays, stress is

one of the huge problems of the society itself especially to those who are experiencing problems

in the sum of work, school, and even in their own homes. Likewise, students from different high

levels mostly suffer and more prone to stress because of many responsibilities. Today, the K-12

curriculums have different strands including the STEM strand that requires deeper knowledge

and skill to every aspect of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These may lead

to stress and pressure to those students who cannot catch up in every lesson and load of

assignment submission, quizzes, and other school chore.

According to, stress has two classifications stress that is beneficial and

motivating which is good stress, and stress that causes confusion, anxiety and even health

problems which is bad stress. For students from STEM, stress in small doses has many

advantages, it can help an individual to meet daily challenges and motivates to reach a goal but

too much stress can lead to many complications that causes malfunction for some over stressed


According to Oxford Learning, stress may also have an effect in learning, which causes fear

of failure, tougher academics, social pressures, uncertainty about the future, concerns about

college, upcoming tests, too much homework, heavy workload, and more responsibilities as an

individual. Stress is the body’s natural defense against predators and danger. It flushes the body

with hormones to prepare systems to evade or confront danger. Factors of the environment can

also trigger this reaction.

A STEM student is a potential victim of stress. This study is to reflect on how the students

come up with pressure, and mainly, their level of stress. The stigmatization of this stress level

can harm both the students’ mental and physical health, which can lead to few disorders, which

can affect their family members. However, little is known about the STEM students being

stressed and pressured, since there has been a norm or custom established that STEM students

are aces. The purpose of this study is to identify the levels of stress among STEM students, and

how they deal with those factors, like pressure caused by expectations.


This study aims to convey the level of stress among senior high school students who are

enrolled in the STEM strand of St. Joseph College of Cavite Incorporated.

Specific questions sought to answer the following:

1. Does academics and extra-curricular activities at the same time are really stressful for STEM


2. Does the level of stress of STEM students continue to rise as their school works get harder?

3. Can STEM Students cope up with stress in the middle of the pressure in academic and other


4. What input to the guidance service program can be recommended based on the result?

Null Hypothesis

The students from the academic strand, STEM, have the same stress level since their

strand requires deeper knowledge and understanding. It is how students assimilate themselves

into the strand they chose.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on the factors that affect the stress level of the senior high school

STEM students and how they cope up with their problems regarding their strand. This study is

for all STEM students of St. Joseph College of Cavite, Inc. A.Y. 2018-2019.

Significance of the study

The findings of this study may lead to the benefit of the following:

STEM STUDENTS. This study will benefit STEM students in order to know the stress level

and to know how to deal and handle with it.

GUIDANCE SERVICE. This study helps the Guidance Service to properly handle the stressed

students and to properly give them advice to help them to handle their stress.

TEACHER. This study brings notice to the teachers or professors with the study of the

researchers for the school will be aware of the following results, with its pros and cons.

PARENTS. This study will help the parents to guide and comfort their children well whenever

they feel stressed out.

FUTURE RESEARCHER. This study helps the future researchers that are correlated with this

research project.
Conceptual framework





Figure 1. The illustration shows the variables that specify the problems to the study of

Stress levels of senior high school students of St. Joseph College of Cavite City Incorporated,

A.Y. 2018- 2019.

This framework defines that pressure and expectations affects the academic performance

of STEM students, which causes their stress level to rise.

Theoretical framework



*Mental, *Family
physical, and expectations
STEM *Teachers
STUDENTS *Academic


Figure 2. Illustration of the model that serves as the basis and proponents of the study of Stress

(Levels) of Senior High school students of St. Joseph College of Cavite City Incorporated, A.Y.

2018- 2019

This framework is based on James-Lange Theory explaining the theory of emotion. That

emotion does not immediately succeed the perception of the stressor or stressful event. The

feeling of the Factors only begins after the experience of the changes. In the framework, the

stressor or the stressful events are the STEM students’ encounter. This framework is also
supported by the Schachter - Singer theory, this theory simply states that emotion requires both

cognitive activity and emotional arousal in order to experience an emotion. The theory explains

that an individual is aware of the reason behind the emotional response. in the framework the

students are aware on the factors that makes their stress level to rise which is the ecological

factors affecting the students stress level that results in increasing stress level due to submissive

emotions that occur during the encounter of the problems.

Definition of Terms

These terms are mentioned in the study that is based upon the concise and logical pattern

of terms which are studied effectively.

Frustration. is to feel upset or annoyed towards a situation.

Pressure. means to feel intimidated, and obligated towards the people’s expectations towards an


Stress. the focus of the study, means a mental state of mind where the person feels mental

tension and worry caused by problems.

Confusion. means lack of understanding, and uncertainty that results to slow responding to the

given questions.

Disorder. is clinically significant behavioural or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs

in an individual and that is associated with present distress.

Expectations. means to have a strong belief that something will happen in the future.


Foreign Literature

Based on, “Academic stress, parental issue, anxiety and mental health among high school

students, by Deb (2015). Academic stress is expressed due to academic pressure and the pressure

coming from their parents were experienced for a better academic performance. Parental

pressure and psychiatric problems are related with academic stress. The level of parental issue is

experienced differently over educational levels of the parents, mother’s occupation, number of

private tutors, and academic performance. The suggested method to use is the potential method.

Academic stress is a severe issue which can really affect the performance of the students.

It aims to describe issues related to the problems of each student towards the academic stress and

parental issue. Methods like potential method are to be used to measure of its performance that

smooth out the issue.

Foreign Study

According to the study, “Causes of students’ stress, its effects on their academic success,

and stress management by students” by George O. and Patrick E. (2017) have main objectives

were to ascertain or identify the extent to which stress affects students’ academic success, health

and general lifestyle, as well as to inquire and bring to light measures to counteract the effects of

existing stress in students. A quantitative method was used in gathering and analyzing the data.

The results obtained show the different factors that cause stress among students. The factors

were grouped into four, namely Relationship factors, Environmental factors, Academic factors,

and Personal factors. With respect to Relationship factors, working with new people was the
main cause of stress for students in both groups. (George O. and Patrick E., 2017) Overall, this

study showed environmental worries about the future was the main factor causing stress among

students, whereas class workload was the main element of stress with regard to the Academic

factors. In the category of Personal factors, financial problems caused most stress to students.

Stress can, however, be managed through the introduction of a stress management course and

engaging in extracurricular activities.

Feng (1992) and Volpe (2000) defined stressor as anything that challenges an

individual’s adaptability or stimulates an individual’s body or mentality. Stress can be caused by

environmental factors, psychological factors, biological factors, and social factors. It can be

negative or positive to an individual, depending on the strength and persistence of the stress, the

individual’s personality, cognitive appraisal of the stress, and social support.

Chiang (1995) proposed that school is one of the main sources of stress among

adolescents. Such stress comes from too much homework, unsatisfactory academic performance,

preparation for tests, lack of interest in a particular subject, and teacher’s punishment. Generally,

parents are very concerned about their children’s academic achievement and moral behaviors.

Parents expect their children not only to respect teachers and follow moral norms but also

become elite in the future.

Goodman (1993) revealed that students have different expectations, goals, and values that

they want to fulfill, which is only possible if the students ‘expectations, goals, and values are

integrated with that of the institution. Stated that stressors affecting students can be categorized

as academic, financial, time or health related, and self- imposed. After going through available

literature in hard copy as well as soft copies on internet the researcher found that sufficient work

has not been done in this area. So researcher goaded to carry out this investigation to fill the gap
in the domain of knowledge. The type of stress which is analyzed in this paper is distress among

school going students.

Vijaya and Karunakaran (2013) in their study found that majority of boys expressed high

level of stress and moderate stress compared to girls. Whereas majority of girl students exhibited

low level of stress compared to Boys.

Emotional states do not last but when it does and when it reaches excessively high levels

that is what we usually call as ‘stress’. This is manifested in psychological and physiological

terms. It occurs as a person deals with stressor which is demands that are made by the internal or

external environment. Stressors can affect a person’s physical and psychological well-being and

it requires action to restore balance (Lazarus & Cohen, 1977). As mentioned in a study titled, a

study on Academic Stress among Higher Secondary Students by Dr. P. Suresh Prabu, stress does

not have the same impact on everyone but it can lead to negative experiences and different

illness. That is why coping with stress is very important, whether it be medical care, social

support, or advices from professionals.

Stress can be considered as many things such as, physical, chemical, or emotional factors

which cause mental disorders, bodily unrest, and disease causation. Illnesses, toxins, infections,

trauma, and any sort of injury are some physical and chemical factors that causes stress.

In the recent years, academic stress has emerged to be a mental health problem. Students

become insecure on their academics due to the fear of teachers and expectations from their

parents and the society. The need for a student to be competitive in school also contributes

tension and makes them feel frustrated and worried.

According to a study reported by Jackson and Gatzel (1963), lack of intellectual ability to

do the work required, failure in socialization, personal maladjustment, lack of parental or adult

identification, economic and cultural deprivation, minority status and unfavorable social

conditions, are the major sources of maladjustment in school. Bisht (1980) studied how the

school-climate affects the need for a student’s academic achievement on their academic stress.

He found that it does not affect a student’s stress but their interaction was significant to the four

components of academic stress-frustration, anxiety, pressure, and conflict. A study conducted by

West Charles,(1982), on the early mid adolescents in England and in the United States,

showed that four factors of stress were the importance of school, place of studying, fear of

failure, and parental stress. Kohn and Fragner (1986) think that having too much homework,

examinations, and term papers, are the most common factors that causes academic stress.

Learning how to manage stress can help us have control over it, and its effect on both our

mental and physical health.

Local Literature

Stress has a broad or wide range of topics; stress is our body's natural response to

challenges. We know that the strand stem deals with analyzing problems, computations and

memorizing various scientific terms which involves complex structure which requires deep

understanding. When a student experience high level of stress or chronic stress regardless of

his/her age or grade stress can be interfere with his/her grades as well as can lead to poor

physical emotional and mental health (Roa and Cairo, 2017).

Stress is something that invade our everyday lives, based on my discussions with Cory, as

well as my own personal research, there are 10 ways to help live every day in more peaceful, in a
stress-free way. Those are to, de-clutter, clean & organize, start a day with a moment, start the

day on a positive note, surround yourself with positivity, take the time every so often to re-asses

your life, learn to look at the big picture, choose your battles, don’t underestimate the power of

breath, and love yourself (Crespi, S.Z., 2016). Stress can really affect every student, especially

when they are piled with a lot of works and extra-curricular activities, which causes their stress

levels to risen. These ways can be a guide or help for every individual to cope up with their

stress. It can also be an input to the guidance service program, to make a stress related forum for

students and teachers.

Local Study

Santos, A.G. (2018) claims that students are allowed to progress to other characteristics

and develop crucial skills through different extra-curricular activities. But in dealing with

different provocation and demands in academics students may feel stressful because of their

impotence to perform all demands. Stress is recognized as negative in different facet: emotional,

behavioral, and physiological process that occurs as a person to tries to deal with stressors.

According to Associate Press/MTV survey (2009) school is the most obvious source of

students’ stress from 13-17 years old. A student may be studying always and also reading books

but not studying effectively. A high school is might be way of building up a tolerance for stress

because of the difficult or long examination, too much homework or projects, and pressure from


On our study, the reasons behind increasing stress level of the students are the stressors

that include academic, relationships, environmental and personal factors. These can lead to

severe health problems that causes the students stress levels to rise. Stress can be considered as

many things which can also cause mental disorders, bodily unrest, and disease causation. As a

student, everything should be organized and planned. Parental guidance can also be a reason why

students are worried about their morals and achievements; it’s because of the expectations. High

school might be a way of building up of tolerance for stress because of the need to be

competitive in academics, which also contributes to tension, that makes them feel frustrated and


Stress can be negative and positive to an individual depending on the strength and persistence

of the stress, the individual's personality and social support. Because every student has different

expectations and values they want to achieve with that mind-set. Students should learn how to

deal with stress which can help control over it and its effect in between our mental and physical


Research Design

This study aims to measure the level of stress among Grade 11 and 12 STEM students of St.

Joseph College of Cavite, Inc., and describe their common coping mechanisms. The researchers

use the descriptive research design since the study focuses on gathering of data that will

essentially and accurately describe the condition experienced by the students of the locale.

Descriptive research is a process of gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating data from

prevailing conditions and then making adequate and accurate interpretation of data with or

without the aid of statistical methods. This design is utilized to find the most probable reasons

why STEM students get stressed. The results of this study will be the basis in developing a

guidance program, through recommendations of the researchers, which will improve the

students' coping mechanisms in terms of stress.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at St. Joseph College of Cavite, Inc., since the selected

respondents are from Grade 11 and 12 STEM students of the said school. The researchers chose

SJCCI to conveniently gather all necessary information and data needed to conduct and analyze

the study.
Population and Sampling Technique

The target population of the study consists a total of 180 students from both grade 11 and 12

STEM students of St. Joseph College of Cavite, Inc. From this, the sample will be selected

through stratified sampling which is the technique used depending on the availability of the

potential participants. Furthermore, the participants should be under the ages 16 to 18.


Questionnaire is the tool that the researchers had used. It is the most popular way of data

collection. The questionnaire was made and adopted by the researchers will be distributed to

senior high school students of St. Joseph College of Cavite, INC. The questionnaire is divided

into 8 parts; section A the demographic profile of each student, section B the cognitive stress of

students, section C the academic stressors, section D the demands and coping of each student,

section E the events that occur in life of students.

The questionnaire used is adapted from Keady, Darcy A., "Student Stress: An Analysis of

Stress Levels Associated with Higher Education in the Social Sciences" (1999). All Graduate

Theses and Dissertations. 2598. Permission to use the

questionnaire was sought from the owners of the questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will ask permission to the principal and STEM tteachers to conduct the

survey. After the approval of the principal and teachers to conduct the research study, it will be

conducted immediately. The researchers personally administered the gathering of data through

the use of questionnaires, along with explaining the purpose and aim of the study. All of the

STEM students will be required to answer, consequently right after the participants has finished
answering the questionnaire, and they will return it to the researchers accordingly. The

researchers will also be responsible in maintaining privacy among the identities and information

given by the participants. The data gathered will be used as an instrument for the effectiveness of

the study itself.

Statistical Treatment

To interpret the data effectively, the researcher will employ the following statistical

treatment given below:

For the demographic profile in Section C & E, the researcher used frequency and

percentage distribution. The formula below was used:

P = F/N × 100



F=total frequency

N=total number of respondents

For the Section B and D these questionnaires have been using the following:

1. Likert scale.

Section B

Rate Verbal Interpretation Range

4 Almost always 3.26 – 4.00

3 Very often 2.51 – 3.25

2 Seldom 1.76 – 2.50

1 Never 1.00 – 1.75

Section D

Rate Verbal Interpretation Range

5 Strongly agree 5.00

4 Agree 4.00 – 4.99

3 No opinion 3.00 – 3.99

2 Disagree 2.00 – 2.99

1 Strongly disagree 1.00 – 1.99

2. Used the formula of finding weighted mean given below:

x = ∑wx/∑N


x = Weighted Mean

w = Weighted Factor

∑ = Summation

N = Total numbers of respondents

X = Scores

3. Use the Chi- squared formula to determine the relationship of the factors. Formula is

presented below:

(𝑓(𝑎) − 𝑓(𝑒))2
𝑥 =∑


𝑥 2 = Chi- square

f (a) = Actual Frequency

f (e) = Expected Frequency

∑ = summation

4.Rank method.


Dear participant,

Warmest greeting!

We would like to ask for permission to allow us to conduct a survey among the senior high
school students. Our study is entitles, “ the factors affecting the stress level of senior high school
students of St. Joseph College of Cavite, INC. We are conducting this study in grade 11 and
grade 12 students of ST. Joseph College of Cavite, INC. in Cavite City.

The survey would last only about 10-15 minutes and would be arranged at a time convenient to
the teacher’s schedule (e. g. school break). Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary and
there are no known of anticipated risk to participation in this study. All information provided will
be kept in outmost confidentiality and would be used for academic purposes.

If you agree, kindly sign below acknowledging your consent and permission for us to conduct
this survey at your time. Your approval to conduct this study will be appreciated. Thank you in
advance for your interest and assistance with this research


Students from St. Dominic of St. Joseph College of Cavite, INC.

Noted by:
Ms. Maribeth A. Asenjo

Instructor at St. Joseph College of Cavite, INC.

Approved by :


Printed name and title date Signature

SECTION A: Information about you and your family

I.Please fill in the blanks and circle the responses that correspond with your lifestyle.

1.Gender: Male ___Female___

2.Birth: Month___ Day ___ Year ___
3. Student status: Full time Part time Taking one class only

II. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Check all that apply to your degree program, fill in the blank
if indicated

a. ___Thesis/Dissertation p.___ Essays
b. ___Clinical hours, How many? ___ q.___ Projects
c. ___Supervision, How many hours? ___ r.___ Term papers
d. ___Major project/Integrative paper/ Culminating experience s.___ Group projects
e. ___Professional organization involvement t.___ Class Participation
f. ___Professional presentations u.___ Oral presentation in
g. ___Program marketing v.___ Field trips
h. ___Colloquium attendance w.___ Assistantship
i. ___New student/ applying student orientation participation x.___ Teaching classes
j. ___On call/ monitoring messages to clinic y.___ Research expectation
k. ___Video/ audio taped sessions z.___ Grant writing
l. ___Field placement/ internship/ Practicum
m. ___house internship
n. ___Comprehensive exam(s)
o. ___Exams

4. Current employment status: Full time Part time

5. Marital status: Married Single Separated Divorced widow/widower Cohabitating
6. Number of children living with you: One Two Three Four Five Six Other: ___
SECTION B: Information about you and your education (Cognitive stress)

Read each statement and decide if the statement is never true for you, seldom true for you, very
often true for you, or almost always true for you. Check the appropriate answer in the blanks

1 =Never true 2 =Seldom true 3 =Very often true 4 =Almost always true

Never Seldom Very often Almost always

___ ___ ___ ___ 1) If I make a mistake, I question my ability to do
undergraduate/graduate work.
___ ___ ___ ___ 2) I am at a disadvantage in graduate/undergraduate
school because I have been out of school for so
___ ___ ___ ___ 3) I tend to dwell on negative comments I receive
on tests and papers.
___ ___ ___ ___ 4) If I do not do well on a test or paper, I feel like
a failure.
___ ___ ___ ___ 5) If other students or professors do not agree
with me, I think I am "wrong."
___ ___ ___ ___ 6) I tend to minimize my accomplishments.
___ ___ ___ ___ 7) I feel as though other students are more
advanced or brighter than I am.
___ ___ ___ ___ 8) I have personal difficulties that are very hard to
deal with while I am in school
___ ___ ___ ___ 9) The lack of resources/tools (typewriters,
computers) to get my work done is very frustrating
___ ___ ___ ___ 10) Working while going to school puts me in two
different worlds.
___ ___ ___ ___ 11) I question my decision to go to
undergraduate/graduate school.
___ ___ ___ ___ 12) I feel guilty if I take time off from studying to
do something for myself.
___ ___ ___ ___ 13) The cost of graduate/undergraduate school
deprives me of normal, daily pleasures.
___ ___ ___ ___ 14) I feel overloaded by all the demands of school
___ ___ ___ ___ 15) The pressures of school promote an unhealthy
___ ___ ___ ___ 16) I feel guilty about spending as much money as I
do on school related concerns.
___ ___ ___ ___ 17) I have had to give up much or all of my social
life to succeed in school.
___ ___ ___ ___ 18) School has created a major lifestyle change for
Never Seldom Very often Almost always
___ ___ ___ ___ 19) The course scheduling constraints make my
day-to-day planning very difficult.
___ ___ ___ ___ 20) I am at a disadvantage in school because I have
little work experience.
___ ___ ___ ___ 21) It is very difficult to meet people when you are
in graduate/undergraduate school.
___ ___ ___ ___ 22) I find myself indecisive about what I would like
to do when I finish school.
___ ___ ___ ___ 23) Stress is inescapable in school.
___ ___ ___ ___ 24) It’s not fair for those who depend on me to
suffer because I'm in school.
___ ___ ___ ___ 25) One of the difficult things about school is
having a life outside of school that needs
___ ___ ___ ___ 26) Even when I have important school tasks, I feel
it is my duty to tend to the needs of others
who depend on me.
___ ___ ___ ___ 27) I feel I must be competent at school, work, and
home all of the time.
___ ___ ___ ___ 28) It is important to me that the professors like me.
___ ___ ___ ___ 29) It is important to me that the other students like

SECTION C: Information about academic stressors

Please read the following possible stressors and mark all that you find stressful. THEN, look at
all the items you have checked and CIRCLE THE ITEM that you find most stressful.

__final grades __Incomplete assignments __too much to do

__ excessive homework __Unclear assignments __amount to learn
__ term papers __Unprepared to respond to __need to do well
__examinations questions __essays, papers
__Studying for exams __Announced quizzes __projects
__Speaking in class __Studied wrong material __professional development
__Waiting for graded tests __Incorrect answers in class __developing clinical skills
__Fast-paced lectures __Missing class __working with clients
__Pop quizzes __Buying text books __supervision
__ Forgotten assignments __Learning new skills
__Unclear course objectives
SECTION D: Information about your life as a student (Demands and Coping)

The statements below reflect a number of different opinions and points of view regarding
life as a student. For each statement, please mark the extent to which you agree or disagree.

SD = Strongly disagree D = Disagree N = No Opinion A = Agree SA = Strongly agree

1) I feel I am struggling with the role changes in my life that
have occurred during the last twelve months
2) The pressure I feel in my life either from the program and/or
my student lifestyle do not seem responsive to my attempts to
solve them
3) I am usually able to prioritize my obligations and
commitments so that the most important things get done first.
4) My current physical well-being interferes with fulfilling the
demands in my life.
5) I am very isolated from other people right now
6) Currently, there is a lot of conflict in my family (marriage,
significant other, family-of-origin).
7) I can't influence the amount of control the program has in my
8) I don't feel any emotion or mental discomfort from
difficulties in my personal life or family (marriage, significant
others, family-of-origin)
9) I have the capacity to manage all stress, either from the
program or outside of it.
10) I'd rate my physical health as good over the last 12 months.
11) The last 12 month's events have produced little strain that I
am currently.
experiencing in my life
12) I seldom have time to get away and relax from program or
university demands.
13) I usually have enough income left after paying my expenses
every month for doing things I want like recreation,
entertainment, socializing, etc.
14) There haven't really been any complications in my life
recently that have come on "suddenly."
15) I feel like my mental and/or emotional well-being has been
affected negatively in recent weeks
16) I have a set routine that helps to make my life relatively
stable and predictable.
17) I have enough time for meeting both personal/family needs
and also what I have to do in the program.
18) I am satisfied with the amount of interaction I have with the
people I value in my family (marriage, significant other, family-
19) I have had too many difficult events happening in my life
20) My life has been pretty much unchanged during the last 6 to
12 months.
21) My relationships with significant others demands too much
of me right now
22) My current feeling of psychological well-being is lower than
what 1 would like it to be.
23) I often seem to fall behind in my efforts to balance the
demands in my life.
24) Clinical and academic demands are taking too much of my
time this semester
25) The pressures within my program and also my student life
style are generally manageable
26) On the average, I satisfy the demands on my time both
inside and outside the program
27) Right now, I am uncertain about the role (s) I am supposed
to play in my family (marriage, significant other, family-of-
28) None of the stressful events I have experienced during the
last 12 months are still impacting me or my family (marriage,
significant other, family-of-origin).

SECTION E: Information about life events

Following are listed events which can occur in the life of a college student. Place a
check in the left hand column for each of those events that have happened to you within the last
12 months.

__1) Death of a close family member

__2) Pregnancy (to you or caused by you)
__3) Severe personal illness or injury
__4) Caring for someone who is severely ill or injured
__5) Marriage
__6) Any interpersonal problems
__7) Financial difficulties
__8) Death of a close friend
__9) Arguments with your roommate (more than every other day)
__ 10) Major disagreements with your family
__ 11) Major change in personal habits
__ 12) Change in living environment
__ 13) Beginning or ending a job
__ 14) Problems with your boss or professor
__ 15) Outstanding personal achievement
__16) Failure in some course
__17) Final exams
__ 18) Increased or decreased dating
__ 19) Change in working conditions
__ 20) Change in your major
__ 21) Change in your sleeping habits
__ 22) Several-day vacation
__ 23) Change in eating habits
__ 24) Family reunion
__ 25) Change in recreational activities
__ 26) Minor illness or injury
__ 27) Minor violations of the law

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