Math 2020

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Which of the following is the standard acceleration due to

gravity in English unit?

A. 980.66 fps2

B. 32.2 fps2

C. 9.8066 fps2

D. 32.2 ips2
What is the value of 1 radian in degrees?

A. 89.55

B. 57.3

C. 60.3

D. 45.58
How many degree are 4800 mils?

A. 180

B. 315

C. 90

D. 270
If the density of a gas is 0.003 slug/ft3, what is the specific
weight of gas?

A. 15.2 N/m3

B. 9.04 N/m3

C. 98.2 N/m3

D. 76.3 N/m3
If the specific weight of a liquid is 58.5 lbf per cubic foot,
what is the specific volume of the liquid?

A. 1.0675 cm3/g

B. 0.5321 cm3/g

C. 1.5502 cm3/g

D. 0.9504 cm3/g
From a deck of ordinary cards, what is the probability of
drawing a heart or a face card?

A. 48.08%

B. 42.31%

C. 5.77%

D. 33.33%
A perfect gas is expanded polytropically with an initial
volume of 0.06 m3 and 147 degC respectively. If the final
volume and temperature are 0.21 m3 and 21 degC
respectively, what is the index of the expansion

A. 1.285

B. 1.212

C. 1.333

D. 1.400
If the loan was for 15 months at 16.8% interest a year and
the repayment on a loan was P12,100.00, how much was the

A. P8,500.00

B. P9,500.00

C. P10,000.00

D. P10,500.00
Determine the accumulated value of P2,000.00 in 5 years it is
invested at 11% compounded quarterly.

A. P3,400.00

B. P3,404.00

C. P3,044.00

D. P4,304.00
The sum of P15,000.00, deposited in an account earning 4%
per annum compounded quarterly, will become P18.302.85.
Determine the effective rate of interest per year.

A. 3.06%

B. 4.06%

C. 5.06%

D. 6.06%
If a machine is purchased on installment and the buyer
makes an P80,000.00 down payment and owes a balance of
P150,000.00 in 2 years. Determine the machine cash value if
money is worth 14% compounded quarterly.

A. P199,312.00

B. P183,912.00

C. P193,912.00

D. P139,912.00
Find the number of years when P2,500.00 is compounded to
P5,800.00 if invested at 12% compounded quarterly.

A. 6.12 years

B. 7.12 years

C. 8.12 years

D. 5.12 yaers
What is the effective rate equivalent of 12% compounded

A. 12.55%

B. 11.55%

C. 12.98%

D. 13%
What rate compounded quarterly is equivalent to 14%
compunded semi-annually.

A. 10.76%

B. 11.76%

C. 12.76%

D. 13.76%
Celestino owes P500, due in 3 years and P800 due in 7 years.
He is allowed to settle these obligations by a single payment
on the 6th year. Find how much he has to pay on the 6th year
if money is worth 14% compounded semi-annually.

A. P1,449.12

B. P1,599.12

C. P1,339.12

D. P1,669.12
Cleofas borrowed P2,000.00 from a bank and agreed to pay
the loan at the end of one year. The bank discounted the
loan and gave him P1950 in cash. Deremine the rate of

A. 3.75%

B. 3.12%

C. 2.5%

D. 1.2%
A machine was purchased under these terms: P30,000 down
and 5 years. If money is worth 12% compunded monthly,
what is the cash price of the machine?

A. P144,775.19

B. P245,775.19

C. P542,775.91

D. P254,775.19
Determine the amount that must be deposited every 3
monthsin a fund paying 12% compounded quarterly in order
to have P25,000.00 in 8 years

A. P746.71

B. P476.17

C. P674.71

D. P700.00
A force of 200 lb acts on a block at an angle of 28 deg with
respect to horizontal. The block is pushed 2 ft horizontally.
Find the work done by this force?

A. 480J

B. 408J

C. 840J

D. 804J
The atomic weight of hydrogen is 1 gram per gram-atom.
What is the mass of the hydrogen atom?

A. 1.66 x 10-24 g/atom

B. 1 g/atom

C. 6.02 x 10-23 g/atom

D. The mass is too small to calculate

A car starts from rest and has a constant acceleration of 3
fps. Determine the average velocity during the first 10
seconds of motion.

A. 15 fps

B. 20 fps

C. 12 fps

D. 18 fps
A truck starts from rest and moves with a constant
acceleration of 6 m/s2. Find the speed of the truck after 4

A. 18 m/s

B. 28 m/s

C. 24 m/s

D. 35 m/s
A ball is dropped from a height of 60 meters above the
ground. How long does it take to hit the ground?

A. 4.5 seconds

B. 3.5 seconds

C. 2.5 seconds

D. 1.5 seconds
A 5 meter extension ladder leans against the wall; the
bottom is 3 m from the wall. If the bottom stays the same
place, how much should the ladder be extended so that the
top would lean against the wall 1 meter higher?

A. 1.2 m

B. 1.5 m

C. 0.5 m

D. 0.83095 m
If a stone is dropped from a balloon while ascending at the
rate of 7.5 m/s reaches the ground in 6 seconds, what was
the height of the balloon when the stone was dropped.

A. 110.2 m

B. 120.25 m

C. 131.81 m

D. 140.12 m
The salary of an employee’s job has five levels, each one 5%
greater than one below it. Due to circumstances the salary
of the employee must be reduced from the top (fifth) level to
the second level, which means a reduction of P3,000.00 per
month. What is the employee’s present salary?

A. P22,032.50

B. P23,022.50

C. P22,320.50

D. P22,302.50
Determine the value of each interior angle of a regular

A. 108

B. 120

C. 98

D. 135
A cubical container that measures 50.8mm on a side is tightly
packed with eight marbles and filled with water. All eight
marbles are in contact with the walls of the container and
the adjacent marbles. All of the marles are the same size.
What is the volume in the container?

A. 131 096.51 mm3

B. 62 454.54 mm3

C. 68 641.97 mm3

D. 131 960.51 mm3

The equation y=a1 +a2x is an algebraic expression for which
of the following choices?

A. A cosine expansion series

B. A circle in polar form

C. Projectile motion

D. A straight line
Determine the absolute value of resultant vector of the
following vectors: F1 = 4i + 7j + 6k ; F2 = 9i + 2j + 11k ; F3 = 5i
- 3j - 8k

A. 21

B. 18

C. 25

D. 9
Given the following vectors: A = 3i + 3j, B = 2i +3j, C = 5i + 2k.
Simplify the expression (A x B ) dot C

A. 20

B. 0

C. 60i + 24k

D. 5i + 2k
Determine the rationalized value of the complex number 6 +
2.5 I / 3 + 4i

A. 1.12 – 0.67i

B. 0.32 – 0.66i

C. -32 + 0.66i

D. -1.12 + 0.66i
Determine the first derivative with respect to x of the
function: g(x) = 5 Sqrt 10 - 35

A. 3/4

B. 0

C. 4 (9) 3/4

D. 35
Determine the slope of the curve y = -x ^2 at point (2,3)

A. 4

B. -4

C. 2

D. -2
What is the sum of roots of the equation: 2x^2 +5x +5 =0?

A. -2.5

B. 2.5

C. 2.25

D. -2.25
Determine the distance traveled by a particle between a time
interval of 0.2 second to 0.3 second if the velocity is V =
12t^4 + 7/t, where V is in cm/s and t in seconds

A. 3.75 cm

B. 2.84 cm

C. 2.75 cm

D. 3.84 cm
Compute the arthmetic mean of the following set of
numbers: 18, 24, 27, 30, 35, 42, 50.

A. 31.82

B. 32.29

C. 30

D. 29.96
Find the root mean square of 11, 23, and 35

A. 25

B. 27

C. 26

D. 24
Five years ago the father is three times as old as his son. Ten
years from now, the father will be twice as old as his son.
How old is the son 12 years from now?

A. 32 years old

B. 20 years old

C. 50 years old

D. 38 years old
From the top of tower A, the angle of elevatioon of the top
of the tower B is 46 deg. From the foot of tower B the angle
of elevaton of the top of tower A is 28 deg. Both tower are
on a level ground. If the height of tower B is 120m, ow high is
tower A?

A. 40.7 m

B. 44.1 m

C. 42.3 m

D. 39.6 m
Determine the value of { (x^3 + x^5 +sin x)dx

A. 0

B. 1.75

C. 3.1416

D. infinity
Determine the distance between the foci of a hyperbola if
the lengths of the transverse and conjugate axes are 10m and
8m respectively.

A. 20.8 m

B. 12.8 m

C. 13.8 m

D. 25.6 m
Think of a number. Double the number. Subtract 6 from the
result and divide the answer by 2. The quotient will be 20
what is the number you think?

A. 12

B. 20

C. 23

D. 32
Determine the absolute value of resultant vector of the
following vectors: F1 = 4i + 7j + 6k; F2 = 9i + 2j + 11k, F3 = 5i –
3j -8k

A. 21

B. 18

C. 25

D. 9
An Electrical Engineer obtained a loan of P50,000.00 at the
rate of 6% compounded annually in order to repair his
mistress house. How much must the Electrical Engineer pay
monthly to amortize the loan within a period of ten years?

A. P605.20

B. P550.90

C. P505.90

D. P508.90
Determine the diameter of a circle, x^2 _ y^2 – 6x +4y – 12

A. 9 units

B. 11 units

C. 12 units

D. 10 units
What is the present value of P5,000.00 due in 8 years if the
money is worth 12% compounded semi-annually?

A. P1,896.23

B. P1,869.23

C. P1,698.23

D. P1,968.23
How many permutation can be made out of the letters of the

A. 277 200

B. 272 700

C. 200 277

D. 227 700

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