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Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY CHIEF OF OPERATIONS amp Crame, Guszea Cty MAR 11 2015 SUBJECT : PNP COMMUNICATIONS PLAN on LAMBAT-SIBAT” To : See Distribution 1, REFERENCE: OPLAN “Lambat-Sibat” 2. PURPOSE AND SCOPE: This Communications Plan (COMPLAN) presents the concept of operation, ‘operational guidelines and tasks of all concemed PNP offices/units to come up with a well-planned, coordinated, synchronized, and concerted effort to inform the internal and external stakeholders on the accomplishments and operational activities of the Lambat-Sibat, an Intensified Pulis Anti Crime Campaign. 3. SITUATION: Every so often, the PNP has numerous laudable operational accomplishments reported and published in the media. These accomplishments are ‘supposed to bring a message to the community that should make them feel safe and secured. Various manhunts and OPLANs were launched and intensified in an attempt to bring down criminality in the country. However, with the arrests of most wanted persons and the neutralization of notorious criminal groups, the public doesn't seem to see the impact in their lives and its significance to the improvement on crime rates and peace and order, if there really is. The anti-crime campaign was conducted in Ad-hoc (Bara-Bara), Silos (Kanya-Kanya), and Sporadic (Ningas-Cogon). These accomplishments are not translated and interpreted to a language that the public’can easily understand particularly the correlation of data expressed in numbers. Moreover, the Social Weather Station perception surveys toward the PNP remained low during the 2 quarter of 2014. In effect, the public does not fully appreciate the whole picture of the success of the operations and how these anti-criminality campaigns are truly responding to, and helping the community with the perceived rising trend in robbery and theft. » & CL In 2014, the PNP was clueless on the surge of crimes like motorcycle riding criminals and sensational crimes in Metro Manila at the start of the year. On June 15, 2014, upon the orders “of President Benigno Aquino, Secretary Mar Roxas started to focus on crime situation and made the necessary approach to the situation. On June 16, 2014, with this situation at hand, the PNP started reckoning all the data, On June 18, Secretary Roxas presided a command conference to. drill- down on “what's working, what's not and | wish” on the anti crime campaign. From the traditional approach, it shifted from Status Quo to Pagbabago: STATUS QUO vs PAGBABAGO Dating Gawi Bagong Daan ‘Bara-bara Hindi patsamba- tsamba (DELIBERATE) Kanya-kanya Tulong-tulong Whole of PNP Approach (PROGRAMMATIC) Ningas-cogon Replicable design ‘structure (SUSTAINED) The Integrated Pulis Anti-Crime Campaign launched a Deliberate, Programmatic and Sustained approach with OPLAN LAMBAT-SIBAT, which started in NCRPO as pilot area . OPLAN Lambat is a wide dragnet across the metropolis combined with targeted actions (hindi Patsamba) which covers OPLAN Katok, OPLAN Bakal Sita and Intensified Serving of Warrants. OPLAN Lambat has initially deployed 1300 policemen in high crime areas and 600 more policemen to NCRPO for tactical deployment. This “PASADYA A” or the “One time Big Time” approach is meant to saturate high crime areas with policemen while “PASADYA B" is aimed for security plans in high traffic convergence zones OPLAN Sibat is an Intel driven targeted action with tracker teams to to arrest Most Wanted Persons (MWP). OPLAN Sibat which also means spearfishing, is focused, targeted approach and integrated Most wanted Persons (MWP) listing. It sets a policy for one target, one team which looks for specific MWP. With OPLAN Lambat-Sibat, weekly command conference is also conducted to improve coordination and the flow of information. The conference paves way for easier feedback and results of their effort. As it works in partnership with the community, force multipliers and auxiliaries have been tapped also to participate and involve to help the PNP particularly high- crime areas to relay information on the ground, The OPLAN Lambat-Sibat continues as it attempts to deal better with the crime by: a. Installing CCTVS in 38 Police Stations in NCRPO to help in monitoring activities inside police offices. This will be followed by the installation of 100 CCTVs in the identified high crime areas. b. Shifting the PNP Blotter system to Incident Record Form (IRF). Details of the IRF are registered to Crime Information Registration System (CIRS) and are readily available for verification and validation at DIDM in real time. c. Establishment of National Emergency Number, an integrated call number for police, medical and, emergencies. 4. MISSION: The PNP shall launch an intensive and sustainable information campaign on the OPLAN Lambat -Sibat to all intemal and external stakeholders to facilitate their participation and involvement. Objectives: a. Increase the knowledge and awareness of external stakeholders on the OPLAN Lambat-Sibat accomplishments through public information and education; b. Increase public support towards Lambat-Sibat efforts for the next one year; c. Increase the number of partnership and alliances towards accomplishing goals of OPLAN Lambat-Sibat; d. Provide a system and venue for regular publication/reporting of its ‘accomplishments and crime rates to the quad media; e. Provide a forum for social media engagement to generate extemal stakeholders’ active participation and support; and f. Increase the level of collaboration between policy makers, partner agencies and other stakeholders Increase in the quantity and quality of coverage generated in the quad-media. 5. EXECUTION: a. Concept of Operations The PNP, utilizing its resources, shall undertake a sustained campaign to communicate OPLAN Lambat-Sibat as an Integrated Pulis Anti Crime Campaign. The themes and messages shall be communicated and carried out in all campaigns . All the activities must be geared towards mind-setting that the success of OPLAN Lambat-Sibat is paramount to improve peace and order situation Several activities through partnership with various groups such as NGOs (particularly radio groups), media entities, local government agencies, and academe should be undertaken to promote awareness and attain the objective of this COMPLAN Lambat-Sibat. The concept shall be implemented by all PCR Units which shall ensure the inter-operability of the COMPLAN along with the Quad Staff of the PNP and support of the general public. Campaigns must conform with the COMPLAN’s PCR Activities (Tab A) and must be aligned with the themes and messages in the Information Operations to achieve the desired outcome and impact (Tab B). The COMPLAN is a continuing effort, which has two phases: first phase of which shall adopt the Inform, Engage, and Advocate concept and the second phase is the Monitoring and Evaluation: First Phase : INFORM, ENGAGE, AND ADVOCATE 1) Inform: Disseminate information of all operational accomplishments and actions of OPLAN Lambat-Sibat 2) Engage: Encourage interaction with the community to get them involve and participate 3) Advocate : Act to support the cause of operation This phase must be continuously/regularly conducted (or as needed) in various platforms. This will also provide a venue to detail the messages and themes to shape the perception of the general public that the PNP is serious in its effort to improve peace and order, as follows: 4) TV and Radio Interviews 2) Leafiets 3) Posting of Tarps 4) Press Conferences 5) Press Statements/Releases 6) Social Media Presence 7) Dialogues/Forums 8) Inter-agency Coordination/Meetings ‘Second Phase: MONITORING AND EVALUATION Monitoring and evaluation shall ensure that the objectives are being achieved and activities are implemented as planned and measured. 1) Monitoring: Monitoring shall be undertaken through submission/collection of data and reports from various sources to identify and address problems arising during the campaign. Activities shall be closely monitored to ensure alignment with the COMPLAN. 2) Evaluation: The implementation of the COMPLAN shall be evaluated to assess if the desired objectives are attained and to determine the impact. The results of the evaluation shall also be utilized to determine best practices and to prepare recommendations for future COMPLAN and program of activities. b. Tasks 1) DPCR a) Act as the communications manager of the COMPLAN; b) Supervise and monitor the implementation of this COMPLAN; ¢) Direct PROs and NSUs to undertake PCR activities outlined in this COMPLAN or as situation demands; and d) Perform other tasks as directed, 2) DO, DI, and DIDM. a) Provide appropriate support to COMPLAN; and b) Provide needed data on crime statistics and operational accomplishments; ¢) Provide other PCR related information; and d) Perform other tasks as directed. 3) DC a) Provide funds for the implementation of this COMPLAN; b) Ensure the timely (downloading of financial resources to alll tasked offices/units for the implementation of this CMC; and ©) Perform other tasks as directed. 4) DL @) Provide logistical support for the implementation of this COMPLAN; ) Ensure the availability of transportation requirements in support to maximum deployment of personnel; and 9) Perform other tasks as directed. 5) Other D-Staff h) Provide appropriate support as necessary; and ’) Perform other tasks as directed. Cy 6) PCRG a) Assist DPCR in the implementation of this COMPLAN; b) Conduct PCR activities outlined in this COMPLAN or as situation demands, ) Provide PCR related info and activities; and 4) Perform other tasks as directed 7) PIO a) OPR for the information dissemination to the media designed to promote public awareness on actions taken and accomplishments of OPLAN Lambat-Sibat; b) Actas the mouthpiece of the generated themes and messages at the national level; ©) Establish and manage feedback mechanism through twitter and other social media; d) Act as OPR for the information dissemination through public affairs at the national level; and e) Perform other tasks as directed. 8) NSUs a) Provide appropriate support and assistance to DPCR in the implementation of this COMPLAN; b) Implement PCR programs especially the conduct of activities and dissemination of themes and messages to target audience; and ©) Provide PCR related info and activities d) Perform other tasks as directed. 9) PROs 1~ 13, COR, ARMM, and NCRPO a) Provide appropriate support and assistance to DPCR in the implementation of this COMPLAN; b) Implement this COMPLAN especially the conduct of activities and dissemination of themes and messages to target audiences; ¢) Provide PCR related info and activities; ) Supervise barangay-based activities for confidence-building among members of the barangay to maximize community involvement; and ) Perform other tasks as directed. 6. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: 1) All tasked offices/ units shall render monthly reports on COMPLAN activities to DPCR-PID through email address piddper@amail,com (every 5" of the month); 2) All tasked offices/units shall exercise initiatives and resourcefulness in the conduct of activities; 3) All tasked offices/ units must be guided by the PNP Operational Procedures in the implementation of this plan; 4) All tasked offices/units shall prepare respective IMPLANs and submit same to DPCR (attn: PID) NLT 15 days upon receipt of this Plan; and 5) Lateral coordination is authorized and highly encouraged. Distribution: RDs, PRO 1-13, COR, ARMM and NCRPO Dirs, NSUs Copy furnished: Command Group O-Staff P-Staff INFORMATION OPERATIONS CAMP? PA\GKAG PREPARATORY PHASE: INFORMING THE AUDIENCE THEME TARGET AUDIECE ISSUE INTERNAL Prevalent sensational | The PNP, with the leadership of crimes and increasing | SILG, started to respons to ths crime rate in the crime situation in the country by country transforming the an! ne approach from tradition Pagbabago approac! INTERNALIEXTERNAL | What is OPLAN ‘OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT is the LAMBAT SIBAT PNP's Integrated Pulis Anti- Crime Campaign. INTERNAL Buy-in among PNP | OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT is personnel OURS. This is something the PNP can take pride in. re OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT MESSAGES The PNP treated the increasing crime rate situation by drilling down “what's working, what's not and | wish" approach on its anti crime campaign From the traditional status quo approach of bara-bara (ad-hoc), kanya-kanya (silos), and ningas-cugon i (sporadic), the PNP’s anti crime campaign shifted to Pagbabago. This Pagbabago approach was put into actions through the Integrated Pulis Anti-Crime Campaign which launched a Deliberate, Programmatic and Sustained (OPS) approach with OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT. The operationalization of OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT was first pilot tested in NCR since it has the highest population and biggest economic activity, which transcends to a higher crime rate compared to other regions, OPLAN LAMBAT is a wide dragnet across the metropolis combined with hinai patsamba operations such as increased checkpoints, mobile and beat patrols, PLANS Bulabog/Bakal/Sita, and intensified serving of arrest warrants. OPLAN LAMBAT has two approaches: PASADYA A" or the “One Time Big Time” approach wherein a high crime area will be saturated with policemen, and *PASADYA B” which is aimed for security plans in high traffic convergence zones. - OPLAN SIBAT is an action Intel-driven target action focused on arresting Most Wanted Persons (MWP). It sets a policy for one target, one team which looks for specific MWP. = We need this approach, Let's embrace it. - With OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT, the PNP can address the EXTERNAL So far, how can OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT truly address. the crime situation in the country? In NCR, the pilot test are: the PNP’s Integrated Crime Campaign or 01 LAMBAT SIBAT resut lesser crimes alone, The PNP's Integrated Pulis Anti Crime Campaign or OFLAN LAMBAT SIBAT assures tha! the crime situation will be eiiressed through a deliberate programmatic and sus way. crime situation in the country and eventually regain the Public's trust back to the organization and further generate more citizens’ information and cooperation This work is by the police, for the police and for all the Filipino people. Pulis Panalo! - OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT works in a general to a speci approach in addressing crimes. OPLAN LAMBAT casts. the widest net possible, Pasadya casts smaller eyeholes in strategic areas, and OPLAN SIBAT looks for specific MWP targets. - As statistics show, visible and measurable indicators such as number of robbery, theft, camnapping, and motornapping (R/TICN/MN)cases visibly decreases in a few months. From 919 cases on December 2013 to June 2014, only 565 R/TICN/MN were recorded. - More wanted persons were arrested in the implementation of OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT. 128 of 440 most wanted persons have been arrested, Also, six of the ten wanted for kidnapping were already captured by the police. In addition, 53 of the 385 gang members have already been arrested New campaign name=same old results/it's all about changing the name The PNP’s Integrated Pulis Anti- Crime Campaign brouyin changes not only in the anti- crime campaign but also in the organization itself. ~ The PNP now practices the Tulong- Tulong: Whole of the PNP Approach in all of police efforts especially in the target listing of wanted persons. Weekly Command Conferences are also conducted to improve coordination, flow of information and feedback on the results of the efforts. With the new approach, personnel accountability is also checked. In NCRPO, 4 out of 15 District Heads and 15 out of 38 Station Heads were relieved due to their below par performance. - The PNP also conducts audit regularly unlike before when it only happens with change of commands, - Force multipliers and other auxiliaries were also coordinated to improve reaction times further and extend ‘Cooperation from the public The public's cooperati vital in addressing the crine situation in the country. INTERNALEXTERNAL What's the next step? With the success of OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT in NCRPO, other regional offices wili then replicate the implementation of the campaign on their respe« AORs. Help the PNP. Be one of us in continuing the change for the good The fight against all forms of crime is not the sole responsibilty of the law enforcement agencies but basically requires the indispensable participation and support of the citizenry Be vigilant and report any suspicious activity in your community as itis also an obligation of each and every one to safeguard the community against lawless or unlawful activity. - Remember the following in reporting any untoward incident: social media (Twitter - @PNPhotline or Facebook Page — Philippine National Police) or through the following: Dial 117 or text 2920; and Isumbong Mo Kay TSIP 09178475757." "a team from the NHQ, consists of representatives from the will cascade the Integrated Pulis Anti-Crime Campaign to each region. ~ The first cascading is currently being conducted in PROS, followed by PRO4A, up until al regions are finished. i ‘Marami nang nagawa, marimi | pang magagawa | ‘OPLAN LAMBAT SIBAT will continue to deal better with crimes by installing CCTVs in NCRPO’s police stations and identified high crime areas, utilization of Crime Information Registration System (CIRS) and Incident Record Form (IRF), and establishment of national ‘emergency number, an integrated cal number for police, medical and emergency matters. ee Sicocses horics FOR THE Ti E.Inter-agency Linkages Quality Service Lane « Understanding the Comic Quality Service Lane: > Quality Workplace > Quality Work Standard > Quality Standard and f°: > Quality Partnership _ PCR Information Operations * DPCR-IORC Organiz: Functions * Fundamentals of |O * Operational Framework Offensive and Defens: * Table Exercises Community Intervention Concept e Understanding the © e Pillars under the C « Operational Paracic ¢ Principles of the of PNP MC 2013-01 inity Intervention Concept ot ‘i *ROGRAM ON SOP: LAMBAT-SIBAT SUBJECT scor Neuaienten NR OF] MODE OF — HRS _| INSTRUCTION A.LOI Sambayan carn ren B.Plan Components (AG | 5 fa ure / ; Community Organizing |C.Key Activities (Internai ial Audiences); iscussion wit i saaniz | Group D.Guidelines in Commuiiiiy nizing | | Presentation | Lecture / Group Presentation Lecture / Discussion Tatle Top Exercises Lecture / with PE l TOTAL NR OF HOURS 7 linformation) [2) Press Conference: PPAS ‘Specific Acti __ Targets/Requirements PROslevel_| P/CPO level | C/MPS level — L H. Information Operations (a continuing effort) - a. Public Affairs (public it) TV/Radio Interview (2imo timo | timo | As necessary | As necessary | AS necessary [3) Press Releases snecessary | As necessary | As necesary I b. Civil Affairs (linkages and Inetworking) i) Attendance in POC iv timo timo | timo 2) MOA/MOU with stak«i | The more the | The more the | The more the better better better - L c. Psychological Operation _[1) Implementation of 1G Continuing | Continuing | Continuing (mental conditioning of the PNP Anti-Criminality © | people) other issued-relates i2) Localized Media Liive: As needed As needed | As needed [3) Social Media Preser s Permanent _[*Permanent | Permanent Unit's official | Unit's official | Unit's official | FB and twitter | FB and twitter) FB and twitter | accounts accounts accounts |- Daily ls Daily |: Daily undertaking undertaking | undertaking i2. Maintenance of Quality Service Lane [Compliant on NAPOL™ [Cir No. 2011-033 i@ | Quality daily) | Quality (daily) | Quality (daily) [3. PICE (internal) Ht) QSL l2) “PULIS NATIN” 3) PNP “Integrity Pledys 14) PNP Operational [5) Others la. Community Engagement Survey Using the CPSM pre: questionnaires Weekly Weekly | Weekly | fo [ ey | Quarterly Quarterly | Quarterly (third party (third party | (third party L survey] survey) survey)

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