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Newton’s laws of motion

Lesson Plan 1

Kelley Gaines


Newton’s Laws of Motion

Lesson Plan 1

I. Topic/Grade:

Newton’s Laws of Motion/8th Grade Science

II. Standards of Learning:

A. Georgia Performance Standards:

1. S8P3: Students will investigate the relationship between force, mass,

and the motion of objects.

2. S8CS6. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities


B. National Science Standards: As a result of their activities in grades 5-8, all

students should develop an understanding of motions and forces.

III. Objective(s):

The student will explore examples of Newton’s three laws of motion and create a

video podcast demonstrating each of the three laws using a real world example.

IV. List of materials

A. Textbook

B. PowerPoint Presentation on Newton’s Laws of Motion

C. Computer with Internet Access

D. Interactive whiteboard/projector

E. IPad/IPod touch or similar device (or a video camera with USB cable)

F. Media center’s database application

G. Materials for anticipatory set demonstration: index card, beaker, pennies


H. Various materials for video demonstrations. Student groups will determine the

needed materials.

I. Exemplars of video podcasts from previous years.

J. Paper and pencil

V. Class Diversity: There are 21 students in this class.

A. There are 9 males and 12 females.

B. There are no students with exceptionalities in this class.

C. There are 9 African American students, 1 Hispanic student and 11 white

students in the class. While the class is fairly culturally diverse, this should

not affect the ability of students to perform the expected tasks during the


D. There are 4 students who are economically disadvantaged. Being

economically disadvantaged may inhibit these students access to the Internet

or IPod/IPad or similar devices. If this occurs, students will be able to check

out a device from the school and/or be grouped with a student who does have

access to the materials.

VI. Technology inclusion

Students will access the Internet on a computer or their device in order to research

real world examples of Newton’s three laws of motion. Students will then use

their video recorders and/or a camera to record a demonstration with explanations

of each of the three laws of motion.


VII. Procedures

A. Anticipatory set:

The teacher will demonstrate the following activity:

1. Set up an index card on the top of a beaker. Place 4-6 pennies in a

stack on top of the index card. With the flick of a finger, move the

index card. The pennies will fall into the cup. Ask the students why the

pennies fell into the cup? Discuss hypotheses with students. The

teacher will explain, if necessary, that this event occurs due to inertia,

Newton’s first law of motion. The teacher will explain that there are

three laws of motion and that students will become familiar with all

three laws throughout the lesson.

B. Direct Instruction

1. Students will read in pairs a short section from their textbooks on

Newton’s three laws of motion.

2. Students will complete an individual data table as they read the text.

The data table can be found in Appendix A.

3. Upon completion of the reading, the teacher will discuss each of the

three laws using student feedback from the reading.

C. Guided practice

1. The teacher will utilize slides from a PowerPoint presentation to

determine students understanding of the three laws. Each slide will

contain examples and/or pictures of each of the three laws. Students


will be asked to identify which law is being demonstrated and explain

reasons for their choice.

D. Independent practice

1. Students will be allowed to work in groups of 2-3 in order to create a

video podcast demonstrating real world examples of each of the three

laws of motion.

2. The class will collectively create a rubric that will be used to grade the

project. The teacher will lead the class in a discussion of the

expectations of the project, including using exemplars from previous

years’ projects. Components of a good podcast will be discussed with

the class. The teacher will guide the class to agree upon the parts of the


3. Students will use the Internet to further research Newton’s laws of

motion and to look for additional examples.

4. Students will use their research to develop a script for their podcast.

Scripts must include all components of the podcast, including how

examples will be demonstrated. (Note: The examples should be live-

recorded demonstrations and not videos downloaded from the Internet.

5. Students will practice and record their final podcast upon completing

and gaining teacher approval of their scripts. Recordings may be done

using the IPod/IPad/similar devices or using a video camera.


6. The class will view and peer-assess student podcasts on the final day

of the lesson. Peer-assessments will utilize the same rubric created by

the class.

VIII. Evaluation/ Assessment

A. The teacher will use the anticipatory set as a pre-assessment to determine if

students can identify the correct terms and explanations for the demonstration.

B. The teacher will use the guided practice session as a formative assessment to

determine students understanding of each of the three laws of motion.

C. The teacher will monitor group work during the independent practice and ask

individual questions to check for understanding.

D. The teacher will use the script as a formative assessment of the laws of


E. The teacher will use the class-created rubric for the video podcast as a

summative assessment for Newton’s laws of motion.

IX. Risk Analysis

A. No Internet access

If no Internet access, students would use their textbooks and media center

research to find examples of Newton’s Laws of Motion

B. Loss of Charge on the IPods/IPads/similar devices

Teacher will provide wall chargers for the devices or ask students to bring

their own chargers if they are using their own devices.

C. Inappropriate access to Internet sites and/or use of device


Students will be monitored closely while they have access to the Internet on

their devices and must adhere to all school rules applying to Internet access.

Students must be logged into the system Wi-Fi and access technology in plain

view of the teacher and other students. Only approved websites will be

accessed. The teacher will set these websites up through the media center’s

database, which is accessible through a downloadable application for all

devices. Students caught in inappropriate activity will be disciplined and

given an alternate assignment.

D. Lack of skill in developing a podcast

Students will have been introduced to podcasting through prior experience in

the class and also through the Technology class at the school; therefore, most

students will already know how to create the podcast. For those students new

to the class, the teacher and/or a peer partner will explain the basic methods

for creating a podcast.


Appendix A

Newton’s Three Laws of Motion

Complete the following table as you read the textbook section.

Law of Motion Description Word Picture Example

First Law

Second Law

Third Law

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