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Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209

DOI 10.1007/s10658-011-9878-z

Recent advances in sensing plant diseases

for precision crop protection
Anne-Katrin Mahlein & Erich-Christian Oerke &
Ulrike Steiner & Heinz-Wilhelm Dehne

Accepted: 8 September 2011

# KNPV 2011

Abstract Near-range and remote sensing techniques Keywords Precision crop protection . Plant disease
have demonstrated a high potential in detecting detection . Optical sensors . Hyperspectral techniques .
diseases and in monitoring crop stands for sub-areas Spectral signatures . Thermography
with infected plants. The occurrence of plant diseases
depends on specific environmental and epidemiolog- Abbreviations
ical factors; diseases, therefore, often have a patchy GIS Geographic Information System
distribution in the field. This review outlines recent VIS Visible Region
insights in the use of non-invasive optical sensors for NIR Near Infrared
the detection, identification and quantification of plant SWIR Shortwave Infrared
diseases on different scales. Most promising sensor TIR Thermal Infrared
types are thermography, chlorophyll fluorescence and SVI Spectral Vegetation Index
hyperspectral sensors. For the detection and monitor- PCA Principle Component Analysis
ing of plant disease, imaging systems are preferable to SAM Spectral Angle Mapper
non-imaging systems. Differences and key benefits of ANN Artificial Neural Networks
these techniques are outlined. To utilise the full SVM Support Vector Machines
potential of these highly sophisticated, innovative
technologies and high dimensional, complex data for
precision crop protection, a multi-disciplinary ap-
proach—including plant pathology, engineering, and Introduction
informatics—is required. Besides precision crop
protection, plant phenotyping for resistance breeding The worldwide demand for agricultural products
or fungicide screening can be optimized by these exceeds the supply; hence there is a need to manage
innovative technologies. the worldwide production of agricultural commodities
more efficiently (Von Witzke et al. 2008). Without the
use of new technologies, it will be not feasible to
A.-K. Mahlein (*) : E.-C. Oerke : U. Steiner : work against this trend. The potential yield of
H.-W. Dehne agricultural and horticultural crops worldwide is
Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation affected by various kinds of pests and abiotic stress
(INRES)—Phytomedicine, University of Bonn,
factors (e.g. pathogens, insects, weed, nutrition
Nussallee 9,
53115 Bonn, Germany deficiencies or drought stress) which can reduce the
e-mail: quantity and quality of crop production. Oerke and
198 Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209

Dehne (2004) estimated that, without control, dis- For sensory detection of biotic and abiotic stress
eases, animal pests and weeds may reduce worldwide factors the sensitivity and the specificity of the signal/
crop production by 18, 18 and 32%, respectively; techniques are crucial, in particular for the detection
despite the current crop protection practices, actual of plant diseases caused by microorganisms. The
losses to diseases due to fungi, bacteria and viruses differentiation among diseases occurring on a crop is
were estimated to be 13% of production potential. an essential feature for operational systems, and,
The incidence of pests impairing plant growth in moreover, the detection of host plant colonization by
the field is often rather heterogeneous in time and pathogens may become feasible even before the
space—at least in early stages (Waggoner and Aylor appearance of typical disease symptoms. The unique-
2000). This variation is due to environmental con- ness of spectral signatures of plant diseases is
ditions like edaphic factors, (micro-) climatic con- controversially discussed in the literature (Nutter et
ditions and especially due to biological as well as al. 2010). Stress causing agents, and likewise various
epidemic specificities of different pests. As the pathogens often cause similar (disease) symptoms and
assessment of this variability in pest incidence is changes in plant physiology (Nutter et al. 2010;
often hard, and traditional agricultural management Stafford 2000). As primary and secondary effects of
practices assume parameters in crop fields to be different diseases on plant metabolism vary, different
homogeneous, the input of pesticides and manage- sensor signals should be suitable for the identification
ment actions often does not match actual demands of diseases. However, chlorosis and reductions in
(Steiner et al. 2008). Considering that the occurrence chlorophyll content are caused not only by plant
of disease depends on specific environmental factors pathogens, but also by abiotic factors. Therefore,
and that diseases often exhibit a patchy distribution in detailed understanding of plant physiological process-
field, near-range and remote sensing techniques could es related to specific diseases as well as knowledge on
be useful in detecting diseases and in the monitoring complex interactions between environmental condi-
of crops for sub-areas with infected plants. Based on tions and plants during sensor application is indis-
the information from different sensors and by the pensable. A multi-disciplinary approach is essential to
use of geographic information systems (GIS), tap the full potential of these highly sophisticated,
application maps can be generated, to manage innovative technologies and high dimensional, com-
agricultural fields with due consideration of spatio- plex data for precision crop protection. Using the
temporal heterogeneities of diseases (Hillnhütter expertise from phytopathology, geography, computer
and Mahlein 2008). Site-specific application of science and data mining, a new understanding of crop
pesticides, according to precision agriculture strate- protection will be formed.
gies, has the potential to reduce pesticide use, and
thus may cut the economical expenses and ecolog-
ical impacts in agricultural crop production systems Precision crop protection as a part of precision
(Gebbers and Adamchuk 2010). agriculture
Reliable, precise and accurate estimates of diseases
are important for predicting yield loss, monitoring and The use of innovative technologies summarized as
forecasting epidemics and for understanding funda- ‘Precision Agriculture’ is a promising approach to
mental biological processes (Bock et al. 2010). optimize agricultural production of crops. In crop
Several kinds of innovative sensors have been tested production precision agriculture methodologies are
for their suitability to detect early changes in plant applied for the site-specific application of fertilizer or
physiology due to biotic and abiotic stresses. Ther- pesticides, automatic guidance of agricultural
mography, reflectance and fluorescence measure- vehicles, product traceability, on-farm research and
ments are currently the most promising techniques management of production systems (Gebbers and
(Chaerle and Van der Straeten 2000). In combination Adamchuk 2010). Recently, precision agriculture also
with powerful data analysis methods, these techniques enhanced management decisions in livestock produc-
will be of essential support for further Integrated Pest tion, pasture management, viticulture and horticulture
Management (IPM) programs for sustainable crop (Schellberg et al. 2009; Gebbers and Adamchuk
production. 2010). Precision crop production aims to match
Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209 199

agricultural input and practices to the spatial and of a sensing system can control cultural practices
temporal variability within a field, instead of manag- (Stafford 2000). Precise, reproducible and time-saving
ing an entire field based on a hypothetical average. methods for disease monitoring—detection, identifi-
Small-scale site-specific differences can lead to cation, quantification—are essential (Bock et al.
considerable differences in yield and quality, thus a 2010; Hillnhütter and Mahlein 2008; Steddom et al.
better use of resources to preserve the quality and 2005). Remote sensing technologies may provide an
quantity of agricultural products with respect to alternative to visual disease assessment (Nutter et al.
environmental resources is essential (Gebbers and 2010).
Adamchuk 2010). The philosophy behind precision West et al. (2003) gave a detailed overview on
agriculture not only includes a direct economic sensor-based detection of stress. The nature of the
optimization of agricultural production, it also stands phenomenon of interest and its environments define
for a reduction of harmful outputs into the environ- the sensor specifications required (e.g. spatial and
ment and non-target organisms. Although overall spectral resolution; temporal availability). The poten-
levels are below acceptable threshold levels in most tial of remote sensing techniques for agriculture has
regions, the pesticide residues in water, soil and food been demonstrated several times (i.e. Franke and
resources have to be minimized in crop production Menz 2007; Galvao et al. 2009; Oppelt and Mauser
(Bongiovanni and Lowenberg-Deboer 2004). High 2004; Thenkabail et al. 2000); Hillnhütter et al.
control costs and the environmental impact of (2011a, b); Mahlein et al. (2010); Moshou et al.
fungicides result in a high interest in site-specific (2004) and Steddom et al. (2005) have proven the
application according to precision farming techniques, potential of spectral sensor systems for the detection
i.e. monitor and manage spatially-variable fields in a of fungal diseases.
site-specific manner (Stafford 2000). Current research on precision crop protection
Precision disease control is a demanding challenge focuses on the development of sensors for near–range
within precision agriculture and offers great potential (proximal) sensing of crops and diseases in real time.
to reduce the costs and environmental impact of Integration of different sensor techniques and image
fungicide use. According to the characteristics of analysis in combination with global positioning will
plant pathogens, site-specific disease management be an essential step towards online applications.
requires a high density of spatial and temporal
information with regard to the status of any crop
growth-relevant parameter. Disease monitoring and Sensors—innovations and limitations
decision support systems form the basis for site-
specific management of crops showing spatial and Innovative sensor systems can provide detailed and
temporal variability in disease incidence and severity highly resolved information on crop systems and single
(Steiner et al. 2008). Currently two different plants. Various non-invasive sensor types can assess
approaches for site specific fungicide application are different parameters of the targeted objects, depending
under examination; (i) indirect decision-making by on signal-object interactions. Sensors can be grouped
assessing canopy density or crop growth stage depending on the measuring range in the electromag-
(Scotford and Miller 2005), and (ii) direct detection netic spectrum (visible=VIS, near infrared=NIR, short
of disease or inoculum (West et al. 2010). The first wave infrared=SWIR, thermal infrared=TIR), the
method largely depends on a mechanical sensor measuring scale (near-range or remote), and into
measuring the resistance of the crop stand to a imaging and non-imaging sensors. Sensors may be also
pendulum moving through the crop and aims to differentiated into (i) passive sensors, i.e. sensors
adjust the spray volume to crop density in order to measuring the characteristic radiation of an object
adjust the fungicide concentration per plant biomass (thermography) or the reflectance of solar radiation;
(Dammer 2010). The detection, identification and and (ii) active sensors, i.e. systems equipped with an
quantification of diseases are closely related to own source of radiation (reflectance, radar, laser,
innovative technologies like hyper- and multispectral fluorescence); their detectors record the modifications
sensors or thermography for near-range and remote of the radiation due to its interactions with the object.
sensing. Real-time decision based on the information Techniques like thermography may be used in a passive
200 Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209

as well as in an active mode. Active sensors are less monitored pre-symptomatically and during further
affected by environmental factors. Chaerle and Van der disease development on different scales.
Straeten (2000) and West et al. (2003, 2010) gave Local temperature changes due to plant pathogens
detailed overviews on various sensor types used for or defence mechanisms have been reported by several
assessing plant physiological parameters. Encouraging research groups. Chaerle et al. (2007) imaged the
approaches are measurements based on thermal char- hypersensitive response (HR) and developing cell
acteristics (Jones and Schofield 2008; Lenthe et al. death induced by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and
2007; Oerke et al. 2006), chlorophyll fluorescence Cercospora beticola in thermographic studies under
(Chaerle et al. 2007; Rascher et al. 2000) and controlled conditions. TMV infection of tobacco
reflectance of plants (Oppelt and Mauser 2004; leaves resulted in an initial increase of leaf tissue
Peñuelas and Filella 1998; Ustin et al. 2009). due to the accumulation of salicylic acid, whereas
infection of sugar beet leaves by Cercospora beticola
Thermography showed rapidly spreading cold spots (Chaerle et al.
2007). Pre-symptomatic thermographic detection of
Thermography allows the imaging of differences in cucumber downy mildew caused by Pseudoperono-
surface temperature of leaves, plants or crop canopies. spora cubensis was reported by Lindenthal et al.
The emitted infrared radiation in the TIR from 8– (2005) and Oerke et al. (2006). Depending on the
12 μm can be detected by thermographic cameras and stage of pathogenesis and the appearance of chlorosis
illustrated in false colour images. Each image pixel is and necrosis, infection resulted in typical spatial and
related to a temperature value of the measured object temporal temperature patterns. Stoll et al. (2008)
(s). The performance of thermographic cameras is found characteristic thermal responses of grapevine
characterised by the thermal sensitivity (thermal leaves infected with Plasmopara viticola, before
range, measurement precision), image resolution visible symptoms appeared. For scab infected apple
(image pixel size, number of image pixels, depth of leaves, differences in disease severity, resistance of
focus), and scan speed (Oerke and Steiner 2010). host tissue, and differences in the aggressiveness of V.
Thermography can be applied in terms of near or inaequalis isolates could be monitored by digital
remote sensing, from microscope application over infrared thermography (Oerke et al. 2011; Fig. 1).
ground-based equipment to airborne sensors. The On the field scale thermography may be used for a
major advantage of infrared thermal imaging is the direct detection of primary disease foci or diseased
non-invasive, non-contact, and non-destructive nature plant parts and for measurements of environmental
of the technique to determine the temperature distri- conditions favourable for infections by phytopatho-
bution of any object in a short period of time gens, e.g. leaf wetness and the duration of wetness
(Vadivambal and Jayas 2011). periods, to be used in models quantifying disease
Infrared thermography is highly suitable for the risks (Lindenthal 2005). Lenthe et al. (2007) exam-
detection of disease-induced modifications in plant ined the microclimate of wheat canopies and the
transpiration and water status. Temperature of plant spatial and temporal dynamics of fungal diseases.
leaves is determined by temperature of the environment First results for a direct detection of disease symptoms
and plant transpiration rate; leaf temperature increases as caused by Fusarium head blight on ears of winter
transpiration rate decreases (Chaerle and van der wheat using infrared thermography display significant
Straeten 2000; Jones and Schofield 2008; Oerke and higher temperature of infected ears compared to
Steiner 2010). Similar to abiotic factors, pathogens uninfected ears (Oerke and Steiner 2010). Using this
may affect the status of stomata regulating the water methodology a target-orientated sampling and site
loss of plants. The thermographic method commonly specific harvesting could be implemented in order to
used in disease detection is the passive measurement of reduce the health risk from mycotoxins produced by
tissue temperature as determined by the amount of Fusarium ssp. (Fig. 2).
water transpired, without using any external tempera- On the field level, thermography is a promising
ture influences (Oerke and Steiner 2010). Spatial and tool to monitor spatial heterogeneity in the incidence
temporal pattern of and within-tissue heterogeneities in of soil-borne pathogens. A patchy occurrence of
transpiration due to plant diseases can be imaged and above-ground symptoms and low mobility in the field
Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209 201
Fig. 1 Effect of developing
scab lesions caused by Ven-
turia inaequalis on spatial
heterogeneity in leaf tem-
perature of apple leaves.
First thermal effects became
detectable 6 days after in-
oculation. RGB image (a),
thermogram with transects
(b), temperature profiles of
transects through scab
lesions (c)

are characteristic for these pathogens (Hillnhütter et sensor fusion, i.e. the combination of information from
al. 2011a). Patches of sugar beet infested by Hetero- various sensor systems, may improve the detection
dera schachtii with obvious temperature differences ability (Chaerle et al. 2007; Jones and Schofield 2008).
could be detected using aerial thermographic images
(Schmitz et al. 2004). Airborne thermography has Fluorescence measurements
been shown to be useful for the delineation of
management zones within fields—based on the Various parameters of the fluorescence of chlorophyll
transpiration of crop canopies related to plant bio- and other plant metabolites, e.g. phenols, induced by
mass—as well as for the assessment of plant vigour various light sources (sunlight, laser, etc.) may be
related to crop yield in fungicide trails (Lenthe 2006; recorded under controlled conditions as well as in the
Stenzel et al. 2007). field. The instruments commonly are active sensor
As thermography is highly sensitive to environmen- systems; the technology may be used to assess the
tal conditions during measurements, practical use of nitrogen demand of crops in the field (e.g. Thoren and
thermography in precision disease control is limited. Schmidhalter 2009). As pathogen attack affects also
Furthermore, the thermal response (= changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of crops—pigments,
transpiration) of plants largely lacks diagnostic potential electron transport chain, enzymes of the Calvin cycle
for the identification of plant diseases. More sophisti- catalyzing CO2 fixation—chlorophyll fluorescence is
cated sensor systems have to be developed or so-called modified in many crops (see e.g. Kuckenberg et al.
202 Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209

Fig. 2 Detection of Fusarium head scab infected ears in winter wheat at GS 77–79. RGB image (a), thermogram with broad (b) and
narrow temperature range (c) (modified from Oerke and Steiner 2010)

2009; Bürling et al. 2011). Since modifications in scale. The maximal spatial resolution is defined by the
photosynthesis due to the activity of plant pathogens minimum size of a pixel and hence the smallest
on the cellular and tissue level lack diagnostic identifiable symptom or structure. Technological
potential, as with tissue transpiration, measurements advances in sensor development, in particular prog-
of chlorophyll fluorescence and blue light-induced ress from multispectral broadband sensors to hyper-
fluorescence techniques are not discussed in more spectral narrowband sensors have drastically
detail. These methods may be very sensitive in the increased the quantity and quality of available
detection of abnormalities in photosynthesis—see e.g. information. Non-imaging sensors average the reflec-
reviews by Scholes and Rolfe (2009) and Chaerle et tance over an area depending on the sensor’s field of
al. (2009) as well as Csefalvay et al. (2009)—the use view; the mixed information from different objects
of these active sensors in the field, however, is also hardly allows significant inferences on the reflectance
limited by the response time, i.e. the time between sources/objects (Mahlein et al. 2010; Steiner et al.
emission and detection of the measuring beam, 2008). In contrast, cutting-edge hyperspectral cameras
restricting the use for on-the-move sensing. facilitate the detection of both spectral and spatial
information of an object (Fig. 3). The information of a
Hyperspectral techniques hyperspectral image is based on the spatial X- and Y-
axes and a spectral Z-axis, which allows a more
The evolution of spectral sensors started with multispec- detailed and allocated interpretation of the signal
tral sensors, to hyperspectral sensors, and to forthcoming object interaction. Each spatially located pixel of an
ultraspectral sensors. These technical complex devices image contains the full wavelength information. The
provide a multiplicity of information over the covered use of innovative hyperspectral imaging systems in
spectral range (350–2500 nm). Spectral resolution of plant pathology and in disease severity assessment is
modern instruments may be <1 nm. still in the research stage (Bock et al. 2010).
Currently reflectance sensors are classified depend- Mewes et al. (2011) stated that the entire spectrum
ing on their spatial scale, spectral resolution, and the from 350 to 2500 nm is not needed to detect crop
type of detector, i.e. imaging or non-imaging sensor stress due to fungal infections. Since narrow spectral
systems (Steiner et al. 2008). Airborne or space-borne bands are highly correlated to each other, redundant
far-range systems have lower spatial resolution than information is measured. Depending on the object and
near-range systems and are hardly suitable for the aim, just few regions of the spectral range may be of
detection of disease symptoms on the leaf or plant interest.
Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209 203

dery mildews, rusts, and downy mildews may be also

Composition and content of leaf pigments change
when plants are exposed to pathogens that induce
chlorotic and necrotic symptoms. The pattern of
responses and the degree of up- and down-regulation
of physiological processes are related to the type of
the host-pathogen relationship. Necrotrophs rapidly
kill plant cells and subsequently feed on the nutrients
released from the dead tissue, biotroph pathogens
form haustoria to take up nutrients from living cells.
As characteristic symptoms also differ, different
wavebands may be suitable for the detection of
different diseases. The identification of a disease, its
discrimination from other diseases and abiotic stres-
sors, using sensing techniques is still a challenge in
Fig. 3 Structure of hyperspectral image data cube of a sugar
beet leaf with spatial dimensions X and Y and spectral vegetation monitoring. Interpretation of spectral re-
dimension Z disolaying the continuous spectrum with 210 flectance data without knowledge on spectral charac-
reflectance values for each pixel of the image teristics of leaves and typical symptoms is impossible
at present. The best results for the detection of
diseases were obtained in the VIS and NIR range of
Spectral signature of plant diseases the spectrum. Spectral signatures of sugar beet leaves
under the effect of the three diseases Cercospora leaf
Leaf reflectance of sunlight in the visible (VIS, spot, powdery mildew and sugar beet rest were
400 to 700 nm), near infrared (NIR, 700 to significantly different and disease specific (Mahlein
1100 nm) and short wave infrared (SWIR, 1100 et al. 2010; Fig. 4). The causal relationship between
to 2500 nm) are driven by multiple interactions: diseases and specific spectral changes was stressed
radiant energy absorption induced by leaf chemistry, by their dependence on the severity of diseases.
scattering of light as a result of leaf surface and internal Other researchers successfully used spectral data to
cellular structures and radiant energy absorption in- detect Magnaporthe grisea on rice (Kobayashi et al.
duced by leaf water content, proteins or carbon content 2001), Phytophthora infestans on tomato (Zhang et
(Jacquemoud and Ustin 2001). al. 2003), and Venturia inaequalis on apple trees
Hyperspectral imaging and non-imaging sensors (Delalieux et al. 2007). Damage to crops caused by
have been proved to be useful tools to detect changes virus diseases (Naidu et al. 2009) or insects (Carrol
in plant vigour (West et al. 2010). Changes in et al. 2008) could also be detected using spectral
reflectance result from modifications of biophysical sensors.
and biochemical characteristics of plant tissue. Dis- Since non-imaging hyperspectroscopy has been
eases may cause modifications in tissue colour and used in most of the studies published up to now, the
leaf shape, transpiration rate, crop canopy morpholo- application of hyperspectral imaging focusing on
gy and density as well as variation in the interaction spectral information of disease symptoms is limited.
of solar radiation with plants (West et al. 2010). They Bravo et al. (2003) used in-field spectral images for
result in modified optical properties of leaf tissue. an early detection of yellow rust infecting wheat,
Reflectance of leaves is sensitive to plant stress due to Hillnhütter et al. (2011b) successfully discriminated
changes in pigmentation, hypersensitive reaction and symptoms caused by H. schachtii and Rhizoctonia
cell wall degradation (Blackburn 2007; Chaerle et al. solani on sugar beet. At the present time, hyper-
2007; Carter and Knapp 2001). Disease-specific spectral imaging is more widespread in the field of
symptoms, e.g. succession of chlorotic and necrotic monitoring fruit security and quality. Quin et al.
tissue varying in optical characteristics as well as in (2009) developed a hyperspectral imaging approach
composition, and typical fungal structures like pow- to detect canker lesions on citrus fruits.
204 Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209

(Carter and Knapp 2001; Pietrzykowski et al. 2006).

This methodology is a useful tool to compare spectra
of healthy and diseased plants. Mahlein et al. (2010)
identified different significant regions of difference
spectra from healthy plants and plants diseased with
Cercospora leaf spot, powdery mildew and sugar beet
rust. Based on the understanding of reflectance
characteristics, spectral algorithms, using specific
wavelengths of spectral signatures, have been devel-
oped in remote sensing of vegetation (Blackburn
2007; Thenkabail et al. 2000). They are correlated to
several biochemical and biophysical plant parameters
indicating plant health or vigour. Spectral vegetation
Fig. 4 Spectral reflectance of healthy sugar beet leaves and indices (SVIs) are widely used for monitoring,
leaves affected by Cercospora leaf spot, powdery mildew and
analysing, and mapping temporal and spatial variation
sugar beet rust in VIS, NIR, and SWIR. Reflectance was
measured 14 days after inoculation using an ASD-Field Spec in vegetation. By calculating ratios of several bands at
JR (Analytic Spectral Devices (ASD), Boulder, USA) different ranges of the spectrum, SVIs result in a
reduction of data dimension, which may be also
Analysis of sensor data for disease detection useful in effective data analysis for disease discrim-
ination. As pigment concentrations provide informa-
Powerful methods of data analysis are crucial in the tion on the physiological state of leaves, pigment-
use of optical sensors for the detection, differentiation specific SVIs are likely to be useful in the detection of
and quantification of plant diseases. Characteristic for stresses caused by fungal diseases (Fig. 5). Delalieux
imaging sensor systems, especially of hyperspectral et al. (2007) used SVIs for the assessment of apple
systems, is the recording of large amounts of scab due to V. inaequalis at different stages of disease
information on the object acquired at the same time. development. Steddom et al. (2005) calculated SVIs
Since large amounts of data also imply enormous file from multispectral data of sugar beet fields and
sizes and computing times, the analysis of hyper- compared these indices to disease severity visually
spectral data is a complex domain, and different rated by plant pathologists. The use of combinations
approaches can be used to obtain satisfactory results. of two or more indices improved the discrimination of
In thermography, absolute temperature, temperature three diseases of sugar beet (Mahlein et al. 2010). In a
differences between leaf tissue and air temperature, or further approach these SVIs have been used as
maximal temperature differences (MTD) of plant features for an automatic discrimination by Rumpf et
tissue are effective parameters (Oerke et al. 2006; al. (2010). Since SVIs commonly used in remote
Oerke and Steiner 2010). The visualisation of sensing of vegetation are hardly disease-specific, the
isotherms can be convenient as well to accentuate development of disease-specific indices could im-
hot and cold spots due to infections by leaf pathogens prove the usefulness of spectral indices for disease
(Oerke et al. 2011). An interesting approach from detection.
medicine might be adaptable to thermography in In remote sensing applications, many classification
phytopathology; Boquete et al. (2010) used indepen- and change detection techniques have been developed in
dent component analysis for an automated detection order to obtain maximal information from hyperspectral
of high tumour risk area in cancer research. An data and images. Classification is a procedure of
automated detection of temperature anomalies, indi- assigning a spectral signature to a characteristic group
cating zones of diseased tissue with high accuracy has or class, and discriminates these groups from each other.
high potential for future applications like early The classes can be predefined (supervised classification)
detection screening. or non-predefined (unsupervised classification). Since
Modifications in spectral reflection and differences disease epidemics and symptom development cause
between spectral signatures can be distinguished by temporal and spatial changes in crop reflectance, most
calculating difference spectra, ratios or derivations classification techniques from remote sensing are likely
Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209 205

Fig. 5 Spatial illustration of the Normalized Vegetation Index beet canopy. (c, d). High NDVI-values denote vital leaf tissue
(NDVI) calculated on hyperspectral imaging data of healthy (green), low NDVI-values diseased leaf tissue (red-purple)
sugar beet canopy (a, b) and powdery mildew diseased sugar

to be useful for the detection of disease-induced spectral Rumpf et al. 2010). Implementing these different
changes. Principal component analysis (PCA), spectral algorithms in an interdisciplinary approach, the multi-
angle mapper (SAM) and machine learning methods like dimensional problem of detecting, differentiating and
artificial neural networks (ANN) or support vector quantifying various diseases will be solved, marking a
machines (SVM) are the most common methods used breakthrough in automatic, reproducible, and non-
for data analysis (Bauriegel et al. 2011; Zhang et al. invasive disease detection. Although all these algorithms
2003; Moshou et al. 2004; Rumpf et al. 2010). The have their own specifications and merits, there is not a
SAM, calculating the angular difference between an single approach which is optimal for all applications.
unknown spectrum and a reference spectrum in an n- All common classification techniques analyze hyper-
dimensional space has shown high overall accuracies spectral images without incorporating information from
for the classification of sugar beet diseases (Mahlein spatially adjacent data (Plaza et al. 2009). Simultaneous
unpublished; Fig. 6). multidimensional data analyses of spatial and spectral
Moshou et al. (2004) used ANNs to classify healthy patterns may be of high relevance in future, especially
from diseased wheat plants. Rumpf et al. (2010) for the interpretation of hyperspectral images for
successfully differentiated foliar diseases of sugar beet detection of characteristic disease symptoms.
in a pre-symptomatic stage using SVMs. Quin et al.
(2009) differentiated healthy citrus fruits, canker-
diseased and damaged fruits with a spectral information Fields of application for disease sensing
based algorithm, yielding in a classification accuracy of
96%. Data mining techniques have been shown to be Optical sensor technologies may be implemented for
superior in distinguishing between more than one type precise and successful control of plant diseases in
of stress and different diseases (Moshou et al. 2004; different fields, e.g. resistance breeding in the field
206 Eur J Plant Pathol (2012) 133:197–209

spectroradiometry may be also used in plant pathol-

ogy for investigating the effect of pathogenesis on the
cellular level. Hyperspectral imaging microscopy may
result in new spatial information on structural and
chemical modifications of the plant tissue in the
course of host-pathogen interactions.
Innovative sensor techniques may be applied in
large-scale plant breeding experiments to speed up
screening assays in resistance breeding (Montes et
al. 2007). Plants are commonly inoculated with a
pathogen at a well-known spore concentration and
time. These are optimal conditions for an automatic
hyperspectral screening system with high sensitivity
and specificity. Analogue operations and require-
ments are characteristic for fungicide screening.
Since the identification of diseases is not required
in inoculation experiments, thermography and fluo-
rescence techniques also seem to be suitable for
these applications.
For the implementation of sensor techniques in
precision crop protection, scale-related issues have to be
taken into consideration (Voss et al. 2010). The spatial,
temporal and spectral demands are tributary to the
measured object and the field of application. For
precision crop protection in the field, airborne sensors,
e.g. mounted to unmanned aerial vehicles, offer large-
scale applications. The use of airborne sensors in
practice, however, is limited by their spatial resolution
and temporal availability of data. Depending on
symptom size and disease severity, patchiness of
primary disease foci and epidemic spread, higher spatial
resolutions may be necessary. Tractor-mounted, non-
imaging sensor systems may provide on-the-move spray
decisions. Based on reflectance measurement and
analysis, application rates may be directly transferred
to the pesticide sprayer.
The technical potential of sensors is expected to
improve in the foreseeable future. However, sensor
use for decision support systems and fungicide
Fig. 6 Automatic classification of Cercospora leaf spot using
application under field conditions depends also on
spectral angle mapper (SAM) algorithm 14 days after inoculation.
RGB-image of a Cercospora leaf spot diseased sugar beet leaf (a), our understanding of disease spread, e.g. dispersal
grey-scale rule image for healthy tissue where dark pixel belong to rate of pathogens causing latent infections, zones of
the class ‘healthy’ (b), and false-colour image of the SAM disease risk around primary disease foci, and the
classification for the classes ‘healthy’ (green), ‘margin’ (red), and
availability of effective fungicides, i.e. ingredients
‘necrotic’ (c)
that effectively control the disease and the spread of
pathogens in order to prevent the disease level from
and under controlled conditions, screening of new exceeding the economic threshold level. These
fungicidal compounds, precision disease control in aspects are discussed in more detail by West et al.
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