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Darwin’s Amazing Journey!

December 27, 1831 March 10, 1833: September, 1835: June 1, 1836:
1 4 7 10
Darwin visits “Table Mountain” (a
Darwin finds a barren, windswept, mountain over 3,500 feet above
Charles Darwin embarks on the
and desolate landscape with primi- Darwin finds species of plants, sea level) He also vists “Andrew
HMS Beagle as the captain’s assis- tive rocks and fossils. These fossils birds, and tortoises unique to Smith) another naturalist and
tant and naturalist. were Brachiopods which lived the Galapagos islands but with geologist.
during the Devonian time period. connections to their mainland.
Darwin begins to create theory. August 1, 1836:
August 3, 1833:
January, 1832: January 12, 1836:
2 5 8 11
Darwin discovers new species in
Darwin arives in Australia, Darwin
Darwin is excited by his first obser-Darwin explores the Pampas with wonders why there is different the jungles of South America.
vations. Darwin decides to write a the local people called gauchos. types of animals in Australia. He is tired of all the journying
geology book about his adventure.“Gauchos” were the south ameri- and would like to go home.
can equivalent of cowboys.
Febrary 28, 1832:
3 January-Febrary: 1835 May 2, 1836: October 2, 1836:
6 9 12
Darwin explores the Brazillian rain-
forests for the first time, writing Darwin sees Mount Darwin hikes up “Le Pouce,” one Darwin reaches home. A
down some of his findings. Osorno erups while on the island of the tallest mountains of the few years later, in 1859. He
of Chiloe. area. would publish his book: “The
origin of species.
Joshua Hansen / Online BIO

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