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College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.

Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

College Of Business Education Science And Technology,Inc

Burgos St.District 2,Cauayan City,Isabela




Lee N. Acosta

Camilyn A. Ligmayo

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela


The researchers conducted this study due to economic crisis nowadays. It's aim to create

a product of floorwax which is cheaper and could give the same quality which the commercial

one could give through banana.

We choose banana leaves as component of the polish. We decided to put back the the

floor polish of the old days that was made form the natural materials. But first, we must find out

if the product was as effective as commercial polish and it can be used to different surfaces so

the researcher conducted an experiment.

The procedures were the following: Slice the banana leaves and grate the lemon, crush the

candles, Use a casserole to boil 2 cups of water, put the banana leaves extract together with

the grated lemon, put ½ cup of kerosene and teaspoon of cooking oil and dye, observe the color

to know if the extract of the banana leaves change, strain and squeeze the banana leaves with

lemon, put the crushed candles into casserole and wait until it melts, combine the melted

candles and the extract of banana leaves and grated lemon, wait until it forms like a wax.

The researchers concluded that this project was cheaper than the commercial one. The Product

did not contain harmful chemicals so it was invironmental friendly and safer.

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela



This chapter presents; (a) Background (b)Statement of the Problem (c) objective of the study

(d)Significance of the study (e) Hyphotheses of the Study (f) scope and delimitation

(g) Definition of terms

Background of the study

Using commercial floor wax could be harmful to the environment and specially to

people since it contain chemicals.that are harmful once inhaled or obserbed to the human

body.It is therfore essential to produce an organic floor wax as an alternative to commercial

ones.since organic floor wax could less harmful if inhaled.

We, researcher would like to conduct the research on banana leaves as one alternative

ingredients of making floor wax. Its aim is to create a floor wax which is not an ordinary floor

wax, treated with chemicals. In this modern age, floor wax were made from synthetic materials.

We decided to put back the floor wax of the old days that was made from natural materials.

Not only that,producing an alternative floor wax is very important to people who are using in

making their floor shine and restoring their furniture.moreover It will help them in saving

money and will be benificial to their health. because we did this wax to lessen the odor of

original floor wax.

Floor waxing is essential to maintain the shiny gloss of floors especially wooden floor.

Not only that, it can also be used to polish and restore wooden furnitures. However, if you find

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

buying ready-made floor wax prohibitively expensive, it’s possible to mix raw wax crystals and

kerosene with banana leaves to create a substance suitable for use polishing your floors and

wooden furnitures. This home-made floor wax will give a comparable shine and smoothness to

that of commercial products, and the oil in the kerosene counteracts the banana leaves

stickiness to ensure the finished sheen isn’t tacky.

This study will find out how can banana leaves be an alternative source in making a floor

wax. How safe is the banan leaves floor wax to the environment and its users, and how efficient

is banana leaves floor wax so we researchers, conducted an experiment.

Statement of the Problem

a. Can banana leaves be an alternative source in making a floor wax?

b. Can pandan leaves helps to lessen the original odor of a particular products?

c. How does the product make the cleaning more convenient for the people using it?

Objectives of the Study

a. To know if the banana leaves can be an alternative source of making floor wax.

b. To create a floor wax that has a less odor compared to the commercial floor wax.

c. To inform the target market thay they can create floor wax by using banana leaves.

d. To educate schools and families that they can create home-made floor wax by themselves

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

Significance of the Study

This study can give benefits to the people especially the poor ones to save money for

their other needs. This will also educate them that they can make an alternative floor wax instead

of buying commercial floor wax. Especially in schools, it will give a benefit to the students as

well as their parents to save money. This will also make cleaning of the premises more

convenient. The purpose of the research is to innovate the banana leaves to lessen environmental

wastes. This research will also serve as reference for the future researchers.


a) Banana leaves can't be an alternative source in making a floor wax.

b) Bananaleaves can be an alternative source in making a floor wax.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited only for the investigation of banana leaves as an alternative source

for making floor wax. We chose this study for further investigation if banana can be an

alternative source for floor wax and how we can help our mother Earth.

Definition of Terms

Banana- a tropical fruit

Floor wax – a substance used in polishing floors and wooden furnitures.

Banana leaves – main ingredient in making floor wax.

Lemon – an ingredient used to give the product an aroma.

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela



Banana is the common name for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa which

produce the commonly eaten fruit. They are native to the tropical region Southeast Asia and

Australia. Today, they are commonly cultivated throuhout the tropics.

Banana plants are of the family Musaceae. They are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a

lesser extent for the production of fiber and as ornamental plants. As the bananas are mainly tall,

upright, and fairly sturdy, they are fairly mistaken as trees, when the truth is the main and upright

stem is called a pseudostem, literally meaning “fake stem”, which for some species can obtain a

height of up to 2-8 m, with leaves of up to 3.5 m in length. Each pseudostem can produce a bunch

of yellow, green, or even red bananas before dying and being replaced by another pseudostem.

Banana leaves are widely used as plates and for lining cooking pits and for wrapping food for

cooking or storage. A section of leaf often serves as an eye-shade. In Latin America, it is a

common practice during rains to hold a banana leaf by the petiole, upside-down, over one's back

as an "umbrella" or "raincoat". The leaves of the 'Fehi' banana are used for thatching, packing,

and cigarette wrappers. Floor wax can be made out of used candle by heating the used candles

till they melt completely, then we add a little kerosene to the melted candles. This is an superior

polish especially for woody floors as they keep termites away. Organic intimacy is the peels

principal constituent. Proteins account for 0. percent by weight of the peel, lipids are 1. 7 percent,

carbohydrates are 59. 1 percent and crude fiber is 31. 7 percent. This opus makes the peel a good

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

animal feedstock. Wood flooring brings an old time, rustic elegance to your home that lasts a

life time. Unfortunately, many home owners do not know the correct way to clean and treat for

their wood f loors. A common method for cleaning wood floors is with the use of oil goop. Many

wood flooring manufacturers state that using oil soap on your flooring will void the warranty.Oil

soap is essentially vegetable oil and vegetable oil leaves a difference behind. For centuries,

people have used kerosene to clean their wood flooring. Kerosene will not only keep your floors

from looking dull, but it removes heal marks, crayon and lipsticks without causing harm to your


To detect aroma, airborne chemicals must enter into our nasal passages. Volatile aromatic oils

carried in when we breathe, interact with receptors located along those passages.

Though flavor is somewhat influenced by our sense of smell, flavor primarily requires substance

solubility in order to reach the different kinds of receptors located in various parts of the tongue.

The odor of a lemon is a more complex matter. Much of its smell is located in the peel or zest.

For this reason, zest is commonly used in gourmet cooking. But lemon peels are also of historical

importance to furniture aficionados.

Many are familiar with lemon oil in furniture treatment compositions. Aromatic oil from the

lemon includes and terpenes such as L-limonene². D-limonene, the stereoisomer of L-limonene

distinguishes the aroma of oranges. Additional fragrant compounds include certain coumarins

The lemon aroma ingredient limonene is of great importance. It not only imparts the fragrance

of the lemon in cooking and deodorants, it is useful in the treatment of furniture. It is also a

highly valued “natural” cleansing agent to replace more toxic cleansers in general purpose use.

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela



Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

1. All the materials should be prepared

2. Slice the banana leaves and grate the lemon.

3. Crush the candles.

4. Use a casserole to boil 2 cups of water.

5. Put the banana peal together with the grated lemon

6. Put ½ cup of kerosene and teaspoon of cooking oil and dye.

7. Observe the color to know if the extract of the banana leaves change.

8. Strain and squeeze the banana leaves with lemon.

9. Put the crushed candles into casserole and wait until it melts.

10. Combine the melted candles and the extract of banana leaves and grated lemon.

11. Wait until it forms like a wax.

Materials Cost

Banana leaves 25.00/kg

Candles 25.00

Lemon 25.00

50 ml Kerosene 20.00

3 tsp cooking oil 5.00


Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela


Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

Floor waxing is essential to maintain the shiny gloss of wooden floors and surfaces.

However, if you find buying ready-made floor wax prohibitively expensive, it’s possible to mix

candle wax and oil with banana leaves extract to create a substance suitable for use polishing

your wooden floors and furnitures. This home-made floor wax will give a comparable shine and

smoothness to that of commercial products and that the oil counteracts the banana peal stickiness

to ensure the finished sheen isn’t stacky.

The researcher would highly recommended that we could use banana floor wax instead of buy

commercial floor wax in the market because it is cheaper and fits in our budget. The researcher

therefore concluded that banana floor wax could be used as an alternative source of commercial



Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela How to Clean

Wood With Kerosene/

http//www. hort. purdue. edu/newcrop/morton/banana. htmlOther%20Uses http//en. wikipedia.

org/wiki/Banana Components of a Banana Peel eHow. comhttp//www. ehow.

com/info_10033568_components-banana-peel. htmlixzz2KKGbgW6A How to Clean

Wood Floors With Kerosene eHow. comhttp//www. ehow. com/how_6153768_clean-wood-floors-


Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

The researcher would like to give their warm heart-felt gratitude to the persons wich give

their knowledge regarding this project and helped to conduct this for the success of the

researher. The school Administrator and Co-teacher of the researchers ,which are always

there for them and also contribute ideas and thoughts.

To Mrs. Agnes F Ramil, for sharing her ideas and knowledge for this research .

Last but not the least, to our dear God, for guiding and protecting the researcher always

and for giving those persons to made this all possible.


CHAPTER I Introduction

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

 Background of the Study

 Statement of the problem

 Objectives of the study

 Significance of the study

 Hyphothesis

 Scope and limitations

 Definition of terms

 Materials

CHAPTER II Review and Related Literature

CHAPTER III Methodology

CHAPTER IV Result and Interpretation

CHAPTER V Summary ,Conclusion & Recommendation

CHAPTER VI Bibliography

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