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Copyright © 2010 by Jeffrey Hollender Acknowledgments
Text by Alexandra Zissu
Illustrations © 2010 Wink, Incorporated
Design by Ben Gibson, with Kristin Brewin Nightwine from Jeffrey Hollender:
Pages 41–44 ©
My deepest gratitude goes to my co-author, Alexandra Zissu,
All rights reserved. without whom this book would never have been possible. Lexy
Published in the United States by Clarkson Potter/Publishers, was an absolute pleasure to partner with and showed her passion
an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of and talent every step of the way. Seventh Generation’s own
Random House, Inc., New York. Science Man and a longtime friend, Martin Wolf, was essential
to ensuring the scientific, factual, and statistical accuracy of
CLARKSON POTTER is a trademark and POTTER with this great endeavor.
colophon is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc. My team at Melcher Media, who served as invaluable partners
from concept to editing and design, made the challenges of
The book was designed by producing this book an absolute pleasure. Special thanks to
Melcher Media, 124 West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011 Holly Rothman, Megan Worman, and Charlie Melcher. I’d also like to thank the team at Clarkson Potter, especially Doris
Cooper and Angelin Borsics, who have supported this book
Publisher: Charles Melcher wholeheartedly.
Associate Publisher: Bonnie Eldon My thinking about systems was shaped by some of my teach-
Editor in Chief: Duncan Bock ers, most notably Carol Sanford, Gregor Barnum, Cheryl Heller,
Senior Editor: Holly Rothman Martin Murson, and Peter Senge.
Editor and Project Manager: Megan Worman Without the lessons, learning, and total support of the entire
Production Director: Kurt Andrews Seventh Generation community, none of my work would be
Production Assistant: Daniel del Valle possible. Special thanks goes to Lee Pelletier, who takes special
care of me every day.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data While many organizations have supported and generated the
Hollender, Jeffrey. Planet home / Jeffrey Hollender. knowledge required to learn about our endlessly interconnected
1. Conduct of life. 2. Human ecology. 3. Home economics. world, none plays the role of being an ongoing teacher better
I. Title. BJ1581.2.H615 2010 640—dc22 2010028312 than Greenpeace.
This book is dedicated to my wife, teacher, and lifelong
ISBN 978-0-307-71664-4 partner, Sheila Hollender.

Printed in the United States of America

from Alexandra Zissu:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
I would like to thank Olli Chanoff, Aili Chanoff Zissu, and
my wide-ranging, helpful, supportive, and multitasking family—
First Edition
immediate and extended alike. Thanks also to Jeffrey Hollender
for entrusting me with this project, Holly Rothman, Charlie
Melcher, Martin Wolf, Megan Worman, Doris Cooper, Angelin
Borsics, Sheila Hollender, Lee Pelletier, Chrystie Heimert, and
Maureen Wolpert.
Special offers for Protecting Planet Home! ...
Melcher Media wishes to thank Kay Banning, Christopher Beha,
Join the Seventh Generation Nation online and be eli- David E. Brown, Amélie Cherlin, Cheryl Della Pietra, Marilyn
gible to receive special offers from Seventh Generation Fu, Barbara Gogan, Diane Hodges, Coco Joly, Robin Kamen,
and other companies recommended in this book. Julia Marks, Myles McDonnell, Lauren Nathan, Minju Pak,
Katherine Raymond, Lia Ronnen, Jessi Rymill, Julia Sourikoff,
Learn more at Alex Tart, Scott Thares, Shoshana Thaler, Anna Thorngate, and
Rebecca Wiener.

PlanetHome_FrontMatter_082410kb.indd 4 11/22/10 11:38 AM


What Is a Conscious Home? page 6

Cleaning Products AND CHEMICALS:


The Kitchen page 30

Food page 68

The Bedroom page 94

The Nursery and Kids’ Rooms page 122

The Family Rooms: Living Room,

Dining Room, Media Room, and Den page 158

The BATHROOM page 186

The Utility Rooms: Attic, Garage,

Mudroom, and Basement page 224

The Laundry Room page 244

The HOme Office page 270

The Big Picture page 290

The Ingredients Guide, Resources, References, and Index page 334

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the organic milk is also better for the cows,
for the people who raise them, and for our
shared environment. This makes sense;

What Is a human beings tend to be compartmentalized

thinkers. We see the individual puzzle pieces

Conscious rather than the whole picture. Indigenous

and Eastern cultures based on spirituality
are more likely to see the puzzle in its entire-
Home? ty; with spirituality comes an understanding
of the interconnectedness of who we are and
what we do. Still other cultures are forced
to be aware of the bigger picture because of
their limited space on the planet. America is
so vast that many activities that are harmful
to the environment—like removing mountain-
tops to mine coal or endlessly filling garbage
dumps—take place where we don’t see them.
There comes a time in anyone’s life when Out of sight, out of mind. When you don’t
the current state of the earth becomes too see the interconnectedness of your daily
obvious to ignore, and taking some steps to decisions and actions in a holistic way, you
green and protect your own environment— also can’t see their unintended consequenc-
your Planet Home—seems like a good idea. es. There are plenty of resources available
For many, becoming pregnant or looking into for people interested in “eco-friendly” liv-
your child’s eyes for the first time can trig- ing. And primarily, Planet Home provides a
ger a deeper concern for global issues. And road map for anyone who wants to green and
no wonder. Countless others have been moti- clean a home. But the following pages also
vated to action by climate change and, more go well beyond offering typical “go green” ad-
recently, by images of oil gushing into the vice. This book is an attempt to inspire us
Gulf of Mexico. Whatever has inspired you all to open our minds, expand our collective
to pick up this book and make some chang- consciousness, and think without compart-
es, first steps tend to be simple—switching mentalizing. It’s an invitation to stop and ex-
to organic milk, buying toilet paper made amine how our individual choices—that milk,
from recycled fiber, packing lunch in reus- that light bulb, and even where you choose to
able containers, swapping in energy-efficient bank—ripple out to affect our neighbors, our
light bulbs. These are popular adjustments community, and the environment as a whole.
because they’re better for you and your fam- Because when we’re only told to lower our
ily. But it’s the rare person who sees that thermostats and stop there—one piece of the


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puzzle—we remain fundamentally confused toothpaste to the cleaning product residues
about the whole of what matters and how to they wash down their drains—people who
truly make a difference. Planet Home is a call want to make better choices for their fami-
to arms that will inspire you to ask better lies, their communities, and the earth. This
questions and move beyond just going green consciousness could make a real overarching
and toward connecting the green dots all environmental impact at a time when it is
around you, holistically and systematically. sorely needed—making green the new nor-
Visualizing just how connected we all are to mal. We can’t turn back the clock, but we can
each other and the earth when, say, you’re all work together to ensure that our children,
wandering the aisles of the supermarket isn’t our children’s children, and the planet we all
obvious. But if you try to take the simple yet share will be healthy enough to continue to
revolutionary notion that we’re all connected sustain us. Human beings have unlimited po-
as a point of departure, the systems behind tential when we put our minds to solving a
everything from the water running out of our problem. And there are many people working
taps to the cotton grown for our sheets, cloth- hard to do the right thing right now. This is
ing, and even feminine care products start to your invitation to join them.
become clear. You’ll see the entire puzzle, not
just the pieces. The ability to see the total en-
vironmental impact of any one choice is para- Use the following chapters as a jumping-
mount—the real takeaway of Planet Home— off point. There are plenty of practical steps
whether you’re just beginning to consider detailed; remember as you undertake any
going green or you’re living off the grid and number of them that we’re not alone in our
growing your own food. Being more aware little green bubbles. Keep in mind that go-
of how your actions influence everything else ing green shouldn’t involve losing sight of the
will change how you behave. It will help you quality and richness of life. Pause for con-
go greener faster than just doing a few green scious rituals—like watching the sunset as a
things, and with a less vague sense of why family—as often as possible. The emotional
you’re taking the steps you’re taking. It will nourishment these moments offer is what
have a far-reaching impact. It will also enable we need to build happy and fulfilling lives.
you to recognize when systems break down Living consciously—being aware, awake, and
or are incomplete—like when you place your thoughtful—includes treading lightly on our
pesticide-free organic produce on a cutting shared home planet while embracing our
board cleaned with a conventional product right to happiness, which will enable us to
containing pesticides. better enjoy the happiness that a responsible
Imagine a country full of people who un- and sustainable life so bountifully brings.
derstand the social and environmental im-
plications of everything from their choice of Jeffrey Hollender

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it’s grown from genetically modified seeds, it
The 7 requires the use of petroleum-derived sprays,
and it drives up the price of corn—which then

Inter- affects tortilla prices in Mexico, for exam-

ple. It takes more energy to grow the corn

used to make ethanol than the ethanol itself
provides. Looking beyond the surface of the
actions you take in your everyday life will

Principles of better inform your choices.


Living Whenever the potential of an activity, prod-
uct, or chemical raises the threat of harm
to human health or the environment, precau-
tionary measures should be exercised. Pre-
caution should be taken even if the absolute
cause and effect relationships that might lead
We need revolutionary change in the world, to harm have not fully been established sci-
and we need it now! You can begin by shift- entifically. Thus, the maker of a product or
ing your mind and reframing the way you chemical, or one who proposes an action or
look at the immediate challenges in your business endeavor, must prove the safety of
home. Conscious living extends beyond these such in advance of its exposure to people or
challenges to how we think about ourselves the planet and bear the burden of proof for
as a society, and our responsibility to one its safety. The Precautionary Principle shifts
another and the planet. responsibility for the proof of safety to busi-
ness and industry and ensures that people
and the planet are not guinea pigs subject to
1. THINK HOLISTICALLY uncertain experimentation.
Chemicals and consumer products today
Try to see the whole interconnected sys- are “innocent until proven guilty.” This
tems that live just behind everything that makes human beings those guinea pigs in
you do. Using ethanol as fuel may seem like an uncontrolled experiment. There have been
a good idea, but look beneath the surface. 80,000 to 100,000 new chemicals introduced
Ethanol isn’t just energy derived from corn; since World War II, but the health effects of


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less than 5 percent of these are known. We transport the building blocks of stuff from
don’t yet understand the impact of having where it was found (Saudi Arabia? Malaysia?
combinations of these chemicals in our bod- Texas?) to where it can be manufactured.
ies, or what daily low-dose exposure to them Manufacturing is another system. Then
means for us down the road. If a chemical there are the systems of equipment needed
or a product is “guilty,” i.e., harmful, we pay to package, warehouse, and distribute stuff
the price. It can show up as disease, cancer, to consumers. There is also the system of
or chronic illness. We need to change this waste: we have no place to keep all of the
process so that chemicals in a product must trash our consumerism creates. The products
be proven safe by their manufacturer before themselves—from manufacture to disposal—
they enter the market. It’s difficult to con- are polluting our earth and releasing untold
nect the dots and pinpoint the impacts and chemicals into the air in our homes. There
implications of chemicals due to the sheer are better, less toxic versions of many prod-
amount of them gushing into our society. If ucts described in these pages, but ultimately
a bird in the Gulf is covered in oil, you know we as a culture need to back away from the
where that oil came from. But when a child overabundance of stuff in our lives. How
gets cancer, you rarely know its source. Un- much do you really need compared to how
til there is regulatory change, common sense much do you want? It’s a question of quan-
says that you should adopt as many of the tity versus quality. We must simply buy less
changes suggested in these pages as you can stuff, and what we do buy must be made to
and live by the Precautionary Principle, too. last, leaving the smallest possible footprint
behind. All this stuff doesn’t lead to happi-
ness or fulfillment. True satisfaction comes
3. ACQUIRE LESS STUFF from relationships and community, not cars
or cell phones. Think about your relation-
Prior to World War II, we were a culture of ships: would you rather have 25 superficial
reuse, recycling, and restraint. But following ones or three totally trusting, open, honest
the war, huge factories suddenly had nothing ones? Meaning comes from deep, quality
to make. Our government created a national relationships.
strategy and built our whole economy around
consumerism. We see now that this is irre-
sponsible and unsustainable. The sequence of 4. THINK LONG TERM, NOT
events that brings all this stuff to the stuff- SHORT TERM
buying masses is destructive. The materi-
als contained in any old household product In a fundamental sense, we have collectively
are global, rarely local. There’s an elaborate pushed the long-term consequences of our
system needed to extract, process, and decisions entirely out of our consciousness.


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Other than the relationships we have with 6. DON’T CONFUSE LESS BAD
our families, most of the time we’re uncon- WITH GOOD
scious of the lasting repercussions of our ac-
tions—of what we eat, what we buy, what we We have totally confused less bad with good.
do. How many things can you name that you We don’t know what good is anymore. Ninety-
do out of concern for the next generation? nine percent of what we think of as good is
For most people it is generally out of sight, actually just less bad. So what is good? It
out of mind. We must shift our perspective tends to show up in a few specific areas—in
and take a longer-term point of view. meaningful relationships, education, nature,
biodynamic farming. It shows up in services,
too, but it very rarely rears its head in prod-
5. THINK “WE,” NOT “ME” ucts because of what it takes to make and
get products to the market. In many cases,
When you’re thinking only about yourself, getting something to consumers will tilt the
it doesn’t matter if you buy another T-shirt scale dramatically from good to bad, not even
or you take another flight or you put pesti- less bad. Think of honey. That’s good, right?
cides on your lawn. In the “Me” world, none Well, where did it come from? Consider how
of these things matter. In the “We” world, it was collected, processed, packaged, and
they all do. When we all behave as if we were shipped, and by whom.
alone, the results are catastrophic. Can you
go through the traffic light when it is turn-
ing red? Can you not take time to help some- 7. GET ACTIVE
one who is lost and needs directions? What
would happen if we lived in a world in which There is only so much a holistically think-
no one helped anyone else? For anything of ing individual can do to affect global change.
great substance to happen positively, the Joining forces with groups working to influ-
power is in what We can do, not in what I ence both our government and big businesses
can do. If we start to see how our everyday to bring about systemwide change is a great
individual actions affect the people around thing to do. The right legislation will have
us, if we consider ourselves members of the wider impact than any one person’s chang-
community and act accordingly, good things es. Voting, calling, e-mailing, spreading the
will come. Start by smiling. word, aligning yourself with the organiza-
tions working tirelessly to protect our shared
earth and generally making noise all help.


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How to Read

Cleaning product labels are a quick read, as ufacturers have started to pay more attention
they typically contain very little information. to growing legions of curious label readers. The
By reading one, you will discover the type launch of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Fami-
of product it is, directions for use, safety infor- lies coalition to reform the Toxic Substances
mation, and any storage and disposal guidelines. Control Act, and other public actions, like
What you won’t discover is a list of ingredients. the Consumer Product Ingredient Communi-
These are usually undisclosed, government- cation Initiative, have helped, too. Although
protected trade secrets, unless they are disinfect- information on ingredients products contain
ing agents, pesticides, or listed as hazardous by is now becoming more available (whether on
the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission the label or—more commonly—on the manufac-
(CPSC)—then those specific ingredients must turer’s website), the need for tighter regula-
be disclosed. Until recently, regulation of the tion and broader transparency remains. It is
chemicals in cleaning products has essentially still currently up to the consumer to seek
been neglected. For decades, manufacturers out ingredient lists, read between the lines on
have been legally allowed to include untested the labels, and make a conscious, informed
and potentially harmful chemicals in house- decision about what to buy and bring into
hold products without informing the consumer the home. Here’s how:
about them on the label. Recently, though, man-


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Label Literacy 101
1. Look for warnings. Avoid any product that has the words “danger,” “poison,” “toxic,”
“hazardous,” or “flammable” printed on the label. They are dead giveaways that there
are harmful chemicals inside. Be sure to check the front and back labels, including the
fine print.

2. Check the listed ingredients. Avoid anything with no ingredients listed or that lists chemi-
cals with known or probable chronic or acute toxicity (see the Ingredients Guide on page

3. Check to see if the product is fragranced. Stay away from synthetic fragrances, which
may contain hormone-disrupting phthalates (see page 341). Most products claiming to
have the “fresh scent” of “morning air” contain synthetic fragrances. Fragranced prod-
ucts (including perfumes, air fresheners, cleaning products, and candles) can also release
harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into your home environment. Many VOCs
from cleaning products, such as formaldehyde, are known to be hazardous air pollutants
and can have short- and long-term health effects. Look for labels that read “VOC-free”
or “free from dyes and fragrances.” If you want a fragrance, seek out products that are
scented naturally with essential oils.

4. Think about what the performance claims are telling you. These are the selling points
clearly stated on the front label. Products claiming to “whiten” likely contain bleach, and
products claiming to “brighten” usually contain optical brighteners. Use the Ingredients
Guide to see what you’re really getting with that “streak-free shine,” and to learn why an
ingredient is or is not hazardous.

5. Do a sustainability check. Choose products in packaging made with the highest PCR
(post-consumer recycled) content and that can be recycled or reused. As for the products
themselves, buy ones that are biodegradable or compostable and claim to be “petro-
chemical-free,” “nontoxic,” or “septic-safe.”

6. Go to and download the Label Reading Guide. It will help you
better understand the ingredients in cleaning products and their risks.


PlanetHome_CleaningProducts_082410mw.indd 15 11/22/10 11:42 AM

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