2020-Feb-18 GC Teaser - DT

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Decision-Making Technology Company

Industry Decision-making technology, licensing

Loca8on USA
Project We live in a world with increasing numbers of choices and information about them, with no
practical way to comparatively evaluate them. And it’s getting progressively worse. In an
ever-growing number of areas there is simply no way to answer the following key question:
“Of all the available choices, which one is best?”

The company provides a technological solution that enhances accuracy and speed of
decision-making. It was originally developed to enable investors to answer the above
question in their selection of mutual funds and professional money managers. By using
multiple user-selected, hierarchically arranged and weighted, performance parameters,
thousands of choices can be scored and ranked in a manner specific to investors’ individual
needs, goals, and preferences. Optimizing investment selection in this new way, typically
improves investment results.

Having too much information, with no practical way to use and benefit from it, is the
functional equivalent of having no information at all. It also too often makes the
consuming/investing public vulnerable to predatory sales practices. The ability to more
efficiently and effectively use the increasing amounts of information about their choices is
the key to investor / consumer empowerment. Making that possible is the Goal of the
Opportunity Total capital sought amounts to USD 5M, to be used for commercial expansion, growth
and structuring. Also looking for strategic partners worldwide.

The company’s aim is to more broadly license this technology for use both within the
financial services industry, in which it was created, and within other markets in which
the range of choices and information about them are so overwhelmingly large as to
make comparative evaluations and good selection decisions paralyzingly difficult, if not

They are seeking to form strategic alliances with key players within such markets. Such
firms would supply the capital needed to develop those industry-specific APIs in return
for an ownership interest in a new company to be formed for that purpose. It is a
business model similar to Goldman Sachs’ Symphony JV model: https://

These initiatives are now being proposed for the licensing of our decision technology
primarily to investment advisory firms and broker dealers. We are also considering
licensing our technology for such investment-related uses within other countries.

This Symphony-style model provides significant design flexibility. Each channel

represents a separate business, owned and operated by those with knowledge /
experience in each such market. We are seeking strategic alliance partners with the
potential for market dominance in each area of application.
Target Investor Any qualified investor worldwide.
Total Investment USD 5M ie USD 2.5M equity + USD 2.5M bond
Availability Over the next 2-4 weeks.
Due Diligence More details, financials, contracts are available. A conference call can be arranged
with company CEO.
Contact William Trentini: wt@globalconnecta.com. Tel:+55.51.98323-8330
February 2020 © Global Connecta Ltda.

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