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Gatus, Francis Bryan Entrepreneurship

Mangampat, John Joseph 12- Hertz

Abanto, Shandrei Merielle
Magadia, Alliyah Aina
Montejo, Alexandra

 FastBreak
→ burger-styled breakfast (silog meals)
Recipe: rice, egg, garlic, onion, meat of your choice, oil
1. Sauté the rice with garlic, onion, and oil
2. Cook the egg and meat of your choice; dice the meat in small bits
3. Put the egg in between on the burger-formed rice then finish it with
the meat of your choice
4. Wrap it with banana leaves
5. Eat your fast breakfast
 PotStick
→ potato stick with fillings
Recipe: mashed potatoes, fillings of your choice, breadcrumbs, egg, flour,
1. Freeze the potatoes then peel it
2. Mash the potatoes
3. Even out the potato then put the filling over
4. Roll the mixture to form a stick
5. Put the stick on the flour then on the egg (repeat twice)
6. Fry until golden
7. Your PotStick is ready to be served

 Tissue
→ made up of the potato peels from PotStick
 Wallet na phone case
→ will be used to store your bills (only)sand at the same time a phone case
 Bamboo Speaker with Tumbler

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