Reporte de Caso. Parto Distocico en Hembra Primate

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J Med Primatol doi:10.1111/jmp.



Transverse lie with prolapsed arm in a female red-howler

monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans – Cabrera, 1940)
ga-Palazzo &
Edmilson R. Daneze, Beatriz L. Penna, Lucas F. Marcondes, Elzylene Le
 rgia M. Magalha
Geo ~es
Faculty Dr. Francisco Maeda, Veterinary Hospital, Ituverava, S~ao Paulo, Brazil

Keywords Abstract
parturition – pathology-reproductive tract –
pregnancy – theriogenology-female – This study focuses on a case of a red-howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clami-
wildlife medicine tans) which was found with a fetus in a transverse lie position with a pro-
lapsed arm. The topic of this research is well justified as there are no data on
Correspondence this condition involving this type of non-human primate in literature. In this
Edmilson R. Daneze,
study, a red-howler monkey was observed by locals pulling at her pelvic
Faculty Dr. Francisco Maeda, Rodovia
^nimo Nunes Macedo, km 01, Bairro das
region for 3 days near a farm. On the third day, the monkey was found lying
acias, 14030-390 Ituverava, S~
ao Paulo, on the ground at which point she offered no resistance when approached.
Brazil. The environmental police took the monkey to receive medical attention. Dur-
Tel/Fax: +55 16 3729-9060; ing the physical examination, it was quickly observed that the monkey was
e-mail: pregnant; the right forelimb of the fetus was exposed from the vulva. An
ultrasound revealed a non-viable fetus, and due to the severe weakness of the
Accepted April 25, 2016.
mother, we opted for euthanasia. During the necropsy, not only was the fetus
found macerated but it was also in a transverse lie position with a prolapsed
arm and presented no external or internal injuries consistent with trauma.

birth that cannot occur by the forces of the mother

alone [9, 88]. Dystocia can occur due to maternal or
The red-howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans, fetal origin, several factors may contribute to its
Cabrera, 1940) is found throughout the Atlantic Rain- occurrence [40, 44, 51, 57, 64].
forest, stretching from the southern state of Bahia in This study reports a case of transverse lie with a pro-
Brazil to the southern area of this biome, reaching the lapsed arm in a red-howler monkey (Alouatta guariba
Department of Misiones in northern Argentina [23, 37, clamitans, Cabrera, 1940). The topic of this research is
39]. It is an endangered species in which its disappear- well justified as no data are found in literature on this
ance is due to habitat destruction [10, 23, 56]. condition involving this kind of non-human primate.
Birth can be defined as the act or process of bringing
forth young from the womb [43, 84, 89]. Labor is trig-
Case report
gered by the fetus, which prompts hormonal changes in
the mother [40, 74, 84]. Any alteration from what is All procedures performed on the animal mentioned in
expected in the normal progression of each phase of par- this study were in accordance with the current estab-
turition is a sign of dystocia, including changes in fetal lished guidelines and regulations for animal welfare and
presentation, absence of cervix dilation, or absence of were reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee
uterine contractions [44, 66, 67]. on Animal Use (CEUA-FAFRAM_FE), protocol
Dystocia is one of the most serious and frightening number 44/2014.
conditions in veterinary obstetrics due to the maternal A pregnant red-howler monkey (Alouatta guariba
and neonatal complications that are associated with this clamitans, Cabrera, 1940) weighing approximately
condition [38]. Etymologically, dystocia means ‘difficult 7.0 kg was rescued by the environmental police in Itu-
birth’ [88], and in obstetric terms, it is used to describe a verava, SP near a farm in the city of Miguelopolis, SP.

J Med Primatol 45 (2016) 156–162

156 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Daneze et al. Transverse lie position in red-howler monkey

She was taken to the Veterinary Hospital at the College the difficulty in cannulating the peripheral veins, we
of Dr. Francisco Maeda (FAFRAM/FE) for medical opted for venous access through the brachiocephalic
assistance. vein, near the brachial plexus. The euthanasia protocol
According to the environmental police, the animal consisted of fixed anesthesia with propofol (5.0 mg/kg)
had been observed by locals for 3 days, and when followed by an intravenous injection of potassium chlo-
approached, it would flee. The locals from the area ride (100 mg/kg) [90].
claimed that the female was pulling at something that During the necropsy, no external or internal injuries
appeared to be stuck near her pelvic region. On the third were found that would be consistent with trauma. How-
day, the animal was found on the ground next to a tree ever, foam was observed in the distal portion of the tra-
and offered no resistance upon approach. chea and pulmonary bronchi, indicating swelling, there
During the physical examination, the animal was were also food contents in the stomach and feces in the
observed as being debilitated and very weak. She also intestines, indicating that the animal was feeding nor-
presented tachycardia, tachypnea, and pulmonary mally. The liver had two longitudinal fibrous lines in the
crackles were heard using a stethoscope. Increased pale- left medial lobe, indicating old injuries that had already
ness in mucous membranes was observed, and she had a healed, and also presented a mild pale yellow pigmenta-
capillary refill time (CPT) of 4 s and presented tion on the external surface, compatible with steatosis.
hypothermia (36.3°C). The vulva presented a brownish There were no significant changes in the other organs.
discharge with a foul odor and insinuated fetus, expos- The uterus was isolated (Fig. 1B) and in the external
ing the right forelimb. The exposed fetal limb was dark evaluation it was observed that it presented no punc-
red in color with blackened edges and disjointed bones, tures or lacerations, it was tight and distended, it was
when handled, it was confirmed that it was still attached predominantly pale with some reddish areas, compatible
(Fig. 1A). with tissue hemorrhage. After a longitudinal incision, it
A hematology and serum biochemical analysis was was observed that the tissue was thin and had discreet
not made due to the difficulty of cannulating the periph- mucosal swelling, the inner face had reddened and
eral vein to collect a blood sample. Fetal evaluation was blackened areas compatible with tissue bleeding as well
difficult to determine with an ultrasound due to the as a brownish discharge with a foul odor.
large amount of intrauterine gases; however, it was pos- The fetus had no vital signs, was swollen, emphyse-
sible to confirm the absence of vital signs. matous and presented a foul odor, which suggests that it
Upon confirmation of fetal death combined with the had been dead for some time and was in the process of
mother’s severe level of weakness and having a poor maceration. It was in a flexed breech position with the
prognosis for surgery, we opted for euthanasia. Due to head bent forward and the left thoracic and pelvic limbs

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
Fig. 1 (A) Lateral–medial view of the fore-
limb of the red-howler monkey, lightened
fetus in the vulva during dystocic labor (ar-
row). (B) The pregnant uterus of the red-
howler monkey, during autopsy, observe the
exposed forelimb (arrow). (C) Fetus with
consequent distortion of the features caused
by the mothers attempt to remove it. (D)
The usual formation of the head and face of
the fetus. FAFRAM/FE. Ituverava-SP, 2012.

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Transverse lie position in red-howler monkey Daneze et al.

bent, and the right shoulder was in the right acromion– The gestation period in female red-howler monkeys
iliac position, noting to be in a transverse lie position (A. g. clamitans) is approximately 185 days [68].
with a prolapsed arm (Fig. 1C). Irregularities were Uncomplicated labor usually lasts 1–4 hours with the
observed in the face which suspected malformation, but vast majority of infants delivered head first [32]. The
after further handling, it was obvious that this malfor- delivery usually occurs at night [11, 32, 40]; however,
mation was due to the mothers attempt to remove the there have been reports of births occurring during the
infant from her uterus (Fig. 1C and D). day [16, 30, 63], which facilitates the detection of possi-
ble dystocia [11]. In this case, it was not possible to esti-
mate the onset of the female monkey’s labor because it
was a free living animal.
For the development of this report, we searched for According to [11, 32], New World primates are sus-
studies that could help in understanding the population ceptible to dystocia due to the fetal size in relation to the
dynamics, reproductive aspects, and diseases of size of the mother.
A. g. clamitans primates that inhabit the Miguelopolis, Locals from the area reported that they had been
SP region in Brazil. However, no studies with informa- watching the female monkey for 3 days and that the pri-
tion on this colony in particular were found, as well as mate was pulling at something that seemed to be stuck
in colonies of these primates in other forest remnants near her pelvic region, which happened to be the fetus.
[2, 5, 24, 35, 50]. It is understood that during the physiological process of
According to the Environment Ministry of Brazil [12], expelling the fetus and due to the transverse position
there are only a few long-term studies that provide data and the infant’s right forelimb being exposed first, it was
on the A. g. clamitans; there is a huge gap in its biodi- impossible for the rest of the infant’s body to pass
versity, social aspects, and health of this population. through the birth canal due to anatomical limitations of
This is because the primates of the genus Alouatta the pelvis [18] and abnormal fetal presentation. With the
(Lacepede, 1979), despite being widely distributed discomfort and pain characteristic of labor [3, 45] and
throughout Central and South America, have great abil- with the associated pain with unfinished labor, the par-
ity to survive in highly fragmented environments [26, 56, turient mother must have attempted to remove the
76, 79], as the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil [47, 52], infant which caused the displacement of the limb bones
inhabiting areas ranging anywhere from 4 to 41 hectares that was observed.
[2]. Furthermore, studies indicate that the landscape In this case, it is very likely that the death of the fetus
fragmentation can modify aspects of the biology of was due to acute fetal distress [78] as a result of
these species, for example, the mode of use of space and intrauterine asphyxia [22, 71]. According to [62], during
the migration pattern [20, 21, 25, 31, 60], enabling the labor, uterine contractions decrease uteroplacental
formation of groups which can vary widely among spe- blood flow, causing a temporary or permanent reduc-
cies and less within species [14]. tion of the oxygen supply to the fetus, favoring the
Dystocia can occur in all domestic females [85]. It is occurrence of fetal hypoxia, hypercapnia, and acidosis
considered relatively common in non-human primates with consequent death. According to [8], a period of
[32, 81]. When searching different available databases, cerebral hypoxia for more than minutes can cause fetal
few reports were found on cases of dystocia in non- death.
human primates [29, 72, 75, 80, 82], and none of which When there is fetal death with an open cervix in early
made reference to the condition that was present in this pregnancies and fetuses are not eliminated from the
particular red-howler monkey (A. g. clamitans). uterus by abortion, they evolve to macerated fetuses
The basic causes for the occurrence of dystocia in [33, 41]. Maceration is a destructive aseptic process of
female animals can be hereditary, nutritional, handling, disintegration of a retained fetus in the uterus, which
infection related, trauma, or even due to combined softens and liquifies the fetal tissue leaving only the
causes [57, 66]. In female monkeys, the predisposing fac- skeleton [1, 13, 85]. In addition to characterizing the
tors include size, presentation, and position of the fetus presence of gas in the uterus and purulent vulvar dis-
as well as maternal pelvic abnormalities [15, 32], or can charge presenting a foul odor [41, 54, 59], this putrefac-
be associated with the age and parity of the female mon- tive process usually determines the development of
key [80]. Algovik et al., 2010 [4] report that dystocia in toxemia in the female [1, 19, 41, 70] or brings the onset
women may be linked to the chromosome 12p12 and of excessive hemostasis, with a risk of disseminated
five additional loci; however, it is suggested that broader intravascular coagulation (DIC) and multiple organ
studies be carried out. failure [77].

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Daneze et al. Transverse lie position in red-howler monkey

Authors [27, 46, 48, 81] explain that a difficult delivery obstetric ultrasound examinations have become rou-
rarely results in maternal death, making it prudent to ini- tine, making it easier to anticipate the diagnosis of any
tiate fluid therapy and supportive care to stabilize the form of fetal compromise, including information
patient prior to performing surgery. However, in many regarding fetal position and presentation, as well as
cases, the mother can die as a direct consequence of the morphology and viability [36, 53]. In veterinary medi-
long and difficult labor associated with physical exhaus- cine, due to pregnancy variations within the same ani-
tion, uterine hemorrhage, uterine atony, sepsis, or shock mal species, there are no protocols of prenatal tests.
[81]. Therefore, considering the clinical conditions of the However, numerous studies have been developed in
female in this report, it was clear that she would not last this context to better understand and assess the gesta-
long and would most likely die from sepsis or shock tional period and fetal biometric morphology [17, 28,
within a few hours or while under anesthesia. Further- 42] as well as female structures involved in delivery
more, when it has been established that an animal is in [61, 83, 86], including female monkeys [49, 87]. As the
moribund condition, meaning that it is near death or in female monkey in this case was a free living animal,
the process of dying [34], it should be euthanized as soon the use of ultrasound only enabled confirmation of
as possible to prevent further distress or suffering [6, 58]. fetal death [81], dystocia was visible through fetus
In humans, the obstetric conduct in cases of fetal exposure from the vulva.
death is to induce vaginal delivery [7, 55, 73], in some
cases a cesarean delivery is also an option [69]. When
dealing with animals, there are several ways to intervene
in cases of obstructed labor which varies according to It is concluded that the case discussed in this report
species and may or may not enable vaginal labor [64]. reveals dystocia caused by changes in fetal presentation
As for female monkeys in instances where there are clin- followed by mummification and a likelihood of tox-
ical indications of dystocia, the treatments can vary. If emia. Behavioral changes were the first symptoms
the fetus is lodged in the vaginal canal manual extrac- observed in the free living animal. The time between
tion can be an option, however for non-human pri- this observation and medical intervention in cases of
mates, cesarian section is more common [15] and is the dystocia is noted to be critical to the survival of both
recommend procedure in cases of dystocia in female mother and infant.
monkeys [40, 65].
For an elective cesarean section, it is vital to time
Conflict of interest
the operation to make sure that the fetus has matured
enough for extrauterine survival [15]. In recent years, The authors declare no potential conflict of interests.


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