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Lesson Plan & Implementation:

Level 2 Video Reflection and Analysis

College of Education

Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a

professional. At the end of each lesson, you should watch the video of your lesson to reflect
on the experience and analyze its effectiveness. You will need to watch your video,
complete this analysis and upload this form to Canvas prior to your post-observation

While watching your video, use the chart to collect times in your video that represent
celebrations, struggles or questions that arise for you. In the final column write a claim that
you can make about teaching and a FEAP that you may have demonstrated in this moment.
Complete 7-10 rows. You may add additional rows as needed:
Time Data/evidence from video reflection Claim about teaching and FEAP
(What happened? What did you see in your demonstrated
Example - 3:30 I used a quiet signal when students started Using a nonverbal intervention
talking while I was reading in order to regain to gain student attention
their attention allows the teacher to gain
attention without interrupting
the learning/FEAP 2a
0:30 I modeled for the student’s and verbally Clear oral communication as
advised the students what paper they were to described in FEAP 2e
be cutting the vocabulary words from. These
vocabulary words are part of their current The instruction was related to
instruction and would apply to an exam that their grade standard that was
they were soon to have. being taught in the class FEAP
1a and FEAP 3g
0:56 As part of the lesson, I had the students turn Using the turn and talk with
and talk to their partners to have them tell their partner, my aim was to
each other what comes to mind when they see stimulate their ideas about the
the symbols (+, -) symbols and words that come
to mind so as to see their prior
knowledge on the subject
FEAP 3g, 1b, and 2h
1:18 Knowing that one student at times needs FEAP 2b managing individual
redirection to remain on task, I had him closest and class behaviors
to me and at this time in the lesson had to
nonverbal and verbally advise him to remain
on task
4:37 After they did their turn and talk and as they FEAP 3g Apply varied
finished cutting out their word cards, I gave the instructional strategies and
objective and the end result that I wanted to resources, including
achieve with this group and cemented the appropriate technology, to
reasoning for the lesson. Repeating the teach for student
information that I began with allowed me to understanding
assess their understanding of the lesson.
08:15 Part of the lesson was to demonstrate and In my opinion this shows FEAP
connect the words found in a word problem 3a because this group
and the appropriate operation. Using the cut- specifically had a need for
out symbols I provided and the graphic challenging closer instruction
organizer (T chart) I created, I asked them regarding this subject. Also,
what operation occurs when you see phrases FEAP 3h because this was
like more or less and what they understand the based on creating higher level
word unknown to mean. Using the T chart, I thinking and stimulating
showed them a strategy that would break metacognition.
down the word problem in a way to determine
what the equation should look like.
10:15 As a group we used the T chart to create an This demonstrates FEAP 3g
equation from a word problem. Using the with my use of the vocabulary
vocabulary words that we went over, we were cards, graphic organizer, and
able to determine what numbers we needed to modeling the group activity on
have and the proper operations to solve the the white board.
16:30 Individually the students completed a word FEAP 3g and 3a
problem using these strategies. My intent was
not about them solving the problem correctly,
it was to use the strategies to identify the
operations and the equation that results from
the strategies.

Questions to include in your reflection:

1. What are the two most impactful lessons you have learned about your teaching practices as
a result of this lesson? Group lessons are beneficial to scaffold students learning but they
are not a one-shot cure all. Keeping up with assessments of each student will allow me as
the teacher to develop group and individual lesson types that can bridge the students
learning so that they can be at their full potential.

2. What aspects of your lesson were implemented differently than you planned? Why did that
happen? The cutting out of the vocabulary words took longer than I assumed it would. I do
not believe that I conveyed a time frame to complete that part so it ran longer than I
anticipated, I improvised and used the extra time that they were cutting to still instruct
them of the purpose of the cut outs and the graphic organizer that I was going to use.

3. If you were going to teach this lesson to the same group of students, what would you do
differently? Why? What would you do the same? Why? I would set time parameters and use
a timer that they can see so that they are aware. Students will hold you to your word so they
will be mindful of the clock, especially if you are not. I feel that I was successful in my
delivery of the content and I would not change any of the worksheets or the way that I
presented the information to them. Based on their responses, I believe that they had a
better understanding of what to look for in a word problem so that they can create a
relevant equation.

4. What connections can you make to your lesson today from your coursework, the literature,
and any previous lessons or experiences? The biggest connection that I made is that
scaffolding and working in a students ZPD is a real situation that if used appropriately, can
and will build the students metacognition and help them to strengthen their learning.

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