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Interim Report I


Akila Purnajith Dissanayake

National School of Business Management
1) Introduction and motivation
1.1) Introduction

In the modern world shopping has become a crucial day to day activity for everyone. Even
with such advancement in technology, visually challenged people still must depend on
others to carry out even their basic day to day shopping. This is very inconvenient for them
as they must wait for another person to be free and not occupied. They cannot take own
decisions in choosing, and sometimes may be embarrassed to ask for certain items.

To overcome above mentioned problems mobile app named “VIShopping” with a server side is
planned to be implemented. It contains all the details of the items available at the supermarket,
supermarket map, customer shopping list etc.

The whole system is consisted with two main components. The standalone app for the
supermarket to manipulate its data and the android app for the VI user.

The Interim report I carries the information the amount of research and the implementation I
have done up to date. Basically, this will be on the stand-alone app.

1.1) Motivation

Visually impaired people also have the right to do engage with their lives same as ordinary
people. They breath the same air as us, talk the same way, eat the same things and share the
same space. They are only lacking the vision. Due to this a single VI person can not perform
most of the complex processes which a normal individual person can perform. Engaging in
shopping is one of such processes and everyone likes to do their shopping themselves so that
they buy exactly what they desire. But as said above the VI people can not do their shopping on
their won unless they have help. Here the help will be my android app and the specially design
supermarket app.
2) Project objectives

 Main objective is to facilitate and enhance the shopping experience for the visually
impaired people. We hope to provide a system that consists of an android application
for the visually impaired user, a desktop application and database for the supermarket
to manage their inventory, shelf locations and item placements.
 Provide optimized indoor navigation (shortest path recognition).
 Provide fully voice based interactive application.
 Identify and compare products using the camera
 Navigate user to the product using voice commands.

3) Plan of Action

The work completed up to date are research based since most of the programming and
developing concepts used to achieve each of the above objectives are new to me.
The research was mainly based on the followings. And the implementation was done based on
the following research findings.
1. How to store supermarket inventory data inside the DB of the standalone app. What
data structure to use.
2. How the navigation inside the super market is done. The Implementation of the
navigation algorithm (Shortest path must be identified).
3. Research on voice recognition: To implement the functionality of adding, updating and
deleting the shopping list.
4. Investigating on text to speech search engines.
5. QR code detection.

Other than the above I have managed to learn my self the concepts and functionalities
regarding Android development techniques.
4) Research
4.1) Literature Survey
The following resources were studied to gain the necessary knowledge achieve the up to date
goals. Since many resources were available in the internet regarding data structures, algorithms
and voice engines I preferred websites and e books more.
The following are list of tutorials, web sites and other resources used for the research so far.

Research on which data structure to be implemented in the desktop app in the super market
This research was mainly carried out targeting all the data structures available today. Most of
these web sites and articles had information regarding the algorithms used to manipulate data
inside perspective data structures as well. So, I was able to gain knowledge on both data
structures and about algorithms used.
Since I must maintain a map of supermarket by storing available data in different points inside
the super market, higher percentage in the research was done on implementing hash maps and
hash tables in java. I had to choose one out of the two to decide what DS is more feasible for
my scenario.
1. key, H. (2018). HashMap with multiple values under the same key. [online] Available at:
the-same-key [Accessed 16 Feb. 2018].
2. (2018). HashMap in Java - javatpoint. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].
3. Java, C., I/O, J., Tutorial, C., Singh, C., Singh, C., shukla, p., Ali, F., s, T. and Bradley, M.
(2018). HashMap in Java with Example. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb.
4. values?, I. (2018). Is it a good idea to store data as keys in HashMap with empty/null
values?. [online] Available at:
in-hashmap-with-empty-null-values/38691482 [Accessed 23 Feb. 2018].
Video tutorials
1. Dixit, R. (2017). Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms in Java. [video] Available
4.html?autoplay=true [Accessed 24 Feb. 2018].
2. (2017). Java: Data Structures. [video] Available at: [Accessed
26 Feb. 2018].

Research on navigation and related algorithms

This is the biggest challenge so far. Navigation must to a desired position via the application of
an algorithm is a complicated task. Here finding the shortest path for the exact desired position
in the map will be the key. So, I had to research on how to implement navigation algorithms in
Android and to have discussions with people who have developed the same algorithm before.
1. Search, S. (2018). Shortest path navigation across a grid using Best First Search. [online] Available at:
across-a-grid-using-best-first-search [Accessed 14 Feb. 2018].
2. Helshani, L. (2015). An Android Application for Google Map Navigation System, Solving
the Travelling Salesman Problem, Optimization throught Genetic Algorithm. 1st ed.
[ebook] Albania: Óbuda University, pp.89 - 101. Available at: https://kgk.uni- [Accessed 26 Feb. 2018].
3. Gupta, P. and Shivam, S. (n.d.). Indoor Navigation for Blind using Android Smartphone.
1st ed. [ebook] Kanpur: IIT. Available at:
[Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].
Research on Voice recognition (Speech to text)
The shopping list is inserted and updated using voice commands. For this an appropriate voice
engine must be selected. Since android development is a new area for me I had to learn more
about that as well.
1. Internet, A. (2018). Android Voice Recognition without Internet. [online] Available at:
internet [Accessed 24 Feb. 2018].
2. Li, A. and Li, A. (2018). Google has created offline voice recognition that is 7x faster than
an online system. [online] 9to5Google. Available at:
[Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].
3. (2018). How to enable offline Speech To Text in Android. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 16 Feb. 2018].
4. Google Cloud Platform. (2018). Speech API - Speech Recognition | Google Cloud
Platform. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb.
5. TechJini. (2018). Android Speech To Text Tutorial - Part1 - TechJini. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Feb.
6. (2018). Exploring the Android Speech API for Voice Recognition - [online] Available at:
api-for-voice-recognition.html [Accessed 30 Feb. 2018].

I have researched and made conclusions on above mentioned areas. The 4th and 5th tasks in the
Plan of action section are yet to be researched.
4.2) Comparison between the apps in the market for the same functionalities

Even though there are existing proposed products in Sri Lanka as well as in other
countries in shopping they don’t address most of the problems that the proposed system
is going to address. The following table shows a comparison of features between the
existing products or applications and the proposed solution –ViShopping.

tap tap
Comparison Trinetra ShopTalk GroZi iCare ViShopping

Indoor navigation
& routing over No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
voice commands

Location based
optimal path No No No No No Yes

Browse items and

get item Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Manage shopping
No No Yes No No Yes

Interactive voice
Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Functions without
external hardware No No No No Yes Yes
5) Complete Project plan with adjustments

Stage Deadline Product/Deliverables/Outcomes

Investigation and requirements 05/12/2017 Analyse requirements of the project and study
regarding the new technologies.
Research part 20/12/2017 Come up with research results and taking the
final decision regarding the navigation
algorithm, voice engine, QR code generation
and data structure store the shop items in the
Increment 1 20/02/2018 Create the desktop app and implement the
data structure appropriately to store item
details in the DB.
Increment 2 20/03/2018 Creating the Android app used by the VI person
with intended functionalities.
System Testing part 10/04/2018 Final System will be tested in a real
supermarket environment.
Final report and System submission 25/4/2018 PRCO303SL Report

6) Conclusion

Usually visually impaired people would require the help of another person while shopping. He
wouldn’t be able to move around or find items and get product details on his own. But in fact,
they would prefer to do all this alone.

There have been many systems developed over the years trying to help them, but due to their
expensive and complex nature, and bulky hardware devices, they did not achieve much success.
But the “ViShopping” application comes to their rescue with its simple and inexpensive approach.

Our solution would help the users manage his shopping lists, find his way about in a supermarket,
examine and compare products and most importantly do all these on his own.
7) Requirements

Technologies that I am going to use to complete my project are down below.

Hardware requirements
o Estimote beacons
o Processing Speed- 1.6 GHz dual core or higher
o Android phone 2.3 or higher
o Random Access Memory (RAM)- 2 GB or higher
o 120 GB Hard Disk Drive
o Windows 10

Software requirements
o Microsoft Windows 10 OS
o Android Studio
o Eclipse Juno
7) References

1. key, H. (2018). HashMap with multiple values under the same key. [online] Available at:
the-same-key [Accessed 16 Feb. 2018].
2. (2018). HashMap in Java - javatpoint. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].
3. Java, C., I/O, J., Tutorial, C., Singh, C., Singh, C., shukla, p., Ali, F., s, T. and Bradley, M.
(2018). HashMap in Java with Example. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb.
4. values?, I. (2018). Is it a good idea to store data as keys in HashMap with empty/null
values?. [online] Available at:
in-hashmap-with-empty-null-values/38691482 [Accessed 23 Feb. 2018].
5. Internet, A. (2018). Android Voice Recognition without Internet. [online] Available at:
internet [Accessed 24 Feb. 2018].
6. Li, A. and Li, A. (2018). Google has created offline voice recognition that is 7x faster than
an online system. [online] 9to5Google. Available at:
[Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].
7. (2018). How to enable offline Speech To Text in Android. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 16 Feb. 2018].
8. Google Cloud Platform. (2018). Speech API - Speech Recognition | Google Cloud
Platform. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb.
9. TechJini. (2018). Android Speech To Text Tutorial - Part1 - TechJini. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Feb.
10. (2018). Exploring the Android Speech API for Voice Recognition - [online] Available at:
api-for-voice-recognition.html [Accessed 30 Feb. 2018].
11. Dixit, R. (2017). Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms in Java. [video] Available
4.html?autoplay=true [Accessed 24 Feb. 2018].
12. (2017). Java: Data Structures. [video] Available at: [Accessed
26 Feb. 2018].
13. Search, S. (2018). Shortest path navigation across a grid using Best First Search. [online] Available at:
across-a-grid-using-best-first-search [Accessed 14 Feb. 2018].
14. Helshani, L. (2015). An Android Application for Google Map Navigation System, Solving
the Travelling Salesman Problem, Optimization throught Genetic Algorithm. 1st ed.
[ebook] Albania: Óbuda University, pp.89 - 101. Available at: https://kgk.uni- [Accessed 26 Feb. 2018].
15. Gupta, P. and Shivam, S. (n.d.). Indoor Navigation for Blind using Android Smartphone.
1st ed. [ebook] Kanpur: IIT. Available at:
[Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].

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