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Brand and Lanius Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 2014, 1:13

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Chronic complex dissociative disorders and

borderline personality disorder: disorders of
emotion dysregulation?
Bethany L Brand1* and Ruth A Lanius2

Emotion dysregulation is a core feature of chronic complex dissociative disorders (DD), as it is for borderline
personality disorder (BPD). Chronic complex DD include dissociative identity disorder (DID) and the most common
form of dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS, type 1), now known as Other Specified Dissociative
Disorders (OSDD, type 1). BPD is a common comorbid disorder with DD, although preliminary research indicates
the disorders have some distinguishing features as well as considerable overlap. This article focuses on the
epidemiology, clinical presentation, psychological profile, treatment, and neurobiology of chronic complex DD with
emphasis placed on the role of emotion dysregulation in each of these areas. Trauma experts conceptualize
borderline symptoms as often being trauma based, as are chronic complex DD. We review the preliminary research
that compares DD to BPD in the hopes that this will stimulate additional comparative research.

Review [4-6]. Studies of BPD patients have found that negative

Dissociation is a process that provides protective psy- emotion, emotion dysregulation, and dissociation oc-
chological containment, detachment from, and even curred simultaneously [7-9]. Researchers have found a
physical analgesia for overwhelming experiences, usually connection between difficulties with emotion regulation
of a traumatic or stressful nature. Dissociation is con- and posttraumatic stress disorder [6,10,11]. Despite
ceptualized as analogous to the “animal defensive reac- many researchers proposing that dissociation serves as a
tion” of freezing in the face of predation, when fight/ protection from overwhelming affect related to trauma
flight is impossible [1,2]. Dissociation is defined in the [12-16], surprisingly few studies have empirically exam-
DSM-5 as a disruption of the usually integrated func- ined the relationship between trauma, dissociation, and
tions of: consciousness (e.g., trance states, non-epileptic emotion regulation. Briere [12] found that affect dysreg-
seizures, pseudo-delirium); memory (e.g., impairment of ulation and posttraumatic stress symptoms were the
autobiographical memory, that is, dissociative amnesia); only significant multivariate predictors of dissociation in
awareness of body and/or self (depersonalization; e.g., a traumatized sample. Briere concluded that risk factors
feeling numb, watching oneself from a distance as if in a including high posttraumatic stress and poor affect regu-
movie); environment (derealization; e.g., world appears lation skills may determine whether traumatized individ-
far away or “foggy”; familiar places/people seem unfamiliar uals develop pathological dissociation. He hypothesized
or strange; tunnel vision); and identity (e.g., confusion about that emotion regulation moderates the relationship be-
one’s identity; experiencing discrete and discordant senses tween trauma and dissociation. However, a study of 290
of self referred to as “identities”, which we refer to here as college students found no evidence that emotion regula-
“dissociated self-states”; [3]. tion moderated the relationship between peritraumatic
Trauma has been linked to difficulties with emotion dissociation or peritraumatic distress and later trait
regulation, particularly when it involves childhood abuse dissociation [17]. Rather, Kalill found that emotion regu-
lation partially mediated the relationship between peritrau-
matic dissociation and later trait dissociation, but not
* Correspondence:
Towson University, Towson, MD 21252, USA between peritraumatic distress and later trait dissociation.
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Brand and Lanius Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 2014, 1:13 Page 2 of 12

Being less skilled at managing the trauma-related emotions self-injurious behaviors are common among DD patients
appears to be a mechanism for dissociative symptoms de- with 67% of DD patients reporting a history of repeated
veloping or persisting after trauma. suicide attempts and 42% reporting a history of self-harm
[33,34,37]. The majority of BPD patients (60%-70%) also
Overview of epidemiology, etiology, and clinical make suicide attempts [38]. A recent study has noted that
presentation patients diagnosed with both BPD and DID were more
Etiology symptomatic as compared to individuals who were diag-
One of the strongest predictors of dissociation is ante- nosed with either diagnosis alone [31].
cedent trauma, particularly early childhood trauma, as Trauma experts conceptualize borderline symptoms
well as difficulties with attachment and parental unavail- and DD as being based in trauma and attachment diffi-
ability [13,18,19]. The relationship between dissociation culties, which contribute to difficulties with affect regu-
and many types of trauma is robust and has been vali- lation e.g., [13,15,22,39-41]. Individuals with DID report
dated across cultures in clinical and nonclinical samples rates of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), childhood phys-
using both cross-sectional and longitudinal methodolo- ical abuse or both with 95 - 97% frequency e.g., [34,42]
gies as well as in large population studies and in pro- compared to somewhat lower ranges between 80-96%
spective, longitudinal studies reviewed in [18]. In a for individuals with borderline personality disorder BPD;
meta-analysis of the trauma-dissociation relationship in [40,43-45]. A study of 214 BPD outpatients found an
39 controlled studies, Dalenberg et al. found the average overall childhood abuse rate of 81% with only 44%
weighted effect size in r varied between .29 - .35 for vari- reporting CSA [43]. Lifetime rates of trauma in BPD
ous forms of childhood trauma. The trauma-dissociation tend to be high. For example, in a recent multi-center
relationship was even stronger in four studies comparing study of 135 BPD patients, 96% reported lifetime
non-traumatized controls to individuals with dissociative trauma, 48% of the women and 28% of the men reported
disorders (r = .52 - .54). sexual violence, and 65% reported severe physical vio-
Exposure to multiple types of trauma over multiple devel- lence [44]. The age of onset may be earlier and abuse
opmental epochs is associated with a wide range of clinical may be more severe and chronic in DD compared to
problems including emotion dysregulation (numbness, BPD, although research needs to be conducted to further
dissociation alternating with hyperarousal and emo- examine this hypothesis.
tional flooding); behavioral dysregulation (impulsive, The overlap in symptoms partly contributes to the
self-destructive and aggressive behavior); identity problems high comorbidity frequently observed between BPD and
including difficulties with body image and eating disorders; DD. BPD is diagnosed in 30% to 70% of DID patients
disruption in meaning (e.g., feeling life has no purpose); [32,46-51]. DD are diagnosed in 41% to 72% of BPD pa-
interpersonal problems; and somatization and medical tients [28,29,32,44,]. Personality disordered patients who
problems including chronic fatigue, heart disease and auto- have dissociative symptoms and identity disturbances
immune disorders [13,20-23]. Many DD patients struggle may be misdiagnosed as DID. For example, in the cluster
with these difficulties e.g., [23]. Epidemiological studies have of symptoms in “impairment in identity”, both “unstable
found that mood, somatoform, anxiety disorders, and sub- self-image” and “dissociative states under stress” are
stance abuse are commonly associated with antecedent DSM-5 criterion symptoms for borderline personality
trauma, as well as PTSD [24,25]. These disorders are also disorder. Individuals with both types of disorders re-
common co-morbidities of patients with chronic complex port dissociative amnesia. However, college students
DD e.g., [23,26]. For example, in a prospective treatment with BPD reported greater awareness of dissociative
study of DID and dissociative disorder not otherwise speci- amnesia than did the DD group; the students who had
fied (DDNOS) patients, 89% also had PTSD (n = 242), 83% both BPD and a DD reported the highest level of am-
had a mood disorder (n = 226), 50% had an anxiety disorder nesia [52].
other than PTSD (n = 136), 30% had an eating disorder Studies of BPD patients also find high rates of trauma
(n = 81), 22% had a substance abuse/dependence disorder disorders. For example, 79% of a BPD sample had PTSD,
(n = 61), and 22% had a somatoform disorder (n = 59) [26]. 55% had complex PTSD, and 41% had DD in one recent
There are many similarities between borderline per- study [44]. DD experts theorize that severe, dysregulated
sonality disorder (BPD) and chronic complex DD, and PTSD and dissociative symptoms account for global in-
DD and BPD have often been reported to occur comor- stability that leads to the high rate of BPD diagnosis,
bidly [27-32]. Individuals with DDs and BPD also with only a minority of DID patients meeting full BPD
frequently experience major fluctuations in identity criteria after stabilization of acute symptoms [53,54].
and emotional states, and depersonalization and Longitudinal studies are needed that compare the rates,
derealization during stress, as well as exhibit high rates of severity, and age of onset across the range of childhood
self-harm and suicidality e.g., [33-36]. Suicidal and/or and adult traumas, and the range of trauma disorders
Brand and Lanius Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 2014, 1:13 Page 3 of 12

(PTSD, complex PTSD, BPD, and DD) before and after multiple treatment providers, numerous serious suicide at-
initial stabilization of trauma-related symptoms for pa- tempts resulting in repeated hospitalizations, and good
tients with BPD and DD. medication trials typically with limited or no benefit [23].
Although the media and public are often overly
Epidemiology fascinated with DID dissociated self-states, the com-
Epidemiological studies of DD have been conducted in plex symptomatic presentation of DID receives more
the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, clinical attention from trained clinicians [62-64]. Under-
Switzerland, Finland, China, and Turkey. The most com- recognition of DID is common because the most obvious
mon type of DDNOS, which has been replaced in the and pressing aspect of a patient’s clinical presentation may
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5, be one of the many comorbid disorders (e.g., severe mood
called other specified dissociative disorder (OSDD), is disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD], eating
typically found to be the most prevalent DD in general disorder, substance abuse, BPD), or the pseudopsychotic
population and clinical studies with a prevalence rates symptoms related to the overlap and intrusions of self-
up to 8.3% in the community reviewed in [23]. Across states into consciousness. This overlapping influence of
general population studies, the most severe DD, dis- self-states causes “passive influence” phenomena or
sociative identity disorder (DID) has a prevalence of ap- Schneiderian first rank symptoms, which are more com-
proximately 1% and has been found in .4 – 14% of mon in DID than overt, obvious “switching” of states. DID
psychiatric inpatients and outpatients, depending on the patients experience more first rank symptoms than do in-
sample [55]. The lifetime prevalence of BPD has been dividuals with schizophrenia, with the exception of
estimated to be 5.9% [56], and BPD is thought to be thought broadcasting or audible thoughts [65,66]. Intru-
present in 7 – 27% of psychiatric outpatients and con- sions into consciousness may be partially excluded from
tribute to 3.8 lifetime psychiatric hospitalizations [57]. consciousness (e.g., hearing voices of states, thought inser-
Most DDNOS/OSDD patients are similar in present- tion/withdrawal, “made” actions/impulses) or fully excluded
ing symptoms, history, clinical course, and treatment re- from consciousness (e.g., time loss, fugues, disremembered
sponse to DID patients, so DDNOS/OSDD is combined behaviors; [61,62,64]. Psychotic symptoms occur in 20 –
with DID here (reviewed in [23]). DID is conceptualized 50% of BPD patients and childhood trauma may play a role
as a childhood onset, posttraumatic developmental dis- in development of hallucinations in BPD, as well as in DD
order in which the child is unable to consolidate a uni- and other disorders [67]. Research indicates that DD pa-
fied sense of self due to severe, chronic childhood abuse, tients show greater ability to be logical, reflective, and
often involving a caretaker [13]. Dissociation during and reality-based than BPD patients (see below) although more
after the repeated episodes of abuse allows the child to research directly comparing the groups on psychotic symp-
psychologically detach from the emotional and physical toms, including Schneiderian symptoms, are needed.
pain, in turn potentially resulting in alterations in mem-
ory encoding and retrieval [58]. Over time, this leads to Neurobiology of dissociation: common underlying neural
fragmentation and compartmentalization of memory, as pathways in PTSD, BPD, and chronic complex DDs
well as difficulty retrieving memory [13,23,59]. Exposure Two subtypes of acute trauma response have been found
to early, typically chronic, trauma results in the elaboration in a range of neurobiological studies, one primarily involv-
of discrete physiological, psychological, and behavioral ing dissociative symptoms and the other predominantly in-
states that can persist and, over later development, become trusive, hyperaroused symptoms; these symptoms may
increasingly developed, ultimately resulting in dissociative underlie some forms of emotion dysregulation in trauma-
emotional/behavioral/memory self-states [13]. related disorders, including PTSD, chronic complex DDs,
and BPD [68-70]. These two subtypes of dissociation have
Clinical presentation and comorbidity been described as primary and secondary dissociation
Many clinicians and lay people believe that DID presents [16]. Primary dissociation refers to the re-experiencing/
with dramatic, florid personality states with obvious state hyperaroused type of dissociation and includes the classic
transitions (switching). These florid presentations are PTSD symptoms including intrusive recall, flashbacks, and
likely based on media stereotypes, but actually occur in nightmares. In contrast, secondary dissociation is character-
only about 5% of DID patients [60]. The vast majority of ized by such symptoms as numbness, depersonalization,
DID patients have subtle presentations characterized by derealization, and analgesia responses [16].
a mixture of dissociative and PTSD symptoms embedded The neuronal circuitry underlying re-experiencing/hy-
with other symptoms such as posttraumatic depression, perarousal (primary dissociation) and depersonalization/
substance abuse, somatoform symptoms, eating disorders, derealisation dissociative (secondary dissociation) re-
personality disorders, and self-destructive and impulsive be- sponses in PTSD predominantly related to childhood
haviors [23,61]. A classic presentation includes a history of abuse has been studied by Lanius and colleagues
Brand and Lanius Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 2014, 1:13 Page 4 of 12

[71-76] using the script-driven, symptom-provocation experiencing/hyperarousal flashback states, including a

paradigm. Patients’ sensory-rich trauma narratives were variety of negative emotional states such as irritability
read to them while they recalled the traumatic memory and anger and associated bodily experiences.
vividly during an fMRI scan. Approximately 70% of pa- Failed corticolimbic inhibition has also been observed
tients relived their traumas showing primarily a re- in individuals with BPD and has been suggested to
experiencing/hyperarousal response with an increase in underlie symptoms of emotion dysregulation, i.e. hyper-
heart rate [75]; in contrast, 30% showed a secondary sensitivity and hyperresponsivity to emotional stimuli
dissociative response with no concomitant increase in often observed in this disorder reviewed by [86-88], and
heart rate [73,74]. In comparison to controls, patients who resting state functional network connectivity has been
had a hyperaroused, reliving response showed significantly shown to involve decreased connectivity of emotional
less activation of the thalamus, anterior cingulate gyrus regulatory networks in BPD [89]. Heightened limbic re-
(BA 32) and medial frontal gyrus (BA 10,11), occipital lobe activity particularly affecting the amygdala and insula
(BA 19) and inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47) [75]. Less acti- has been a well replicated finding in response to expos-
vation of the anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal were ure to negative emotional stimuli in BPD [90-96]. More-
consistent with PET script-driven imagery studies of sex- over, hyporeactivity of frontal regions has frequently
ual abuse and combat-related PTSD e.g., [77-81]. Striking been observed in response to emotionally arousing stim-
differences occurred in patients who exhibited secondary uli in BPD, including emotional faces and pictures,
dissociation while hearing their trauma scripts [74]; they trauma-related stimuli) [97-101] in addition to cognitive
showed higher brain activation in the superior and middle reappraisal of negative emotional stimuli [92,96]. Altered
temporal gyri (BA 38), the medial prefrontal cortex (BA brain activation in the orbitofrontal cortex has also been
9), the anterior cingulate gyrus (BA 24 and BA 32), the in- suggested to be associated with symptoms of impulsivity
ferior frontal gyrus (BA 47), the occipital lobe (BA 19), in BPD [102].
and the parietal lobe (BA 7). The neural correlates of hy-
perarousal vs. hypoarousal in patients with PTSD showed Excessive corticolimbic inhibition
the opposite patterns of activation in brain regions that are In contrast to the re-experiencing/hyperaroused group,
implicated in arousal modulation and emotion regulation. the secondary dissociative group showing symptoms of
In particular these differential patterns are found in the depersonalization and derealization during traumatic
medial prefrontal cortex and the limbic system, including memory recall exhibited abnormally high activation in
the anterior cingulate cortex and the amygdala. the anterior cingulate cortex and the medial prefrontal
cortex [74]. The dissociative PTSD patients showed an
Failure of corticolimbic inhibition emotional overmodulation in response to exposure to
Along with impaired cortical modulation, research traumatic memory recall mediated by midline prefrontal
shows increased activation of the limbic system, espe- inhibition of the limbic regions. The dissociative re-
cially the amygdala, which is involved in fear condition- sponse was negatively correlated with right anterior in-
ing, among PTSD patients [82-84]. Studies in PTSD sula activation and positively correlated with activation
patients have also reported direct inhibitory influence of in the medial prefrontal cortex and dorsal anterior cin-
the prefrontal cortex on the emotional limbic system gulate cortex [71]. The medial prefrontal cortex that was
[81,85]. Thus, the low activation of medial prefrontal re- positively correlated with hyperaroused symptoms was
gions described in the re-experiencing/hyperaroused negatively correlated with amygdala activity during
PTSD subgroup is consistent with failed inhibition of script-driven imagery for the hypoaroused dissociative
limbic reactivity and is associated with re-experiencing/ group [103]. These results provided the neurobiological
hyperaroused emotional undermodulation. These symp- basis of the dissociative subtype of PTSD which focuses
toms are a form of emotion dysregulation that involves on symptoms of depersonalization and derealization.
emotional undermodulation, mediated by failure of pre- Evidence for excessive corticolimbic inhibition during
frontal inhibition of limbic regions. Furthermore, the se- secondary dissociative states has also been described in
verity of re-experiencing was positively correlated with BPD during pain and working memory processing as
activation in the right anterior insula (a region involved well as at rest. Studies examining pain sensitivity after
in somatic aspects of emotional states and interoception script-induced state dissociation in BPD comorbid with
of emotions), and negatively correlated with activation of PTSD have reported lower pain sensitivity and higher
the rostral portion of the anterior cingulate cortex (a re- brain activation of the left cingulate cortex [104]. During
gion involved in arousal and emotion regulation). These an adapted Sternberg working memory task, patients
findings are consistent with the phenomenology and with BPD exhibited a negative correlation between
clinical presentations of PTSD patients who exhibit limbic brain regions, including the amygdala, and
pathological emotional undermodulation during re- self-reported symptoms of secondary dissociation [93].
Brand and Lanius Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 2014, 1:13 Page 5 of 12

Similarly, in PTSD, a negative correlation between state patients improved as a function of increasing dissociative
secondary dissociation and amygdala activation has been disorder severity [114]. Future studies will need to clarify
reported during pain processing [105]. Moreover, pre- the potential role of corticolimbic inhibition during dif-
liminary results point to increased resting state func- ferent neuroimaging paradigms.
tional connectivity between the left amygdala and right In summary, the neurobiological model of excessive lim-
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex as a function of increased bic inhibition underlying secondary dissociative symptoms,
trait dissociation (DES scores) in BPD [106]. These find- including symptoms of depersonalization and derealization
ings may suggest increased top down regulation of the appears to be supported in number of trauma-related disor-
amygdala at rest with increasing levels of trait dissoci- ders, including PTSD, DID, and BPD. Future research
ation in individuals with borderline personality disorder. examining the neurobiological and psychophysiological
Excessive corticolimbic inhibition was first proposed effects of dissociative symptoms in a transdiagnostic
by Sierra and Berios in the context of depersonalization fashion [115,116] are therefore warranted. Moreover,
disorder and was thought to underlie dampened emo- expanding this model to include other pertinent brain
tional responses in this disorder [14]. Previous neuroim- regions involved in secondary dissociative responses will
aging studies in DPD support this model in that they be a priority.
have demonstrated diminished subcortical limbic activity
in response to increasingly intense happy and sad face Psychological profiles of chronic complex DD and BPD
stimuli [107]. Moreover, negative correlations were ob- Patients
served between psychophysiological measures and skin Few studies have directly compared the clinical profiles
conductance response in patients with DPD but not in of BPD to DD samples using psychometric instruments,
healthy controls. An additional study demonstrated in- although a few studies have compared data from DD
creased activation of the right anterior cingulate and samples to published BPD norms. Even research that ex-
medial prefrontal cortex during self vs stranger face pro- amines just BPD or DD using standardized personality
cessing; activation in the medial prefrontal cortex posi- tests such as the MMPI-2 is relatively sparse. Some stud-
tively correlated with depersonalization symptoms [108]. ies utilizing self-report personality tests indicate areas of
Interestingly, a recent study showed that a single ses- similarity between BPD and DD patients, although stud-
sion of rTMS administered to the right ventrolateral ies using the Rorschach have found important personal-
prefrontal cortex significantly reduced symptoms of ity differences.
depersonalization and enhanced psychophysiological
arousal in DPD patients [109] also see [110], thus sug- Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-II)
gesting that such treatment may be one way of altering DID patients generally have similar MCMI [117] profiles
top down regulation of limbic regions. compared to BPD individuals, although DID patients
In patients with DID, two different identity states that were 200 base points higher than MCMI’s BPD norms
have differential access to the traumatic memories have on schizoid, avoidant and schizotypal scales see [30,118].
been examined: a neutral state that generally cannot DD patients receive high scores on MCMI scales for
access the traumatic memories and is thus not over- Avoidant, Dependent, Passive-aggressive, and Borderline
whelmed by the memories and a traumatic state that has personality disorders [30,118]. No studies have directly
full access to the memories and often re-experiences compared individuals with BPD and DD using the
them in the form of flashbacks [111]. Differential brain MCMI-II.
activation patterns among the two states have been ob-
served. The traumatic state shows brain activation pat- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI/MMPI-2)
terns more consistent with re-exeriencing/hyperarousal In a study of 53 DID patients’ MMPI-2 [119] profiles,
states in PTSD whereas the neutral state exhibits neural the highest elevation occurred on scale Schizophrenia
responses more consistent with excessive cortocolimbic (8) with additional marked elevations (>70 T) on scales
inhibition, including decreased autonomic reactivity. Depression (2), Paranoia (4), Psychopathic Deviate (6),
Differential brain activation in these two states has also and Psychasthenia (7) which measures anxiety [120].
been observed during neutral and angry face processing The DID Schizophrenia-Depression- code type has been
[112]. A resting state SPECT study in DID has shown in- found in previous DID samples [121], although Schizophre-
creased activation of superior and middle frontal regions nia combined with Paranoia or Psychopathic Deviate (due
as well as decreased perfusion of orbitofrontal as com- to family discord and self-alienation, rather than problems
pared to controls [113]. During virtual maze perform- with authority) are also common [122-125]. Elevations in
ance, patients with DDs showed less activation of the Schizophrenia among interpersonally traumatized individ-
cingulate cortex, insula, and inferior parietal cortex as uals are frequent [126-129]. In fact, content analysis reveals
compared to controls, and the performance of DD that several items on this scale are cardinal symptoms of
Brand and Lanius Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 2014, 1:13 Page 6 of 12

dissociation (e.g., daydreaming; feeling numb; gaps in mem- BPD patients [136]. Compared to the BPD group, the DID
ory; feeling unreal), so it is not surprising that the Schizo- group showed greater: self-reflective capacity (higher FD),
phrenia scale is correlated with severity of dissociation ability to modulate emotion (lower CF + C – FC), social
among DID patients r = .47, [120]. BPD patients have eleva- interest (higher Sum H), accurate perception and logical
tions on Schizophrenia, Paranoia, and Psychasthenia with thinking (lower X- and WSUM6), and ability to see others
additional elevations on Psychopathic Deviate, Psych- as potentially collaborative (higher COP). Individuals with
asthenia, and Depression [130]; BPD scores tend to be DID also produced an unusual degree of introspection
somewhat less elevated than those found in DD pa- (FD = 2.72), suggestive of “self-consciousness and soul-
tients, although no study has directly compared indi- searching” [139], p. 160. The large between-group
viduals with both disorders. effect size in FD suggests that this trait may helpful in
differential diagnosis. The greater capacity for or ten-
Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) dency toward introspection in individuals with DID
A sample of 78 BPD patients (2/3 of whom were hospi- versus BPD may allow DID patients to reflect on their
talized) were described in the PAI [131] manual as hav- behaviors and feelings in relationships, including the
ing scored highest on Suicidal Ideation and Borderline therapeutic relationship, possibly enabling them to
Features subscales, followed by Depression and Anxiety benefit more easily from insight-oriented therapy.
[131]. In comparison, in the only PAI study of DD pa- A study comparing four treatment seeking groups
tients, forty-two DID/DDNOS inpatients scored highest (+BPD + CSA, +BPD –CSA, -BPD + CSA, -BPD –CSA)
on Suicidal Ideation and Depression, followed by Anx- found that the clinician-rated severity of CSA predicted
iety Related Disorders and Schizophrenia [132]. The DD affect dysregulation as well as difficulties with reality
patients were also in the clinically impaired range on testing on the Rorschach [140]. Future research should
Traumatic Stress, Anxiety, and Borderline features sub- compare the severity of CSA, as well as other types of
scales (mean T score = 73.87, standard deviation = 10.26). trauma, in predicting affect dysregulation in BPD and
In fact, the DD group scored in the same range as the DD patients.
BPD group on all four of the Borderline subscales. In Although DD are associated with tremendous suffering
contrast to being portrayed in movies as antisocial and including the loss of a continuous sense of one’s self and
violent towards others, DD patients are typically low on one’s memory, theorists suggest that dissociation pro-
aggression, antisocial features and mania, as well as be- vides some protection from the overwhelming danger
ing fearfully avoidant of others e.g. [30,132]. and tumultuous emotions [13,141]. Perhaps BPD patients
could not find as ready an escape as could DD patients
Rorschach from early adverse experiences. Armstrong [141] theorized
The Rorschach Comprehensive System RCS; [133] has that their greater ability to dissociate places DD individuals
documented distinctive personality traits of DD patients on an atypical developmental pathway, rather than leading
[134-137]. Two studies compared DD patients’ protocols to developmental arrests that are theorized to occur with
to published BPD norms [138] to determine which fea- BPD individuals [142]. Due to having periods of amnesia
tures distinguished the disorders [134,137]. DID patients for some of the trauma they experienced, often perpetrated
demonstrate a heightened capacity for introspection by the caregivers they loved and were dependent upon e.g.;
(FD) and cognitive complexity (blends) when compared [53], DD individuals may have been able to, despite be-
with Exner’s norms for BPD patients [134]. A sample of ing maltreated, continue to view others as potentially
DID patients showed a tendency to become caught up caring, at least in some self-states. Their increased
in inner experience (lower Lambda scores) and signifi- ability to compartmentalize and "not fully know,"
cantly higher capacity for intellectual self-reflection (high thereby partly avoiding feelings of betrayal and aware-
FD and V scores) when compared to BPD patients [137]. ness of the aggression of others, paired with other per-
Scroppo et al. suggested that a fundamental difference sonality traits documented earlier, may contribute to
between DID and BPD was the tendency among dis- DD patients’ participation in at least some supportive
sociative individuals to “elaborate upon and imagina- relationships. Findings of personality strengths, espe-
tively alter their experience” (p. 281) in contrast to BPD cially in relational capacity, are in line with research
patients, who simplify experience and respond in an showing that dissociation preserves attachment even in
affectively driven manner. This lead Scroppo et al. to the the face of betrayal and abuse by caregivers [58].
conclusion that DID is a relatively distinct diagnostic en- In summary, across psychological tests, DD patients
tity from BPD, one that is more “imaginatively based” and report a range of psychological difficulties that likely
relies upon a “cognitively complex response style”. developed as a result of severe childhood abuse and dis-
Brand and colleagues replicated and extended these turbances in attachment. Studies indicate DD patients
findings in their comparison of 67 DID patients to 40 have difficulties with affect regulation, which they
Brand and Lanius Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 2014, 1:13 Page 7 of 12

attempt to regulate through self-harm, suicidal thoughts is recognized as a multidimensional construct [162]. In
and behaviors, and dissociation. Despite exhibiting eleva- a study of exposure therapy conducted with adults who
tions on self-report measures of schizophrenia, their had experienced complex trauma, 45% of whom were in
thinking appears to be more logical, reflective, and the range of dissociation suggestive of a DD, patients
reality-based than that of many BPD patients. The psy- showed a worsening of symptoms, including a trend
chological profiles of DD patients are consistent with level worsening of a physiological marker of emotion
neurobiological findings: DD patients show difficulties regulation (respiratory sinus arrythmia; [163]). Despite
with emotion regulation, with a resultant tendency to exposure therapy being considered a first-line treatment
vacillate between hypoarousal and dissociative states, for PTSD [164], this severely dissociative sample did not
and emotional flooding including profound depression benefit from exposure therapy; rather, they showed
and intense anxiety. more improvement in response to psychodynamic treat-
ment and stress inoculation therapy. The participants in
Treatment implications the Hagenaars et al. study had comparably less severe
As a transdiagnostic feature, dissociation is crucial to as- levels of dissociation and less severe traumas than those
sess because it has often been shown to have a negative in D’Andrea & Pole’s study (e.g., 24% vs. 67% sexual as-
impact on treatment outcome, even for a variety of non- sault). Given that state dissociation has been shown to
DD psychiatric disorders including BPD e.g., [143-153] interfere with emotional learning [157] and that dissoci-
but also see [144,154]. Psychotherapy has been re- ation during treatment sessions has been shown to be
ported to be more difficult in individuals with DID the only predictor of treatment outcome, it is crucial
who have comorbid BPD [155,156]. Dissociation in- that future studies examine the effects of state dissoci-
hibits amygdala-based emotional learning in patients ation during treatment sessions on treatment outcome
with BPD [157] and may thus interfere with the psy- rather than only examining the effects of trait dissoci-
chotherapeutic process. In support of this hypothesis, ation on psychotherapeutic processes in general, as
dissociation has been shown to be associated with most studies have done to date. It will also be critical
response to treatment among acutely traumatized indi- that future studies utilize measures of dissociation that
viduals. Specifically, dissociation during treatment fully assess the range and severity of dissociative
sessions was the only significant predictor among sev- phenomena.
eral variables in predicting poor response to early The differences in severity of dissociation and trauma
intervention for individuals treated at an emergency across treatment samples likely also contribute to differ-
department [158]. Individuals with PTSD and mild to ences in outcomes observed. In support of this possibil-
moderate dissociation have shown different responses ity, several studies have found that traumatized patients
to trauma treatments [159,160]. Moderately dissocia- with the highest level of dissociation do not respond as
tive patients responded better to phase-oriented treat- well to treatment as those with lower levels of dissoci-
ment that provided emotion regulation skills training ation [160,165,166] but see [154]. However, even very
prior to doing trauma exposure narrative work, as high levels of dissociation did not preclude improvement
compared to doing exposure without skills training in a range of outcomes including comprehensively
[159]. A trial of standard exposure therapy found a assessed dissociation in DD patients receiving complex
similar rate of improvement among low and moderate trauma inpatient treatment. However, despite improve-
dissociation groups, although 10% of the low dissoci- ments in depression and general psychiatric distress, DD
ation versus 69% of the moderate dissociation group patients did not show as much improvement in dissoci-
met PTSD criteria at follow-up, suggesting that those ation, PTSD or interpersonal problems when compared
with moderate levels of dissociation will need longer to non-DD traumatized patients in treatment that did
treatment to achieve good outcomes [144]. A study of not focus on identity fragmentation and amnesia
refugees treated with exposure therapy found reductions in [166]. At discharge, only 4.3% of the DD group
PTSD symptoms regardless of level of dissociation, as mea- showed reliable change in dissociation compared to
sured by the two dissociation items on the Clinician- 24.2% of the non-DD group in a treatment that lacked
administered PTSD Scale CAPS; [154,161]. Despite im- specific focus on treatment of amnesia and dissocia-
provements overall, those with severe depersonalization did tive self-states.
not show as large a decrease in depression as did those with Most of the current research suggests that treatment
low depersonalization (g effect size of .35 versus .80, re- for complex trauma individuals with moderate and se-
spectively). It is important to note that studies such as the vere dissociation should be staged such that emotion
one by Halvorsen and colleagues that rely on two CAPS regulation skills and management of dissociative symp-
items to assess dissociation may miss the range and se- toms are taught before trauma processing begins. The
verity of dissociative symptoms, given that dissociation staged approach is advocated by experts in treating DD
Brand and Lanius Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 2014, 1:13 Page 8 of 12

patients [167,168], as well as expert recommendations Acknowledgements

for treating complex trauma [169,170]. Dialectical be- The authors would like to thank Paul Frewen, Ph.D. for his helpful
suggestions on an earlier draft of this manuscript.
havior therapy (DBT) is a stage-oriented treatment ap-
proach that has been used in the treatment of BPD with Author details
and without comorbid PTSD; when DBT was followed Towson University, Towson, MD 21252, USA. 2University of Western Ontario,
London, ON N6A 5A5, Canada.
by prolonged exposure therapy, it was found to reduce
PTSD, dissociation, shame, depression, suicide attempts Received: 15 May 2014 Accepted: 27 August 2014
and self-injury [171]. This study used DBT to improve Published: 14 October 2014

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