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Joshua Hansen


Online BIO

Portfolio 10
-Element 1-
1. Allele:
An alternate version of the same gene.
2. Phenotype:
The characteristics from a gene that are visible on the life form.
3. Genotype:
The genetic makeup of an organism.
4. Dominant:
A gene that will manifest its phenotype even if paired with another gene.
5. Recessive:
A gene that will only manifest its phenotype if it is paired with the same gene.
6. hybrid:
A mixture of two separate organisms.
7. homozygous:
A set of genes where both traits are the same.
8. Heterozygous:
A set of genes where both traits are different.
9. Trait:
A variation of an inherited character.
10. Punnet Square:
A method of displaying the organization of genes and traits.
-Element 2-
1. Mendel’s particulate theory states that individual traits are exclusive and separate from
generation to generation. His blending hypothesis of inheritance states that different traits mix
as generations continue.
2. Self-fertilization means that an organism can create new offspring without the presence of
another organism. Cross-fertilization is when an organism needs to be fertilized by another
3. Two possible gametes produced by a plant with an Aa genotype are AA and aa. The probability
of an AA genotype is 25%, the probability of an aa genotype is 25%.
b. ppww
c. ppWw
d. PPww
a. Body Type.
b. Skin pigmentation.
c. Scars.
RT Rt rt rT
Rt RRTt RRtt Rrtt RrTt
rt RrTt Rrtt rrtt rrTt
rT RrTT RrTt rrTt rrTT

a. Homogeneous Round Body: 25%
b. Heterogeneous Round Body: 50%
c. Homogeneous Two Arm: 25%
d. Heterogeneous Two Arm: 50%
e. Homogeneous Four Arm: 25%
f. Homogeneous Square Body: 25%
-Element 3-

Genotype: The genetic makeup of an organism; an organism’s combination of alleles.

Hybrid: offspring of two different true-breeding varieties.
Polygenic Inheritance: combined effect of two or more genes on a single character.
Phenotype: observable traits of an organism.
Genetics: Study of heredity.
Heterozygous: having different allies for a gene.
Gregor Mendel: Nineteenth century biologist who experimented with pea plants to study
Recessive: Descriptive of an allele in a heterozygous individual that does not appear to affect a
Homozygous: having identical alleles for a gene.
Allele: alternative form of a gene.
Trait: a variation of a particular inherited character.
Dominant: descriptive of an allele in a heterozygous individual that appears to be the only one
affecting the trait.
Punnett Square (you misspelled this on the crossword, and it took me a good amount of time to
figure out why my answer was wrong.): diagram showing the probabilities of the possible
outcomes of a genetic cross.
-Element 4-
1) D
2) A
3) D
4) D
5) B
6) A
7) B
8) The blending hypothesis is the theory that different genetic traits from parents could
fuse to make a whole new thing that was a fusion of the original two traits. This was
discarded as valid because it failed to explain why traits could skip a generation.
9) The genotype of the dwarf plant would have to be tt because the trait is recessive, and
therefor will only manifest its phenotype if pared with another recessive gene of the
same type. You could discover the taller plant’s genotype by doing tests on its DNA.
10) The possible combinations of alleles in the gametes of an individual with genotype AaBb
is: AB, ab, Ab, aB.
11) Mandel’s principle of independent assortment states that individual alleles could be
paired with others of different genotypes and phenotypes.
12) If a father’s blood type is B and a mother’s blood type is A, it is possible for a type O
child, this is because you can only inherit traits that are there to inherit. But not all traits
that are present in the DNA will manifest their traits in the blood, so if both parents
have O genes present, you could possibly have a child with type O blood.
13) If one characteristic is influenced by more than one gene, it is affected by Polygenic
inheritance, as it has been created by inheriting more than one gene per set of the traits
genetic code.
14) A white-eyed male fruit fly can have a red-eyed father since the father’s genetics don’t
matter for eye color, as that data is stored in the X chromosome.

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