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Chapter 2 Part I
(25 points)

Directions: Define each of the following terms. (5 points)

a. Select audience
A single person or group whose point of view is the same.

b. Multiple audience
An audience that includes readers whose points of view differ.

c. Accommodate
To adjust; to change circumstances so that others will be more
comfortable or more at ease.

d. Jargon
The highly specialized language of a discipline or technical field.

e. Role
The function or job someone performs at work.

f. Culture
The special beliefs, customs, or values that are specific to a group of
people or a particular region.

g. Primary audience
The reader(s) you are responsible to first; the reader(s) who asked for or
authorized the document.

h. Secondary audience
The reader(s) you are responsible to after you have met the needs of
the primary audience.

i. Purpose
A specific end or outcome to be obtained; what you want your reader to
do after reading your document.

j. Scope
The extent of treatment, activity, or influence; what is included and what
is not included.
k. Medium
A means by which information is conveyed, such as a newspaper
article, a television commercial, or a speech before a live audience.

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

2. Why should the needs and wants of the audience dictate every decision you
make as a writer? (2 points)

The needs and wants of the audience should dictate every decision you make as a
writer because they are the people that are going to buy and read what you write.
They are the people that you are writing for. So you want them to like what you are

3. After you have analyzed your audience, how can you accommodate your
readers’ needs and wants? (2 points)

After you have analyzed your audience, you can accommodate your readers’ needs
and wants by questioning all the things like knowledge level, roles, interests, cultural
background, and personality. Once you have done these you are able to adjust to a
more fine-tuned level.

4. List 5 different mediums for “presentation” used within industry. (2 points)

• Brochure
• Short user’s manual
• Pharmaceutical insert
• Presentation
• Video advertisement.

5. Name the audience group(s) who would be associated for each of the following
terms. If you do not know the meaning of any of the terms, look them up. (6

Blitz—Those interested in war or history.

RAM—Hardware/software technicians.

Curl—Programmers/software developers.

Sauté—Chefs or those who enjoy cooking.

Goalie—Soccer fans or players.

Handle—Software developers

Dunk—Basketball fans or players.

Arabesque—Ballet dancers (or those who enjoy ballet).

Rap—People who like listening to rap music. Or people who like to knock on doors.

Compost—People who like to recycle.

Angioplasty—Heart surgeons, or people with a heart condition.


6. Use the following scenario to answer Questions A and B. (8 points)

Sam, Julio, and Susan have just started publishing TV Highlights, a

weekly magazine. Sam sells the advertising. Julio, a graphic
designer, is responsible for the artwork. Julio’s uncle is the owner. He
makes most of the decisions but often defers to Julio’s opinions.
Susan is the accountant.

Think about the role each person performs in this small company.
How do each person’s responsibilities affect decisions? How does
each one’s role affect how he or she communicates with the other
people in the company? Also, think about the readers TV Highlights
will serve. Who is the target audience?

A. Julio wants a four-color cover for the first issue because he thinks the first
issue should look impressive, but Susan thinks a four-color cover is too
expensive. Sam says the advertisers do not care how many colors are on the
cover; they only want the local high school’s blue and red colors to be
represented. Susan decides to write a report to Julio’s uncle recommending
a two-color cover for the first few issues. Who is Susan’s audience for the
report? What should she remember about her audience? What kind of
information might she include to convince Julio’s uncle (and Julio)? Should
she include information about Sam’s concerns?
Suzan’s audience is Julio’s uncle, Suzan should remember that Julio’s
uncle usually differs to Julio’s opinion. I think that Suzan should include all
the information that is relevant to her argument. Including the lack of funds
for printing, as well as design issues. I think that Suzan should include
information about Sam’s concerns. Everyone’s concerns are important
when dealing with any issue.

B. Ulrike Bohm, a freelance writer, has written to Julio asking what topics
interest the magazine’s readers. The magazine is written for a rural audience
in the southeastern part of the United States. The average reader is a
middle-aged woman. What types of articles do you think TV Highlights’
readers are interested in?

I think that TV Highlights’ readers are interested in celebrity gossip and

healthy foods. I don’t know, I’m not a middle-aged southeasterner woman. I
have no idea.

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