Business Plan

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Company Summary

2.1 Company Name

Our company name is Organic Pasalubong. We come up to this name because

we used organic ingredients for our product. The avocado that we used are really organic.

2.2 Company Description

Our company is partnership type of business. We are five persons who merge to

build this company. We are offering avocado flavored of pastillas and planning to offer

more flavor of it such as banana, mango, soursop and papaya. We also planning to have

different kind of pasalubong.

2.3 Company History

We started this business because we think that we can help our customers in their

healthy lifestyle. Our group was inspired to build this business because we believe that

our product is needed by our target customer because our pastillas is not only a sweet

pasalubong but it also gives a lot of benefits for their health .they can loss weight because

of fiber, can lower cholesterol and can support healthy blood pressure levels because

avocado is very high in potassium than banana.

2.4 Company Logo, Mission and Vision

2.4.1 Company Logo

Figure 1 Company Logo

The green color represent the flavor of our product which is avocado. The

leaves represent whre did we get our main ingredients., it means natural

resources. The organic with circle means to knows people that our product is

100% pure organic and healthy.

2.4.2 Mission

The company aims to produce different kind of healthy flavors for

pastillas that will help the costumer in their healthy lifestyle.

2.4.3 Vision

We envision Organic Pasalubong to have several branches all over the


2.5 Comapany Location and Facilities

2.5.1 Company Location

Figure 3 Company Location

Our location is in Salacot, San Miguel Bulacan, near at Vedasto R.

Santiago Highschool. We will rent there a place where can we sell our product.

We choose this location because our target market are students.

2.5.2 Company Facilities

Figure 3 Company Floor Plan

In our floor plan you will see tables for our customer will wait their order,

cashier where customers will pay, show room where we can display our products,

kitchen for making our products , office for checking our business records and

also parking for our customers vehicle.

III. Product And Services

3.1 Product and Service Description

Our product is Guacastillas. This is avocado flavored pastillas. Its is not so sweet,

its taste really like avocado. The flavor of our product is made out of organic ingredient

that can help customer in their healthy lifestyle. The size is 1.8 inch , the width is 1.4 inch

and the color is green.

3.2 Packaging and Labelling

3.2.1 Packaging

In our packaging we will use creep paper and a piece of clean paper that

will serve as a cover of our product. We will put it into plastic so that we will sure

that it was really safe and clean. We are planning to have our products produce

with boxes in the future.

3.2.2 Labelling

In our labeling we also use a small piece of paper which contain written

information of all ingredients that we used and the benefits that they will get with

our product.

3.3 Future Product and Services

Our company may also produce different kind of pasalubong and we are also

planning to have different kind of flavors in our pastillas such as banana, mango, soursop,

and papaya.
IV. Marketing

4.1 Marketing Analysis

4.1.1 Market Segmentation

We will focus on both male and female ages 12-30 years old. Expected

buyers came from middle income class who can afford to buy our products.

4.1.2 Target Market

Our company target market are customers from middle income class, both

male and female ages 12-30 years old, people who loves sweet and health

conscious. Since we are planning to rent a place in school, our target customers

who purchased our product are students and teachers.

4.1.3 Market Need

Our company is existing because we have the idea that there are some

people that conscious in their health so that we build this business. We come up to

the idea of helping them by producing a healthy pastillas since there are pastillas

do not used healty ingredients.

4.2 Market Trends

Nowadays , there are people who conscious n their health, since we are new in the

market we are providing a healthy product that satisfy their needs and wants.

4.3 Market Growth

For us to grow , we are planning first, to distribute our product in any small

canteen, store and mall. Second, to be able more branches around San Miguel and lastly

is have branches in different places.

4.4 Distribution Patterns

Since our location is in school we are planning to distribute our products in small

canteens and small store. We are also planning to supply in groceries and malls in the

future so that our customers will easily access our product.

4.5 Promotion Strategy

We are promoting our product by using flyers and internet. In flyers, we will give

it directly in our customers, and in the internet we are going to create a page in Facebook

that indicate all the complete details of our product and company.

4.5.1 Positioning Statements

For both male and female ages 12 to 30 years old , Organic Pasalubong is

the one offering pastillas with organic flavor that delivers healthy product because

only organic pastillas will help you in your healthy lifestyle.

4.5.2 Market Penetration

In entering this business world, we will introduce our company using a

posters and flyers. We will indicate there all the information of our company and

what we offer. We will distribute our flyers directly to our customers to know our

information .

4.5.3 Advertising

In advertising our product, we will give flyers that indicate all the

information about our company and what we are offering and the benefits of our

product. We will also ude poster’s for the customers easily see our company and

creating a page in Facebook for those people who browsing in internet.

4.5.4 Price Strategy

The price of our product is 30 pesos for 10 pcs. It is for the students to

afford the price. We used boces that has 2o pcs. and will price it 80 pesos because

people who has job are had a capability to buy our products.

4.5.5 Publicity

We use social media like posting in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We

also create our business website that search anytime in Google. And also by

using flyers and posters that help in our publicity.

V. Competition Analysis

Our most competitors was Ocampo’s Pastillasan, it is really popular in the market

because it has two branches where they can produce a lot of pastillas and delicious product but

their weakness is they don’t produce any different kind of flavor. Our difference to them is the

product innovativeness, healthiness and the price is affortable. We will satisfy to those people

who conscious in their health because we are producing a healthy product.

VI. SWOT Analysis

Strength : Our product is innovative, it is really healthy and delicious. It is also in low


Weaknesses : Our company is new in the market, we are also lack of funds to provide

a lot of product since we are just starting a business.

Opportunities : We are looking forward of having more investments and producing

more healthy products and also we will do import and export of our product.

Threats: Our company expect to have a new comers of competitors in the market.

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