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In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant


Light quality in plant tissue culture: does it matter?

Diego Silva Batista 1 & Sergio Heitor Sousa Felipe 1 & Tatiane Dulcineia Silva 1 & Kamila Motta de Castro 1 &
Talita Cristina Mamedes-Rodrigues 1 & Natane Amaral Miranda 2 & Anyela Marcela Ríos-Ríos 3 & Daniele Vidal Faria 1 &
Evandro Alexandre Fortini 1 & Kristhiano Chagas 1 & Gabriela Torres-Silva 1 & Aloisio Xavier 2 & Ariel Domingo Arencibia 4 &
Wagner Campos Otoni 1

Received: 20 September 2017 / Accepted: 27 March 2018 / Editor: John Finer

# The Society for In Vitro Biology 2018

The primary issues regarding the lack of protocol reproducibility among laboratories are environmental factors. Light (quantity
and particularly quality), is one of those main factors, and studies seldom present the spectral quality of the light sources used.
With the advent of light-emitting diode (LED) technology, impressive progress has been made in environmental controls and
morphogenetic responses, as directed by the light used in the culture shelves. A wide array of LED lights with different spectra are
currently available and light is important in large-scale propagation, especially liquid bioreactor systems. LED technology
continues to evolve rapidly and has created additional possibilities. This laboratory has dedicated extensive efforts to implement
photoautotrophic propagation, and light is a key component of the system. This review presents relevant topics on the influence
of light in various plant tissue culture-based techniques.

Keywords Light-emitting diodes . Morphogenetic responses . In vitro culture . Gene expression . Secondary metabolites

Introduction The light reaching the plant is reflected, transmitted, or

absorbed. Part of the photosynthetic photons is converted into
Light perception and photomorphogenesis and circadian chemical energy, which is used in the morphogenetic process,
rhythm in plants Plants are sessile organisms, so their growth and part is lost in the form of heat (Kozai 2013). The photo-
and development are modified by environmental factors that receptors are responsible for identifying the quantity and qual-
influence morphogenesis. Light is one of the main signals ity of light, the direction, and day length (Parihar et al. 2016).
perceived by plants because it is a source of energy for pho- Different types of photoreceptors, auxin carriers, and other
tosynthesis and physiological processes such as the produc- signaling components are involved in the perception of light
tion of secondary metabolites (Hart 2012; Kozai 2016). by plants (Vierstra and Zhang 2011; Li et al. 2012).
Photomorphogenesis is the physiological process that allows
for the development and growth of plants under the control of
light (Kendrick and Kronenberg 2012).
* Wagner Campos Otoni Phytochromes are chromoproteins that absorb light in the far red to red region and have a linear tetrapyrrole
chromophore linked through a cysteine residue to their
Departamento de Biologia Vegetal/Laboratório de Cultura de N-terminal domain (Vierstra and Zhang 2011). This pho-
Tecidos/BIOAGRO, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas toreceptor is capable of reversibly interconverting the
Gerais, Brazil
chromophore into two states: active by absorbing red light
Departamento de Engenharia Florestal/Laboratório de Cultura de (Pr) and inactive by absorbing far red light (Pfr) (Vierstra
Tecidos/BIOAGRO, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas
Gerais, Brazil and Zhang 2011). In Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.,
3 phytochromes (phyA–E), cryptochromes (Cry1–3), and
Departamento de Química/Laboratório de Cultura de Tecidos/
BIOAGRO, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, phototropins (phot1–2), can be classified according to their
Brazil function, chromophore type, cell location, spectrum
Center of Biotechnology in Natural Resources, Faculty of Agronomy range, structure, and cellular signaling (Gomelsky and
and Forestry Sciences, University Catholic of Maule, Talca, Chile Klug 2002; Casal et al. 2013; Parihar et al. 2016).

Cryptochromes are responsible for UV-A to blue light per- translation and the stability of mRNA (Staiger and Green
ception and contain flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as a 2011). In addition, the central oscillators and light actively
chromophore. Three cryptochrome genes are found in the participate in the photomorphogenesis, with a nocturnal pro-
A. thaliana genome. CRY1 is located in the nucleus during tein complex acting in the elongation phase of the hypocotyl
the dark and in the cytoplasm in the presence of light cells (Nusinow et al. 2011).
(Cashmore et al. 1999; Yang et al. 2000). Cry2 is located in The knowledge of light perception by plants, circadian
the nucleus (Kleiner et al. 1999), and Cry3 is located in the rhythm mechanisms, and their genetic regulation as regulated
mitochondria and chloroplasts (Kleine et al. 2003). by light, needs to be better understood regarding the morpho-
The photoreceptors responsible for absorbing light in the genic responses in plants (Kim et al. 2005; Kami et al. 2010;
region of UV-A to blue are the phototropins. These receptors Kozai 2016). In addition, the use of LED lamps in in vitro
control phototropism, stomatal opening, and chloroplast move- culture systems is a useful tool to study these factors in plants,
ments (Jarillo et al. 2001; Briggs and Christie 2002; Celaya because it allows the irradiance to be controlled and to emit
and Liscum 2005). The two types of phototropins known as specific spectral patterns (Gupta and Jatothu 2013).
phot1 and phot2, have the N-terminal domains LOV1 and
LOV2, respectively, and the chromophore flavin mononucle- Light-emitting diodes—an historical perspective The basic
otide (FAM) (Christie et al. 1999). In addition, in A. thaliana, principle of light-emitting diodes (LED) was born in the early
there are ZTL-type receptors that absorb blue to UV-A light, twentieth century with the physical effect of the electrolumi-
and a UVR8 receptor that absorbs UV-B light (Chory 2010; nescence described by Round (1907). Subsequently, Oleg
Casal et al. 2013). This set of photoreceptors is responsible for Vladimirovich Lósev developed a crystalline diode with zinc
the input of light into the circadian clock of plants (Devlin and oxide and silicon carbide, and demonstrated the first LED,
Kay 2000). The circadian clock is an endogenous oscillator albeit of low-brightness (Zheludev 2007). Nick Holonyak Jr.
with a duration of approximately 24 h. Present in almost all (Holonyak and Bevacqua 1962) developed the first practical
individuals, the circadian clock synchronizes physiology with red LED and LED lights started to be marketed. In subsequent
the environment. There are a few components of the circadian years, green, orange, and yellow LED bulbs also appeared. In
clock and they are products of convergent evolution, with well- 1993, Shuji Nakamura introduced the blue LED (Nakamura
conserved domains (Loudon 2012). et al. 1994) and from that, it was possible to generate white
Several plant physiological processes are controlled by the LED by the fusion of the three basic colors: red, green, and
circadian clock, such as photosynthesis (Dodd et al. 2005) and blue, which allowed great advances with varied applications,
stomatal movements (Salomé and McClung 2005). The met- industrial and horticultural (Yeh and Chung 2009; Shchekin
abolic pathways affected by the circadian clock in plants in- and Craford 2017) (Fig. 1).
cludes chromatin-level regulation in a complex, broad regula- LED lighting can play a variety of roles in horticul-
tory network that involves a set of genes, which act at distinct ture and plant tissue culture. Plant growth and develop-
times throughout the day and night (Harmer et al. 2000; mental processes are regulated by light quality, quantity,
Barneche et al. 2014; Hsu and Harmer 2014). Time informa- and duration (photoperiod) (Higuchi and Hisamatsu
tion, by the circadian rhythm in organisms, is understood 2016). Studies using LED lights in plant cultivation by
through the model based on transcription–translation feed- Bula et al. (1991) reported that the leaf shape, color,
back loops (TTFLs) that allow the expression or repression and texture of Lactuca sativa plants under red LED,
of rhythmic genes, such as circadian clock associated 1 supplemented with blue fluorescent lamps, were not dif-
(CCA1), late elongated hypocotyl (LHY), pseudo response ferent from those found in plants grown under cool
regulator (PRR), and timing of cab expression 1 (TOC1) in white fluorescent plus incandescent lamps. In recent
A. thaliana (Huang et al. 2012; Haydon et al. 2013). In the years, several studies have applied the use of LED tech-
morning, high levels of CCA1 and LHY transcripts, together nology in plant tissue culture with the objective of eval-
with PRR5, PRR7, and PRR9 are observed. Similarly, high uating their effects on the morphogenic pathway
expression of TOC1, gigantea (GI), early flowering 3 and 4, (Table 1). LED lights are increasingly used by commer-
and luxarrhythmo (LUX) genes are identified at night (Lu cial plant tissue culture laboratories because of the ad-
et al. 2009; Nusinow et al. 2011). vantages over conventional lighting systems (fluorescent
The central oscillators of the circadian clock are coordinat- light, halide metal, high-pressure solid, and incandes-
ed by external factors such as temperature and light. cent), such as wavelength specificity, durability, small
Temperature variation can alternatively affect the splicing in size, long operating lifetime, relatively cool emitting
clock genes such as LHY and PRR7, which decreases the ex- surface, a photon output that is linear with the electrical
pression of non-functional transcripts (James et al. 2012). input current, and the ability to control spectral compo-
Several studies mention the influence of light on the regula- sition (Agarwal and Gupta 2016; Bello-Bello et al.
tion of the circadian rhythm, by altering the transcription and 2017; Shukla et al. 2017).

Fig. 1 Summarized historical

evolution of light-emitting diodes

With the advancement of the technology and the reduction LabLumens®); red plus dark red (Led Tec-LUX, Tecnal®,
of LED prices, there is a tendency to replace fluorescent lamps Piracicaba, Brazil); red plus blue (Led Tec- Lamp, Tecnal®);
with LED lamps, as different studies show more vigorous and white LED (18 W, LLTV03 VILUX®, Novo Horizonte,
in vitro plants cultivated under LED lighting conditions Brazil), compared to the fluorescent light (20 W, HO,
(Hahn et al. 2000; Moon et al. 2006; Lin et al. 2011; Hung Osram®, São Paulo, Brazil) are shown below (Fig. 2). The
et al. 2015; Batista et al. 2016; Ferreira et al. 2017). differences in spectral quality between LEDs and fluorescent
Consequently, it is essential to develop research using LED lamps directly influence the photosynthesis, growth, and de-
technology to evaluate the impact on morphogenesis of dif- velopment of plants in vitro.
ferent plant species for protocol optimization. In micropropagation, plants are often exposed to conditions
characterized by high relative humidity inside the vessels,
Light and in vitro competence for photosynthesis Light is the reduced gas exchange, poor photosynthetic active radiances
primary energy source for the growth and development of (PARs), low CO2 concentration during the photoperiod, and
plants and the LED lamp represent a relevant artificial lighting high carbohydrate, nitrogen, and growth regulator concentra-
source (Darko et al. 2014), which can influence plant photo- tions (Kozai 2010; Badr et al. 2011; Xiao et al. 2011; Nguyen
synthesis, morphogenesis, and physiological processes (Wang et al. 2016). These factors directly affect several physiological
et al. 2016; He et al. 2017). LED lamps with different wave- and biochemical processes, such as photosynthesis in plants
lengths (< 400 ultraviolet; 400–450 violet; 450–500 blue; in vitro. In contrast, increased gas exchange (natural or forced
500–570 green; 570–590 yellow; 590–610 orange/amber; ventilation), and improvement of light quality such as the use
610–760 red; and > 760 nm infrared color), can be used alone of LED lights, can be exploited to improve photosynthetic
or combined to optimize photosynthesis (Singh et al. 2015; performance.
Shengxin et al. 2016). However, to select an appropriate color In previous studies, the in vitro photosynthetic rate of cul-
LED to increase in vitro photosynthesis, the different photo- tures was assessed by measuring CO2 exchange (Fujiwara
receptors present in plants should be considered, which in- et al. 1987; Supaibulwattana et al. 2011; Wu and Lin 2013),
clude phytochromes that absorb red and far-red light, and and the O2 evolution rate (Chen 2006; Hopfner et al. 2014),
cryptochromes and phototropins that absorb blue light with infrared gas analyzers (IRGA) (Iarema et al. 2012; Badr
(Higuchi and Hisamatsu 2016). et al. 2015; Schmildt et al. 2015; Sáez et al. 2016). However,
Photosynthesis is a photobiochemical process that uses these measurements by conventional methods may not accu-
light energy to convert carbon dioxide into several organic rately represent the conditions in vitro. In addition, to date,
compounds. Functionally, the chlorophylls a and b and carot- there are few studies that aim to optimize the gas exchange
enoid molecules that form the light harvesting antenna of pho- analysis techniques in in vitro systems, as observed in Vitis
tosystems, initiate photosynthesis by capturing light energy vinifera (Düring 1988; Düring and Harst 1996), Solanum
and converting it into chemical energy (Caffarri et al. 2014). tuberosum (Kubota and Kozai 1992), Fragaria ananassa
Photosynthesis is strongly influenced by red, blue, and red (Fujiwara et al. 1988), Hyptis marrubioides, and Hancornia
plus blue colors of LED lamps (Wang et al. 2016; speciosa (Costa et al. 2014). It is essential to advance im-
Manivannan et al. 2017), because they are the major energy provements in the photosynthesis measurement techniques
sources for photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in plants (wave- so that the results of the photosynthetic rates and in vitro en-
lengths between 400 and 700 nm) (McCree 1971). The differ- vironment conditions are not underestimated.
ent spectra of red (Labpar LL HR/dB 480, LabLumens®, Few studies are reported on in vitro cultivation of plants
Barueri, Brazil); blue (Labpar LL HR/dB 480, under LED lamps. Dendranthema grandiflorum and Withania
Table 1 Summary of the historical use of LED lighting in plant cell, tissue and organ culture

Species Morphogenic Aim of the Light type and quality of LED Conclusion Reference
pathway work

Dianthus caryophyllus Organogenesis Effect of light on the reduction of Red and blue Red and blue light LEDs reduced hyperhydricity Muneer et al. (2017)
‘Green hyperhydricity
Beauty’, ‘Purple Beauty’,
and ‘Inca Magic’
Solanum tuberosum Organogenesis Test whether pre-cryopreservation White, blue, red, and 90% Blue light may increase the cryopreservation success, Edesi et al. (2017)
light spectral quality affects red + 10% blue but red light alone is not favorable
cryopreservation success for pre-cryopreservation cultivation
Stevia rebaudiana Organogenesis Effect of light on morphogenesis White, red, blue, Red light induced root formation; however, Ramírez-Mosqueda
and growth and blue + red (1:1) blue + red produced longer shoots et al. (2017)
with a higher number of leaves and stimulated
chlorophyll content, which favored
the acclimation of in vitro plantlets
Saccharum spp. ‘RB98710’ Embryogenesis and Effect of LEDs on morphogenic 82% red + 18% blue The generation of plants through SE was most effective Ferreira et al. (2017)
organogenesis processes following somatic when the explants were cultivated
embryogenesis, the formation under FL lighting; However,
of shoots, rooting and changes the remaining micropropagation
in redox metabolism during process stages were more favored under LED
Vaccinium corymbosum Organogenesis Effects of light on shoot Red, blue, 50% red +50% Mixed LEDs red/blue (1:1) light-improved Hung et al. (2016)
proliferation blue, and 80% red +20% blue plant growth with respect to notably
in medium with or without increased shoot and root biomass
hormone, and ex vitro rooting
of in vitro shoots

Phoenix dactylifera Organogenesis Effects of light on the induction Red/blue (18:2) The combination of red and blue LEDs Al-Mayahi (2016)
of shoot tip adventitious buds substantially increased soluble carbohydrates,
and shoot multiplication starch, and free amino acids in shoots; induced
the synthesis of new bands of proteins
and improved the tissue of the palm
Populus euramericana Organogenesis Effects of LEDs on shoot Red, blue, 50% red + 50% blue, The ratio of red and blue LEDs Kwon et al. (2015)
‘I-476’ and ‘Dorskamp’ regeneration, wood formation, 70% red + 30% blue, 70% improved shoot quality and secondary xylem
and growth red + 20% blue + 10% green formation
Alternanthera sessilis, Organogenesis Evaluate light quality on growth Red, blue, and white The control of light quality with appropriate Reis et al. (2015)
Alternanthera and production of secondary rates of white, blue, or red can improve
philoxeroides, metabolites the secondary metabolite content
Alternanthera tenella,
and Alternanthera
Curculigo orchioides Organogenesis Effect of light on antioxidative Red, blue, and red/blue (1:1) The LED light induced changes in oxidative events Gupta and Sahoo
enzymes and shoot and influenced shoot organogenesis (2015)
Musa acuminata Organogenesis Effect of light on the stomata White and deep red/white LED lighting increased chlorophyll levels Vieira et al. (2015)
formation and chlorophyll and number of stomata
Musa spp. Organogenesis To determine whether LED or White The LEDs in TIS system located above the Wilken et al. (2014)
white culture vessels and employment of additional
fluorescent light was optimal
Table 1 (continued)

Species Morphogenic Aim of the Light type and quality of LED Conclusion Reference
pathway work

illumination for banana gassing without immersion is a recommended

propagation in a standard TIS setup for the micropropagation of banana
Cymbidium hybrid Organogenesis Effects of N-acetylglucosamine Green, red, and blue Red and green LEDs in the presence of NAG Kamal et al. (2014)
(NAG) under different in the media enhanced PLBs growth of a
LED lights (red, green, and Cymbidium hybrid in vitro cultures
blue) on organogenesis
Platycodon grandiflorum Organogenesis Effect of light spectra Blue, 75% blue + 25% red, Blue and blue/red (3:1) light to induce higher Liu et al. (2014)
on leaf morphology, 50% blue + 50% red, 25% ETR, PSII, qp, and lower NPQ and produced
anatomy and chemical blue + 75% red, and red higher whole plant dry mass. This suggests
composition using LEDs that blue light is probably necessary for
in vitro plantlet growth
Jatropha curcas Organogenesis Improve rooting Blue, red, 50% red + 50% blue Red LED light had additional benefits to shoot growth Daud et al. (2013)
of regenerated shoots and improved plant regeneration capacity
Brassica napus Organogenesis The effects of different light Blue, 75% blue + 25% red, 50% The use of a LED light source was good at promoting Li et al. (2013)
qualities on growth blue + 50% red, 25% blue + the differentiation, proliferation and growth;
and morphogenesis 75% red, and red Light B:R = 3:1 is the most suitable for in vitro rapeseed
planting growth
Rubus idaeus Organogenesis To evaluate the use of LEDs Blue, green, and red and lamps grow The red LEDs contribute to increased multiplication Rocha et al. (2013)
in multiplication and rooting lux and rooting of shoots of raspberry ‘Batum’
of raspberry ‘Batum’ and ‘Dorman Red’
and ‘Dorman Red’
Protea cynaroides Organogenesis Effect of light on growth Red, blue, and red + blue The highest rooting percentage was observed in plantlets Wu and Lin (2012)
and morphogenesis, cultured under red LEDs; however, they resulted
and concentrations in the lowest concentrations of endogenous phenolic
of endogenous compounds
phenolic compounds
Dendrobium officinale Organogenesis Effect of light on the production Red, blue, 50% red + 50% blue, Blue or 33% red + 67% blue significantly promote shoot Lin et al. (2011)
of shoot, growth, and 67% red + 33% blue, and 33% production and increases the dry matter and the
development red + 67% blue accumulation of shoot dry matter in vitro
Gossypium hirsutum Organogenesis Effect of light on the growth Red, blue, and red + blue Red + blue light produced larger, healthier plantlets Li et al. (2010)

and morphogenesis and greater biomass. Blue and red LED

was the most suitable light for growth
Hybrid grapes Organogenesis Effect of light on shoot Red and blue Plants produced the longest shoots with longer internodes Poudel et al. (2008)
and root growth and higher rooting percentage. Blue light was also
responsible for a higher number of stomata
Doritaenopsis hort. Organogenesis Effect of light on growth Red, blue, and red + blue Carbohydrate and leaf pigment biosynthesis of the plants Shin et al. (2008)
and carbohydrate increased in plants grown under red plus blue. The
and chlorophyll contents blue plus red light sources for plant production is
Tripterospermum japonicum Organogenesis Effect of light on shoot growth Red, 70% red + 30% blue, Plant growth was generally healthier for cultures Moon et al. (2006)
red + 50% blue, and blue irradiated with mixed LEDs
Zantedeschia jucunda Organogenesis Effect of light on Red and blue Blue light is involved in plant height and chlorophyll Jao et al. (2005)
‘Black Magic’ photomixotrophic development control mechanism
Strawberry ‘Akihime’ Organogenesis Effect of light Red, blue, and red + blue Plantlet growth it is best at 70% red + 30% blue Nhut et al. (2003)
on plantlet growth

Red light affected the morphology rather than the growth Miyashita et al. (1997)
somnifera, showed higher chlorophyll content and higher

Tanaka et al. (1998)

Lian et al. (2002)
photosynthetic rates under blue plus red LED, when compared
to fluorescent light, or LED light of solely blue, red, distant

blue, or distant red wavelengths (Kim et al. 2004; Lee et al.

2007). Oncidium plantlets showed higher pigment content
under blue LED and higher starch content under red LED,
chlorophyll content; however, this phenotype was when compared to yellow and green LED, or fluorescent
lamps (Mengxi et al. 2011). Eucalyptus, Musa, and
Red plus blue LED is suitable for bulblet growth

Spathiphyllum showed higher growth of plantlets grown

Red light promoted leaf growth but decreased

in vitro under a 4:1 red/blue LED ratio, compared to white

light (Nhut and Nam 2010). Brassica napus showed a higher
concentration of soluble sugar and chlorophyll under a 3:1
blue/red LED ratio, compared to red LED or fluorescent
lamps (Li et al. 2013). These results show that the effects of
reversed by blue light

spectral quality on photosynthetic competence vary according

to the plant species, with LED lights being more efficient
compared to fluorescent lights in in vitro culture. In addition,

the combination of different color LEDs can overcome the

limitations of individual colors. New light systems are being

developed to increase plant quality and productivity. For in-

stance, Shukla et al. (2017), by means of 3D printing, devel-
oped prototypes of culture pots with LED-based light sources
Light type and quality of LED

to control the color of light independently.

Finally, it should be considered that the spectral irradiance
Red, blue, and red + blue

is significantly affected by the culture vessel format and its

material characteristics. Depending on the thickness and com-
position of the glass or plastic, the vessel can transmit and/or
Red and blue

reflect more or less photosynthetic flux density (Huang and

Chen 2005).

Light and gene expression in in vitro culture systems Plant

morphology of plants cultured

tissue culture is a tool with high potential for rapid multipli-

Effect of light on growth and

photoautotrophically and

cation and conservation of clean and indexed plant material. It

on bulblet regeneration


also allows for better control of several abiotic factors, such as

on plantlet growth

light quality, irradiance and photoperiod (Gupta and Jatothu

2013; Sáez et al. 2013).
Effect of light

Effect of light
Aim of the

The use of LED lights with different spectra of the

visible region, from a blue light (450–495 nm) to distant

red (750–850 nm), has attracted the attention of several

research groups trying to optimize growth, development,
and metabolism in plants (Li et al. 2010; Lin et al. 2013;
Golovatskaya and Karnachuk 2015). As with fluorescent

Cymbidium Sleepmg BeauTy Organogenesis


lamps, LED light bulbs have been used for growing plants

in controlled environments, such as in vitro culture. The

more uniform distribution of light, energy efficiency, du-
rability, and spectrum control capabilities of LED lights
are some of the benefits of using those lighting devices
(Yeh and Chung 2009; Gupta and Jatothu 2013).
Table 1 (continued)

Lilium oriental hybrid

Solanum tuberosum

In recent years, several studies have confirmed the effects

‘Golden Bird’

of light quality on the production of secondary metabolites in


different plant species (Table 2). The light quality regulates


plant growth and development by different mechanisms in-

cluding the selective activation of light receptors, such as of

Fig. 2 Spectral distribution of

light-emitting diodes (LED) (a)
and fluorescent lamps (b). Dashed
lines and arrows indicate the
absorbance points of chlorophyll
a and b and carotenoids. The
absorption spectra at the bench
were recorded with a
spectroradiometer and Ocean
Optics Spectra-Suite data
acquisition software system
(Ocean Optics®, Dunedin, FL)

phytochromes by red and far-red light, cryptochromes and known and has been demonstrated in several species such as
phototropins by blue light, and UV-B receptors by ultraviolet Rosa hybrida and Chlorella minutissima (Stirk et al. 2014;
light (Chen 2006; Pedmale et al. 2016; Li et al. 2017). Roman et al. 2016).
Photochemical control of light quality affects in vitro gene Eckstein et al. (2012) investigated the influence of irradi-
expression in various metabolic pathways, affecting the syn- ance and sugar content on the growth and photosynthetic ap-
thesis of nucleic acids, amino acids, organic acids, sugars, and paratus of A. thaliana. The authors used 1 or 3% (w/v) sucrose
lipid peroxidation, which are essential for cell maintenance, or glucose, along three photosynthetic flux densities (PFDs):
cell division, respiration, and reproduction (Eckstein et al. 25, 100, and 250 μmol m−2 s−1 provided by fluorescent lamps.
2012; Cepaukas et al. 2015; Li et al. 2017). In vitro changes Plants without added sugar were used as controls. The expres-
in explants to stress, and reorientation of their developmental sion of genes related to photosynthesis, chloroplast
program results in the expression of protein kinases, transcrip- reallocations induced by light, and xanthophyll cycle activity
tion factors, and structural genes that contribute to the adapta- were analyzed. Different culture conditions (irradiance and
tion (Neelakandan and Wang 2012). sugar concentration) led to varied phenotypes. The presence
Many studies report on the role of light in morphogenesis of sugar was considered essential for adequate development.
in vitro, but little is specified on the programs of gene expres- The sugar concentrations tested (1 or 3%) did not have a
sion during the development of shoots, roots, callus, and significant effect. However, the plants developed different
somatic embryos. Raspor et al. (2012) investigated how al- phenotypes depending on the irradiance. Plants grown under
tered levels of endogenous cytokinins in transgenic potato low irradiance had smaller leaves, with long petioles extended
affected the tuberization process. Continuous darkness is a towards the light. Plants grown both in medium and high
strong inducer of tubers in potatoes and was used as an induc- irradiance were well-developed and with higher growth. A
er treatment, and a 16-h photoperiod with fluorescent light strong positive regulation of sucrose and light was observed
was the non-inducing treatment. The effect of the light quality in the CAB genes encoding chlorophyll a/b binding proteins.
in order to modulate endogenous cytokinins levels is well- The highest expression was achieved with 1% (w/v) sucrose
Table 2 Secondary metabolites stimulated by different qualities of light provided by LED lamps in in vitro plant tissue culture

Species Tissue/explant Light conditions tested Compound(s) stimulated Light quality that acted as elicitor Reference

Hyptis suaveolens Nodal segments Blue, red, yellow, white, green, Volatile compounds The major compounds sabinene, Andrade et al. (2017)
and red/blue (4:10; 10:4, and 7:7) LEDs β-pinene, β-phellandrene, E-caryophyllene,
germacrene and bicyclogermacrene increased
or decreased depending on the light spectral
Plectranthus amboinicus Apical segments Red, blue, and blue plus red Carvacrol Blue LED Silva et al. (2017)
(1:2.5, 2.5:1, and 1:1) LEDs and white γ-Terpinene Red, blue plus red (1:2.5, 2.5:1, and 1:1) LED
fluorescent p-Cymene White fluorescent
Swertia chirata Shoot Blue, red, blue/red (1:1), blue/red Total phenolics, flavonoids Blue LED Gupta and Karmakar
(3:1), blue/red (1:3) LEDs and white fluorescent and flavonols (2017)
Lippia alba Plantlets (aerial part) White, blue/red LEDs, and white fluorescent Essential oil profile The use of white or blue/red LEDs changed Batista et al. (2016)
the essential oil profile of Lippia alba
even shifting the major compound for the three
chemotypes analyzed
Peucedanum japonicum Callus and tissue Blue/green/red (28:43:29); blue/green/red Chlorogenic acid Blue/red/far-red LED (57:43:37) Chen et al. (2016)
culture plants (8:46:46); blue/red (16:84); blue/green/red
(17:9:74); blue/red/far-red (57:43:37);
red (100)/blue (100); far-red (100).
The numbers in parentheses correspond
to LED chips used for a particular lid
Schisandra chinensis Shoot-differentiating Far-red/red/blue/UV-A/white light Dibenzocyclooctadiene Blue LED Szopa and Ekiert (2016)
callus cultures Lignans
Phenolic acids
Achillea millefolium Leaves Blue, red, green, white LEDs Monoterpenes Red LED Alvarenga et al. (2015)

and white fluorescent Sesquiterpenes Green LED

Photosynthetic flux density: Monoterpenes 47 and 69 μmol m−2 s−1
13, 27, 35, 47, 69 μmol m−2 s−1 Sesquiterpenes 13 μmol m−2 s−1
Aquilaria agallocha Shoots Red and far-red LEDs Cucurbitacins Red LED (cucurbitacin content increased Kuo et al. (2015)
as red light exposure increased)
Panax vietnamensis Plantlets Blue, green, yellow, red, white, red plus blue Ginsenoside Rg1 and Rb1 White fluorescent Nhut et al. (2015)
(90:10; 80:20; 70:30; 60:40; 50:50; Ginsenoside MR2 Red plus blue LED (20:80)
40:60; 30:70; 20:80; 10:90) LEDs
and white 3 U compact fluorescent and
Rehmannia glutinosa Shoots Red, blue LEDs, and white fluorescent Total phenols Blue LED Manivannan et al. (2015)
Scrophularia Adventitious shoot Red, blue LEDs, and white fluorescent Harpagoside, (−)-epicatechin, Blue LED Jeong and Sivanesan
takesimensis caffeic acid, sinapic acid, (2015)
ferulic acid
Trans-cinnamic acid Blue and red LED
(−)-gallocatechin Red LED
Ellagic acid Red LED and White fluorescent
Chicoric acid White fluorescent
Oryza sativa cv. Ilmi Leaves Blue, green, red, white (mixture of blue, Amino acids, organic acids, Blue LED Jung et al. (2013)
green, and red lights) LEDs, and a shade fatty acids, and flavonoid
condition (no light treatment) glycosides
Panax ginseng Adventitious roots Red, blue, and white fluorescent Blue LED Park et al. (2013a)

and in high irradiance, leading to an increased CAB expression

Shohael et al. (2006)

in conjunction with increased photosynthetic activity.

Park et al. (2013b)

Shin et al. (2003)

The expression of eight genes that encode NADPH oxidase

Yu et al. (2005)
enzymes were studied in vitro during shoot development of

Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Golden Delicious and Gala

grown on MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) under
fluorescent lamps for 42 d (Cepauskas et al. 2016). The work
demonstrated an increase in lipid peroxidation, a symptom of

decreased with white fluorescent, red and

reactive oxygen species (ROS) that correlated to some

Blue plus far-red LED (betalain production

NADPH oxidase expression patterns.
Light quality that acted as elicitor

Li et al. (2017) analyzed the differential gene expression of

Blue LED and white fluorescent

in vitro grown plantlets of V. vinifera ‘Manicure Finger’ sub-

Red LED and white fluorescent

Red LED and white fluorescent

jected to white, blue, red, and green LED light. Specific light
treatments were associated with the expression of a large num-
Blue/red/white LED

ber of genes, including those involved in glucose, starch, and

White fluorescent

White fluorescent

red plus LED) sucrose synthesis. These genes were regulated in a manner
that could explain the increase in starch and soluble carbohy-

drate content in plants. The blue light positively regulated

microtubule synthesis-related genes, serine carboxypeptidase,
chlorophyll synthesis, sugar degradation, and a large number
of resistance-related genes in grape. Blue light promoted leaf
Compound(s) stimulated

Betalain (betacyanin and

growth, stimulated chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplast de-

velopment, increased the chlorophyll a/b ratio, and decreased
Total phenolic acids,

Total flavonoids and

Eleutheroside E1

proportion of carbohydrate to proteins, and inhibited stem and

and β-amyrin

Eleutheroside B
Eleutheroside E

Total phenols

root elongation. The red and green light seems to impose


“shade stress” on the plantlets and high regulation of defense


gene expression. Interestingly, 1601 genes were differentially

expressed, and the number of genes expressed in the green
light were more than double the genes expressed in blue and
red light.

Light and cell wall biosynthesis The cell wall is composed of

red plus far-red (1:1 PFD) LEDs
(1:1 photon flux density, PFD),
white fluorescent and darkness
(1:1) LEDs, white fluorescents

an abundance of polysaccharides such as cellulose, hemicel-

blue plus far-red (1:1 PFD),

lulose, lignins, and pectins. In several cell types, after the

Red, blue, blue plus far-red
Red, blue, and white LEDs
Light conditions tested

growth and extensibility phase, the process of lignin deposi-

and white fluorescent
Red, blue, red plus blue

Red, blue, red plus blue

tion is initiated (Carpita and Gibeaut 1993; Didi et al. 2015).

(1:1 PFD) LEDs,

Biosynthesis of the cell wall requires the action of several

and darkness

cellular compartments with functions not fully understood.

Cellulose, for example, is synthesized in the plasma mem-
brane, whereas hemicelluloses, pectins, proteins, and glyco-
proteins, are synthesized in Golgi bodies and transported to
the cell wall (Oikawa et al. 2013). Lignin is synthesized in the
Somatic embryos

cell wall by the polymerization of the monolignols catalyzed

Hairy roots

Hairy roots

by peroxidases and laccases (Wang et al. 2016). The develop-


ment of the cell wall is complex and heterogeneous, and in-

fluenced by interactions with symbionts, pathogens, and the
environment (Carpita and Gibeaut 1993; Scheller and
Beta vulgaris cv. Detroit

Ulvskov 2010; Didi et al. 2015).

Table 2 (continued)

The biosynthesis, chemistry, mechanics, and cell wall

Perilla frutescens

Panax ginseng

genes have attracted extensive research. In vitro culture may


dark red

be a tool to study lignification. For instance, Tobimatsu et al.


(2011) analyzed the copolymerization of lignin monomers by

peroxidases in Zea mays L. (corn) suspension cells and

extended the opportunity to study the transport and deposition in Gossypium hirsutum in vitro, the fibers of an ovule cultured
of monolignols in other biological systems, in a variety of under light presented higher concentrations of carbohydrates,
in vitro studies intended to understand lignification using cellulose, and expression of cellulose biosynthesis genes com-
fluorescence-tagged monolignols. pared to cultures grown in the dark (Qian et al. 2016a).
Spectral quality of light affects growth and morphogenesis However, the combination of red and white LEDs, with low
(Poudel et al. 2008; Ouzounis et al. 2014; Alvarenga et al. luminous intensity during the grain filling stage increased cel-
2015; Ahmad et al. 2016; Hung et al. 2016; Li et al. 2017; lulose and hemicellulose, and reduced lignin in T. aestivum
Manivannan et al. 2017), and consequently light regulates the (Dong et al. 2014a). Directly or indirectly, several studies
gene expression of cell wall biosynthesis. Ma et al. (2001) identify the effects of light quality on morphogenesis and cell
cultivating A. thaliana in vitro in different light qualities, in- wall modulation (Table 3).
cluding far-red light, red, and blue, reported more than 26
cellular pathways that were regulated in a coordinated way Light and production of pigments and bioactive compounds
by light. Among the light-regulated pathways, the cell wall Light influences plant development, and defense against her-
biosynthetic and phenylpropanoid pathways were upregulat- bivores, pathogens, and oxidative stress through regulation of
ed. In this study, genes encoding hydrolytic cell wall enzymes secondary metabolites biosynthesis (Bian et al. 2015; Shimizu
were downregulated under white light. The enzymes 2016; Legris et al. 2017; Viczián et al. 2017). Light quality
xyloglucan endotransglycosylase, expansin, and endo-1,4-β- has been involved in the regulation of biosynthetic pathways
D-glucanase were correlated with cell wall loss (Ma et al. of pigments (carotenoids such as lutein and β-carotene), and
2001). Therefore, the proportion of lignocellulosic biomass bioactive compounds such as phenols (phenolic acids, antho-
varies in composition, and may vary in response to different cyanins, and flavonoids), glucosinolates, and terpenoids
abiotic factors, such as light quality (Zhong and Ye 2015). (Ballaré 2014; Darko et al. 2014; Huché-Thélier et al. 2016;
Light effects occur via the phenylpropanoid pathway Demotes-Mainard et al. 2016; Taulavuori et al. 2017). This
(OuYang et al. 2015; Ahmad et al. 2016), and lignins are regulation is made through the selective activation of different
derived from multiple branches of the phenylpropanoid bio- photoreceptors (Ballaré 2014; Huché-Thélier et al. 2016;
synthesis pathways (OuYang et al. 2015). Responses to light Demotes-Mainard et al. 2016), gene modulation, transcription
quality or intensity occur at the transcriptional level of genes factors, and enzyme expression (Maier et al. 2013; Leivar and
and enzymes directly involved with the cell wall, such as Monte 2014; Bou-Torrent et al. 2015; Seiler et al. 2017).
phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), which is a key enzyme Many studies analyzed the influence of light quality on the
in the phenylpropanoid pathway. For Prunus sp. grown in vitro production of secondary metabolites in plants (Arena et al.
under fluorescent light, PAL expression increased, which led 2016; Szopa and Ekiert 2016; Gupta and Karmakar 2017).
to the increase of soluble phenolic compounds, and a reduc- These studies focused on enhancing the nutritional value of
tion in lignification (Pina and Errea 2008). For Picea abies leafy greens (Kopsell et al. 2014; Chen et al. 2016; Amoozgar
(L.) Karst, the PAL gene was upregulated under blue LED et al. 2017), sprouts (Carvalho and Folta 2014; Liu et al. 2016;
(OuYang et al. 2015). In Dianthus caryophyllus cultured Qian et al. 2016b), and on increasing the medicinal potential
in vitro, red LED significantly increased the activity of the (Alvarenga et al. 2015; Ellins et al. 2015; Lowe et al. 2015;
PAL enzyme and lower activity levels were found using fluo- Batista et al. 2016). However, the majority of these studies are
rescent light (Manivannan et al. 2017). The authors did not still restricted to ex vitro culture conditions, but in vitro culti-
evaluate effects on cell wall chemistry, but it is possible to vation has many advantages, such as fewer external factors,
speculate that it affected lignin and/or lignin monomers caus- control of the cultivation environment, and the possibility to
ing pleiotropic effects in the other lignin biosynthetic pathway use elicitors for the metabolic pathway of interest (Hussain
genes (Ralph et al. 2004). In Triticum aestivum, red LED et al. 2012; Murthy et al. 2014).
increased the total lignin content (Dong et al. 2014b). One of the difficulties in the literature available on light
Light regulates the modulation of cellulose, the largest quality in in vitro plant cultivation is the unclear methodology,
structural component of the cell wall. Light acts on the activa- or the lack of specifications of the type of lamp used (fluores-
tion of cellulose synthase complexes (CSCs) (composed of cent or LED), as observed by Ahmad et al. (2016), Kawka
multiple domains in the form of rosettes). Cellulose synthesis et al. (2017), and Pedroso et al. (2017). Methodological in-
is performed on the plasma membrane as well as mechanism consistency hinders the reproducibility and application of that
of callose synthesis. The CSC complex is regulated by phyto- methodology to other species that produce similar
chrome B (phyB). In the dark, the activity of the subunits of metabolites.
CSC are reduced, and the process is reversed through the There has been an increase in the number of studies that
return to light and photochemical activation of phyB, and explore the advantages of the in vitro culture method for the
the interaction rate between CSCs and microtubules is main- production of secondary metabolites and most of them used
tained in a fine-tuning (Bischoff et al. 2011). As demonstrated fluorescent lamps (Shahzad et al. 2017; Shukla et al. 2017).
Table 3 The effect of light (quality and/or quantity) on the formation of the cell wall

Species Effect of light (quality and/or quantity) Effect on cell wall Genes involved In vitro Evaluation assay Reference
or ex

White fluorescent tubes, light intensity of Rescued the biosynthesis of syringyl lignin-units in the COMT In vitro Maüle reagent and the determination of Ho-Yue-Kuang
Arabido- 110 mE m−2 s−1 comt-1 mutant in vitro the monomers lignin (H, G, S, and et al. (2016)
psis 5-OH G)
Gossypium Light intensity of 100 μmol m−2 s−1 (12 h Under light, there were higher concentrations of EXP1, SuSy, In vitro Cellulose contents Qian et al.
hirsutum luz) carbohydrates, cellulose, and expression of cellulose β-1,3-glucana- (2016a)
biosynthesis genes se, CelA1, and
Ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation Reduction of total PAL activity and lignin content PAL Ex vitro Total lignin content—acetyl-bromide Zhang et al.
Arabido- method (2015)
Triticum LEDs with different intermittent spectra of Continuous lighting promoted lignin content increase; – Ex vitro Acid detergent lignin Dong et al.
aestivum red and white however, the light/dark cycle is involved with the lig- (2015)
L. cv. nin content decrease
Long-day conditions (16/8 h light/dark 6% reduction in total lignin amount as compared to the ATR2 (CYP450 Ex vitro Wiesner and Mäule staining, Sundin et al.
Arabido- cycle, 120 μE s−1 m−2) wild type gene) saccharification, lignin content via (2014)
psis acetyl bromide, monomers lignin and
Triticum LED devices with different light intensities The decrease in light intensity during grain filling – Ex vitro Hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin Dong et al.
aestivum spectra of red and white increased cellulose and hemicellulose and reduced (2014a)
Triticum Combinations between blue and red LEDs Red LED increased the lignin content, and when – Ex vitro Hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin Dong et al.
aestivum combined, caused a reduction in lignin content (2014b)

Nicotiana Ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation Lower total lignin content and lower S/G ratio of trans- CAD Ex vitro Lignin content (Klason) and composi- Kaur et al.
attenuata genic to wild type tion (thioacidolysis and NMR) (2012)
Prunus spp. White fluorescent tubes, photosynthetic During grafting cicatrization, there was an increase in PAL In vitro Phloroglucinol-HCl (Wiesner) Staining Pina and Errea
flux density of 17 μmol m−2 s−1 PAL expression, which led to the increase of soluble (2008)
phenolic compounds and reduction in lignification
Nicotiana Under varying luminous intensity and Caused variations in total lignin content and S /G ratio, CCR and COMT Ex vitro Wiesner and Mäule staining, Lignin Pinçon et al.
tabacum photoperiod (3.000 lx photoperiod both in the control and transgenic plants content (Klason) and composition (2001)
16/8 h) and (14.000 lx photoperiod (thioacidolysis)
14/10 h)

Different light qualities provided by fluorescent tubes have of woody plant growth are based on conventional light
been used to stimulate the biosynthesis of antioxidant second- sources such as fluorescent light, and especially cool white
ary metabolites in callus and shoot cultures of various species light. Cool white fluorescent light has been reported in the
(Tariq et al. 2014; Fazal et al. 2016; Szopa and Ekiert 2016; in vitro propagation of Eucalyptus (Oberschelp and
Gazolla et al. 2017; Kawka et al. 2017). However, the spec- Gonçalves 2016; Oliveira et al. 2017), Quercus ilex
trum of light emitted by fluorescent lamps was not specific, (Martínez et al. 2017), Castanea hybrid (Cuenca et al.
cannot be controlled and, like intensity, its stability decreased 2017), Chamaecyparis thyoides (Ahn et al. 2017), and
over time (Darko et al. 2014; Taulavuori et al. 2017). Fraxinus nigra (Lee and Pijut 2017). Cool white fluorescent
Currently, LED lights have been used to circumvent prob- lamps have been widely used in tissue culture rooms.
lems related to fluorescent lamps and to optimize in vitro plant In most experiments, light quality studies revealed that the
development (Gupta and Jatothu 2013; Shukla et al. 2017). application of a light spectrum more active than white light
However, the influence on secondary metabolism is still increased micropropagation efficiency (Gupta and Jatothu
underexplored. 2013). In some studies with woody species, the manipulation
The use of monochromatic or composite LED lights with of light quality was applied with fluorescent tubes in combi-
different spectral qualities may be a tool for the induction of nation with filters, to provide the various qualities of light
bioactive metabolites and pigments of interest in in vitro cul- (Muleo and Morini 2006; Iacona and Muleo 2010; Ruedell
ture (Table 2). Studies have shown that the use of LED lights et al. 2013; Ruedell et al. 2015; Gazolla et al. 2017).
was more effective than fluorescent lamps in the growth However, there may be some imprecision in the control of
rooms. Blue LED lights were most efficient in the elicitation light quality (Tisserat et al. 2000). The use of LED lights
of phenolic compounds (Jung et al. 2013; Jeong and allows specific spectra to regulate the photosynthetically and
Sivanesan 2015; Manivannan et al. 2015; Gupta and photomorphogenic responses required for the cultivation of
Karmakar 2017; Silva et al. 2017). These compounds also each species in vitro (Gupta and Jatothu 2013). Experiments
increased with the use of red LED lights (Jeong and comparing LED lights with fluorescent tubes must be done to
Sivanesan 2015; Manivannan et al. 2015; Shohael et al. verify the reproducibility of the anatomical and morphological
2006). The use of LED lamps also interfered in the composi- changes (Macedo et al. 2011). Studies using LED lamps as
tion of the essential oils of medicinal plants such as Achillea light sources during ex vitro cultivation of tree species resulted
millefolium L. (Alvarenga et al. 2015), Lippia alba (Batista in improved plant growth and metabolic activity (Arena et al.
et al. 2016), and Hyptis suaveolens (Andrade et al. 2017). 2016; Smirnakou et al. 2016, 2017). It is possible that similar
However, phytochemical biosynthesis under the influence of results could be observed with in vitro cultivation of these
light quality may differ according to the species and metabo- species.
lite studied (Shimizu 2016). For example, some ginsenosides In order to reduce costs and to improve production efficien-
had a higher production in white fluorescent light (Yu et al. cy and quality of the micropropagated woody plants, there is a
2005; Nhut et al. 2015). The majority of in vitro studies using need for an efficient light source. The utilization of a more
LED light primarily impacted the production of phenolic com- versatile and efficient light source for in vitro plant regenera-
pounds and terpenoids (Table 2). However, light quality also tion and growth can offer new and important possibilities to
influenced the production of alkaloids (Zheng et al. 2012; Liu achieve success in commercial micropropagation (Monteuuis
et al. 2015; Matsuura et al. 2016) and pigments (Tuan et al. 2015). The in vitro propagation is still a stressful procedure for
2013; Reis et al. 2015; Qian et al. 2016b). Additional studies plants and it has some limitations. The high cost of produc-
that explore the potential of LED lighting and its influence on tion, the need for adaptation of protocols, and little investment
secondary metabolism are necessary because LED properties for development and innovation in the in vitro production
provide more control of in vitro light conditions. This type of process are some factors that hinder large-scale application
approach will contribute to understanding the biosynthesis (Kaur and Sandhu 2015; Shukla et al. 2017; Nunes et al.
pathways of compounds of interest and will enable the devel- 2018). In addition, plants with limited survival capacity are
opment of new biotechnological techniques, and commercial often produced after their transfer to ex vitro conditions
and pharmacological products. (Chandra et al. 2010; Dias et al. 2014). Thus, the development
of new in vitro environmental control systems is necessary to
Light and in vitro propagation of woody species Light qual- overcome the shortcomings for large-scale in vitro production
ity, quantity, and photoperiod can affect woody plant growth of high quality plants (Gago et al. 2014; Arencibia et al. 2017;
and development. There is extensive data on the effect of light Shukla et al. 2017). A great number of quality woody plants
quality on in vitro herbaceous species, while there is less data needs to be produced at a low cost to make the
concerning woody species. One reason may be the reduced micropropagation viable.
effects of light quality on woody species compared to that of The LED for plant growth in a controlled environment has
herbaceous species (Morini and Muleo 2003). Many studies emerged as an attractive alternative technology, with

expectations to increase productivity and is attracting consid- are necessary to predict the large-scale applicability in in vitro
erable interest because of its vast potential for commercial propagation.
application (Massa et al. 2008; Yeh and Chung 2009; Bian
et al. 2015; Yeh et al. 2015). However, even with the recent Light quality in photomixotrophic and photoautothrophic
technological advancement of LED lights, few studies have systems, and natural illumination in in vitro propagation
been carried out with woody species to investigate their effects Photosynthesis is the key metabolic pathway for plant growth
on in vitro culture (Table 4). and development but may be limited during many in vitro
In Populus euramericana, a combination of red and blue plant culture procedures. The optimization of an in vitro envi-
light produced the highest percentage of shoot regeneration ronment includes balanced control of physical, chemical, and
compared to monochromic or fluorescent light. However, biological parameters to create artificial conditions for cells
light influenced morphogenesis in a genotype-dependent and organs (Kania and Giacomelli 2000).
manner (Kwon et al. 2015). Red wavelengths provided by The standard use of closed plant culture vessels to control
LED lamps during the germination steps of Pinus taeda so- microbial contamination creates a limitation on the CO2 avail-
matic embryos, resulted in higher frequencies of somatic em- ability in vitro. However, it was not until about 20 yr ago that
bryo germination and conversion than white light (Merkle Kozai et al. (1992, 1997) stated that the heterotrophic or
et al. 2005). Positive effects of red LED light were also dem- photomixotrophic characteristics of conventional in vitro plant
onstrated in germination of Pinus densiflora somatic embryos. cultures is the main cause for a deficient photosynthetic abil-
Intensity, spectral range, photoperiod, and type of light source, ity, and low or negative net photosynthetic rates.
including LED lights, can be explored for some woody plants For more sustainable inputs and to increase the economic
in the future for tissue culture, secondary metabolite produc- efficiency of traditional tissue cultures, the advance of new
tion, and other goals (Silva et al. 2017). technologies for plant in vitro micropropagation have been
The use of technology for these plants is still at a nascent more focused on physical environmental factors than on bio-
phase of development and there is still a tremendous opportu- logical factors, to increase plantlet growth and multiplication,
nity for future exploration of the great majority of woody and exploit their genetic background (Kirdmanee and
species. This initial research for LED applications is a stimu- Mosaleeyanon 2000). The advent of liquid-based systems
lus for the development of LED-based lighting systems for and automatic-based control to monitor the environmental pa-
physiology and plant development experiments. Therefore, rameters such as light, temperature, CO2, and ethylene levels,
individual experiments, evaluating the effects of LED lighting among others, within vessels, have significantly contributed to
yield improvements in in vitro propagation. Bioengineering of

Table 4 Summary of the use of LED lighting in in vitro propagation of woody species

Species Light quality, quantity, and photoperiod/spectrum Regeneration system/ Morphogenetic Reference
pathway response

Acer saccharum No light (dark); red and blue LED (14% blue + Organogenesis (axillary Shoot growth Singh et al. (2017)
7% green-yellow + 79% red LED (450, 660, bud proliferation)
and 625 nm); Full spectrum light LED (25%
blue + 37% green-yellow + 38% red)
Vaccinium corymbosum Cool white fluorescent; 100% red LEDs Organogenesis (axillary In vitro shoot proliferation Hung et al. (2016)
(660 nm); 80% red + 20% blue LEDs; 50% bud proliferation) and ex vitro root
red + 50% blue LEDs; 100% blue LEDs formation
(460 nm).
Populus euramericana Fluorescent light; 100% red LED (650 nm); 70% Organogenesis (axillary Shoot regeneration and Kwon et al. (2015)
red + 30% blue (440 nm) LEDs; 50% red + bud proliferation) elongation
50% blue LED; 70%
red + 20% blue + 10% green (510 nm) LEDs
Pinus Fluorescent light; 100% red LED (660 nm); Somatic embryogenesis Germination of somatic Kim et al. (2015)
densiflora 100% embryos
blue LED (450 nm), 50% red + 50% blue;
50% red + 50% far-red (730 nm)
Pinus densiflora Fluorescent light; Somatic embryogenesis Germination of somatic Kim and Moon (2014)
100% red LED (660 nm); 100% blue LED embryos
(450 nm); 50% red + 50% blue LEDs; 50% red
+ 50% far-red LEDs (730 nm)
Pinus taeda, White fluorescent; red LED (600–700 nm); blue Somatic embryogenesis Germination and Merkle et al. (2005)
P. elliottii and LED (400–500 nm) conversion of
P. palustris somatic embryos
and rooting
Table 5 Summary of trials related to the improvement of in vitro photosynthesis by means of a more efficient use of light sources

Plant species Tissue culture support Air quality (CO2) Light quality Sucrose Approach Reference

Populus spp. Temporary immersion bioreactors 0.4 MPa Natural light/fluorescent lamps Reduced Micropropagation Arencibia et al. (2017)
100 μmol m−2 s−1
Vaccinum corymbosum Temporary immersion bioreactors 0.4 MPa Natural light/fluorescent lamps Reduced Micropropagation Arencibia et al. (2013a)
60 μmol m−2 s−1
Rubus spp. Temporary immersion bioreactors 0.4 MPa Natural light/fluorescent lamps Reduced Micropropagation Arencibia et al. (2013b)
80 μmol m−2 s−1
Saccharum spp. Temporary immersion bioreactors 0.4 MPa Natural light/fluorescent lamps Reduced Secondary Yang et al. (2010)
110 μmol m−2 s−1 metabolites
Phalaenopsis Semisolid medium. Glass vessel 1000 μmol mol−1 Fluorescent lamps Free Micropropagation Yoon et al. (2009)
60 μmol m−2 s−1
Saccharum spp. Temporary immersion bioreactors 0.4 MPa Natural light/fluorescent lamps 30 g L−1 Secondary Arencibia et al. (2008, 2012)
110 μmol m−2 s−1 metabolites
Ipomoea batatas Liquid medium, Florialite 1.8 × 10−3 (v/v) Fluorescent lamps Free Micropropagation Yulan and Kozai (2006)
Magenta-type vessel 200 μmol m−2 s−1
Limonium latifolium Semisolid medium, Florialite 1500 μmol mol−1 Fluorescent lamps Free Micropropagation Xiao and Kozai (2006)
Magenta-type vessel 100 μmol m−2 s−1
Cocos nucifera Semisolid medium. Magenta-type vessel – Natural light 45 g L−1 Micropropagation Talavera et al. (2005)
250 μmol m−2 s−1
Ananas comosus Temporary immersion bioreactors 2000 μmol mol−1 Fluorescent lamps Reduced Micropropagation González-Olmedo et al.

275 μmol m−2 s−1 (2005)

Musa AAB Temporary immersion bioreactors During acclimatization a. Fluorescent lamps a. 30 g L−1 a. Multiplication Aragón et al. (2005)
375 μmol mol−1 30–40 μmol m−2 s−1
b. 2000 μmol m−2 s− b. Free b. Acclimatization
Samanea saman Vermiculite and liquid medium. 1000 mmol mol−1 Fluorescent lamps Reduced Micropropagation Mosaleeyanon et al. (2004)
Glass vessel 100 μmol m−2 s−1
Solanum Semisolid medium. Magenta-type vessel 4000 μmol mol−1 Fluorescent lamps Reduced Organogenesis Van Le et al. (2001)
lycopersicum 500 μmol m−2 s−1
Ananas comosus Temporary immersion bioreactors – Fluorescent lamps 30 g L−1 Elongation, Escalona et al. (2003)
225 μmol m−2 s−1 micropropagation
Paulownia fortunei Semisolid medium Magenta-type vessel 1400–1500 μmol mol−1 Fluorescent lamps Free Micropropagation Khan et al. (2003)
125 μmol m−2 s−1
Eucalyptus Semisolid medium, Florialite 1400–1500 μmol mol−1 Fluorescent lamps Free Micropropagation, Khan et al. (2002)
tereticornis Magenta-type vessel 125 μmol m−2 s−1 failed rooting
Musa spp. Semisolid medium. Magenta-type vessel 1340 μmol mol−1 Fluorescent lamps Free Micropropagation Nguyen and Kozai (2001)
200 μmol m−2 s−1
Myrtus communis a. Semisolid medium; b. Vermiculite and 600 cm3 m−3 Fluorescent lamps 30 g L−1; Micropropagation Lucchesini et al. (2001)
liquid medium. Glass vessel 150 μmol m−2 s−1 15 g L−1, free

processes and environmental controls, such as light quality References

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Ahmad N, Rab A, Ahmad N (2016) Light-induced biochemical varia-
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