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petunjuk :

1. buatlah ringkasan mengenai DEFINISI DAN PATHOGENESIS penyakit dari ebook atau jurnal yang
tertera ( dari 3 ebook / jurnal dibuat jadi 1 ringkasan saja )
2. kerjakan di lembar kerja ( terlampir ) dengan font : Times New Roman 12, spasi 1 ( single ),
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daftar ebook :

a. Appendisitis akut :
a. Robbins Basic Pathology ed. 9, halaman 600-601
b. Robbins and Cotran Pathology Basis of Disease ( Student consult ) ed. 9, halaman 816
c. Essential of Rubin’s Pathology ed. 6, halaman 389
b. Appendisitis kronik
a. Kothadia J. et al. 2015. Chronic appendicitis : uncommon cause of chronic abdominal
pain. Research Gate. Halaman 2
b. Kim D. et al. 2016. Chronic appendicitis in children. NCBI. Halaman 1
c. Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology ed. 2, halaman 258
c. Granuloma Kolesterol ester
a. Muir’s Textbook of Pathology, ed. 14. Halaman 74 - 75
b. Franzco et al. 2003. Clinicopathological report : Pathogenesis of orbital cholesterol
granuloma. Clinical and Experimental Ophtlamology. Halaman 2-4
c. Manzano et al. 2018. Giant cholesterol granuloma of the petrous apex : endoscopic
management. MedCrave. Halaman : 2-3
d. Thopus ( Gout )
a. Robbins and Cotran Pathology Basis of Disease ( Student consult ) ed. 9, halaman 1214-
b. Robbins Basic Pathology ed. 9, halaman 786 – 788
c. Underwood’s Pathology a clinical approach ed. 6, halaman 104 - 105
e. Molluscum contagiosum
a. Hameed A. 2015. Pathogenesis of Molluscum Contagiosum : A new concept for the
spontaneous involution of the disease. Halaman 4-6
b. Meza-Romero R et al. 2019. Molluscum contagiosum : an update and review of new
perspective in etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Dovepress. Halaman 2
c. Chen X. et al. 2013. Molluscum contagiosum virus infection. Lancet Infect Dis 2013.
Halaman 4-9
f. Tuberculosis
a. Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology ed. 7, halaman 153 – 157
b. Underwood’s Pathology a clinical approach ed. 6, halaman 300 – 301
c. Robbins Basic Pathology ed. 9, halaman 493-498
g. Tuberkuloid lepra
a. Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology ed. 7, halaman 163 – 165
b. Robbins and Cotran Pathology Basis of Disease ( Student consult ) ed. 9, halaman 377 –
c. Bokhary M. 2016. Molecular Pathogenesis of Leprosy. Research gate. halaman 2-5
h. Keloid
a. Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology ed. 7, halaman 174-176
b. Robbins and Cotran Pathology Basis of Disease ( Student consult ) ed. 9, halaman 106 -
c. Muir’s Textbook of Pathology, ed. 14. Halaman 84 – 86
i. Sirosis hepatis
a. Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology ed. 7, halaman 619-620
b. Robbins and Cotran Pathology Basis of Disease ( Student consult ) ed. 9, halaman 827-
c. Essential of Rubin’s Pathology ed. 6, halaman 396-397
j. Granuloma piogenikum
a. Robbins and Cotran Pathology Basis of Disease ( Student consult ) ed. 9, halaman 516
b. Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology ed. 7, halaman 408 – 409
c. Kamal R. 2012. Oral pyogenic granuloma : various concept of etiopathogenesis.
Research gate. halaman 3-4

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