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SN: ___ Name: __________________________________ Section: ____________ Date: ______________ Activity#8

Instructions: Read the different statements below and answer the succeeding questions. In answering, take note of the three
discerning points between empiricism and rationalism.
Rationalism Empiricism
The primary and most superior source of knowledge The only source of genuine knowledge about the world is sense of
about reality is reason. experience.
Sense experience is an unreliable and inadequate Reason is an unreliable and inadequate route to knowledge unless it is
route to knowledge. grounded in the solid bedrock of sense experience.
The fundamental truth about the world can be There is no such thing as innate knowledge because knowledge is derived
known a priori: either innate or self-evident to our from experience. The mind before experience is a tabula rasa, a blank slate.
1. When you are studying or reviewing lessons, are you more likely to take the nationalist viewpoint or empiricist viewpoint? Why?

2. How do you apply empiricism and/or nationalism in studying your lessons? Be specific and concrete. Try to remember your habits
and how you make sense of the lessons.

3. Is it possible to make use of both approached? Why or why not?

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