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Navigator Object

Road Map and ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

T he following pages contain the text of a handy pamphlet
whose Adobe Acrobat (.pdf ) file you’ll find on the
companion CD-ROM. The arrangement of the following
material has been modified for printing in this appendix. The
.pdf file on the CD-ROM, which you can print it out for quick
reference, offers a more compact arrangement. With this
compact guide, you can see at a glance the breadth of each
object’s properties, methods, and event handlers. You can
also see which language’s words are compatible with each
scriptable browser through the level 4 browsers. For
instructions on printing and assembling this pamphlet, see
the howtoprt.txt readme file on the CD-ROM.
Copyright  1998 by Danny Goodman Netscape Navigator 4 Object Road Map

Part V ✦ Appendixes
window window
frame self top parent
closedN3,M4 alert(“msg”) onBlur=N3,M4
defaultStatus back( )N4 onDragDrop=N4,(S) history document location toolbar, etc.
document blur( )N3,M4 onFocus=N3,M4
frames[i] captureEvents(type)N4 onLoad= link anchor layer form applet image area
history clearInterval(ID)N4,M4 onMove=N4
innerHeightN4,(S) clearTimeout(ID) onResize=N4,M4 text radio button fileUpload select
innerWidthN4,(S) close( ) onUnload=
location confirm(“msg”) textarea checkbox reset option
locationbarN4,(S) disableExternalCapture()N4,(S)
menubarN4,(S) enableExternalCapture()N4,(S)
password submit
name find([“str”][,case, bkwd])N4
onerrorN3,M4 focus( )N3,M4
openerN3,M3 forward( )N4
Netscape Navigator 4 Document Object Model Containment Hierarchy
outerHeightN4,(S) handleEvent(event)N4
outerWidthN4,(S) home( )N4
pageXOffsetN4 moveBy(∆x,∆y)N4,(S) document layerN4
pageYOffsetN4 moveTo(x,y)N4,(S)
alinkColor captureEvents(type)N4 (None) above load(“filename”,y) onBlur=
parent open(URL,”name”,”specs”)(1),(S)
anchors[i] clear( ) background moveAbove(layerObj) onFocus=
personalbarN4,(S) print( )N4,
applets[i]N3,M4 close( ) below moveBelow(layerObj) onLoad=
scrollbarsN4,(S) prompt(“msg”,”reply”)
bgColor getSelection( )N4,(2) bgColor moveBy(∆x, ∆y) onMouseOut=
self releaseEvents(type)N4
cookie handleEvent(event)N4 moveTo(x, y) onMouseOver=
status resizeBy(∆x,∆y)N4,(S)
domainN3,M4 open(“mimetype” [,replace])(3) clip.left moveToAbsolute(x, y) onMouseUp=
statusbarN4,(S) resizeTo(width,height)N4,(S)
embeds[i]N3,M4 releaseEvents(type)N4 clip.right resizeBy(∆x, ∆y)
toolbarN4,(S) routeEvent(event)N4
fgColor routeEvent(event)N4 clip.bottom resizeTo(width, height)
top scroll(x,y)N3,M4
forms[i] write(“string”) clip.width
window scrollBy(∆x,∆y)N4
images[i]N3,M4 writeln(“string”) clip.height
lastModified document
setInterval(func, msec [,args])N4,M4,(2)
layers[i]N4 left
setTimeout(func, msec [,args])N4,M4,(3)
linkColor name
stop( )N4
links[i] pageX
(1)New window specs for all browsers: height, width, toolbar, location, directories, location(1) pageY
status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable, copyhistory. Additional specs for Navigator 4:
referrer parentLayer
alwaysLowered(S), alwaysRaised(S), dependent, hotkeys, innerHeight, innerWidth,
outerHeight, outerWidth, screenX, screenY, titlebar(S), z-lock(S). title siblingAbove
(2)Optional args parameter added to N4; 3rd parameter in M4 is for scripting language.
URLN3,M4 siblingBelow
(3)Third parameter in N4 for args; in M4 for scripting language.
vlinkColor src
by the URL property in Navigator 3.
locationbarN4, menubarN4, personalbarN4, (2)M4 has a document.selection property to retrieve the currently selected text. visibility
scrollbarsN4, statusbarN4, toolbarN4 (3)mimetype parameter new in M4, but only "text/html" type supported. zIndex

visible (None) (None)

location How to Use This Map
The hierarchy diagram shows the relationships
history hash assign(“URL”) (None)
among various HTML-generated objects in Netscape
host reload([unconditional])N3,M4
length back( ) (None) Navigator 4. Follow the dark lines to create references
hostname replace(“URL”)N3,M4
current(S),(1) forward( ) to objects:
next(S),(1) go(int | “URL”) window.document.formName.textName.value
previous(S),(1) The three columns in the individual object listings
show the properties, methods, and event handlers for
(1)Introduced in Navigator 3.0 for use with a trial security method no longer in use. protocol
the object.
Available in Navigator 4 with signed scripts. search
Netscape Navigator 4 Object Road Map
imageN3,(1),M4 link (<A HREF=...> </A>) areaN3,M4
border (None) onAbort= hash (None) onClick= hash (None) onClick=N4
complete onError= host onDblClick=N4,(1),M4 host onMouseOut=
height onLoad= hostname onMouseDown=N4,M4 hostname onMouseOver=
hspace href onMouseOut=N3,M4 href
lowsrc pathname onMouseOver= pathname
name port onMouseUp=N4,M4 port
src protocol protocol
vspace search search
width target target
xN4 textN4
yN4 xN4
yN4 appletN3,M3
(1)Implemented in MSIE 3 for Macintosh, but not Windows.
(Java vars) (Java methods) (None)
implemented for Macintosh Navigator 4.

Browser Compatibility Guide

This map is a Netscape-centric view of JavaScript. No anchor (<A NAME=...> </A>) JavaScript Levels
items unique to Microsoft Internet Explorer ( MSIE) are JavaScript has gone through three versions. The
nameN4,M4 (None) (None) following browsers support features from the
listed, but Netscape-only items are. Items that have no
textN4 corresponding JavaScript level:
superscript notation are available to all JavaScript-
xN4 Browser JavaScript Level
enabled browsers, including Navigator 2 and MSIE 3.
yN4 Netscape Navigator 2.0x 1.0
Superscript notations are keyed as follows:
N3 — New in Netscape 3 MS Internet Explorer 3.0x 1.0
N4 — New in Netscape Navigator 4 form Netscape Navigator 3.0x 1.1
M3 — New in Netscape 3 and MSIE 3 action handleEvent(evt)N4 onReset=N3,M4 Netscape Navigator 4.0x 1.2
M4 — New in MSIE 4 elements[i] reset()N3,M4 onSubmit= MS Internet Explorer 4.0x 1.2
J2 — New in MSIE 3, JScript.dll Version 2 encoding submit()
No other mainstream browsers support JavaScript.
(S) — Requires Netscape Navigator 4 Signed Scripts
If an item shows N3 or N4 but not M3 or M4, it means name
that the feature is Netscape-only, and is not available in target radio
MSIE. checked click( ) onClick=
text, textarea, password, hidden defaultChecked handleEvent(evt)N4 onMouseDown=N4,M4
select length onMouseUp=N4,M4
defaultValue blur( ) onBlur= name
length blur( )N3,M4 onBlur=
form focus( ) onChange= typeN3,M4
name focus( )N3,M4 onChange=
name handleEvent(event)N4 onFocus= value
options[i] handleEvent(evt)N4 onFocus=
typeN3,M4 select( ) onKeyDown=N4,M4
value(1) onKeyPress=N4,M4
options[i].selected fileUploadN3,M4,(1)
options[i].value (1)Password value returns empty string in Navigator 2. name blur( ) onBlur=
selectedIndex value focus( ) onFocus=
typeN3,M4 handleEvent(evt)N4 onSelect=
select( )
checked click() onClick=
button, reset, submit (1)IE4does not use Netscape's "fileUpload" terminology, but both objects refer to
defaultChecked handleEvent(evt)N4 onMouseDown=N4,M4

Copyright  1998 by Danny Goodman

the same kind of <INPUT type="file"> tag.
Appendix A ✦ Netscape Navigator Object Road Map and Compatibility Guide

name click( ) onClick= name onMouseUp=N4,M4

typeN3,M4 handleEvent(evt)N4 onMouseDown=N4,M4 typeN3,M4
value onMouseUp=N4,M4 value
Copyright  1998 by Danny Goodman Netscape Navigator 4 Global Objects
Math String navigator(1) EventN4

Part V ✦ Appendixes
E abs(val) length anchor(“anchorName”) appCodeName javaEnabled( )N3,M4 ALT_MASK (None)
LN2 acos(val) prototypeN3 big( ) appName preference(name[,val])N4,(S),(2) CONTROL_MASK
LN10 asin(val) blink( ) SHIFT_MASK
appVersion taintEnabled( )N3,M4
bold( ) META_MASK
LOG2E atan(val) languageN4
charAt(index) MOUSEDOWN
LOG10E atan2(val1, val2) charCodeAt([i])N4,M4 mimeTypes[i]N3 MOUSEUP
PI ceil(val) concat(string2)N4,M4 platformN4 MOUSEOVER
SQRT1_2 cos(val) fixed( ) plugins[i]N3 MOUSEOUT
SQRT2 exp(val) fontcolor(#rrggbb) userAgent MOUSEMOVE
floor(val) fontsize(1to7) MOUSEDRAG
log(val) fromCharCode(n1...)N4,M4 (1)Contained by window object in M4 CLICK
indexOf(“str” [,i]) (2)Preference names: general.always_load_images; security.enable_java; DBLCLICK
max(val1, val2) javascript.enabled; browser.enable_style_sheets; autoupdate.enabled;
italics( ) KEYDOWN
min(val1, val2) lastIndexOf(“str” [,i])
network.cookie.cookieBehavior; network.cookie.warnAboutCookies
pow(val1, power) link(URL) KEYPRESS
random() match(regexp)N4,M4 DRAGDROP
round(val) replace(regexp,str)N4,M4 FOCUS
sin(val) search(regexp)N4,M4 BLUR
slice(i,j)N4,J2 pluginN3 mimeTypeN3 SELECT
small( ) description refresh( ) CHANGE
tan(val) description (None)
split(char)N3,(1),M4 RESET
filename enabledPlugin
strike( ) SUBMIT
sub( ) length type
substr(start,length)N4,M4 name suffixes LOAD
prototypeN3 get/set[UTC]Date() substring(intA, intB) UNLOAD
get/set[UTC]Day() sup( ) XFER_DONE
get/set[UTC]Hours() toLowerCase( ) functionN3,J2 ABORT
get/set[UTC]Minutes() toUpperCase( ) ERROR
arguments[ ] (None) LOCATE
get/set[UTC]Month() (1)Added behavior in N4 includes: ability to accept a regexp arityN4 MOVE
get/set[UTC]Seconds() parameter; second parameter (limit integer) to limit the
caller RESIZE
number of splits to be included; a space string parameter
get/set[UTC]Time() signifying any white space character. prototype FORWARD
get/set[Full]Year() HELP
getTimezoneOffset() BACK
parse(“dateString”) ArrayN3,J2 RegExpN4,M4
lengthJ2 concat(array2)N4,M4 input (None)
prototypeN3,J2 join(“char”)J2 multiline
push( )N4 lastMatch eventN4
UTC(date vals)
pop( )N4 lastParen
data(1) (None)
[UTC] and [Full] add-ons available in N4,M4. reverse( )J2 leftContext
shift( )N4 rightContext
slice(i,[j])N4,M4 $1...$9
screenN4,M4,(1) modifiers(2)
availHeight (None) unshift( )N4
Regular ExpressionN4,M4 pageY
availTop(2) global compile(regexp)
NumberN3,J2 screenY
availWidth ignoreCase exec(“string”)(1)
colorDepth MAX_VALUE toString( ) lastIndex test(“string”)
height MIN_VALUE source str.match(regexp)(1)
width NaN str.replace(regexp,str)(1)
pixelDepth(2) NEGATIVE_INFINITY (1)URL of dragdrop event
POSITIVE_INFINITY str.split(regexp[,limit] Event.CONTROL_MASK,
(1)Contained by window object in M4 Event.SHIFT_MASK, Event.META_MASK
(2)Not in M4 prototype (1)Returns an array with properties: index, input, [0], [1]...[n]
(3)Mouse button (1=left; 3=right); Key char code
Appendix A ✦ Netscape Navigator Object Road Map and Compatibility Guide 949

Operators Control Statements

Comparison if (condition) {
== Equals statementsIfTrue
!= Does not equal }
> Is greater than
>= Is greater than or equal to if (condition) {
< Is less than statementsIfTrue
<= Is less than or equal to } else {
Arithmetic }
+ Plus (and string concat.)
– Minus result = condition ? expression1 : expression2
* Multiply
for ([init expr]; [condition]; [update expr]) {
/ Divide
% Modulo
++ Increment
-- Decrement
for (var in object) {
–val Negation statements
= Equals while (condition) {
+= Add by value statements
–= Subtract by value }
*= Multiply by value
/= Divide by value with (object) {
%= Modulo by value statements
<<= Left shift by value }
>= Right shift by value
>>= Zero fill by value do {
&= Bitwise AND by value statements
|= Bitwise OR by value } while (condition)N4,M4
^= Bitwise XOR by value
switch (expression) {
Boolean case label1 :
&& AND statements
|| OR [break]
! NOT case label2 :
Bitwise [break]
& Bitwise AND
| Bitwise OR ...
^ Bitwise XOR
~ Bitwise NOT [default :
<< Left shift
>> Right shift
>>> Zero fill right shift
label : N4,M4
continue [label] N4,M4
deleteN4,M4 Property destroyer
break [label] N4,M4
new Object creator
this Object self-reference
typeofN3,M3 Value type
voidN3,M3 Return no value
Global Functions
escape(“str” [,1]) eval(expression)
unescape(“str”) isNaN(expression)
Functions of All Objects
Boolean(value)N4 parseFloat(“string”)
watch(id, handler)N4 toString() Number(“str”)N4 parseInt(“string”)
unwatch(id)N4 String(value)N4

Copyright  1998 by Danny Goodman

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