Mod5 Non-Verbal Seduction PDF

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Non-Verbal Seduction

By Jon Sinn
  Non-Verbal Seduction
refers to the process
of moving things
towards sex without
  Included in Non-
Verbal Seduction are
things like body
language, touching,
and Spatial
  Non-Verbal Seduction
bridges the gap between
verbal and physical
  By doing the things that
subcommunicate sex, you
generate tons of Sexual
  Non Verbal Seduction
takes on different
shapes and forms
throughout the process
  We are going to be
using the tools of
Spatial Relevance,
Touching and Body
  1. Body Language-
Including Facial
Expressions, Eye
Contact, Movement,
and specific body
language tactics.
  2. Touching- Including
and up to physical
  3. Spatial Relevance-
Including, back turns,
take-aways and cuts ins.
  As you’re building Sexual
Attraction, you want to
begin using nonverbal
  However you want to be
careful about trying to build
arousal or get too touchy
right away.
  Strong Eye Contact on the
approach. Break EC to the
  Feet Shoulder Width apart
  Shoulders relaxed and
leaned back
  Weight resting on your
back foot.
  Slow steady movements.
  Touch on your opener.
  Keep Touching playful
at first, think pushing
her away, flicking her,
bumping into her, and
touching her between
the shoulder and
  Try to progress to
touching her hand or
putting your arm
around her.
  Spatial Relvance refers to
your movement into and
out of her personal space.
  In attraction we want to
first preserve her comfort
levels then violate them by
getting too close to her
when teasing her and then
pulling away.
  I call this The Captain Jack
Special Move.
  In comfort we want to
start to open up more
physically to the girl.
  Here you want to lean
towards her, get your
bodies physically closer.
  You want to make her
feel like the center of
your body language
  In Comfort, you want to
start to build some
sexual rapport. This
means you want to treat
her as if you have
already had sex.
  Things like: Touching
her face, sharing drinks,
walking holding hands,
hugging and ultimately
  In comfort we want to
build a shared space.
  We want to make sure
that we are talking
within 6 inches of her
  We also want to make
sure that we are causing
subconscious touching
of skin to skin.
  The Key to
seductive body
language is
slowing down and
moving with
  Intent is conveyed
through your
facial expressions,
eye contact and
  Touching here is to
build arousal.
  Things like: hair
pulling, neck
biting, kissing her
ears and neck,
blowing on her
neck, scracthing
her back grabbing
her waist, ass, and
rubbing her inner
  Here we want to start
coquetting by moving into
the woman’s space to
arouse her and then
moving out of her space to
push her away.
  This can be called sexual
  The Pulling is arousing
and demonstrating sexual
  The Pushing is when you
physically push her away
or deny her.
  Arousal can be built in any
environment, but there is a
tipping point where
arousal become foreplay.
  This happens anytime
there is any physical
contact with the arousal
areas of breast and vagina.
  You don’t want to start
foreplay until you can take
advantage of it
comfortable with the
  We defined Non Verbal
Seduction, why it’s
important, and when to
start it.
  We then guided you
through step by step ways
to use your body language,
touching and spatial
relevance to seduce non
  Practice your
seductive body
language in the
mirror 3 times this
  Focus on Eye
Contact, Sexual
Intent, and slow sexy
  Record yourself
Practicing The
Captain Jack Special
Move, Back Turns,
and Sexual Push pull.
  Try to do everything
slower and with
better eye contact.

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