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Cloze Test - 4

Direction for the questions 1 to 10: In the following passage. There are blanks each of which has
been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passages and against each five words are
suggested. One of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out of the appropriate word in each case.
Educational planning should aim at (1) the educational needs of the (2) population of all age groups.
While the traditional structure of education as a three layer (3) from the primary (4) to the
university represents the (2), we should not overlook the (6) which is equally important under
modern conditions. Workers need to (7) or renew their enthusiasm, or (8) out in a new direction or
improve their (9) as much as any university professor. The retired and the aged have their (10) as
well. Educational planning in other words should take care of the needs of everyone.

1. A) promoting B) meeting C) understanding D) experience E) satisfy

2. A) all B) maximum C) entire D) full E) growing
3. A) position B) ranking C) order D) chain E) hierarchy
4. A) grade B) stage C) dais D) part E) unit
5. A) center B) gist C) core D) basis E) crux
6. A) fringe B) beginning C) boundaries D) periphery E) base
7. A) regain B) reverse C) start D) halt E) enervate
8. A) find B) tap C) move D) reach E) strike
9. A) aptitudes B) skills C) accomplishmentD) capacities E) inadequacy
10. A) commitments B) wants C) needs D) duties E) longing

Cloze Test 4

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