BDS Plan

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Group 5
Almerino, Arianne
Araneta, Junelisa
De Belen, Gellie Mae
Gabbuat, Vanessa
Navarro, Eula
Ms. Mae Lin Lactaoen
1 Introduction

Business Development Services is generally defines as services that improve the

performance of the enterprise, its access to markets, and its ability to compete. A
business consultant works with clients on strategy, planning problem solving and
helps clients develop business skills and knowledge. These topics range from
designing a business model or marketing plan, to determine which marketing
techniques to use and how to use them. You’ll often help clients learn how to plan
and implement projects. A small business consultant gives advices, teaches skills
and brainstorms with the client to produce practical results and enhance strategic

Just like the given definition of business development services, our project
management plan or our business will performed the following activities that will be
essential to our clients to improve their business enterprise. GANDA Consulting
Group (GCG) will performed as one of small business consultant that will help small
medium enterprises (SME’s) to maximize and enhance their knowledge and skills in
operating their business. Our primary focus in building this project management plan
is to give help to our clients in achieving their vision or goals for their business. Give
them guidance on how to operate their business correctly while maximizing their profit
and to make sure that their business performed effectively and productively.
1.1 Purpose of Project Management Plan

This project management plan will provide trainings and seminars on how
to start a small business. It is essential to know about the important segment on
how to run a business to be a successful one in the future. It has proven an
effective and popular measure in the ongoing struggle against poverty. The project
management is essential to the following possible client:

To fresh graduate students of Business Administration

- To imply the course that they took and guide them to start up their business
by consulting, advertising, and market the project that they are putting up.

To Small Entrepreneur

- To improve the regulation of the business and to enhance the possible

production of the business.

1.1 BDS Background

GANDA Consulting Group was formed by students of Philippine Christian

University. These students believe in self-help and in the idea that people in poverty need
to create opportunities for themselves to improve their economic life.

GANDA Consulting Group created on March 11, 2019. It consist of five students
(Gabbuat, Araneta, Navarro, De Belen and Almerino) who currently enrolled at Philippine
Christian University. We are located at Guerrero St. Malate Manila. GCG has the

- To enhance the knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship and enterprise

- Improvement of the social and economic valuation of the members.
- Providing, in the best possible conditions the financial advice and services that
members need.
- Assisting clients on how the business can improved.
GCG wants to help our clients to be more wiser and knowledgeable when it
comes in building and operating their business. We want to give nothing but the best non-
financial services that we can provide from the knowledge, information’s and skills that
we gathered and developed as a Business Administration major in Microfinance and
Accounting students.

1.2 Market Development Approach

GANDA Microcredit Operation have two main approaches throughout the

market development. The first is consultation to give knowledge on how to start up
a business and the demands of the possible consumers of the project that you
want to put up.
The second is our trainings and seminars. We mandated our clients to
attend our trainings and seminars to gain a better insight into the project. This is to
offer opportunity to develop new professional relationships, meet new friends for a
possible client, gain knowledge and become more successful.

Methods and Approaches

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT help small entrepreneur invest in business activities, learn

new strategic plan, and access in cooperative. Activities that connects to consumer for a
better effect of your business. Business development helps businesses solve the risk that
business have and work cooperatively right.

FACILITATING SUPPORT MARKETS, provide the services that the cooperative need to
operate, compete and grow financially services, transport, marketing facilities,
communications, information services, legal services and technology for development.

IMPROVING MARKET ACCESS for the poor ensures that all levels of the community
benefit from the cooperatives economic development.
2 Executive Summary of Project Charter

Access to credit has been challenging for micro, small, and medium sized
enterprises in the Philippines. The problem is probably more acute for micro enterprises
and other allied groups such as the informal sector. These groups could otherwise be
referred to as financially exclude.

GANDA Consulting Group was established last March 11, 2019. GANDA MO offers
services that help its member achieve their financial needs. Members seek loans from
cooperatives for diverse financials needs. These includes running small businesses, and
stabilize consumptions. We give advices and other information regarding business
development for others.

We make more options to small businesses from consultancy to advisory, marketing

strategy, product development and seminars or trainings.

2.1 Assumptions/ Constraints

1. Our assumptions for this project is that we can be financially stable for the next few
years. We believe that our consumers will be keen to avail our products or services
to generate sales to make profit. For our resources, we make sure that we have
available equipment and human resource in serving our consumers.
2. We only need to focus on microfinance activities or firms.
3. It is just similar to the business plan that we made last semester.

Project Constraints

1. We students who build this project we have limited source of funds for this plan.
2. Look for an investor or a sponsor to finance this project.
3. Time is also limited, every project has a deadline to minimize the cost. Availability
of human resources to manage and conduct this project is lacking. We don’t have
enough knowledge and skills to generate this project. We need to hire
professionals who have knowledge in this field.
4. We also need to finish this project management plan within a month.

3 BDS Market Analysis

3.1 Market Assessment

GANDA Consulting Group promotes entrepreneurship to SME’s. Our institution

aims to provide services in City of Manila especially around Malate Manila. City of Manila
has population of 1.78 million. Malate has 77,513 population. Malate has a lot of business
establishment that could be our potential clients. Vendors and other small business can
also avail our services. Our Institution promotes its services through social media and
printed ads such as newspapers, tabloids, magazines and fliers. Since we are just
starting, we will continuously growing and improving. We make sure that we provide
affordable and good quality of services.

Potential Customers

We focus on the small entrepreneurs around Malate area. There a lot of small
entrepreneurs that need financial help to expand their businesses. We can also help them
by attending our training and seminars to teach them some strategies on hot to meet the
goal that want to achieved.

Target Market

Our main target market are the small entrepreneurs that want to expand their
businesses. We want to help small business persons to achieve the success that they
want to reach. Our clients is open to all who want to start their own business.
Product / Services

Start Up Business Enterprise

In this services, clients will enlightened and well inform on how to manage and
operate their business in order to avoid bankruptcy. It also helps them to assess their
capacity and skills, at the same time aid them in the intricacies of business planning.

Costing and Pricing

In this activity it will help the clients to come up with the correct pricing through
accurate product costing that would ensure their income.

Marketing Consultancy

Equips entrepreneurs with marketing strategies to identify and target the right
market for their products. It will also help them on how to maintain good relationship with
their customers and not to lose by the competitors of their business.

Product Development

This will be essential to a business. In this service we will be able to help customer
how they will going to improve and enhance their products to attract more customers and
if there business was struggling, we want to help them assess or point out what they
should develop or add as there product to maximize profit


We will going to conduct trainings and seminars for those who are interested to avail
our products and services by giving them an overview how to avail our loans, how to put
up a business and how they will going to maximize their cash they will going to invest.
Our main goal is to attract clients and to help them develop their skills and knowledge
about business. Somehow we will be going to evaluate them the risk that they will going
to encounter and how to reduce it.
3.2 BDS Demand Analysis

Demand analysis plays a vital role in the decision making of a business. Market
uses demand analysis to understand how much consumer demand exist for a
product or service. This analysis help management determine if they can
successfully enter a market.
With demand analysis we can easily know the demand for product/services and
other information like number of competitors and their current market share.

3.3 BDS Supply Analysis

In this section, supply analysis is done to understand the supply trends and
responses to changing market.
GANDA Consulting Group provides the following services to the client, Mrs.
Jenet Gabbuat.
- Advising and guiding in consult the quality of products.
- Evaluate financial statements
- Provide customer opportunities and feedback.
- Identification of the most profitable and popular food
- Keeping daily records.

4 Scope Management

a) Invasiveness of Support

Start-up Small, Medium Entrepreneurs: are any enterprise with 10 to 199

employees and/or assets valued from Php 3,000,000.00 to Php
100,000,000.00. It is anyone and everyone who’s had the initiative to start their
own business. We all know the risk of putting or starting up a business in our
country. It is risky to finance all your savings and hard work to the business that
you want to build. In BDS, we are helping small entrepreneurs promote their
products in the market and strategize on how to run the business successfully.

b) Intensity of Intervention

GANDA Consulting Group applied some intervention that support the business
of our clients. It may burdens the production of our client’s services but it is also
for the achievement of the business. Our goal is to recognize the business in
the market and using multiple strategies may be the most effective because of
the potential to reach a large number of people in a variety of ways.

c) Intervention Leverage

Developing a clear offer by giving our clients the inexpensive payment for
assisting them to introduce their product in the market. GCG are different to
other agencies that offer consultancies because we offer a free service of
consulting before starting up a business. Our clients will get a service that will
benefit the business because GCG will make a plan, develop the existing and
the on-going services of the business, and strategize the process that will make
easy for everyone in the business.

4.1 Partnership Institutions

Our business is connected with specialists and experts who can help our clients to
make a decision that can benefit or support their own businesses. We are also engage
to advertisements that upkeep our client’s product to introduce it to their target markets.

 Livelihood Programs
- This is to help the community creates certain project which will earn extra
 Ms. Maribel B. Salta
- A human resource specialist and a former owner of a cooperative. She is
one of our volunteer consultants that helps small entrepreneurs make their
business a success one.
- She is also a master professor in Human Resource Management in
University of Sto. Tomas.

4.2 Work Breakdown Schedule

Role Responsibilities Assigned Person

 Manages project in accordance Gelli Mae De Belen

Project to the project plan
Manager  Supervises consultants
 Provide direction to the project
 Lead the project team through
the project management
process (creating and executing
the project plan).
 Obtain approvals for the project
 Issue status reports on the
progress of the project versus
the plan.
 Respond to requests for
changes to the plan
 Provide people to be project Arianne Almerno
Resource team members.
Managers  Review and approve the project Junelisa Araneta
plan for their areas.
 May have access to or
periodically review the project
 Provide direction, as required, to
the team member who
represents the resource
 Make sure the people working
on the project from the
department have the
appropriate level of skill and
expertise to do the work.
 Make sure team members are
provided with the time to
complete the project, as defined
in the approved project plan.
 Remove obstacles for the
project team.
Role Responsibilities Assigned Person

Project Eula Navarro

Team  Provide technical expertise.
Members  Provide ideas that can help the Vanessa Mae Gabbuat
team create quality deliverables,
on time and within budget.
 Ensure that his or her part of the
project work gets completed on
 Communicate issues back to the
project team.
 Participate in the project
planning process.
 Interface with the suppliers for
his or her area.
 Keep the boss informed on
project issues, as required.
 Keep the commitment he or she
makes to the project.
 Help to keep the project on track
using different kind
of collaborative tools.
 Provide updates to his or her
resource manager on the status
of the project.
 Help to keep the team process
and content on track.

5 Schedule / Time Management (GANTT CHART)




CLIENT ASSESSMENT 08-Apr-19 12-Apr-19

MEETINGS 15-Apr-19 19-Apr-19



5.1 Milestone
Plan Output/Milestone Responsible Staff Date Performed or
to be Performed
Business Evaluation  Background checking Araneta,Almerno,De 1st week of April
of the business Belen,Gabbuat, 3hrs.
 Location of the Navarro
 Identifying its
 Identifying strength
and weaknesses of the
Client Assessment  Identifying the skills and Gabbuat, Navarro 2nd week of April
knowledge of the client
she’s managing the
Meetings  Presentation of all Araneta,Almerino, 3rd week of April
gathered information De Belen,Gabbuat,
 Presentation of all our Navarro
researched that may be
helpful to our project
 Analysis of the business
and client evaluation
Presentation of the  Presentation of our Araneta, Almerino, 4th week of April
first draft proposed service that De Belen, Gabbuat,
will help to develop or Navarro
enhance the business
 Presentation of our
proposed marketing
strategy to the business
to maximize their profit
Final Draft  Presentation of our final Araneta, Almerino, May 2019
business management De Belen, Gabbuat,
plan for the business Navarro
 Presentation of the final
draft to the client
Implementation  Implementation of the Araneta, Almerino, May 2019
business development De Belen, Gabbuat,
service activities that Navarro
we provide for the

6. Cost/ Budget Management

6.1 Funding Source


Subscribed Capital Date Declared

Almerino, Arianne 10,000 March 4, 2019
Araneta, Junelisa 10,000 March 4, 2019
De Belen, Gellie May 10,000 March 4, 2019
Gabbuat, Vanessa 10,000 March 4, 2019
Navarro, Eula 10,000 March 4, 2019
Total 50,000

Initial Paid Up Capital Date Secured

Almerino, Arianne 5,000 March 5, 2019
Araneta, Junelisa 5,000 March 5, 2019
De Belen, Gellie May 5,000 March 5, 2019
Gabbuat, Vanessa 5,000 March 5, 2019
Navarro, Eula 5,000 March 5, 2019
Total 25,000
Each shareholders subscribed a Php 10,000 peso for capital and their initial paid-
up for capital is Php 5,000 peso each. Each shareholder’s contributed amount came
from their savings.

6.2 Projected Cost

Business Permits and License P 2,000

Transportation and Travel Expense 500

Miscellaneous 1,000

Additional Expenditure 2,500

(Signage, Business Cards, Adverts & Promotion) _________
Total 6,000

6.3 Projected Profit

CGC targets a P 80,000 profit for its first year which is 8% each month should be
earn by our company. The following illustration are given below.






Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19

6.4 Breakeven Analysis

CGC’s Break-even Analysis is based on the projected profit of the first year figure
for the total operating expenses. These conservative assumptions make for a more
accurate estimate of real risk.

Formula: Break-even = Profit Contribution / Fixed Cost

Break-even = P 80,000 / P 6,000

Break-even = 13.33

Therefore, given the fixed costs and projected profit of our first year operation,
CGC must have a number of 13 clients to operate our business persistently.

7. Quality Management
Ensures that an organization, product or service is consistent. Quality
management is focused not only on product and service quality but also on the means to
achieve it. Provides the plan that defines the quality control and quality assurance
activities to be performed during the course of project and the resources responsible for
the project.

Quality management involves a collection of guidelines that are developed by a team

to ensure that the products and services that they produce are of the right standards or
fit for purpose. The process starts when the organization sets quality targets to be met
and which are agreed upon with the customer. The organization then defines how the
targets will be measured. It then takes the actions that are required to measure the quality.
They then identify any quality issue that arises and initiates improvements. The process
ensures that the products and services produced by the team match the customers’
8. Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management is the strategic approach to the effective
management of people in an organization so that they help the business to gain a
competitive advantage. HR departments are responsible for overseeing employee
benefits, employee recruitment, training and development. The workplace processes that
interact with customers and potential employees are also component in the HR world.

The HRM department members provide the knowledge, necessary tools, trainings,
administrative services. Coaching, legal and management advice. HR staff members are
partially responsible for ensuring that the organization has an overall mission, vision and
values that are shared and provide an overarching reason for employees to want to work
for their organization.

9. Communication Management
Communication plan defines the information needs of the project team by
documenting what, when, where, and how information will be distributed. An effective
communication management plan anticipates what information will need to be
communicated to specific audience segments. The plan should also address who has the
authority to communicate confidential or sensitive information and how information should
be disseminated.

9.1. Communication Matrix

A communication matrix is also a useful tool to establish a project approval
process. You can determine which projects need approval and what level of leadership
is responsible for that approval.

Communication Purpose Medium Frequency Audience

Kick-off Introduce In person / Twice a week All members

meeting project. face to face
objectives and
Project team Review status In person Thrice a week All members
meeting of project
Project design Reviewing the In person Twice a week All members
meeting draft
Project status Detailed report Twice a week All members
report on project In person
costs, and

10. Risk Management

GANDA Business Support provides plan that helps assure satisfactory project
results by identifying project risk and factors that may cause risk to be realized, specifying
a process to follow during the process. This plan document the processes tools and
procedures that will be used to manage and control those events that could have a
negative impact on the project.

10.1 Risk Log

A Risk Log, is document which is created during the early stages of our project. It
is a tool that plays an important part in your Risk Management Plan, helping you to track
issues and address problems as they arise.

10.2 Issue Management

Project issues must be identified, managed and resolved throughout the project in
order for the project to be successful. Issue management plays an important role in
maintaining project stability and efficiency throughout the project lifecycle. It addresses
obstacles that can hinder project success and/or block the project team from achieving
its goals. These obstacles can include such factors as differences of opinion, situations
to be investigated, emerging or unanticipated responsibilities. The purpose of issue
management is to identify and document these issues and to resolve them by reviewing
and carefully considering all relevant information.

Unresolved issues can be a source of conflict that delays or prevents the project
team from attaining project goals, milestones, and deliverables. It is the responsibility of
the project manager to effectively manage and monitor issues on a regular basis, follow
up with issue owners to ensure progress is being made towards resolution, and to report
on the status of issues. In addition to overcoming obstacles to success, effective issue
management also contributes to having constructive working relationships among the
project stakeholders, including the project team.

11. Procurement Management

The Procurement Management Plan should be defined enough to clearly identify
the necessary steps and responsibilities for procurement from the beginning to the end
of a project. The project manager must ensure that the plan facilitates the successful
completion of the project and does not become an overwhelming task in itself to manage.
The project manager will work with the project team and other key players to manage the
procurement activities.

Service / Item Responsible person Duration Implementation

Planning Araneta,Almerino,De 3 hrs. February 2019
Client Assessment Gabbuat, Navarro 4 hrs. per week April 2019

Presentation of first Araneta,Almerino,De 2 hrs per week April 2019

draft Belen,
Final draft Araneta,Almerino,De 3 hrs per week May 2019
Belen, Gabbuat,
12. Compliance Related Planning

Compliance is a term that describes conforming to a standard, rule, law or

requirement. Companies that are looking for ways to adhered to regulations should
implement compliance controls. Compliance serves as a vehicle to ensure that the
projects are executed within the overall objectives of the company.

GCG make sure that we have updated records of business transactions as well as

13. Monitoring and Evaluation Planning

Information informants Data Responsibility Frequency Data Reporting

needed collection analysis
What do we Who can How to Who will do? How often? How to Reporting
need? provide? collect data? analyze
*Significant *the one *semi *field staff *ongoing *quantitative See
changes who structured (for and internal
received interview *trainers monitoring) qualitative versus
training data analysis external
*focused *external *when reporting
group consultants (if there is
discussions evaluation) external

14. Recommendations

As a team member, we establishment and improvement of working procedures

and checklist for the project were highly beneficial for us. We enjoyed and the same find
it difficult to do the project, but the results has a great response for us. Our team members
has an excellent job in creating this project. We managed to build complex schedule and
submit the plan to our professor. We are working hard to manage the project management


CLIENT: Mrs. Jenet Gabbuat

Product/Services: Eatery

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