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Erstellungsdatum: 18.02.

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g: 23.01.2
23.01.2002 002
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DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Calculation of thermoplastic tanks Directive D

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND and apparatus – DVS 2205-5
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. Rectangular tanks (July 1987) S ®

Contents: Ec N/mm² modu

lus of creep
creep (from
(from DVS 2205
2205 Part 1)

1 Scope f m maximum deflection

2 General F N force
3 Calc
n valu
4 Calculation of various tank constructions J mm4 moment of inertia of edge strengthening
5 Explanations k coefficient
6 Literature
M N mm bending moment

1 Scope p N/mm² excess pr

pressure on
on ta
tank bo
pm N/mm² mean value
value of
of excess
excess pressure
pressure for
for calculatio
n of
The following rules for the design and calculation apply to wall thickness
rectangular tanks for the engineering of apparatus of
  r thermoplastic materials, in particular pn N/mm² mean value
value of
of excess
excess pressure
pressure for
for calculatio
n of
the beam
   l Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  u Polypropylene (PP) s mm wall thickness
  e High density polyethylene (PE-HD)
   f W mm³ moment of resistance of edge strengtheni ng
   t The tanks may be strengthened from the outside by means of
  e ribs or frames made of the same or stiffer materials, such as α1...α5 coefficient of deformation
glass-fibre reinforced plastics (GRP) or steel. With the exception β1...β5 coefficient of wall thickness
of hydrostatic pressures, no appreciable pressures occur. For the
   h calculation, in principle, the plate theory was used. Reference to σzul N/mm² permissible
permissible stress
stress (here
(here the
the stress
stress values
values given
  w the membrane theory will be found in subclauses 4.6.2 and 5. in DVS 2205 Part 1 may be used)
  r 2 General 4 Calcul
on of various
various tank
tank constru
   f In the design and processing in particular the following Data The calculation procedures are given for the following tank
Sheets should be considered: constructions, Figures 1 to 5.
DVS 2205 Part 1
   t "Calculation of thermoplastic tanks and apparatus, 4.1 Tanks without
without streng
ng, resting
resting evenly
evenly on a flat surface
  n characteristic values" The calculation of the walls depend on their side ratio. The
DVS 2205 Part 3 thickness of the bottom must be at least of the same order of
  g magnitude as that of the side walls, Figure 6.
   i "Calculation of thermoplastic tanks and apparatus, welded
   5   y
  :   p  joints"
   3   o
   2    d DVS 2205 Part 4 4.1.1
4.1.1 Side
Side rati
o a/b
a/b < 00.5
   9   n
  -   a
"Calculation of thermoplastic tanks and apparatus, flanged
   9   g The required wall tickness is
   t  joints".
   6   n
   1   r 2
   0   p
  e Welds must be placed into regions of low bending moments; the p⋅a
  -    R s = .
---------------------- (1)
   1 maximum moments can be seen in figures 6,7 and 8. Significant 2.5 ⋅ σ zul
   0 differences in expansion between strengthening and wall, caused
   4 by temperature changes, must be allowed for in the design.
   7 The maximum deflection is:
 . p⋅a
3 Calcu
on value
valuess f = -----------------------------------
. (2)
  - k ⋅ 32 ⋅ E c ⋅ s
   7 A, B, C, D operands
   4 The factor
factor k is to be chosen
chosen between
between 1 (for
(for a < b) and 2 (for
   9 a mm length of tank or of panel
   8 a/b ≈ 0.5)
  r b, bn mm heig
hts of tan
tank or of panel
   d 4.1.2 Side ratio 0.5 a/b 4
  - a', b' mm len
gths aand
nd hhe
s of pan
els ass
ned to
  s strengthening The minimum wall thickness results from:
   d c mm width of tank or of panel
   i 2
  c E N/mm 2
elastic modulus of the beam material (with s = β 1 -p-------⋅--b------- (3)
   t plastics, corresponding to E c) σ zul
  e This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideration as an impor tant source of information
   j is recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No
  n liability can be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißtechnik e.V.,
e.V., and those par ticipating in the drawing up of the document.
  u DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group "Joining of Plastics"
   l Orders to: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P.
P. O. Box 1019 65, 40010 Düsseldorf,
Düsseldorf, Germany,
Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591-
49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax:
Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150
Page 2 to DVS 2205-5

Figure 1. Tanks without strengthening.

Figure 2. Tanks with edge strengthening.

Figure 6. Moment curve.

and the maximum deflection is:

α1 ⋅ p ⋅ b4
f = ------------------------- . (4)
Figure 3. Tanks with all-around strengthenings. Ec ⋅ s

The values for β1 and α1 are to be taken from Table 1.

4.1.3 Side ratio a/b > 4

The wall thicknesses result from

s = -------------- , (5)
σ zul
and the maximum deflection is:
Figure 4. Tanks with yoke strengthenings.
   5 f = ----------------------------- . (6)
  : 2.5 ⋅ E c ⋅ s
   9 4.2 Tanks with edge strengthening, resting evenly on a flat surface
   1 4.2.1 Calculation of the side walls
   1 The calculation of the side walls is based on the assumption that
   0 the upper edge strengthening constitutes a firm support. The
   3 Figure 5. Tanks with cross-ribbed side walls.
   7 (In view of their high costs, these thickness of the bottom must be at least the same of the side
   6 tanks are not considered here.) walls, Figure 7.
  - Table 1. Coefficients; use linear interpolation to find intermediate value.
a/b or a/c α1 β1 α2 β2 α3 β3 α4 β4 α5 β5
   8 0.5 0.0009 0.09 0.00092 0.074 0.0019 0.13 0.17 0.19 – –
  r 0.6 0.0020 0.10 0.0020 0.097 0.0037 0.17 0.19 0.21 – –
   d 0.7 0.0035 0.12 0.0032 0.12 0.0061 0.22 0.23 0.22 – –
  s 0.8 0.0055 0.15 0.0049 0.15 0.0090 0.26 0.26 0.23 – –
  v 0.9 0.0075 0.18 0.0068 0.18 0.012 0.29 0.29 0.23 – –
   d 1.0 0.011 0.21 0.0088 0.21 0.015 0.31 0.32 0.21 0.045 0.29
   t 1.2 0.017 0.27 0.013 0.26 0.021 0.39 0-35 0.27 0.063 0.38
  r 1.4 0.028 0.33 0.017 0.31 0.025 0.44 0.37 0.32 0.078 0.45
  s 1.6 0.046 0.43 0.020 0.34 0.028 0.47 0.39 0.34 0.09 0.52
  o 1.8 0.061 0.45 0.022 0.35 0.029 0.49 0.40 0.36 0.10 0.57
  r 2.0 0.082 0.50 0.024 0.36 0.031 0.50 0.40 0.38 0.11 0.61
   j 2.5 0.138 0.64 0.0258 0.37 0.031 0.50 0.41 0.40 0.13 0.68
  n 3.0 0.194 0.74 0.0260 0.37 0.031 0.50 0.42 0.41 0.14 0.71
 . 4.0 0.269 0.87 0.0264 0.38 0.031 0.50 0.42 0.41 0.14 0.74
∞ 0.4 1.0 0.029 0.4 0.031 0.50 0.43 0.41 0.14 0.75
Page 3 to DVS 2205-5

Figure 7. Moment curve. Side ratio a/b < 0.5 be assumed as a fixed support, its deflection must not be greater
The required wall thickness is: than 1 % of the length or height, the shorter distance being
decisive. The deflection is calculated according to:
p⋅a 4
s = -,
------------- (7) p⋅b⋅a
3 σ zul f .
= ----------------------------- (13)
1280 ⋅ E ⋅ J
and the maximum deflection is:
Resulting from:
f = ----------------------------------- . (8)  ----5----- + ----1----- 
k ⋅ 32 ⋅ E c ⋅ s p  384 384  p

----------- ⋅ ------------------------------- = ⋅ ----1----- .

The factor k is to be chosen between 1 (for a < b) and 2 (for a/b ≈ 2⋅5 2 10 128
The maximum moment in the edge strengthening amounts to: Side ratio 0.5 a/b 2 2
The minimum wall thickness results from: M .
= --------------------- (14)
   0 β 2 ⋅ p ⋅ b2 From this we obtain for W:
  : s = ------------------------ (9)
   3 σzul
   2 2
   9 p⋅b⋅a
  - W .
= ------------------------ (15)
   9 and the maximum deflection is: 100 ⋅ σ zul
   1 α2 ⋅ p ⋅ b4 Frequently the deflection f is given for reasons of design. In this
  - f = ------------------------
- . (10)
   1 3 case the formula
   0 Ec ⋅ s
   3 4
   4 p⋅b⋅a
   7 The values for β2 and α2 to be taken from Table 1. J . (16)
   5 = ----------------------------
   6 1280 ⋅ E ⋅ f
 . Side ratio a/b > 2
  r applies.
  - The wall thicknesses result from:
   7 4.3 Tanks with all around, strengthenings resting evenly on a flat
   4 2
   7 p⋅b surface
   9 s ---------------------- , (11)
   8 =
 . 2.5 ⋅ σ zul This construction is preferably used for large tanks. The wall
   N thicknesses have to be calculated individually for each panel.
   d and the maximum deflection is:
  - The heights of the panels can be determined so that, as far as
   i 4 possible, equal wall thicknesses result. On the other hand the
  v p⋅b
   d f = --------------------------- . (12) panel heights may be fixed so that each strengthening beam is
  a 3
   i 35 ⋅ E c ⋅ s subjected to an equal load. The weight of the strengthenings
  c must not represent an undue additional load upon the tank wall. If
   t necessary they have to be supported independently from the
  s 4.2.2 Calculation of the edge strengthening
  n tank wall.
  o The deflection of the edge strengthening is to be calculated as a
  e mean between freely supported (f = ----5-----...) and fixed beam 4.3.1 Calculation of the side walls
   i 384
   S 1 The manner of calculation of the individual panels depends on
 . (f = ---------- ) with line lead. The edge strengthening takes up 1/5th
   M 384 their position and their side ratios. The free panel height b n
   t of the wall load as line load. To allow the edge strengthening to (n = 1,2,3 ...) is to be put for b in the formulae.
Page 4 to DVS 2205-5

Figure 8. Moment curve. Calculation of the upper panel 4.3.2 Calculation of the strengthening beams
The relations stated under 4.2.1 apply. For this purpose, the
The beams are calculated as a mean between freely supported
pressure at the last strengthening beam under the edge
and constrained bending beams. This statement is correct only
strengthening is entered in the equations for surface pressure p.
for rigid corner joints of the strengthening beams. The
For b, the uppermost panel height is entered.
corresponding panel load is obtained from an excess pressure p n
averaged over half the upper and lower panel height, Figure 8. Calculation of the lower panels
The lowest beam is to be dimensioned so that its deflection does
For this calculation a mean value of excess pressure p m is not exceed 1 % of the lowest panel height, in order to relieve the
assumed, Figure 8. weld on the tank bottom. The equations for calculating the
   5 strengthening beams, with exception of the edge strengthening,
  : Side ratio a/b < 0.5
   3 are as follows:
   9 The calculation is as in subclause
  - 4
   9 pn ⋅ b ′ ⋅ a
   6 Side ratio 0.5 a/b 2 f = -------------------------- , (21)
   0 128 ⋅ E ⋅ J
  - The formulae
   0 2
   0 pn ⋅ b ′ ⋅ a
   4 β3 ⋅ pm ⋅ b2 M = -------------------------- , (22)
   7 s = ---------------------------- (17)
   5 σ zul 10
α3 ⋅ pm ⋅ b4 pn ⋅ b ′ ⋅ a
  - and f = ----------------------------- . (18) W = -------------------------- . (23)
   0 3 10 ⋅ σ zul
   7 Ec ⋅ s
   8 apply. The edge strengthening is to be calculated as in subclause 4.2.2.
  r For this purpose, the pressure at the last strengthening beam
   N The values for β3 and α3 are to be taken from Table 1.
   d under the edge strengthening is entered in the equations for
  s Side ratio a/b > 2 surface pressure p. For b, the uppermost panel height is entered.
   d The formulae
   i 4.4 Rectangular tank with yoke strengthening
  c 2
  r pm ⋅ b
   t This construction is to be chosen for tanks where the all around
  s s = ------------------ (19)
  o 2 ⋅ σ zul frame is no longer appropriate (very long tanks), Figure 9.
  e 4
   j pm ⋅ b
   i and f = ---------------------------
- (20) 4.4.1 Calculation of the wall thicknesses of the side walls
  n 3
   S 32 ⋅ E c ⋅ s
   M The side walls are calculated using the formulae according to
   t apply. subclause 4.2.1
Page 5 to DVS 2205-5

Figure 9. Tank with yoke strengthening (moment curve similar to figure 7).

4.4.2 Calculation of the tank bottom stiffenings, these must be fitted on the top of the cover if the
medium temperature is > 60°C. If the cover is insufficiently non- Side ratio a/c < 0.5 warping, diagonal stiffenings have to be fitted. The letter a always
The formulae designates the longer side.

2 4.5.1 Freely supported cover, Figure 10

s = ----------------- (24) Loading: For example, moving load 0.0025 N/mm ² = 0.025 bar.
3 ⋅ σ zul
The formulae:
and f = -----------------------------------
. (25) β5 ⋅ p ⋅ c2
k ⋅ 16 ⋅ E c ⋅ s s = ------------------------ (30)
σ zul
The factor k is to be chosen between 1 (for a < c) and 2 (for a/c ≈ α5 ⋅ p ⋅ c4
and f = ------------------------ (31)
0.5) 3
Ec ⋅ s Side ratio 0.5 a/c 2 apply.
The formulae

β 3 ⋅ p ⋅ c2
s = ------------------------ (26)
   3 σ zul
   9 α3 ⋅ p ⋅ c4
  - and f = ------------------------ . (27)
   6 3
   1 Ec ⋅ s
   1 apply.
   4 Side ratio a/c > 2
   6 The formulae
   f 2
  - p⋅c
   0 s = ----------------- (28) Figure 10. Reference dimensions.
   7 2 ⋅ σ zul
   9 4.5.2 Fixed cover
   8 4
 . p⋅c
  r and f = --------------------------- . (29) Figures 11 and 12 show reference dimensions for internal and
   N 3
   d 32 ⋅ E c ⋅ s external pressure.
   i apply. Side ratio 1 a/c 2
  a The formulae
   i 4.4.3 Calculation of the yokes
  u The yokes are calculated as continuous beams on two supports
   t with cantilevers on either side, the cantilevers being subject to
β3 ⋅ p ⋅ c2
  s s = ------------------------ (32)
  n σ zul
  o triangular load and the beam being loaded with an area load at
  r the level of the pressure at the bottom.
α3 ⋅ p ⋅ c4
  n 4.5 Calculation of the cover and f = ------------------------ (33)
   S 3
 . Ec ⋅ s
   M The plate theory is to be used for the calculation. The cover is to
   t be made preferably free of stiffening. If a cover is provided with apply.
Page 6 to DVS 2205-5 Calculation of cover stiffening

a ⋅c⋅p
W .
= --------------------- (36)
8 ⋅ σ zul

applies. Frequently the deflection is given for reasons of design.

In this case the formula
J .
= ----------------------------- (37)
384 ⋅ E ⋅ f

4.6 Special cases

Figure 11. Reference dimensions for internal pressure. 4.6.1 Elevated tanks

In cases where the tank does not rest evenly on the ground but
stands in or on a supporting frame, the tank bottom is to be
calculated according to 4.4.2.

4.6.2 Non-rigid designs

Owing to the very low rigidity of plastics, large area components

frequently are not able to take up the external loading deriving
from bending forces. If the deflection of a panel amounts to more
than half the panel wall thickness, a considerable portion of the
loading is absorbed by membrane forces, i.e. tensile forces. This
means that for the calculation a distinction between several
cases will have to be made which derives from a check of the
N = ----------------- (38)
Ec ⋅ s

Figure 12. Reference dimensions of external pressure. Side ratio a/c > 2

The formulae

s = ----------------- (34)
   5 2 ⋅ σ zul
   9 4
  - p⋅c
   9 and f = ---------------------------
- (35)
  - 32 ⋅ E c ⋅ s
  - apply.
   0 Figure 14. Regions of validity of plate and membrane theory.
   3 4.5.3 Stiffened cover, Figure 13
   6 Rigidity N 30
  r The relations specified in subclauses 4.2 and 4.6.1 apply.
   0 Rigidity N > 30
   7 The relations allowing for bending and stress apply. For a plate
 . fixed on four sides with uniform area load and a side ratio a/b = 1
   N the following formulae apply:
  s 2
   i s = A + B–A, (39)
   i β3 σ
  u where A = --------- ⋅ b ----zul
----- (40)
   t 2 β4 Ec
  o 2
   C p⋅b ⋅ β3
  r Figure 13. Reference Dimensions.
  e B = ------------------------ . (41)
   j σzul
  n Calculation of wall thickness and deflection
   M The calculation is done according to subclause and
  - 3 2
   t respectively. f = C+ C + D, (42)
Page 7 to DVS 2205-5

To subclause
α34 p⋅b
The tank wall here is considered on the one hand as a fixed
where C = --------- ⋅ -------------
- (43)
2 Ec ⋅ s beam and on the other hand as a freely supported beam with
triangular load.

α 94 ⋅ s6 .
= -------------------- (44)
To subclause 4.2.2:
3 The bending moment of a beam with line load, which is
27 ⋅ α 3
considered as a mean between freely supported and fixed, is: Rigidity N > 1000

M F⋅a.
= ----------- (47)
In the case of very high N values the membrane equations may 10
be used. (For N = 1000 the error is about 6 % as against the The tank wall is considered as fixed at the bottom and as freely
formulation for N > 30 and a/b = 1). supported at the edge strengthening. Consequently the edge
The following formulae load is 1/5th of the wall load

p⋅a⋅b 1
Ec F ⋅ --- ,
= ------------------- (48)
s = β4 ⋅ p ⋅ b ⋅ ------------- (45) 2 5
αzul with p being the pressure at the bottom.

4 This leads to
b ⋅p
and f = α4 ⋅ 3 -------------- (46)
s ⋅ Ec p⋅a ⋅b
M .
= --------------------- (49)
apply. 10 ⋅ 10

The values for β3, β4 and α3, α4 are to be taken from Table 1. The same procedure is followed for the deflection [see equation
To subclause
5 Explanations Here the equation for the uniformly loaded plate fixed on all sides
is on hand.
To subclauses 4.1.1 and
In the equation for s the wall has been assumed as a beam fixed
at both ends with uniform line load. This leads to factor 2 in the 6 Literature
denominator. To provide better agreement with measured
values, the factor was increased to 2.5 and 3 respectively. Bittner, E.: Plates and Tanks (Platten und Beh älter), Springer
Verlag, Wien, New York 1965
In the equation for the deflection a factor 32 results in the
denominator when a beam fixed at both ends with uniform line Timoshenko, S.: Theory of Plates and Shells. McGraw Hill Book
load is assumed. However, it is possible here to use the plate Comp. New York/London 1959 
equations which exactly correspond to the load case and lead to Stieglat, K., and H. Wippel l: Massive plates (Massive Platten),
the factor 68 if a/b ≈ 0.5. An additional factor k was introduced, Verlag W. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin/München 1976
therefore, which, depending on a/b, gives rise to satisfactorily
accurate results. Bouche, Ch.: Dubbels Pocketbook for Engineering (Dubbels
Handbuch für den Maschinenbau) Springer Verlag Berlin/ 
To subclauses 4.1.2, and Heidelberg/New York 1966
The equations for s and f and also the coefficients α and β have
  : been derived from various sources; see clause 6 " Literature". Kunz, A.: Formulae collection (Formelsammlung) VGB
   2 Technische Vereinigung der Großkraftwerksbetreiber e.V. 1976
   9 To subclauses 4.1.3:
   9 The tank wall here is considered as a cantilever with triangular Franz, G.: Concrete-Calender (Beton-Kalender), Part 1, Verlag
  - load. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin/München/Düsseldorf 1976

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