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Illegality contributory negligence volenti non fit injuria

claimant did a criminal act partial defence complete (not make

and defence of illegality will s.1 (1) law reform responsible at all) defences
apply (contributory negligence) act voluntary assumption of risk
1995 of harm by claimant
case: ashton v turner claimants damages will be
claimantt takes part in a reduced, courts will apportion elements:
robbery and suffers injury. the damages - claimant had full
claimant wants to sue his co knowledge of extent
burglar for negligence. elements: of the risk
the claim for negligence will - claimant fail to take - agreed to run the risk
fail. resonable care for his - claimant doing it
own safety voluntarily
case: grey v thames train ltd - led to damages Volenti in sports: wooldridrge
v sumner
- riding on the outside volenti involving employer
of motor vehicle ; employee relationships smith
James v Livox v baker
quarries pg 53, ici v shatwell
Davies v Swan Motor
Co volenti involving rescues
haynes v harwood
cutler v united diaries
- failure to use safety
equipment ; froom v
butcher pg54
- stepping in the
highway ; fitzgerald v
children: traditional views :
can be CN ; then theis idea
change Gough v Thorne,
Yachuk v Oliver Blais co LTD
traditionally, children can be
said to be contributary

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