DayandNight Science Grade2

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Name: ___________________________

Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

1. Label the side of the earth that is in daytime, and the side that is in nighttime based on
where the sun is located.

2. Does the sun actually rise and set or is that just what it appears to do?

3. What was the imaginary line the Earth rotates around called? __________________

4. If the star marks the United States, and the arrow is the direction the Earth rotates, what
time of day is it in the United States? Morning, Noon, Afternoon, or Evening?

Science Grade 2
Day and night
Name: _______________________________________ Class:

Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the shape of the earth?
a. cylinder c. sphere
b. cuboid d. circle

2. What is an equator?
a. the invisible line that goes from the north to south of the earth
b. the invisible line that goes around the middle of the earth
c. the line surrounding the earth
d. the line dividing the continents

3. The model of our planet earth is called …..

a. equator c. north pole
b. globe d. continent

4. Which of these is NOT a continent?

a. Asia c. South America
b. Europe d. Greenland

5. We experience day and night because …….

a. the earth revolves around the sun
b. the earth revolves on its axis
c. the earth spins on its axis
d. the earth spins from north to south

6. Axis is ……
a. an imaginary line from the South Pole to North Pole of the earth
b. an imaginary line from the North Pole to the South Pole of the earth
c. the imaginary line that goes around the middle of the earth
d. the invisible line that goes from the north to south of the earth

7. The movement of the earth on its axis is called …..

a. revolution
b. rotation
c. equator
d. atmosphere

8. The rotation of the earth causes ….

a. 365 day in a year
b. day and night
c. different seasons in a year
d. number of months in a year

9. The part of earth that faces the sun will experience …

a. daytime
b. nighttime
c. 24 hours a day
d. 12 months a year

10. Which of this statement is TRUE?

a. the higher the position of the sun, the shorter the shadow is formed
b. the higher the position of the sun, the longer the shadow is formed
c. sun moves around the earth
d. the sun rotates around the earth

Circle T (TRUE) or F (FALSE) if the statement below is true or false.

1. At 5 p.m, the shadow of a tree is short. ( T / F )

2. Rotation is the movement of earth around the sun. ( T / F )
3. The earth has 8 continents. ( T / F )
4. The sun appears to be moving during the day because the earth is spinning on its axis. ( T /
5. The movement of the earth around its axis is called revolution. ( T / F )
6. The shadow is the shortest at noon. ( T / F )
7. Rotations causes the earth experiencing day and night. ( T / F )
8. The position of shadow changes during the day. ( T / F )
9. As the earth spins, the position of the sun in the sky changes. ( T / F )
10. Shadows will not change its size and shape during the day. ( T / F )
11. Shadows will not stay at the same position during the day. ( T / F )
12. The higher the sun, the shorter the shadow is. ( T / F )
13. It is 8 am in Indonesia, it means the Asia continent is facing the sun.
14. Axis is the imaginary line that stretches from the South Pole to the North Pole. ( T / F )
15. The earth spins on its equator. ( T / F )

Answer the questions below.

1. What are the 7 continents of earth?


2. What is rotation?
3. What does the rotation of the earth cause?

4. Which part of that earth experiences night?


5. Does the sun move across the sky? Explain your answer.

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