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(For UM between 12 and below 18 years old ONLY)

TO : Singapore Airlines Limited/SilkAir (Singapore) Private Limited

DATE : ___________________________

Name of Customer

Flight Number Date Departure Arrival

I declare that the above-named unaccompanied minor (“UM”) is my son/daughter/a child under
my guardianship*. I hereby instruct you that (1) you do not have to assist the abovementioned
UM on the ground and during the entire journey on the above flight/sector(s) operated by
Singapore Airlines/SilkAir and that (2) you do not have to provide the abovementioned UM with
any special seating arrangements; because he/she is fully and entirely capable of handling
his/her own needs.

I hereby revoke and nullify any previous request for special assistance for the UM, made at the time of
reservations or prior to this change of instruction and this instruction shall prevail for the above stated
duration on the ground and during the flights (as the case may be).

I hereby declare that the details furnished and information provided are true, complete and correct. I
understand that Singapore Airlines/SilkAir is under no obligation to carry out any steps to validate the
authenticity of this waiver and the contents of this document, and that it is entitled to reply on this
document to waive its obligations to assist the abovementioned UM.

By completing this form, I agree and acknowledge that any personal data will be processed by
Singapore Airlines for the purposes of handling my request in relation to my unaccompanied minor(s).
Processing of any personal data is made in accordance with Singapore Airlines' Privacy Policy,
available on

______________________________ ______________________________
Name & Signature of Parent/Guardian Name & Signature of Witness

______________________________ ______________________________
Passport/NRIC Number Passport/NRIC Number

Telephone/Mobile Contact of Parent/Guardian

______________________________ ______________________________
Address of Parent/Guardian Address of Witness

______________________________ ______________________________

* Delete as necessary.

**Please complete this form and submit it at the check-in for each journey/flight.
Singapore Company Registration. Numbers: Singapore Airlines Limited - 197200078R/ SilkAir (Singapore) Private
Limited - 197500236D

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