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Republic of the Philippines







We, the bonafide students of SPAMAST, imploring the aid of Almighty

God which fully aware of the inherent constitutional rights to establish a society

that aligns to the international standard of agricultural and biosystems

engineering which generates a globally competitive agricultural and biosystems

engineers, harness each potential of the future function in their field of

engineering, develop social association and leadership, and help contributes to

school students solidarity, do ordain and promulgate this constitution and by-



1.1 Name. The name of the society is the Society of Agricultural and

Biosystems Engineering. Its abbreviated name is SABES.

1.2 Organization. This society shall be governed by the Corporation Code of the

Philippines, or under such successor provision as may be in effect from time

to time.

1.3 Purpose. The society is organized and operated for the primary purpose of

advancing the students aligning to arts and sciences as the future agricultural

and biosystem engineers to the international society that advances the

knowledge and skills for the environmental, societal, and industrial local and

international benefits.

1.4 Dissolution. In the event of the dissolution of the society, whether

voluntarily, involuntarily, or by operation of law, any disposition of the

assets shall be in accordance with the applicable provision of the

Corporation Code of the Philippines or any law that may be in effect at the

time of dissolution.



2.1 Adhering to the principles of righteousness, the decision and acts of the

members of the society shall be reflected to the whole administration.

2.2 Societal activities shall be coordinated with the school policies and

SPAMAST regulations.

2.3 The SABES Society shall stick to the principles of justice and must ensure

opportunities among all its members.

2.4 The SABES shall always inform or update its member regarding rules,

regulations and policies directly or indirectly affecting them.

2.5 The SABES shall always inform or update SPAMAST regarding rules,

regulations and policies directly or indirectly affecting them.

2.6 The SABES shall exercise activities for the benefits of the future engineers

in accordance to SPAMAST.

2.7 The SABES shall exercise liquidity of finances, and transactional


2.8 The SABES shall be beneficial to the campus and the students.

2.9 The SABES shall strive to:

a) Work hand in hand with school administration for intellectual , spiritual

and social achievement;

b) Promote a harmonious relationship among the students, administration,

faculty and staff;

c) Defend and protect the general welfare and rights of the students.

d) Serve as active voice aimed to truly realize the plans and aspirations of

the students;
e) Serve as a forum of students ideas and sentiments; extra-curricular


f) Coordinate and assist the students with co-curricular and extra-curricular


g) Serve as the student channel of communication with the other sectors of

the school and community.

h) Provide forum for the discussion on the matters of public interest, cultural

and social aspects; and

i) Promote freedom to learn and assist the school administration on

education reforms.

j) Exercise protection of the environment against destruction and pollution.

k) Exercise matters relating to the health, sanitation programs as well as

program relating to religious Affairs.

l) Exercise all matters pertaining to the physical fitness and socio-cultural

activities of the school.



3.1The SABES Officers shall be composed of the Society President, Vice-

President, Secretary, Treasurer, Business Manager and PIO and

representative for each year level.

3.2Head Officers shall be composed of dependent amounts of Agricultural and

Biosystems Engineering faculties and/or Agricultural Engineering with one

(1) head adviser.

3.3Appointments shall be based upon the discretion of the President.

3.4Duties and Responsibilities:

A. SABES President

a) The executive power shall be vested on the President.

b) He/she shall be the Chairman of the Committee on SABES Policy.

c) He/she call and preside over all regular and special sessions.

d) He/she shall sign all documents and other records in behalf of the


e) He/she shall represent the society in any conferences and

scholastic/academic council meetings.

f) He/she shall have the right to approve and veto proposal.

B. Vice-President

a) He/she shall be the Chairman of the committee on Member

Penalties and Sanctions.

b) He/she shall be the presiding officer in the absence or incapacity of

the President.

c) He/she shall assume presidency in case of the absence or

incapacity of the Campus President.

d) He/she shall perform other functions and assume responsibilities as

the President may direct.

C. Secretary

a) He/she prepares and keeps the minutes of all the meetings of the


b) He/she shall provide all the documentation for any societal

activities and transaction.

D. Treasurer

a) He/she will hold with the general jurisdiction over all matters

relating to funds for the expenditure of the organization and

appropriation of public funds, in general.

E. Auditor

a) He/she will hold with the general jurisdictions over the auditing

and proper accounting and budgeting of the organization’s funds as

well as matters relating to the validity of the financial transactions.

F. Business manager

a) He/she will hold with the general jurisdiction over all matters

pertaining to the procurement of supplies, materials and other

paraphernalia for the use in SABES activities, as well as concerns

on matters relating to the societal projects.

a) He/she shall held general jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to

the dissemination of the information regarding the society to public

and members in SPAMAST.

H. Representatives

a) They shall represent respective year levels.

b) They shall perform other functions and discharge such other duties

as may deem necessary by the President.

I. Members

a) They shall perform other function and discharge such other duties

as may be deemed necessary by the President.



4.1Head Officer Members are dependent on the faculty of the Agricultural and

Biosystems Engineering and/or Agricultural Engineering faculties.

4.2 Head Officers shall be with a degree of Agricultural and Biosystems

Engineering and/or Agricultural Engineering.

4.3There shall be only one Head Adviser in the Head Officers.

4.4Head Adviser. The head adviser shall be voted or appointed by the head



5.1 Election of head and officers shall be held a month before the school year


5.2Students aspiring for any elective position in the SPAMAST SABES Society

shall subscribe to the society election rules and regulations held by head


5.3All bonafide Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering students are eligible

to exercise their right of suffrage in accordance to the SABES law of

membership (ARTCILE??).

5.4 All SABES Officers are eligible for re-election.

5.5The commissions on elections are ruled and exercised by the head officers

and are not eligible for appointive or elective office of the SABES.

5.6Head Officers shall set rules and guidelines for the new set officers.



6.1Grades of Membership. The members of the Society shall be designated as

(A) Head Member, (B) Officer Member, and (C) Associate Member.
6.2 Head Member. A Head member shall be a faculty and a licensed

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer and/or an Agricultural Engineer in


6.3 Officer Member. An Officer member shall be at least enrolled for the

second year in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and/or Agricultural

Engineering in SPAMAST.

6.4 Associate Member. An associate member shall be enrolled at the course of

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering in SPAMAST.

6.5 Admission to Membership. Applicants for admission to the Society for any

membership grades shall fill out and submit an application form together

with such information as may be required by the Head Members. Admission

to membership shall take upon payment of the required fees including fee for

SABES Identification Card.

6.6 Rights and Privilages. All classes of membership shall enjoy the rights and

privileges of a member, only Head and Officer Members may approve the

laws and rules that is proposed by members.

6.7 Voting Membership. This shall consist of Officer and Associate Members

who have paid their membership dues and in good standing.

6.8 Prohibitions. No member shall misinterpret him/herself in any manner in

connection with the Society in advertisement, letterhead or printed manner.



7.1Any officer who desires to resign must file a formal letter which shall

contain the reasons for his resignation to the SABES President two (2) weeks

before the resignation.

7.2The resignation shall be acted upon by the SABES Officers.

7.3All powers and functions, paper and documents of the resigning officer upon

resignation or termination shall be temporarily turned over to the SABES

officers until the vacated position shall have been filled.



8.1 In case of vacancy of the position of the SABES President as well as the

Vice President shall assume the vacancy as the case may be.

8.2Special elections shall be conducted by the Head Officers in case of

vacancies for the position of President and Vice President.

8.3Vacancies among members below the Vice President shall be filled through

succession by the person who obtained the next highest number of votes

during the party system elections.

8.4Vacancies in the position of Representatives shall be filled in through the

special elections conducted by the Head Officers or appointed by the




9.1 Any officer of SABES shall be removed from the office or his membership

suspended or subjected to any disciplinary action and measures for any of

the following reasons:

a) Willful violation of the provisions of this constitution, orders,

resolutions, memoranda and rules of the school.

b) Negligence of duties and abuse powers in his office.

c) Miconduct and other actions that may be tarnish the integrity of

SABES society.

d) Removal or suspension of officer will only be done through due




10.1 Any provision of this constitution and bylaws could be amended upon a

majority vote by the Head Officers.

10.2 Any SABES Officer may propose for the amendments of the provision of

this constitution and bylaws.



11.1 This constitution and bylaws shall be ratified by the majority members of

the SABES Head Officers.

11.2 Ratification shall be done by plebiscite during a special meeting of SABES

Officers through s referendum within the months of December.

11.3 This constitution and bylaws shall take effect and be adopted by the second

semester in school year 2019-2020.



12.1 The incumbent officers of the SABES in school-wide and campus-wide

levels shall continue to serve until their successors of the new set of

officers shall have been elected and sworn into office.

12.2 All SABES Head Officers shall likewise continue to serve until such

time that successors have been chosen by the new set of officers.


13.1 The SABES shall hold regular meeting atleast once a month on such day,

time and place as it may designate by notice of the meeting.

1. Special meetings may be held as the needs for them arise. The President

or a majority of the members of the SABES society may call a special

meeting giving written notice of it and serving it personally to all

concerns therein at least twenty four (24) hours before the special

meeting is held. The notice must state the day, time, place and purpose of

the meeting. Unless otherwise agreed upon by two thirrds (2/3) vote of

the officers present, there being a quorum, no other matter may be

considered at a special meeting except those stated in the notice.

2. Any meeting, regular or special, may, in case the amount of business

shall require, be adjourned from day until the business is completed. No

two meetings, whether regular or special, may be held in a single day.

3. The meetings of the SABES shall be open to the members and faculty,

unless a closed door meeting is ordered by an affirmative vote of a

majority of the officers present, there being quorum, in the public interest

or for reason of security, decency or morality.

4. A majority of all the members of the SABES who have been duly elected,

appointed and qualified shall constitute a quorum for it to transact official


5. When there is no quorum, the presiding officer may declare a recess until

such time as quorum is constituted.

6. Should the question of a lac quorum, be raised, the presiding officer,

without debate, shall immediately proceed to a verification thereof by

causing of the roll call of the members and announcing the result fore


7. No meeting shall be suspended or adjourned except when so directed by

the Head, but the presiding officer may, in his discretion declare a recess

in short intervals or suspended or adjourned the meeting in case of grave

emergency or when the same becomes unruly or uncontrollable.



14.1 The Finances of SABES shall be derived from school revenues and

contributions, donations, member annual dues, revenue from conferences,

conventions, symposiums and other societal generated activities. All

SABES local, national and international activities finances shall be derived

from school revenue and contributions.

14.2 Fees. Entrance fees and annual dues may be adjusted by a majority vote of

two third (2/3) of the population members of the Head Members and
Official Members in any regular or special meeting of the members,

provided that, no adjustment may made more than once every two years.

a) All students upon membership shall pay the Membership Fee of One

Hundred (100) Pesos.

b) All fees shall be collected and accountes for by the SABES resolutions

and in compliance with government accounting and auditing procedures.

c) The appropriation of SABES fees shall be in accordance with the

student populace of the campus especially for the members.

d) All members shall attend any school activities to be taken by the

SABES. Failure to do shall be penalized with fifty (50) pesos per log for

minor and one hundred (100) pesos per log for major activity.

14.3 The campus governments shall allocate a budget or give funds for the

purpose of operating the organization.



(The Education Act of 1982, Batas Pambansa Blg. 232)

15.1 The right to receive, primarily through competent instruction, relevant

quality education in line with national goals and conductive to their

development as persons with human dignity.

15.2 The right to freely choose a field of study, based on existing school

curricular, and to continue therein until they shall have graduated from
their courses, except in case of academic deficiency or violations of

disciplinary rules and regulations.

15.3 The right to avail of school guidance and counselling services towards

making decisions and in selecting alternative filed of school work suited to

their potentialities.

15.4 The right to have access to their own school records which shall be

maintained and preserved in a confidential manner by the school.

15.5 The right to expeditious action not exceeding thirty (30) days from receipt

of request by the school to the issuance of official certificates, diplomas,

transcript of records, and grades.

15.6 The right to publish a student newspaper and to invite resource persons

during assembles symposia, and other activities of similar nature.

15.7 The right to have free expression of opinions and suggestions and to avail

of effective channels of communication with appropriate academic and

administrative bodies of school.

15.8 The right to form, establish, join and participate in organizations and

societies recognized by the school to foster their intellectual, cultural,

spiritual and physical growth and development or to form, establish, join

and maintain organizations or societies for purposes not to contrary to law.

15.9 The right to be free from involuntary contributors, except those approved

by their own organizations or societies.

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