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Ras Tanura ITC English Language Units Level Unit Version

Functions Review E4F 6 A

1. Your supervisor asks you to work overtime. Which response shows willingness?
A. I have a negative attitude towards overtime.
B. I am happy to work overtime.
C. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that I insist on not doing overtime.
D. The take home message is that I am not going to do overtime

2. Your friend is always happy. How could you ask him about it?
A. Why do you waste so much time?
B. How do you always have such a good attitude?
C. Why do you always have such a negative attitude?
D. Why are you sad?

3. Insist that your co-worker wears the correct PPE to work.

A. This is negotiable, but please wear the correct PPE to work.
B. This is not up for debate, you must wear the correct PPE to work.
C. We could come to a compromise, but please wear the correct PPE to work.
D. Can you wear the correct PPE to work, please?

4. Tell your friend your attitude towards waking up early.

A. How do you feel about waking up early?
B. I have a bad attitude about waking up early.
C. What is your attitude towards waking up early?
D. Try to be optimistic about waking up early.

5. The training center is making the training day longer. Ask your friend how he feels
about this.
A. How do you feel about the longer training day?
B. The longer training day is tiring.
C. It is so exciting.
D. Why have they made the training day longer?

6. You are in a meeting and you don’t have much time. How can you get to the point?
A. We have plenty of time, so I’ll just go over the main points again.
B. I insist that we extend this meeting.
C. We don’t have much time, so I’ll get straight to the point.
D. I am more than happy to discuss these points.

7. Ahmed’s report needs to be completed. Which question is asking about willingness?

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
RAS TANURA ITC ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNIT E4F Unit 6 Functions Review Version A P a g e |1
A. What’s your attitude towards completing this report?
B. Is completing the report negotiable?
C. I know you are busy, so can you complete this report?
D. Are you OK with completing this report?

8. Which sentence is talking about willingness?

A. Following the guidelines is not negotiable.
B. Mohammed always agrees to help the team.
C. I’m sorry, but I insist that you finish this finish this project on time.
D. We are pushed for time, so I’ll be brief.

9. You are a supervisor. Your team aren’t performing well at work. Talk to them about
their negative attitude.
A. Your can-do attitude is improving performance.
B. An optimistic attitude is the key to success.
C. Your pessimistic attitude is slowing you down.
D. I appreciate your good attitude.

10. You want to get to the point about not meeting a deadline. What can you say?
A. The bottom line is that we are not going to finish the job on time.
B. We are not willing to finish the job on time.
C. I’m sorry, but I must insist that we don’t finish the job on time.
D. How do you feel about not finishing the job on time?

11. You just got 100% in your final test. Tell your friend about your positive attitude.
A. I feel optimistic that I’ll pass the course now.
B. I have lost my confidence.
C. I’m going to fail the test.
D. I’m a lost cause.

12. You see your friend driving dangerously. Which of the following statements is not an
appropriate response when telling your friend to driving safely.
A. I insist that you drive safely.
B. This is not up for debate. You must drive safely.
C. This is not negotiable. You must drive safely.
D. Following the rules of the road is negotiable.

13. Which sentence shows willingness to support the 4 Critical Behaviors?

A. Ahmed is always complaining about the 4 Critical Behaviors.
B. Ahmed sometimes refuses to support the 4 Critical Behaviors.
C. Ahmed is a great worker. He is more than happy to support the 4 CBs.
D. Ahmed has a negative attitude toward the 4 CBs.
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14. If something is negotiable, it is:
A. not open for discussion
B. up for debate
C. not discussable
D. undebatable

15. You want to get to the point about Aramco’s values. What can you say?
A. Are you willing to support our values?
B. The key point is that our values are not negotiable.
C. How do you feel about our values?
D. The senior management insists that we follow our values.

16. Which of the following statements is false?

A. Working hard is not a waste of time.
B. Saudi Aramco is a great company to work for.
C. A person who is always happy probably has a negative attitude.
D. A good employee welcomes a challenge.

17. Which sentence is talking about willingness?

A. Timelines are a waste of time.
B. A timeline will help you to miss your deadline.
C. A timeline will help you meet your deadline.
D. Timelines are not negotiable.

18. Your co-worker has a negative attitude. Tell him that this can affect his work.
A. You should have a can-do attitude at work.
B. Try to have an optimistic attitude towards work.
C. A negative attitude can affect your work.
D. What kind of attitude do you have at work?

19. You want to show willingness to follow the ITC rules. What can you say?
A. I can choose which rules I follow at the ITC.
B. I am happy to follow the rules at the ITC, because they prepare us for the
C. Following the rules at the ITC is not a requirement.
D. I must insist that you follow the rules at the ITC, because they prepare us for
the workplace.
20. In a meeting, what can you say to get to the point?
A. Just give me the bottom line.
B. Is the bottom line negotiable?
C. Are you OK with the bottom line?
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RAS TANURA ITC ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNIT E4F Unit 6 Functions Review Version A P a g e |3
D. What is your attitude toward the bottom line?

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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