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Network Transients 1 - GATE Study Material in


In this article we will see about introduction of Network Transients. Basically

transients in the system are because of the presence of energy storing elements called
the inductor and the Capacitor. In this article entitled Network Transients 1, we will
discuss the Behaviour of L and C in Transient State and Steady State.

This article entitled Network Transients 1 can be downloaded as PDF. These free
GATE 2018 Notes can be useful for GATE EC, GATE EE, IES, BARC, BSNL, DRDO,
ECIL and other exams. Before you get started however, you should have read the
following works.

Recommended Reading –

Basic Network Theory Concepts

Source Transformation & Reciprocity Theorem
Kirchhoff’s Laws – KCL & KVL
Nodal & Mesh Analysis
Thevenin’s, Norton's & Tellegen’s Theorems
Maximum Power Transfer & Superposition Theorem for EC
Superposition & Maximum Power Transfer Theorem for EE

When the network consists of any resistance then there is no transients result in the
system because the resistor can accommodate any amount of currents and voltages.

i. e. V = IR (or) I = R

Since the energy stored in inductor (or) capacitor cannot change instantaneously i.e.
within zero time. So inductor and capacitor oppose sudden changes in the system,
which result in unstability of the system due to serve oscillations. (due to integrations
of energy variables iL and vC)

1 t
iL = L ∫−∞ V. dt

1 t
vC = C ∫−∞ I. dt


The transient effects are more serve for DC compared to AC and transient free
condition is possible only for AC excitations i.e. at zero crossing of sine or cosine.

Behavior of L and C in Transient State and Steady State

In transient state i.e. ZL = sL = ∞ ⇒ Inductor is Open Circuited

at t = 0+ (or) 0- which means s = ∞

ZC = = 0 ⇒ Capacitor is short Circuited

In steady state, i.e. at t = ∞ which mean s = 0

∴ZL = sL = 0 ⇒ Inductor is Short Circuited

ZC = sC = ∞ ⇒ Capacitor is Open Circuited


A long time after switching action is called steady state (i.e. at t → ∞). In steady state
the inductor behaves like a short circuit whereas capacitor behaves like an open
circuit. Ideally steady state occurs at t = ∞ but practically it occurs at 5τ. Where τ =
time constant.

In steady state the energy stored in memory elements is maximum and constant.

Case i: In inductor, at steady state

EL = 2 . L. i2L = constant and maximum

iL = constant

∴ VL = L. = 0 ⇒ Inductor acts like a short circuit

Case ii: In capacitor, at steady state

EC = 2 . C. VC2 = maximum and constant

∴ VC = constant

d VC
∴ I = C. = 0 ⇒ Capacitor acts like an open circuit.

Behavior of Inductor Current at t = 0- and at t = 0+

1 t
We know iL (t) = ∫−∞ VL (t). dt

1 0− 1 t
= L ∫−∞ VL (t)dt + L ∫0− VL (t). dt

1 t
= iL (0− ) + L ∫0− VL (t). dt

1 0+
At t = 0+ : iL (0+ ) = iL (0− ) + L ∫0− VL (t). dt = iL (0− )

∴iL(0+) = iL(0-)

∴ EL (0+ ) = EL (0− )

So inductor current cannot change instantaneously i.e. with zero time for all the
practical excitations.

If VL (t) = δ(t) then

1 0+
iL (0+ ) = iL (0− ) + L ∫0− δ(t). dt

iL (0+ ) = iL (0− ) + L

∴ EL (0+ ) > EL (0− )

So inductor current can change instantaneously i.e. within zero time for impulse
voltage across it.

VL (t) = δ(t) = 0 for − ∞ < t < 0−

1 0−
∴ iL (0− ) = L ∫−∞ VL (t). dt = 0A and

EL (0− ) = 2 × L × i2L (0− ) = 0J

1 1
∴ iL (0+ ) = iL (0− ) + L = L

1 1 1 1
∴ EL (0+ ) = 2 × L × i2L (0+ ) = 2 × L × L2 = 2L J

Capacitor Voltage at t = 0- and t = 0+

1 t
𝐢. We know VC (t) = C ∫−∞ iC . dt

1 0− 1 t
= C ∫−∞ iC dt + C ∫0− iC . dt

1 t
VC (t) = VC (0− ) + C ∫0− iC . dt

1 0+
At t = 0+ : VC (0+ ) = VC (0− ) + C ∫0− iC . dt

∴ VC (0+ ) = VC (0− )

∴ EC (0+ ) = EC (0− )

𝐢𝐢. If iC (t) = δ(t) then

1 0+
VC (0+ ) = VC (0− ) + C ∫0− δ(t). dt

∴ VC (0+ ) = VC (0− ) + C

∴ VC (0+ ) > VC (0− )

EC (0+ ) > EC (0− )

If iC (t) = δ(t) = 0 for − ∞ < t < 0

1 0−
Then, VC (0− ) = C ∫−∞ iC (t). dt = 0

1 0+
⇒ VC (0+ ) = VC (0− ) + C ∫0− δ(t)dt

∴ VC (0+ ) = C V

1 1 1 1
∴ EC (0+ ) = 2 × C × VC2 (0+ ) = 2 × C × C2 = 2C J

Equivalent Circuits
For Inductor:

1 t 1 0− 1 t
iL = L . ∫−∞ VL . dt = L ∫−∞ VL . dt + L ∫0− VL . dt

1 t
∴ iL = I0 + L ∫0 VL . dt

For Capacitor:
1 t
VC = C ∫−∞ iC . dt

1 0− 1 t
= C ∫−∞ iC . dt + C ∫0− iC . dt

1 t 1 t
VC = VC (0− ) + C ∫0− iC . dt = Vo + C ∫0 iC . dt


Inductor does not allow sudden changes in the current.

Capacitor does not allow sudden changes in the voltage.

Liked this article on Maximum Power Transfer Theorem? Enjoyed reading about
Superposition Theorem? Let us know in the comments. You may also like some more
articles in our series to help you ace your exam and have concepts made easy –

Network Transients - 2
Network Transients - 3


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