Debate About Veganism

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ANDRÉS; HELP END THE WORLD HUNGER. We live in a such critical moment as
a specie, the decisions that we are making today will impact the future
generations of humans in ways that we don't even imagine; as a society we
spend 40% of the total grain worldwide production in just feeding livestock,
that waste could be the solution to guide humans to a most sustainable way
of life and also end with the feedings problems around nations, not only
because we could use that amount of food to feed populations but also to
repair the damage that livestock has been making to the planet all these
years. A clear example of the application of plants to the solution of world
hunger is that of the amaranth plant; For years the protein quality of the
amaranth has been overshadowed by the large amounts of livestock that
are produced every day and of which human beings are presumed to
obtain the proteins they need when the amaranth counts with still more
essential proteins for the body and difference of livestock needs less space
and attention and water spent on its production can be recycled or reused

IVANNA; AVOID TOXIC FOOD CONTAMINANTS. It increases the putrefactive

flora of the intestine, with the formation of toxins that make the liver suffer.
It generates acid metabolites, such as sulfuric acid, which must be
neutralized and eliminated in the urine.
Several studies conclude that processed meat increases the risk of
cardiovascular disease and diabetes (for every 50g per day, a 50% increase
in risk).
In the case of diabetes, the risk of red meat would also be increased.
After years of scientific evidence, in 2015 the OMS declared red meat,
sausage and processed meat as carcinogens.
If it is not organic, it may contain hormones, antibiotics and other medicines
that are given to animals on farms to prevent infection or stimulate fattening.

MAFER; HAVE COMPASSION FOR ANIMALS. It is cruel and unethical to kill

animals for food when vegetarian options are available. Animals are sentient
beings that have emotions and social connections. Scientific studies show
that cattle, pigs, chickens, and all animals can experience stress, pain, and
fear. In the United States about 35 million cows, 115 million pigs, and 9 billion
birds are killed for food each year. These animals should not have to die to
satisfy an unnecessary dietary preference. We should treat animals as we
treat our pets because there is no difference between the animals the
people usually eat and the animals that are taken to the slaughterhouse.

BRAYAN; IT MAKES ECONOMIC SENSE. From an economic point of view, it is

beneficial, since many of the most common chronic diseases are caused by
meat consumption, such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease,
osteoporosis and strokes, that cost approximately about a trillion dollars per
each to the economy. Furthermore, these diseases cause less of productivity
in all kind of jobs, in addition to causing high costs of medical care, and these
include retired people who can no longer work. Everything said affects and
will affect the economy if we do not do anything to avoid them. So being
vegan not only benefits your health but also your economy


Vegetarian diets tend to be naturally lower in saturated fat and cholesterol,
having a higher intake of plant nutrients. That´s why when you follow a
planted-based diet you have a lower risk to obtain a heart disease.
According with Dr. Dean Ornish, having a low-fat vegetarian diet actually
reversed coronary heart disease. About the cancer regularly consuming a
diet that contains fruits and vegetables is strongly associated with reduced
risk of some cancers. There is evidence that vegetarians tend to have a lower
overall rate of cancer compared to the general population. Actually red
meat and processed meat consumption is constantly associated with an
increase in the risk of colorectal cancer. That’s a great reason to eat your
fruits and veggies.

SOFÍA; LOSE EXCESS WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF. A potential benefit of going
vegetarian to lose weight is that you may consume fewer calories. Research
has shown people following a typical vegetarian diet consume, on average,
around 500 fewer calories daily than their meat-eating counterparts.
Interestingly, the research showed that they actually ate more food than
non-vegetarians, another great benefit. It´s almost demonstrate that
vegetarian people are less fat and non-obese, so it´s better to eliminate the
consume of meat for the body health.

Down to earth. Organic & Natural, (January, 1st, 2019). Top ten reasons for
going veggie. Retrieved from

Harvard Health Publishing. Harvard Medical School, (October, 2009).

Becoming a vegetarian. Retrieved from

Happy Cow, (2016). Compassion for the animals. Retrieved from

Kelly, D., (2016). Is it better to be a vegetarian?. Retrieved from

Lee, M., (December 17th, 2019). How to begin a vegetarian lifestyle. Retrieved

OMS. (2015). Declaration about red meat and processed meat with cancer.
Retrieved from

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