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I. Objectives
Within the period the students are expected to:
a. Identify the types of chicken cuts.
b. Give importance on chicken cuts.
c. Demonstrate properly the different types of chicken cuts.
II. Subject Matter
3. poultry cuts TLE-HECK10PGD-III-25
Materials: 4pieces whole chicken, 3 pieces knife, 3 pieces water basins,
3 pieces chopping board
Reference: LM cookery grade 10
III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer “Prayer!”
please stand student 1
“our Father who art
Please lead the prayer “good morning sir Mabubay”
2. Greetings
“good morning class!
3. Checking of attendance
4. “who are absent
today?” “okay” (students answer to the
“does anyone know, why question)
they are absent?”
5. Review
“before moving on, let us
have first a short review,
about the lesson that we
“who can still remember,
about the last topic that we
had?” “anyone who can
“very good”
“some more?”
“this morning the lesson that
we are going to talk about is
all about poultry cuts. Our
objective for today are:
a. Identify the types of
b. Give importance on
chicken cuts.
c. Demonstrate properly
the different types of
chicken cuts.

6. Motivation

“Now, who among you here, (students will answers the

usually prepares during question)

“what dishes do you

usually prepare? “sir adobo, chicken adobo etc.”

“chicken, how did you prepare

it?” “students answers may vary”

Yes but before cooking it,

what did you do first?
“sir wash, and cut it”
“CUT! How did you cut it”
“students answers may
“okay you cut it in improper
way. Cutting poultry meat or vary”
chicken meat, invites and
attracts visitors to eat”
“am I right?”

“now you are going to learn

the proper way of doing it.” “yes sir”

B . Presentation of the lesson

Before I will show it to you, I will divide .
your class first into 3 groups. Each
group will be given a metastrips, while
observing you will
list down on the metastrips the
different chicken cuts that I will be
discussing and your output will be
post on the board.

“ I have a whole chicken here, I am

going to show you the 8 pieces cut of
poultry meat.
Im going to divide this whole chicken
into 8 pieces
(name all the 8 pieces cut)
1. 2 pieces drumstick
2. 2 pieces cut thighs
3. 2 pieces cut wings (Students answers may vary)
4. one piece backbone
5. one piece breast bone. “sir 2 drumsticks, 2 thighs, 2
wings, 1
D. Analysis backbone, 1 breastbone”

“how did you find the


“ again what are the different

parts of chicken cuts?”

(the students will stay on their

“each group will demonstrate

the different cuts and identify
chicken cuts. You will be given
15 minutes to do the activity. “yes sir”
After cutting you will help one
another to cut the chicken into
8 pieces cut, and present it to
the class will be guided by
these rubrics.”

“are you ready class?”

“okay you will be guided by

these rubrics”
( present the rubrics)

“after demonstration announce

the score of each group”

F. Abstraction

“what is the importance of

cutting meats properly?”

1-4 give the 8 pieces cut of

5. what is the importance of
cutting poultry meats
F. Assignment
1. research more about
other chicken cuts.
2.Read the next topic on pp.
297- 298 and list down the
steps in fabricating chicken
and submit it tomorrow.

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