JC Copy Masterclass - Handouts

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Where to look:
Product, Prospect/Avatar, World

What to specifically to research for:

1. Stories
2. Proof
3. Promises
4. Mechanisms
5. Problem/Villains
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Rags to riches stories… (transformations)

Success stories… (transformations)

Nightmare stories… (also note the villain!)
Key to all stories - 3 basic elements: setup, plot,

Most powerful stories:

1. First Person (“I did this”)
2. Second Person (“you will do this”)
3. Third person - eyewitness (“I saw he/she doing this”)
4. Third person – hearsay (“He/she did this”)
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Examples of kinds of proof

Demonstration - the power of infomercials…

Social Proof… Academic Studies

Social Proof… borrowed “Average Folks”

Social Proof… actual customer testimonials

Social Proof… Media mentions

Social Proof… Borrowed/Celebrity/Authority Figures

Highly Believable Source/Credentials/Authority/Borrowed
Specifics (facts, statistics, specific numbers)

Visual aids (photos, charts, graphs)

Metaphor/Analogy “This is like ______”

Reason Why (NOTE: magic word “because”)

Reveal How the Mechanism Works

“Studies” / investigations / framing as research

Acknowledge Disbelief / Candor

Damaging Admissions
Identity/Just Like You

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