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G.R. No.

200334 July 30, 2014 La Union to the Poblacion of San Gabriel, La

Appellee, PSI Bayan organized checkpoints in order "to
vs. intercept the suspect."5 PSI Bayan ordered SPO1
VICTOR COGAED y ROMANA, Accused-Appellant. Jaime Taracatac, Jr. (SPO1 Taracatac), a member
of the San Gabriel Police, to set up a checkpoint in
DECISION the waiting area of passengers from San Gabriel
bound for San Fernando City.6 A passenger
LEONEN, J.: jeepney from Barangay Lun-Oy arrived at SPO1
Taracatac’s checkpoint.7 The jeepney driver
disembarked and signalled to SPO1 Taracatac
The mantle of protection upon one's person and
indicating the two male passengers who were
one's effects through Article III, Section 2 of the carrying marijuana.8 SPO1 Taracatac approached
Constitution is essential to allow citizens to evolve the two male passengers who were later identified
their autonomy and, hence, to avail themselves of as Victor RomanaCogaed and Santiago Sacpa
their right to privacy. The alleged compromise with Dayao.9 Cogaed was carrying a blue bag and a
the battle against dangerous drugs is more
sack while Dayao was holding a yellow bag.10
apparent than real. Often, the compromise is there
because law enforcers neglect to perform what
could have been done to uphold the Constitution SPO1 Taracatac asked Cogaed and Dayao about
as they pursue those who traffic this scourge of the contents of their bags.11 Cogaed and Dayao
society. told SPO1 Taracatac that they did not know since
they were transporting the bags as a favor for their
barriomatenamed Marvin.12 After this exchange,
Squarely raised in· this appeal1 is the admissibility Cogaed opened the blue bag, revealing three bricks
of the evidence seized as a result of a warrantless of what looked like marijuana. 13 Cogaed then
arrest. The police officers identified the alleged muttered, "nagloko daytoy nga Marvinen,
perpetrator through facts that were not based on kastoymet gayam ti nagyanna,"which translates to
their personal knowledge. The information as to
"Marvin is a fool, this is what [is] contained in the
the accused’s whereabouts was sent through a text bag."14 "SPO1 Taracatac arrested [Cogaed] and . . .
message. The accusedwho never acted suspicious Dayao and brought them to the police
was identified by a driver. The bag that allegedly station."15 Cogaed and Dayao "were still carrying
contained the contraband was required to be their respective bags"16 inside the station.17
opened under intimidating circumstances and
without the accused having been fully apprised of
his rights. This was not a reasonable search within While at the police station, the Chief of Police and
the meaning of the Constitution. There was no Investigator PO3 Stanley Campit (PO3 Campit)
reasonable suspicion that would allow a legitimate requested Cogaed and Dayao to empty their
"stop and frisk" action. The alleged waiver of rights bags.18 Inside Cogaed’s sack was "four (4) rolled
by the accused was not done intelligently, pieces of suspected marijuana fruiting tops," 19 and
knowingly, and without improper pressure or inside Dayao’s yellow bag was a brick of suspected
coercion. marijuana.20

The evidence, therefore, used against the accused PO3 Campit prepared the suspected marijuana for
should be excluded consistent with Article III, laboratory testing.21 PSI Bayan personally delivered
Section 3 (2) of the Constitution. There being no the suspected marijuana to the PNP Crime
possible admissible evidence, the accused should Laboratory.22 Forensic Chemical Officer Police
be acquitted. Inspector Valeriano Panem Laya II performed the
tests and found that the objects obtained were
indeed marijuana.23 The marijuana collected from
Cogaed’s blue bag had a total weight of 8,091.5
grams.24 The marijuana from Cogaed’s sack
According to the prosecution, at about 6:00 a.m. of weighed 4,246.1 grams.25 The marijuana collected
November 25, 2005, Police Senior Inspector from Dayao’s bag weighed 5,092 grams.26 A total of
Sofronio Bayan (PSI Bayan) of the San Gabriel 17,429.6 grams werecollected from Cogaed’s and
Police Station in San Gabriel,La Union, "received a Dayao’s bags.27
text message from an unidentified civilian
informer"2 that one Marvin Buya (also known as According to Cogaed’s testimony during trial, he
Marvin Bugat) "[would]be transporting was at Balbalayan, La Union, "waiting for a jeepney
marijuana"3 from Barangay LunOy, San Gabriel,
to take him"28 to the Poblacion of San Gabriel so he
could buy pesticide.29 He boarded a jeepney and
recognized Dayao, his younger brother’s Regional Trial Court found Cogaed guilty. The
friend.30 Upon arrival at the Poblacion of San dispositive portion of the decision states:
Gabriel, Dayao and Cogaed alighted from the
jeepney.31 Dayao allegedly "asked for [Cogaed’s] WHEREFORE, the Court finds accused Victor
help in carrying his things, which included a Cogaed y Romana GUILTY beyond reasonable
travelling bag and a sack."32 Cogaed agreed doubt for Violation of Section 11, Article II of
because they were both going to the market. 33 This Republic Act No. 9165 (otherwise known as the
was when SPO1 Taracatac approached them, and "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002")
when SPO1 Taracatac asked Cogaed what was and sentences him to suffer life imprisonment, and
inside the bags, Cogaed replied that he did not to pay a fine of one million pesos (Php
know.34 SPO1 Taracatac then talked to Dayao, 1,000,000.00).46
however, Cogaed was not privy to their
conversation.35 Thereafter, SPO1 Taracatac The trial court judge initiallyfound Cogaed’s arrest
arrested Dayao and Cogaed and brought them to illegal considering that "Cogaed at that time was
the police station.36 These facts were corroborated not, at the moment of his arrest, committing a
by an eyewitness,Teodoro Nalpu-ot, who was crime nor was shown that hewas about to do so or
standing across the parking lot where Cogaed was that had just done so. He just alighted from the
apprehended.37 passenger jeepney and there was no outward
indication that called for his arrest."47 Since the
At the police station, Cogaed said that "SPO1 arrest was illegal, the warrantless search should
Taracatac hit [him] on the head."38 The bags were also be considered illegal.48 However, the trial court
also opened, but Cogaed never knew what was stated that notwithstanding the illegality of the
inside.39 arrest, Cogaed "waived his right to object to such
irregularity"49 when "he did not protest when SPO1
It was only later when Cogaed learned that it was Taracatac, after identifying himself, asked him to
marijuana when he and Dayao were charged with open his bag."50
illegal possession of dangerous drugs under
Republic Act No. 9165.40 The information against Cogaed appealed51 the trial court’s
them states: decision.However, the Court of Appeals denied his
appeal and affirmed the trial court’s decision.52 The
That on or about the 25th day of November, 2005, Court of Appeals found that Cogaed waived his
in the Municipality of San Gabriel, Province of La right against warrantless searches when "[w]ithout
Union, and within the jurisdiction of this any prompting from SPO1 Taracatac, [he]
Honorable Court, the above-named accused voluntarily opened his bag."53 Hence, this appeal
DAYAO Y SACPA (who acted with discernment) and
JOHN DOE,conspiring, confederating and mutually The following errors were assigned by Cogaed in
helping one another, did then there wilfully, his appellant’s brief:
unlawfully, feloniously and knowingly, without
being authorized by law, have in their control, I
custody and possession dried marijuana, a
dangerous drug, with a total weight of seventeen
thousand,four hundred twenty-nine and sixtenths THE TRIAL COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN
(17, 429.6) grams.
Dangerous Drugs), Article II, of Republic Act No. SEIZURE.
9165 (otherwise known as the "Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002").41
The case was raffled to Regional Trial Court,
Branch 28 of San Fernando City, La THE TRIAL COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN
Union.42 Cogaed and Dayao pleaded not CONVICTING THE ACCUSED-APPELLANT
guilty.43 The case was dismissed against Dayao
because he was only 14 years old at that time and COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR
was exempt from criminal liability under the THE PROPER CUSTODY OF SEIZED DANGEROUS
Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 or DRUGS UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9165.
Republic Act No. 9344.44 Trial against Cogaed
ensued. In a decision45 dated May 21, 2008, the III
THE TRIAL COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN However, there are instances when searches are
CONVICTING THE ACCUSED-APPELLANT reasonable even when warrantless.59 In the Rules
DESPITE THE ARRESTING OFFICER’S FAILURE of Court, searchesincidental to lawful arrests are
TO PRESERVE THE INTEGRITY AND allowed even without a separate warrant.60 This
EVIDENTIARY VALUE OF THE SEIZED court has taken into account the "uniqueness of
DANGEROUS DRUGS.54 circumstances involved including the purpose of
the search or seizure, the presence or absence of
For our consideration are the following issues: (1) probable cause, the manner in which the search
whether there was a valid search and seizure of and seizure was made, the place or thing searched,
marijuana as against the appellant; (2) whether the and the character of the articles procured."61 The
evidence obtained through the search should be known jurisprudential instances of reasonable
admitted; and (3) whether there was enough warrantless searches and seizures are:
evidence to sustain the conviction of the accused.
1. Warrantless search incidental to a lawful
In view of the disposition of this case, we deem that arrest. . . ;
a discussion with respect to the requirements on
the chain of custody of dangerous drugs 2. Seizure of evidence in "plain view," . . . ;
3. Search of a moving vehicle. Highly
We find for the accused. regulated by the government, the vehicle’s
inherent mobility reduces expectation of
II privacy especially when its transit in public
thoroughfares furnishes a highly
The right to privacy is a fundamental right reasonable suspicion amounting to
enshrined by implication in our Constitution. It probable cause that the occupant
has many dimensions. One of its dimensions is its committed a criminal activity;
protection through the prohibition of unreasonable
searches and seizures in Article III, Section 2 of the 4. Consentedwarrantless search;
5. Customs search;
The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects against 6. Stop and frisk; and
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever
nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and 7. Exigent and emergency
no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue circumstances.62 (Citations omitted)
except upon probable cause to be
determinedpersonally by the judge after III
examination under oath or affirmation of the
complainant and the witnesses he may produce,
and particularly describing the place to be One of these jurisprudential exceptionsto search
searched and the persons or things to be seized. warrants is "stop and frisk". "Stop and frisk"
searches are often confused with searches
incidental to lawful arrests under the Rules of
This provision requires that the court examine with Court.63 Searches incidental to a lawful arrest
care and diligence whether searches and seizures require that a crime be committed in flagrante
are "reasonable." As a general rule, searches delicto, and the search conducted within the
conducted with a warrant that meets all the vicinity and withinreach by the person arrested is
requirements of this provision are reasonable. This done to ensure that there are no weapons, as well
warrant requires the existence of probable cause as to preserve the evidence.64
that can only be determined by a judge.56 The
existence of probable cause must be established by
the judge after asking searching questions and On the other hand, "stop and frisk"searches are
conducted to prevent the occurrence of a crime.
answers.57 Probable cause at this stage can only
For instance, the search in Posadas v. Court of
exist if there is an offense alleged to be committed.
Also, the warrant frames the searches done by the Appeals65 was similar "to a ‘stop and frisk’
law enforcers. There must be a particular situation whose object is either to determine the
description of the place and the things to be identity of a suspicious individual or to maintain
searched.58 the status quomomentarily while the police officer
seeks to obtain more information."66 This court
stated that the "stop and frisk" search should be
used "[w]hen dealing with a rapidly unfolding and
potentially criminal situation in the city streets illicit drugs. A drunk civilian in guerrilla wear is
where unarguably there is no time to secure . . . a probably hiding something as well.
search warrant."67
The case of Cogaed was different. He was simply a
The search involved in this case was initially a passenger carrying a bag and traveling aboarda
"stop and frisk" search, but it did not comply with jeepney. There was nothing suspicious, moreover,
all the requirements of reasonability required by criminal, about riding a jeepney or carrying a bag.
the Constitution. The assessment of suspicion was not made by the
police officer but by the jeepney driver. It was the
"Stop and frisk" searches (sometimes referred to as driver who signalled to the police that Cogaed was
Terrysearches68) are necessary for law "suspicious."
enforcement. That is, law enforcers should be given
the legal arsenal to prevent the commission of This is supported by the testimony of SPO1
offenses. However, this should be balanced with Taracatac himself:
the need to protect the privacy of citizens in
accordance with Article III, Section 2 of the COURT:
Q So you don’t know what was the content while it
The balance lies in the concept of"suspiciousness" was still being carried by him in the passenger
present in the situation where the police officer jeep?
finds himself or herself in. This may be
undoubtedly based on the experience ofthe police WITNESS:
officer. Experienced police officers have personal
experience dealing with criminals and criminal
behavior. Hence, they should have the ability to A Not yet, Your Honor.83
discern — based on facts that they themselves
observe — whether an individual is acting in a SPO1 Taracatac likewise stated:
suspicious manner. Clearly, a basic criterion would
be that the police officer, with his or her personal COURT:
knowledge, must observe the facts leading to the
suspicion of an illicit act. Q If the driver did not make a gesture pointing to
the accused, did you have reason to believe that
In Manalili v. Court of Appeals, 69 the police officers the accused were carrying marijuana?
were initially informed about a place frequented by
people abusing drugs.70 When they arrived, one of WITNESS:
the police officers saw a man with "reddish eyes
and [who was] walking in a swaying A No, Your Honor.84
manner."71 The suspicion increased when the man
avoided the police officers.72 These observations led
The jeepney driver had to point toCogaed. He
the police officers to conclude that the man was
would not have been identified by the police
high on drugs.73 These were sufficient facts
officers otherwise.
observed by the police officers "to stop[the]
petitioner [and] investigate."74
It is the police officer who should observe facts that
would lead to a reasonable degree of suspicion of a
In People v. Solayao,75 police officers noticed a man
person. The police officer should not adopt the
who appeared drunk.76 This man was also
suspicion initiated by another person. This is
"wearing a camouflage uniform or a jungle
necessary to justify that the person suspected be
suit."77 Upon seeing the police, the man fled.78 His
stopped and reasonably searched.85 Anything less
flight added to the suspicion.79 After stopping him,
than this would be an infringementupon one’s
the police officers found an unlicensed "homemade
basic right to security of one’s person and effects.
firearm"80 in his possession.81 This court ruled that
"[u]nder the circumstances, the government agents
could not possibly have procured a search warrant IV
first."82 This was also a valid search.
Normally, "stop and frisk" searches do not give the
In these cases, the police officers using their law enforcer an opportunity to confer with a judge
senses observed facts that led to the suspicion. to determine probable cause. In Posadas v. Court
Seeing a man with reddish eyes and walking in a of Appeals,86 one of the earliest cases adopting the
swaying manner, based on their experience, is "stop and frisk" doctrine in Philippine
indicative of a person who uses dangerous and
jurisprudence, this court approximatedthe Police officers cannot justify unbridled searches
suspicious circumstances as probable cause: and be shielded by this exception, unless there is
compliance with the "genuine reason" requirement
The probable causeis that when the petitioner and that the search serves the purpose of
acted suspiciously and attempted to flee with the protecting the public. As stated in Malacat:
buri bag there was a probable cause that he was
concealing something illegal in the bag and it was [A] "stop-and-frisk" serves a two-fold interest: (1)
the right and duty of the police officers to inspect the general interest of effective crime prevention
the same.87 (Emphasis supplied) and detection, which underlies the recognition that
a police officer may, under appropriate
For warrantless searches, probable cause was circumstances and in an appropriate manner,
defined as "a reasonable ground of approach a person for purposes of investigating
suspicionsupported by circumstances sufficiently possible criminal behavior even without probable
strong in themselves to warrant a cautious man to cause; and (2) the more pressing interest of safety
believe that the person accused is guilty of the and self-preservationwhich permit the police officer
offense with which he is charged."88 to take steps to assure himself that the person
with whom he deals is not armed with a deadly
Malacat v. Court of Appeals89 clarifies the weapon that could unexpectedly and fatally be
requirement further. It does not have to be used against the police officer.99 (Emphasis
probable cause,but it cannot be mere supplied)
suspicion.90 It has to be a "genuine reason"91 to
serve the purposes of the "stop and frisk" The "stop and frisk" searchwas originally limited to
exception:92 outer clothing and for the purpose of detecting
dangerous weapons.100 As in
Other notable points of Terryare that while Manalili,101 jurisprudence also allows "stop and
probable cause is not required to conduct a "stop frisk" for cases involving dangerous drugs.
and frisk," it nevertheless holds that mere
suspicion or a hunch will not validate a "stop and The circumstances of thiscase are analogous to
frisk." A genuine reason must exist, in light of the People v. Aruta.102 In that case, an informant told
police officer’s experience and surrounding the police that a certain "Aling Rosa" would be
conditions, to warrant the belief that the person bringing in drugs from Baguio City by bus. 103 At
detained has weapons concealed about the bus terminal, the police officers prepared
him.93 (Emphasis supplied, footnotes omitted) themselves.104 The informant pointed at a woman
crossing the street105 and identified her as "Aling
In his dissent for Esquillo v. People,94 Justice Rosa."106 The police apprehended "Aling Rosa," and
Bersamin reminds us that police officers must not they alleged that she allowed them to look inside
rely on a single suspicious circumstance.95 There her bag.107 The bag contained marijuana leaves.108
should be "presence of more than oneseemingly
innocent activity, which, taken together, warranted In Aruta, this court found that the search and
a reasonable inference of criminal activity."96 The seizure conducted was illegal.109 There were no
Constitution prohibits "unreasonable searches and suspicious circumstances that preceded Aruta’s
seizures."97 Certainly, reliance on only one arrest and the subsequent search and seizure.110 It
suspicious circumstance or none at all will not was only the informant that prompted the police to
result in a reasonable search.98 apprehend her.111 The evidence obtained was not
admissible because of the illegal
There was not a single suspicious circumstance in search.112 Consequently, Aruta was acquitted.113
this case, and there was no approximation for the
probable cause requirement for warrantless arrest. Arutais almost identical to this case, except that it
The person searched was noteven the person was the jeepney driver, not the police’s informant,
mentioned by the informant. The informant gave who informed the police that Cogaed was
the name of Marvin Buya, and the person searched "suspicious."
was Victor Cogaed. Even if it was true that Cogaed
responded by saying that he was transporting the The facts in Arutaare also similar to the facts in
bag to Marvin Buya, this still remained only as one People v. Aminnudin.114 Here, the National Bureau
circumstance. This should not have been enough ofInvestigation (NBI) acted upon a tip, naming
reason to search Cogaed and his belongings Aminnudin as somebody possessing drugs.115 The
without a valid search warrant. NBI waited for the vessel to arrive and accosted
Aminnudin while he was disembarking from a
V boat.116 Like in the case at bar, the NBI inspected
Aminnudin’s bag and found bundles of what
turnedout to be marijuana leaves.117 The court while being transferred from one
declared that the searchand seizure was confinement to another.
illegal.118 Aminnudin was acquitted.119
The apprehension of Cogaed was not effected with
People v. Chua120 also presents almost the same a warrant of arrest. None of the instances
circumstances. In this case, the police had been enumerated in Rule 113, Section 5 of the Rules of
receiving information that the accused was Court were present whenthe arrest was made. At
distributing drugs in "different karaoke bars in the time of his apprehension, Cogaed has not
Angeles City."121 One night, the police received committed, was not committing, or was about to
information that thisdrug dealer would be dealing commit a crime. As in People v. Chua, for a
drugs at the Thunder Inn Hotel so they conducted warrantless arrest of in flagrante delictoto be
a stakeout.122 A car "arrived and parked"123 at the affected, "two elements must concur: (1) the person
hotel.124The informant told the police that the man to bearrested must execute anovert act indicating
parked at the hotel was dealing drugs. 125 The man that he has just committed, is actually committing,
alighted from his car.126 He was carrying a juice or is attempting to commit a crime; and (2) such
box.127 The police immediately apprehended him overt act is done inthe presence or within the view
and discovered live ammunition and drugs in his of the arresting officer."130 Both elements were
person and in the juice box he was holding. 128 missing when Cogaed was arrested.131 There were
no overt acts within plain view of the police officers
Like in Aruta, this court did not find anything that suggested that Cogaed was in possession of
unusual or suspicious about Chua’s situation drugs at that time.
when the police apprehended him and ruled that
"[t]here was no valid‘stop-and-frisk’."129 Also, Cogaed was not an escapee prisoner that
time; hence, he could not have qualified for the last
VI allowable warrantless arrest.

None of the other exceptions to warrantless VII

searches exist to allow the evidence to be
admissible.The facts of this case do not qualify as a There can be no valid waiver of Cogaed’s
search incidental to a lawful arrest. constitutional rights even if we assume that he did
not object when the police asked him to open his
Rule 126, Section 13 of the Rules of Court allows bags. As this court previously stated:
for searches incidental to a lawful arrest. For there
to be a lawful arrest, there should be either a Appellant’s silence should not be lightly taken as
warrant of arrest or a lawful warrantless arrest as consent to such search. The implied acquiescence
enumerated in Rule 113, Section 5 of the Rules of to the search, if there was any, could not have
Court: been more than mere passive conformity given
under intimidating or coercive circumstances and
Section 5. Arrest without warrant; when lawful. – A is thus considered no consent at all within the
peace officer or a private person may, withouta purview of the constitutional
warrant, arrest a person: guarantee.132 (Citations omitted) Cogaed’s silence
or lack of aggressive objection was a natural
(a) When, in his presence, the person to be reaction to a coercive environment brought about
arrested has committed, is actually by the police officer’s excessive intrusion into his
committing, or is attempting to commit an private space. The prosecution and the police carry
offense; the burden of showing that the waiver of a
constitutional right is one which is knowing,
intelligent, and free from any coercion. In all cases,
(b) When an offense has just been
such waivers are not to be presumed.
committed and he has probable cause to
believe based on personal knowledge of
facts or circumstances that the person to The coercive atmosphere created by the presence of
be arrested has committed it; and the police officer can be discerned again from the
testimony of SPO1 Taracatac during cross-
(c) When the person to be arrested is a
prisoner who has escaped from a penal
establishment or place where he is serving ATTY. BINWAG:
final judgment or temporarily confined
while his case is pending, or has escaped
Q Now, Mr. witness, you claimed that you only search. The police officer must communicate this
asked them what are the contents of their bags, is clearly and in a language known to the person who
it not? is about to waive his or her constitutional rights.
There must be anassurance given to the police
WITNESS: officer that the accused fully understands his or
her rights. The fundamental nature of a person’s
A Yes, ma’am. constitutional right to privacy requires no less.

Q And then without hesitation and voluntarily they VIII

just opened their bags, is it not? The Constitution provides:

A Yes, ma’am. Any evidence obtained in violation of [the right

against unreasonable searches and seizures] shall
be inadmissible for any purpose in any
Q So that there was not any order from you for proceeding.135
them to open the bags?
Otherwise known as the exclusionary rule or the
A None, ma’am. fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine, this
constitutional provision originated from Stonehill v.
Q Now, Mr. witness when you went near them and Diokno.136 This rule prohibits the issuance of
asked them what were the contents ofthe bag, you general warrants that encourage law enforcers to
have not seen any signs of hesitation or fright from go on fishing expeditions. Evidence obtained
them, is it not? through unlawful seizures should be excluded as
evidence because it is "the only practical means of
A It seems they were frightened, ma’am. enforcing the constitutional injunction against
unreasonable searches and seizures."137 It ensures
Q But you actually [claimed] that there was not that the fundamental rights to one’s person,
any hesitation from them in opening the bags, is it houses, papers, and effects are not lightly infringed
not? upon and are upheld.

A Yes, ma’am but when I went near them it seems Considering that the prosecution and conviction of
that they were surprised.133 (Emphasis supplied) Cogaed were founded on the search of his bags, a
pronouncement of the illegality of that search
The state of mind of Cogaed was further clarified means that there is no evidence left to convict
with SPO1 Taracatac’s responses to Judge Cogaed.
Florendo’s questions:
Drugs and its illegal traffic are a scourgeto our
COURT: society. In the fight to eradicate this menace, law
enforcers should be equipped with the resources to
be able to perform their duties better. However, we
cannot, in any way, compromise our society’s
fundamental values enshrined in our Constitution.
Q Did you have eye contact with Cogaed? Otherwise, we will be seen as slowlydismantling
the very foundations of the society that we seek to
A When I [sic] was alighting from the jeepney, Your protect.
Honor I observed that he was somewhat
frightened.1âwphi1 He was a little apprehensive WHEREFORE, the decisions of the Regional Trial
and when he was already stepping down and he Court, Branch 28, San Fernando City, La Union
put down the bag I asked him, "what’s that," and and of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-HC No.
he answered, "I don’t know because Marvin only 03394 are hereby REVERSEDand SET ASIDE. For
asked me to carry."134 lack of evidence to establish his guilt beyond
reasonable doubt, accused-appellant VICTOR
For a valid waiver by the accused of his or her COGAED Y ROMANA is hereby ACQUITTED and
constitutional right, it is not sufficient that the ordered RELEASED from confinement unless he is
police officerintroduce himself or herself, or be being heldfor some other legal grounds. No costs.
known as a police officer.1âwphi1 The police officer
must also inform the person to be searched that SO ORDERED.
any inaction on his orher part will amount to a
waiver of any of his or her objections that the
circumstances do not amount to a reasonable
G.R. No. 89139 August 2, 1990 It appearing that the accuse d was
below eighteen (18) years old at the
ROMEO POSADAS y ZAMORA, petitioner, time of the commission of the
vs. offense (Art. 68, par. 2), he is hereby
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and THE sentenced to an indeterminate
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents. penalty ranging from TEN (10)
YEARS and ONE (1) DAY of prision
Rudy G. Agravate for petitioner. mayor to TWELVE (12) Years, FIVE
(5) months and Eleven (11) days
of Reclusion Temporal, and to pay
the costs.

GANCAYCO, J.: The firearm, ammunitions and

smoke grenade are forfeited in favor
The validity of a warrantless search on the person of the government and the Branch
of petitioner is put into issue in this case. Clerk of Court is hereby directed to
turn over said items to the Chief,
On October 16, 1986 at about 10:00 o'clock in the Davao Metrodiscom, Davao City. 5
morning Pat. Ursicio Ungab and Pat. Umbra
Umpar, both members of the Integrated National Not satisfied therewith the petitioner interposed an
Police (INP) of the Davao Metrodiscom assigned appeal to the Court of Appeals wherein in due
with the Intelligence Task Force, were conducting a course a decision was rendered on February 23,
surveillance along Magallanes Street, Davao City. 1989 affirming in toto the appealed decision with
While they were within the premises of the Rizal costs against the petitioner. 6
Memorial Colleges they spotted petitioner carrying
a "buri" bag and they noticed him to be acting Hence, the herein petition for review, the main
suspiciously. thrust of which is that there being no lawful arrest
or search and seizure, the items which were
They approached the petitioner and identified confiscated from the possession of the petitioner
themselves as members of the INP. Petitioner are inadmissible in evidence against him.
attempted to flee but his attempt to get away was
thwarted by the two notwithstanding his The Solicitor General, in justifying the warrantless
search of the buri bag then carried by the
petitioner, argues that under Section 12, Rule 136
They then checked the "buri" bag of the petitioner of the Rules of Court a person lawfully arrested
where they found one (1) caliber .38 Smith & may be searched for dangerous weapons or
Wesson revolver with Serial No. 770196 1 two (2) anything used as proof of a commission of an
rounds of live ammunition for a .38 caliber gun 2 a offense without a search warrant. It is further
smoke (tear gas) grenade,3 and two (2) live alleged that the arrest without a warrant of the
ammunitions for a .22 caliber gun. 4 They brought petitioner was lawful under the circumstances.
the petitioner to the police station for further
investigation. In the course of the same, the Section 5, Rule 113 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal
petitioner was asked to show the necessary license
Procedure provides as follows:
or authority to possess firearms and ammunitions
found in his possession but he failed to do so. He
was then taken to the Davao Metrodiscom office SEC. 5. Arrest without warrant;
and the prohibited articles recovered from him when lawful — A peace officer or a
were indorsed to M/Sgt. Didoy the officer then on private person may, without a
duty. He was prosecuted for illegal possession of warrant, arrest a person:
firearms and ammunitions in the Regional Trial
Court of Davao City wherein after a plea of not (a) When in his presence, the person
guilty and trial on the merits a decision was to be arrested has committed is
rendered on October 8, 1987 finding petitioner actually committing, or is
guilty of the offense charged as follows: attempting to commit an offense;

WHEREFORE, in view of all the (b) When an offense has in fact just
foregoing, this Court , finds the been committed, and he has
accused guilty beyond reasonable personal knowledge of facts
doubt of the offense charged. indicating that the person to be
arrested has committed it; and
(c) When the person to be arrested is manning the checkpoints, without
a prisoner who has escaped from a more, i.e., without stating the
penal establishment or place where details of the incidents which
he is serving final judgment or amount to a violation of his light
temporarily confined while his case against unlawful search and
is pending, or has escaped while seizure, is not sufficient to enable
being transferred from one the Court to determine whether
confinement to another. there was a violation of Valmonte's
right against unlawful search and
In cases falling under paragraphs (a) seizure. Not all searches and
and (b) hereof, the person arrested seizures are prohibited. Those which
without a warrant shall be forthwith are reasonable are not forbidden. A
delivered to the nearest police reasonable search is not to be
station or jail, and he shall be determined by any fixed formula but
proceeded against in accordance is to be resolved according to the
with Rule 112, Section 7. (6a, 17a) facts of each case.

From the foregoing provision of law it is clear that Where, for example, the officer
an arrest without a warrant may be effected by a merely draws aside the curtain of a
peace officer or private person, among others, vacant vehicle which is parked on
when in his presence the person to be arrested has the public fair grounds, or simply
committed, is actually committing, or is attempting looks into a vehicle or flashes a light
to commit an offense; or when an offense has in therein, these do not constitute
fact just been committed, and he has personal unreasonable search.
knowledge of the facts indicating that the person
arrested has committed it. The setting up of the questioned
checkpoints in Valenzuela (and
The Solicitor General argues that when the two probably in other areas) may be
policemen approached the petitioner, he was considered as a security measure to
actually committing or had just committed the enable the NCRDC to pursue its
offense of illegal possession of firearms and mission of establishing effective
ammunitions in the presence of the police officers territorial defense and maintaining
and consequently the search and seizure of the peace and order for the benefit of
contraband was incidental to the lawful arrest in the public. Checkpoints may also be
accordance with Section 12, Rule 126 of the 1985 regarded as measures to thwart
Rules on Criminal Procedure. We disagree. plots to destabilize the government
in the interest of public security. In
At the time the peace officers in this case identified this connection, the Court may take
themselves and apprehended the petitioner as he judicial notice of the shift to urban
attempted to flee they did not know that he had centers and their suburbs of the
committed, or was actually committing the offense insurgency movement, so clearly
of illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions. reflected in the increased killings in
They just suspected that he was hiding something cities of police and military men by
in the buri bag. They did now know what its NPA "sparrow units," not to mention
contents were. The said circumstances did not the abundance of unlicensed
justify an arrest without a warrant. firearms and the alarming rise in
lawlessness and violence in such
urban centers, not all of which are
However, there are many instances where a reported in media, most likely
warrant and seizure can be effected without brought about by deteriorating
necessarily being preceded by an arrest, foremost
economic conditions — which all
of which is the "stop and search" without a search
sum up to what one can rightly
warrant at military or police checkpoints, the consider, at the very least, as
constitutionality or validity of which has been abnormal times. Between the
upheld by this Court in Valmonte vs. de Villa, 7 as inherent right of the state to protect
follows: its existence and promote public
welfare and an individual's right
Petitioner Valmonte's general against a warrantless search which
allegation to the effect that he had is however reasonably conducted,
been stopped and searched without the former should prevail.
a search warrant by the military
True, the manning of checkpoints by The Court reproduces with approval the following
the military is susceptible of abuse disquisition of the Solicitor General:
by the men in uniform in the same
manner that all governmental power The assailed search and seizure may
is susceptible of abuse. But, at the still be justified as akin to a "stop
cost of occasional inconvenience, and frisk" situation whose object is
discomfort and even irritation to the either to determine the identity of a
citizen, the checkpoints during suspicious individual or to maintain
these abnormal times, when the status quo momentarily while
conducted within reasonable limits, the police officer seeks to obtain
are part of the price we pay for an more information. This is illustrated
orderly society and a peaceful in the case of Terry vs. Ohio, 392
community. (Emphasis supplied). U.S. 1 (1968). In this case, two men
repeatedly walked past a store
Thus, as between a warrantless search and seizure window and returned to a spot
conducted at military or police checkpoints and the where they apparently conferred
search thereat in the case at bar, there is no with a third man. This aroused the
question that, indeed, the latter is more reasonable suspicion of a police officer. To the
considering that unlike in the former, it was experienced officer, the behaviour of
effected on the basis of a probable cause. The the men indicated that they were
probable cause is that when the petitioner acted sizing up the store for an armed
suspiciously and attempted to flee with the buri robbery. When the police officer
bag there was a probable cause that he was approached the men and asked
concealing something illegal in the bag and it was them for their names, they mumbled
the right and duty of the police officers to inspect a reply. Whereupon, the officer
the same. grabbed one of them, spun him
around and frisked him. Finding a
It is too much indeed to require the police officers concealed weapon in one, he did the
to search the bag in the possession of the same to the other two and found
petitioner only after they shall have obtained a another weapon. In the prosecution
search warrant for the purpose. Such an exercise for the offense of carrying a
may prove to be useless, futile and much too late. concealed weapon, the defense of
illegal search and seizure was put
In People vs. CFI of Rizal, 8 this Court held as up. The United States Supreme
follows: Court held that "a police officer may
in appropriate circumstances and in
an appropriate manner approach a
. . . In the ordinary cases where person for the purpose of
warrant is indispensably necessary, investigating possible criminal
the mechanics prescribed by the behaviour even though there is no
Constitution and reiterated in the
probable cause to make an arrest."
Rules of Court must be followed and
In such a situation, it is reasonable
satisfied. But We need not argue for an officer rather than simply to
that there are exceptions. Thus in shrug his shoulder and allow a
the extraordinary events where crime to occur, to stop a suspicious
warrant is not necessary to effect a individual briefly in order to
valid search or seizure, or when the
determine his identity or maintain
latter cannot be performed except the status quo while obtaining more
without warrant, what constitutes a information. . . .
reasonable or unreasonable search
or seizure becomes purely a judicial
question, determinable from the Clearly, the search in the case at bar can be
uniqueness of the circumstances sustained under the exceptions heretofore
involved, including the purpose of discussed, and hence, the constitutional guarantee
the search or seizure, the presence against unreasonable searches and seizures has
or absence of probable cause, the not been violated. 9
manner in which the search and
seizure was made, the place or thing WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED with costs
searched and the character of the against petitioner.
articles procured.
Facts: Members of the Integrated National Police petitioner only after they shall have obtained a
(INP) of the Davao Metrodiscom assigned with the search warrant for the purpose. Such an exercise
Intelligence Task Force, Pat. Ursicio Ungab and may prove to be useless, futile and much too late.
Pat. Umbra Umpar conducted surveillance along
Magallanes Street, Davao City. While in the vicinity Clearly, the search in the case at bar can be
of Rizal Memorial Colleges they spotted petitioner sustained under theexceptions heretofore
carrying a "buri" bag and they noticed him to be discussed, and hence, the constitutional guarantee
acting suspiciously. They approached the against unreasonable searches and seizures has
petitioner and identified themselves as members of not been violated.
the INP. Petitioner attempted to flee but his
attempt to get away was unsuccessful. They then
checked the "buri" bag of the petitioner where they
found one (1) caliber .38 Smith & Wesson revolver
with SerialNo. 770196, two (2) rounds of live
ammunition for a .38 caliber gun, a smoke (tear
gas) grenade, and two (2) live ammunitions for a
.22 calibergun. They brought the petitioner to the
police station for further investigation. In the
course of the same, the petitioner was asked to
show the necessary license or authority to possess
firearms and ammunitions found in his possession
but he failed to do so. He was then taken to the
Davao Metrodiscom office and the prohibited
articles recovered from him were indorsed to
M/Sgt. Didoy the officer then on duty. He was
prosecuted for illegal possession of firearms and
ammunitions in the Regional Trial Court of Davao

Issue: Whether or Not the warantless search is

valid. G.R. No. 190846, February 03, 2016

TOMAS P. TAN, JR., Petitioner, v. JOSE G.

Held: In justifying the warrantless search of the HOSANA, Respondent.
buri bag then carried by the petitioner, argues that
under Section 12, Rule 136 of the Rules of Court a DECISION
person lawfully arrested may be searched
for dangerous weapons or anything used as proof BRION, J.:
of a commission of an offense without a search
warrant. It is further alleged that the arrest Before us is a petition for review
without a warrant of the petitioner was lawful on certiorari1 challenging the August 28, 2009
under the circumstances. decision2 and November 17, 2009 resolution 3 of the
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No.
in the case at bar, there is no question that, 88645.chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
indeed, it is reasonable considering that it was
effected on the basis of a probable cause. The The Facts
probable cause is that when the petitioner acted
suspiciously and attempted to flee with the buri The respondent Jose G. Hosana (Jose) married
bag there was a probable cause that he was Milagros C. Hosana (Milagros) on January 14,
concealing something illegal in the bag and it was 1979.4 During their marriage, Jose and Milagros
bought a house and lot located at Tinago, Naga
the right and duty of the police officers
City, which lot was covered by Transfer Certificate
to inspect the same.
of Title (TCT) No.
It is too much indeed to require the police officers
to search the bag in the possession of the On January 13, 1998, Milagros sold to the
petitioner Tomas P. Tan, Jr. (Tomas) the subject Japan, of the sale.19chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
property, as evidenced by a deed of sale executed
by Milagros herself and as attorney-in-fact of Jose, Jose was furious when he learned of the sale and
by virtue of a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) went back to the Philippines. Jose and Bonifacio
executed by Jose in her favor.6 The Deed of Sale verified with the Register of Deeds and discovered
stated that the purchase price for the lot was that the title covering the disputed property had
P200,000.00.7 After the sale, TCT No. 21229 was been transferred to
cancelled and TCT No. 32568 was issued in the Tomas.20chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
name of Tomas.8chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

Bonifacio further testified that Jose's signature in

On October 19, 2001, Jose filed a Complaint for the SPA was forged.21 Bonifacio presented
Annulment of Sale/Cancellation of documents containing the signature of Jose for
Title/Reconveyance and Damages against Milagros, comparison: Philippine passport, complaint-
Tomas, and the Register of Deeds of Naga affidavit, duplicate original of SPA dated 16
City.9 The complaint was filed before the Regional February 2002, notice of lis pendens, community
Trial Court (RTC), Branch 62, Naga City. In the tax certificate, voter's affidavit, specimen
complaint, Jose averred that while he was working signatures, and a handwritten
in Japan, Milagros, without his consent and letter.22chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
knowledge, conspired with Tomas to execute the
SPA by forging Jose's signature making it appear On the other hand, Tomas submitted his own
that Jose had authorized Milagros to sell the account of events as corroborated by Rosana
subject property to Robles (Rosana), his goddaughter. Sometime in
Tomas.10chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary December 1997, Tomas directed Rosana to go to
the house of Milagros to confirm if Jose knew
In his Answer, Tomas maintained that he was a about the sale transaction. Through a phone call
buyer in good faith and for value.11 Before he paid by Milagros to Jose, Rosana was able to talk to
the full consideration of the sale, Tomas claimed he Jose who confirmed that he was aware of the sale
sought advice from his lawyer-friend who told him and had given his wife authority to proceed with
that the title of the subject lot was authentic and the sale. Rosana informed Tomas of Jose's
in order.12 Furthermore, he alleged that the SPA confirmation.23chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
authorizing Milagros to sell the property was
annotated at the back of the With the assurance that all the documents were in
title.13chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary order, Tomas made a partial payment of
P350,000.00 and another P350,000.00 upon the
execution of the Deed of Absolute Sale (Deed of
Tomas filed a cross-claim against Milagros and Sale). Tomas noticed that the consideration written
claimed compensatory and moral damages, by Milagros on the Deed of Sale was only
attorney's fees, and expenses, for litigation, in the P200,000.00; he inquired why the written
event that judgment be rendered in favor of consideration was lower than the actual
Jose.14chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary consideration paid. Milagros explained that it was
done to save on taxes. Tomas also learned from
The RTC declared Milagros in default for her failure Milagros that she needed money badly and had to
to file her answer to Jose's complaint and Tomas' sell the house because Jose had stopped sending
cross-claim.15 On the other hand, it dismissed her money.24chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Tomas' complaint against the Register of Deeds
since it was only a nominal The RTC Ruling
In its decision dated December 27, 2006, 25 the RTC
After the pre-trial conference, trial on the merits decided in favor of Jose and nullified the sale of the
ensued.17chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary subject property to Tomas. The RTC held that the
SPA dated June 10, 1996, wherein Jose
supposedly appointed Milagros as his attorney-in-
Jose presented his brother, Bonifacio Hosana fact, was actually null and void.
(Bonifacio), as sole witness. Bonifacio testified that
he learned of the sale of the subject property from Tomas and Milagros were ordered to jointly and
Milagros' son.18 When Bonifacio confronted severally indemnify Jose the amount of P20,000.00
Milagros that Jose would get angry because of the as temperate
sale, Milagros retorted that she sold the property damages.26chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
because she needed the money. Bonifacio
immediately informed Jose, who was then in The CA Ruling
terms of the agreement
Tomas appealed the RTC's ruling to the CA. itself.35chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary

In a decision dated August 28, 2009,27 the CA The Issues

affirmed the RTC ruling that the deed of sale and
the SPA were void. However, the CA modified the The core issues are (1) whether the deed of sale
judgment of the RTC: first, by deleting the award of can be used as the basis for the amount of
temperate damages; and second, by directing Jose consideration paid; and (2) whether the testimony
and Milagros to reimburse Tomas the purchase of Tomas is sufficient to establish the actual
price of P200,000.00, with interest, under the purchase price of the
principle of unjust enrichment. Despite Tomas' sale.chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
allegation that he paid P700,000.00 for the subject
lot, the CA found that there was no convincing OUR RULING
evidence that established this
claim.28chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary We affirm the CA ruling and deny the petition.

Tomas filed a motion for the reconsideration of the Whether Tomas paid the purchase price of
CA decision on the ground that the amount of P700,000.00 is a question of fact not proper in a
P200,000.00 as reimbursement for the purchase petition for review on certiorari. Appreciation of
price of the house and lot was insufficient and not evidence and inquiry on the correctness of the
supported by the evidence formally offered before appellate court's factual findings are not the
and admitted by the RTC. Tomas contended that functions of this Court, as we are not a trier of
the actual amount he paid as consideration for the facts.36chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
sale was P700,000.00, as supported by his
testimony before the This Court does not address questions of fact
RTC.29chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary which require us to rule on "the truth or falsehood
of alleged facts,"37 except in the following
The C A denied the motion for reconsideration for (1) when the findings are grounded entirely on
lack of merit" in a resolution dated November 17, speculations, surmises, or conjectures; (2) when
2009.30chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd,
or impossible; (3) when there is a grave abuse of
The Petition discretion; (4) when the judgment is based on
misappreciation of facts; (5) when the findings of
Tomas filed the present petition for review fact are conflicting; (6) when in making its findings,
on certiorari to challenge the CA ruling which the same are contrary to the admissions of both
ordered the reimbursement of P200,000.00 only, appellant and appellee; (7) when the findings are
instead of the actual purchase price he paid in the contrary to those of the trial court; (8) when the
amount of findings are conclusions without citation of specific
P700,000.00.31chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary evidence on which they are based; (9) when the
facts set forth in the petition as well as in the
Tomas argues that, first, all matters contained in petitioner's main and reply briefs are not disputed
the deed of sale, including the consideration by the respondent; and (10) when the findings of
stated, cannot be used as evidence since it was fact are premised on the supposed absence of
declared null and void; second, the deed of sale evidence and contradicted by the evidence on
was not specifically offered to prove the actual record.38chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
consideration of the sale;32third, his testimony
The present case does not fall under any of these
establishing the actual purchase price of
P700,000.00 paid was
uncontroverted;33 and, fourth, Jose must return
Whether Tomas sufficiently proved that he paid
the full amount actually paid under the principle
P700,000.00 for the subject property is a factual
of solutio indebiti.34chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
question that the CA had already resolved in the
negative.39 The CA found Tomas' claim of paying
Jose, on the other hand, argues that first, Jose is
P700,000.00 for the subject property to be
estopped from questioning the purchase price
unsubstantiated as he failed to tender any
indicated in the deed of dale for failing to
convincing evidence to establish his claim.
immediately raise this question; and second, the
terms of an agreement reduced into writing are
We uphold the CA's finding.
deemed to include all the terms agreed upon and
no other evidence can be admitted other than the
In civil cases, the basic rule is that the party
making allegations has the burden of proving them prescription.50 When, however, any of the terms of
by a preponderance of evidence.40 Moreover, the a void contract have been performed, an action to
parties must rely on the strength of their own declare its inexistence is necessary to allow
evidence, not upon the weakness of the defense restitution of what has been given under
offered by their it.51chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
It is basic that if a void contract has already "been
Preponderance of evidence is the weight, credit, performed, the restoration of what has been given
and value of the aggregate evidence on either side is in order."52 This principle springs from Article 22
and is usually considered to be synonymous with of the New Civil Code which states that "every
the term "greater weight of the evidence" or "greater person who through an act of performance by
weight of the credible evidence."42 Preponderance another, or any other means, acquires or comes
of evidence is a phrase that, in the last analysis, into possession of something at the expense of the
means probability of the truth. It is evidence that is latter without just or legal ground, shall return the
more convincing to the court as it is worthier of same." Hence, the restitution of what each party
belief than that which is offered in opposition has given is a consequence of a void and inexistent
thereto.43chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary contract.

We agree with the CA that Tomas' bare allegation While the terms and provisions of a void contract
that he paid Milagros the sum of P700,000.00 cannot be enforced since it is deemed inexistent, it
cannot be considered as proof of payment, without does not preclude the admissibility of the contract
any other convincing evidence to establish this as evidence to prove matters that occurred in the
claim. Tomas' bare allegation, while course of executing the contract, i.e., what each
uncontroverted, does not automatically entitle it to party has given in the execution of the contract.
be given weight and credence.
Evidence is the means of ascertaining in a judicial
It is settled in jurisprudence that one who pleads proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact,
payment has the burden of proving it;44 the burden sanctioned by the Rules of Court.53 The purpose of
rests on the defendant to prove payment, rather introducing documentary evidence is to ascertain
than on the plaintiff to prove non-payment.45 A the truthfulness of a matter at issue, which can be
mere allegation is not evidence,46 and the person the entire content or a specific provision/term in
who alleges has the burden of proving his or her the document.
allegation with the requisite quantum of evidence,
which in civil cases is preponderance of evidence. The deed of sale as documentary evidence may be
used as a means to ascertain the truthfulness of
The force and effect of a void contract is the consideration stated and its actual payment.
distinguished from its admissibility as The purpose of introducing the deed of sale as
evidence. evidence is not to enforce the terms written in the
contract, which is an obligatory force and effect of
The next question to be resolved is whether the CA a valid contract. The deed of sale, rather, is used
correctly ordered the reimbursement of as a means to determine matters that occurred in
P200,000.00, which is the consideration stated in the execution of such contract, i.e., the
the Deed of Sale, based on the principle of unjust determination of what each party has given under
enrichment. the void contract to allow restitution and prevent
unjust enrichment.
The petitioner argues that the CA erred in relying
on the consideration stated in the deed of sale as Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to the
basis for the reimbursable amount because a null issue and is not excluded by the law of these
and void document cannot be used as evidence. rules.54 There is no provision in the Rules of
Evidence which excludes the admissibility of a void
We find no merit in the petitioner's argument. document. The Rules only require that the
evidence is relevant and not excluded by the Rules
A void or inexistent contract has no force and effect for its admissibility.55chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
from the very beginning.47 This rule applies to
contracts that are declared void by positive Hence, a void document is admissible as evidence
provision of law, as in the case of a sale of conjugal because the purpose of introducing it as evidence
property without the other spouse's written is to ascertain the truth respecting a matter of fact,
consent.48 A void contract is equivalent to nothing not to enforce the terms of the document itself.
and is absolutely wanting in civil effects.49 It
cannot be validated either by ratification or
It is also settled in jurisprudence that with respect
to evidence which appears to be The notarized deed of sale is a public document
of doubtful relevancy, incompetency, or and is prima facie evidence of the truth of the facts
admissibility, the safer policy is to be liberal and stated therein.60chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
not reject them on doubtful or technical grounds,
but admit them unless plainly irrelevant, Prima facie evidence is defined as evidence good
immaterial, or incompetent; for the reason that and sufficient on its face. Such evidence as, in the
their rejection places them beyond the judgment of the law, is sufficient to establish a
consideration of the court, if they are thereafter given fact, or the group or chain of facts
found relevant or competent. On the other hand, constituting the party's claim or defense and which
their admission, if they turn out later to be if not rebutted or contradicted, will remain
irrelevant or incompetent, can easily be remedied sufficient.61chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
by completely discarding them or ignoring
them.56chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary In the present case, the consideration stated in the
deed of sale constitutes prima facie evidence of the
In the present case, the deed of sale was declared amount paid by Tomas for the transfer of the
null and void by positive provision of the law property to his name. Tomas failed to adduce
prohibiting the sale of conjugal property without satisfactory evidence to rebut or contradict the
the spouse's consent. It does not, however, consideration stated as the actual consideration
preclude the possibility that Tomas paid the and amount paid to Milagros and Jose.
consideration stated therein. The admission of the
deed of sale as evidence is consistent with the The deed of sale was declared null and void by a
liberal policy of the court to admit the evidence: positive provision of law requiring the consent of
which appears to be relevant in resolving an issue both spouses for the sale of conjugal property.
before the courts. There is, however, no question on the presence of
the consideration of the sale, except with respect to
An offer to prove the regular execution of the the actual amount paid. While the deed of sale has
deed of sale is basis for the court to determine no force and effect as a contract, it remains prima
the presence of the essential elements of the facie evidence of the actual consideration paid.
sale, including the consideration paid.
As earlier discussed, Tomas failed to substantiate
Tomas argues that the Deed of Sale was not his claim that he paid to Milagros the amount of
specifically offered to prove the actual P700,000.00, instead of the amount of
consideration of the sale and, hence, cannot be P200,000.00 stated in the deed of sale. No
considered by the court. Tomas is incorrect. documentary or testimonial evidence to prove
payment of the higher amount was presented,
The deed of sale in the present case was formally apart from Tomas' sole testimony. Tomas' sole
offered by both parties as evidence. 57 Tomas, in testimony of payment is self-serving and
fact, formally offered it for the purpose of proving insufficient to unequivocally prove that Milagros
its execution and the regularity of the received P700,000.00 for the subject property.
Hence, the consideration stated in the deed of sale
The offer of the deed of sale to prove its regularity remains sufficient evidence of the actual amount
necessarily allowed the; lower courts to consider the petitioner paid and the same amount which
the terms written therein to determine whether all should be returned under the principle of unjust
the essential elements59 for a valid contract of sale enrichment.
are present, including the consideration of the sale.
The fact that the sale was declared null and void Unjust enrichment exists "when a person unjustly
does not prevent the court from relying on retains a benefit at the loss of another, or when a
consideration stated in the deed of sale to person retains money or property of another
determine the actual amount paid by the petitioner against the fundamental principles of justice,
for the purpose of preventing unjust enrichment. equity, and good conscience."62 The prevention of
unjust enrichment is a recognized public policy of
Hence, the specific offer of the Deed of Sale to the State and is based on Article 22 of the Civil
prove the actual consideration of the sale is not Code.63chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
necessary since it is necessarily included in
determining the regular execution of the sale. The principle of unjust enrichment requires Jose to
return what he or Milagros received under the void
The consideration stated in the notarized Deed contract which presumably benefitted their
of Sale is prima facie evidence of the amount conjugal partnership.
paid by the petitioner.
Accordingly, the CA correctly ordered Jose to was ascertained, however, that her left kidney is
return the amount of P200,000.00 since this the non-functioning and non-visualizing. Thus, she
consideration stated in the Deed of Sale and given underwent kidney operation in September, 1999.
credence by the lower court. Indeed, even Jose
expressly stated in his comment that Tomas is On February 18, 2000, private respondent’s
entitled to recover the money paid by him in the husband, Romeo Sioson (as complainant), filed a
amount of P200,000.00 as appearing in the complaint for gross negligence and/or
contract. incompetence before the [BOM] against the doctors
who allegedly participated in the fateful kidney
WHEREFORE, we hereby DENY the petition for operation, namely: Dr. Judd dela Vega, Dr. Pedro
review on certiorari. The decision dated August 28, Lantin, III, Dr. Gerardo Antonio Florendo and
2009 and the resolution dated November 17, 2009, petitioner Rico Rommel Atienza.
of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 88645
is AFFIRMED. Costs against the petitioner. It was alleged in the complaint that the gross
negligence and/or incompetence committed by the
SO ORDERED.cralawlawlibrary said doctors, including petitioner, consists of the
removal of private respondent’s fully functional
right kidney, instead of the left non-functioning
and non-visualizing kidney.

The complaint was heard by the [BOM]. After

complainant Romeo Sioson presented his evidence,
private respondent Editha Sioson, also named as
complainant there, filed her formal offer of
documentary evidence. Attached to the formal offer
of documentary evidence are her Exhibits "A" to
"D," which she offered for the purpose of proving
that her kidneys were both in their proper
G.R. No. 177407 February 9, 2011 anatomical locations at the time she was operated.
She described her exhibits, as follows:
vs. "EXHIBIT ‘A’ – the certified photocopy of the
BOARD OF MEDICINE and EDITHA X-ray Request form dated December 12,
SIOSON, Respondents. 1996, which is also marked as Annex ‘2’ as
it was actually originally the Annex to x x x
Dr. Pedro Lantin, III’s counter affidavit filed
with the City Prosecutor of Pasig City in
connection with the criminal complaint filed
NACHURA, J.: by [Romeo Sioson] with the said office, on
which are handwritten entries which are
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari the interpretation of the results of the
under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, assailing the ultrasound examination. Incidentally, this
Decision1 dated September 22, 2006 of the Court exhibit happens to be the same as or
of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 87755. The CA identical to the certified photocopy of the
dismissed the petition for certiorari filed by document marked as Annex ‘2’ to the
petitioner Rico Rommel Atienza (Atienza), which, in Counter-Affidavit dated March 15, 2000,
turn, assailed the Orders2 issued by public filed by x x x Dr. Pedro Lantin, III, on May
respondent Board of Medicine (BOM) in 4, 2000, with this Honorable Board in
Administrative Case No. 1882. answer to this complaint;

The facts, fairly summarized by the appellate "EXHIBIT ‘B’ – the certified photo copy of
court, follow. the X-ray request form dated January 30,
1997, which is also marked as Annex ‘3’ as
Due to her lumbar pains, private respondent it was actually likewise originally an Annex
Editha Sioson went to Rizal Medical Center (RMC) to x x x Dr. Pedro Lantin, III’s counter-
for check-up on February 4, 1995. Sometime in affidavit filed with the Office of the City
1999, due to the same problem, she was referred Prosecutor of Pasig City in connection with
to Dr. Pedro Lantin III of RMC who, accordingly, the criminal complaint filed by the herein
ordered several diagnostic laboratory tests. The complainant with the said office, on which
tests revealed that her right kidney is normal. It are handwritten entries which are the
interpretation of the results of the [therein] respondent Florendo are hereby
examination. Incidentally, this exhibit ADMITTED by the [BOM] for whatever purpose
happens to be also the same as or identical they may serve in the resolution of this case.
to the certified photo copy of the document
marked as Annex ‘3’ which is likewise dated "Let the hearing be set on July 19, 2004 all at 1:30
January 30, 1997, which is appended as p.m. for the reception of the evidence of the
such Annex ‘3’ to the counter-affidavit respondents.
dated March 15, 2000, filed by x x x Dr.
Pedro Lantin, III on May 4, 2000, with this "SO ORDERED."
Honorable Board in answer to this
Petitioner moved for reconsideration of the
abovementioned Order basically on the same
"EXHIBIT ‘C’ – the certified photocopy of the reasons stated in his comment/objections to the
X-ray request form dated March 16, 1996, formal offer of exhibits.
which is also marked as Annex ‘4,’ on
which are handwritten entries which are
the interpretation of the results of the The [BOM] denied the motion for reconsideration of
petitioner in its Order dated October 8, 2004. It
concluded that it should first admit the evidence
being offered so that it can determine its probative
"EXHIBIT ‘D’ – the certified photocopy of the value when it decides the case. According to the
X-ray request form dated May 20, 1999, Board, it can determine whether the evidence is
which is also marked as Annex ‘16,’ on relevant or not if it will take a look at it through the
which are handwritten entries which are process of admission. x x x.3
the interpretation of the results of the
examination. Incidentally, this exhibit
appears to be the draft of the typewritten Disagreeing with the BOM, and as previously
final report of the same examination which adverted to, Atienza filed a petition for certiorari
is the document appended as Annexes ‘4’ with the CA, assailing the BOM’s Orders which
admitted Editha Sioson’s (Editha’s) Formal Offer of
and ‘1’ respectively to the counter-affidavits
filed by x x x Dr. Judd dela Vega and Dr. Documentary Evidence. The CA dismissed the
Pedro Lantin, III in answer to the petition for certiorari for lack of merit.
complaint. In the case of Dr. dela Vega
however, the document which is marked as Hence, this recourse positing the following issues:
Annex ‘4’ is not a certified photocopy, while
in the case of Dr. Lantin, the document I. PROCEDURAL ISSUE:
marked as Annex ‘1’ is a certified
photocopy. Both documents are of the same WHETHER PETITIONER ATIENZA AVAILED
date and typewritten contents are the same OF THE PROPER REMEDY WHEN HE
as that which are written on Exhibit ‘D.’ FILED THE PETITION FOR CERTIORARI
Petitioner filed his comments/objections to private COURT OF APPEALS UNDER RULE 65 OF
respondent’s [Editha Sioson’s] formal offer of THE RULES OF COURT TO ASSAIL THE
exhibits. He alleged that said exhibits are ORDERS DATED 26 MAY 2004 AND 08
inadmissible because the same are mere OCTOBER 2004 OF RESPONDENT BOARD.
photocopies, not properly identified and
authenticated, and intended to establish matters II. SUBSTANTIVE ISSUE:
which are hearsay. He added that the exhibits are
incompetent to prove the purpose for which they WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS
Dispositions of the Board of Medicine SUBSTANCE IN A WAY NOT IN
The formal offer of documentary exhibits of private APPLICABLE DECISIONS OF THE
respondent [Editha Sioson] was admitted by the HONORABLE COURT WHEN IT UPHELD
[BOM] per its Order dated May 26, 2004. It reads: THE ADMISSION OF INCOMPETENT AND
"The Formal Offer of Documentary Evidence of RESPONDENT BOARD, WHICH CAN
[Romeo Sioson], the Comments/Objections of RESULT IN THE DEPRIVATION OF
[herein petitioner] Atienza, [therein respondents] PROFESSIONAL LICENSE – A PROPERTY
De la Vega and Lantin, and the Manifestation of RIGHT OR ONE’S LIVELIHOOD.4
We find no reason to depart from the ruling of the evidence. PNOC Shipping and Transport
CA. Corporation v. Court of Appeals9 teaches:

Petitioner is correct when he asserts that a petition Admissibility of evidence refers to the question of
for certiorari is the proper remedy to assail the whether or not the circumstance (or evidence) is to
Orders of the BOM, admitting in evidence the be considered at all. On the other hand, the
exhibits of Editha. As the assailed Orders were probative value of evidence refers to the question of
interlocutory, these cannot be the subject of an whether or not it proves an issue.
appeal separate from the judgment that completely
or finally disposes of the case. 5 At that stage, Second, petitioner’s insistence that the admission
where there is no appeal, or any plain, speedy, and of Editha’s exhibits violated his substantive rights
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, the leading to the loss of his medical license is
only and remaining remedy left to petitioner is a misplaced. Petitioner mistakenly relies on Section
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of 20, Article I of the Professional Regulation
Court on the ground of grave abuse of discretion Commission Rules of Procedure, which reads:
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
Section 20. Administrative investigation shall be
However, the writ of certiorari will not issue absent conducted in accordance with these Rules. The
a showing that the BOM has acted without or in Rules of Court shall only apply in these
excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of proceedings by analogy or on a suppletory
discretion. Embedded in the CA’s finding that the character and whenever practicable and
BOM did not exceed its jurisdiction or act in grave convenient. Technical errors in the admission of
abuse of discretion is the issue of whether the evidence which do not prejudice the substantive
exhibits of Editha contained in her Formal Offer of rights of either party shall not vitiate the
Documentary Evidence are inadmissible. proceedings.10

Petitioner argues that the exhibits formally offered As pointed out by the appellate court, the
in evidence by Editha: (1) violate the best evidence admission of the exhibits did not prejudice the
rule; (2) have not been properly identified and substantive rights of petitioner because, at any
authenticated; (3) are completely hearsay; and (4) rate, the fact sought to be proved thereby, that the
are incompetent to prove their purpose. Thus, two kidneys of Editha were in their proper
petitioner contends that the exhibits are anatomical locations at the time she was operated
inadmissible evidence. on, is presumed under Section 3, Rule 131 of the
Rules of Court:
We disagree.
Sec. 3. Disputable presumptions. – The following
To begin with, it is well-settled that the rules of presumptions are satisfactory if uncontradicted,
evidence are not strictly applied in proceedings but may be contradicted and overcome by other
before administrative bodies such as the evidence:
BOM.6 Although trial courts are enjoined to
observe strict enforcement of the rules of xxxx
evidence,7 in connection with evidence which may
appear to be of doubtful relevancy, incompetency, (y) That things have happened according to the
or admissibility, we have held that: ordinary course of nature and the ordinary habits
of life.
[I]t is the safest policy to be liberal, not rejecting
them on doubtful or technical grounds, but The exhibits are certified photocopies of X-ray
admitting them unless plainly irrelevant, Request Forms dated December 12, 1996, January
immaterial or incompetent, for the reason that 30, 1997, March 16, 1996, and May 20, 1999, filed
their rejection places them beyond the in connection with Editha’s medical case. The
consideration of the court, if they are thereafter documents contain handwritten entries
found relevant or competent; on the other hand, interpreting the results of the examination. These
their admission, if they turn out later to be exhibits were actually attached as annexes to Dr.
irrelevant or incompetent, can easily be remedied Pedro Lantin III’s counter affidavit filed with the
by completely discarding them or ignoring them. 8 Office of the City Prosecutor of Pasig City, which
was investigating the criminal complaint for
From the foregoing, we emphasize the distinction negligence filed by Editha against the doctors of
between the admissibility of evidence and the Rizal Medical Center (RMC) who handled her
probative weight to be accorded the same pieces of surgical procedure. To lay the predicate for her
case, Editha offered the exhibits in evidence to kidney of Editha instead of the left non-functioning
prove that her "kidneys were both in their proper kidney, not the proper anatomical locations of
anatomical locations at the time" of her operation. Editha’s kidneys. As previously discussed, the
proper anatomical locations of Editha’s kidneys at
The fact sought to be established by the admission the time of her operation at the RMC may be
of Editha’s exhibits, that her "kidneys were both in established not only through the exhibits offered in
their proper anatomical locations at the time" of evidence.
her operation, need not be proved as it is covered
by mandatory judicial notice.11 Finally, these exhibits do not constitute hearsay
evidence of the anatomical locations of Editha’s
Unquestionably, the rules of evidence are merely kidneys. To further drive home the point, the
the means for ascertaining the truth respecting a anatomical positions, whether left or right, of
matter of fact.12 Thus, they likewise provide for Editha’s kidneys, and the removal of one or both,
some facts which are established and need not be may still be established through a belated
proved, such as those covered by judicial notice, ultrasound or x-ray of her abdominal area.
both mandatory and discretionary.13 Laws of
nature involving the physical sciences, specifically In fact, the introduction of secondary evidence,
biology,14 include the structural make-up and such as copies of the exhibits, is allowed. 15 Witness
composition of living things such as human beings. Dr. Nancy Aquino testified that the Records Office
In this case, we may take judicial notice that of RMC no longer had the originals of the exhibits
Editha’s kidneys before, and at the time of, her "because [it] transferred from the previous
operation, as with most human beings, were in building, x x x to the new building."16 Ultimately,
their proper anatomical locations. since the originals cannot be produced, the BOM
properly admitted Editha’s formal offer of evidence
Third, contrary to the assertion of petitioner, the and, thereafter, the BOM shall determine the
best evidence rule is inapplicable.1awphil Section probative value thereof when it decides the case.
3 of Rule 130 provides:
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The
1. Best Evidence Rule Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
87755 is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
Sec. 3. Original document must be produced;
exceptions. – When the subject of inquiry is the SO ORDERED.
contents of a document, no evidence shall be
admissible other than the original document itself, ANTONIO EDUARDO B. NACHURA
except in the following cases: Associate Justice
Acting Chairperson
(a) When the original has been lost or
destroyed, or cannot be produced in court, WE CONCUR:
without bad faith on the part of the offeror;
(b) When the original is in the custody or Associate Justice
under the control of the party against
whom the evidence is offered, and the latter MARIANO C. DEL MARTIN S.
fails to produce it after reasonable notice; CASTILLO* VILLARAMA, JR.**
Associate Justice Associate Justice
(c) When the original consists of numerous
accounts or other documents which cannot
be examined in court without great loss of JOSE CATRAL MENDOZA
time and the fact sought to be established Associate Justice
from them is only the general result of the
whole; and ATTESTATION

(d) When the original is a public record in I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision
the custody of a public officer or is recorded had been reached in consultation before the case
in a public office. was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court’s Division.
The subject of inquiry in this case is whether
respondent doctors before the BOM are liable for
gross negligence in removing the right functioning
ANTONIO EDUARDO B. NACHURA before administrative bodies such as the BOM.
Associate Justice Although trial courts are enjoined to observe strict
Acting Chairperson, Second Division enforcement of the rules of evidence, in connection
with evidence which may appear to be of doubtful
FACTS: relevancy, incompetency, or admissibility, we have
held that:

Due to her lumbar pains, private respondent

Editha Sioson went to Rizal Medical Center for From the foregoing, we emphasize the distinction
check-up. The tests revealed that her right kidney between the admissibility of evidence and the
is normal. It was ascertained, however, that her left probative weight to be accorded the same pieces of
kidney is non-functioning and non-visualizing. evidence. PNOC Shipping and Transport
Thus, she underwent kidney operation. Corporation v. Court of Appeals teach:

On February 18, 2000, private respondent’s

husband, filed a complaint for gross negligence
and/or incompetence before the BOM against the
Admissibility of evidence refers to the question of
doctors who allegedly participated in the fateful
whether or not the circumstance (or evidence) is to
kidney operation and petitioner Atienza.
be considered at all. On the other hand, the
probative value of evidence refers to the question of
It was alleged in the complaint that the gross whether or not it proves an issue.
negligence and/or incompetence committed by the
said doctors, including petitioner, consists of the
removal of private respondent’s fully functional
right kidney, instead of the left non-functioning
and non-visualizing kidney. Second, petitioner’s insistence that the admission
of Editha’s exhibits violated his substantive rights
leading to the loss of his medical license is
After complainant presented his evidence, private
misplaced. Petitioner mistakenly relies on Section
respondent Editha Sioson, filed her formal offer of
20, Article I of the Professional Regulation
documentary evidence. Attached to the formal offer
Commission Rules of Procedure, which reads:
of documentary evidence are her Exhibits “A” to
“D,” which were all photocopies, which she offered
for the purpose of proving that her kidneys were
both in their proper anatomical locations at the
time she was operated.
Section 20. Administrative investigation shall be
conducted in accordance with these Rules. The
Petitioner argues that the exhibits formally offered Rules of Court shall only apply in these
in evidence by Editha: (1) violate the best evidence proceedings by analogy or on a suppletory
rule; (2) have not been properly identified and character and whenever practicable and
authenticated; (3) are completely hearsay; and (4) convenient. Technical errors in the admission of
are incompetent to prove their purpose. evidence which do not prejudice the substantive
rights of either party shall not vitiate the


The subject of inquiry in this case is whether

Whether or not the exhibits are admissible
respondent doctors are liable for gross negligence
in removing the right functioning kidney of Editha
instead of the left non-functioning kidney, not its
proper anatomical locations. As previously
discussed, the proper anatomical locations of
Editha’s kidneys at the time of her operation at the
RULING: RMC may be established not only through the
exhibits offered in evidence.
To begin with, it is well-settled that the rules of
evidence are not strictly applied in proceedings
personnel on various dates starting 1996 for
several projects. They were made to sign a project-
to-project employment contract. Thereafter, TNS
Finally, these exhibits do not constitute hearsay would file the corresponding termination report
evidence of the anatomical locations of Editha’s with the Department of Labor and Employment
kidneys. In fact, the introduction of secondary Regional Office (DOLE-RO).9
evidence, such as copies of the exhibits, is allowed.
Ultimately, since the originals cannot be produced,
Petitioners were likewise assigned office-based
the BOM properly admitted Editha’s formal offer of
tasks for which they were required to be in the
evidence and, thereafter, the BOM shall determine
office from 9:00 o’clock in the morning to 6:00
the probative value thereof when it decides the
o’clock in the evening, but most of the time, they
worked beyond 6:00 o’clock without receiving the
corresponding overtime pay. These office based
G.R. No. 208567 November 26, 2014 tasks were not on a per project basis and
petitioners did not sign any contract for these jobs.
JEANETTE V. MANALO, VILMA P. BARRIOS, These assignments were not reported to the DOLE
LEILA B. TAINO, Petitioners,
vs. Later in August 2008, a meeting among the Field
TNS PHILIPPINES INC., and GARY Interviewers (FIs) was called by TNS’ field manager.
OCAMPO, Respondents. They were told that all old FIs assigned in the
"tracking" projects would be pulled out eventually
DECISION and replaced by new FIs contracted from an
agency. Old FIs would be assigned only to "ad hoc"
projects which were seasonal. This prompted
petitioners to file a consolidated complaint for
regularization before the LA.11
This petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45
of the Rules of Court assails the January 29, 2013
On October 20, 2008, petitioners and TNS were
Decision1 and the August 7, 2013 Resolution 2 of
required to file their respective position papers. On
the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. SP No.
October 21, 2008, petitioners were advised by TNS
117637, which set aside the July 23, 2010
not to report for work anymore because they were
Decision3 of the National Labor Relations
being pulled out from their current assignments
Commission (NLRC) and its October 28, 2010
and that they were not being lined up for any
Resolution4 and reinstated the May 29, 2009
continuing or incoming projects becauseit no
Decision5 of the Labor Arbiter's finding that
longer needed their services. They were also asked
petitioners were project employees.
to surrender their company IDs.12 Petitioners,
thereafter, filed a complaint for illegal dismissal,
Respondent TNS Philippines Inc. (TNS), with Gary overtime pay, damages, and attorney’s fees against
Ocampo as its president and general manager, was TNS. Later, the labor cases for regularization and
engaged primarily in the business of marketing illegal dismissal were consolidated.
research and information, as well as research
consultancy and other value-added services to a
On May 29, 2009, the LA rendered a
widebase of clients, both local and
decision,13 dismissing the complaint on the ground
international.6 As a market research facility, TNS
that petitioners were found to be project employees
conducted public surveys about consumer goods,
who knew the nature of their positions as such at
products, merchandise and/or services of its
the time of their employment and who agreed with
clients.7 TNS hired several field personnel on a
full understanding that the contracts would lapse
project-to-project basis whose functions were the
upon completion of the project stated in their
following: a) to gather data on consumer goods,
respective contracts.14 The LA further ruled that
commodities, merchandise, and such other
even if petitioners were continuously rehired for
products as requested by clients, through personal
several and different projects, the determining
interviews, telephone interviews and/or such other
factor was whether, at the time of hiring, the
modes akin to the foregoing; and b) to submit the
employment was fixed for a specific project or
gathered data to the company for evaluation
undertaking and its completion was
and/or analysis.8
Petitioners Jeanette V. Manalo, Vilma P. Barrios,
The LA was also of the view that petitioners were
Lourdes Lynn Michelle Fernandez, and Leila B.
not illegally dismissed because as project
Taiño (petitioners) were hired by TNS as field
employees, the employer-employee relationship
was terminated upon completion of the project or accomplished project. Further, it stated that the
phase for which they were hired. The term of their repeated re-hiring of petitioners for at least one (1)
employment was coterminus with the duration and year did not ipso facto convert their status to
until the accomplishment of the project.16 regular employees. According to the CA, the mere
fact that a project employee had worked on a
As to the claim for overtime pay and damages, the specific project for more than one (1) year did not
LA held that petitioners were not entitled to them. necessarily change his status from project
Field personnel were excluded from the coverage of employee to regular or permanent employee.21
the minimum requirements on hours of work and
overtime pay. As to the issue of grave abuse of discretion, the CA
held that the NLRC committed such abuse when it
Aggrieved, petitioners filed anappeal before the refused to consider the pieces of evidence
NLRC. Consequently, the NLRC rendered its submitted by TNS during its determination of the
judgment17 in favor of petitioners and reversed the merits of the latter’s motion for reconsideration. It
LA ruling. Thus: stressed that the technical rules of evidence were
not binding in labor cases,22 that even if the
We note that, initially, complainants used to be evidence was not submitted to the LA, the fact that
project employees as shown by the samples of it was duly introduced on appeal before the NLRC
project-to-project employment contracts, project was enough basis for it to admit them.23
clearance slips, and the establishment termination
reports adduced in evidence. Case records, Not in conformity, petitioners filed a motion for
however, show that the last time respondent reconsideration but it was eventually denied.
company filed an establishment termination report
was in November 2007 indicating project Hence, this petition presenting the following
completion on November 30, 2007. What is clear
though is that complainants were allowed to ARGUMENTS:
continue working after November 30, 2007.
Respondent company did not adduce in evidence I. WITH DUE RESPECT, THE HONORABLE
employment contracts relating to the latest COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING
employment of the complainants. In the absence of THAT THE PETITIONERS ARE NOT
proof that the subsequent employment of the REGULAR EMPLOYEES OF THE
complainants continued to be on a project-to- RESPONDENT COMPANY.
project basis under a contract of employment,
complainants are considered to have become
regular employees after November 30, 2007. The II. WITH DUE RESPECT, THE HONORABLE
failure to present contract of project employment COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING
means that the employees are regular.18 THAT THE HONORABLE NLRC
[Emphases supplied]
Petitioners assert that the factual circumstances of
The NLRC further ruled that, being regular the case undoubtedly show their regular
employees, petitioners were illegally dismissed employment status and that the NLRC correctly
because TNS, who had the burden of proving exercised its discretion. The respondents argue
legality in dismissal cases, failed to show how and otherwise insisting that the decision of the CA was
why the employment of petitioners was terminated correct.
on October 21, 2008.19 Thus, the NLRC set aside
the LA decision and held TNS liable for illegal
The Court’s Ruling
dismissal, ordering the latter to pay petitioners
their respective backwages and separation pay. 20
At the outset, it must be stressed that the Court is
TNS moved for reconsideration, butits motion was not a trier of facts. In petitions for review under
denied. Thus, it filed a petition for certiorariwith Rule 45, the Court only resolves pure questions of
law and is precluded from reviewing factual
prayer for preliminary injunction and/or temporary
restraining order before the CA. On January 29, findings of the lower tribunals, subject to certain
2013, the CA ruled in favor of TNS and opined that exceptions. This case is an exception as "this Court
the projects assigned to petitioners were distinct may review factual conclusions of the CA when
and separate from the other undertakings of TNS; they are contrary to those of the NLRC or of the
Labor Arbiter."25
that they wererequired to sign project-to-project
employment contracts; and that a corresponding
termination report was made to DOLE for every
Upon review of the records, the evidence failed to whether the employment has been fixed for a
clearly, accurately, consistently, and convincingly specific project or undertaking and its completion
show that petitioners were still project employees has been determined at the time of the engagement
of TNS. of the employee. The repeated rehiring was only a
natural consequence of the experience gained from
Article 280 of the Labor Code, as amended, clearly past service rendered in other projects.32
defined a project employee as one whose
employment has been fixed for a specific project or In Maraguinot, Jr. v. NLRC,33 the Court held that
undertaking the completion or termination of once a project or work pool employee has been: (1)
which has been determined at the time of the continuously, as opposed to intermittently, rehired
engagement of the employee or where the work or by the same employer for the same tasks or nature
service to be performed is seasonal in nature and of tasks; and (2) these tasks are vital, necessary
the employment is for the duration of the season. and indispensable to the usual business or trade of
Additionally, a project employee is one whose the employer, then the employee must be deemed a
termination of his employment contract is reported regular employee. Although it is true that the
to the DOLE everytime the project for which he was length of time of the employee’s service is not a
engaged has been completed. controlling determinant of project employment, it is
vital in determining whether he was hired for a
In their Comment,26 the respondents stressed that specific undertaking or in fact tasked to perform
the NLRC decision was mainly anchored upon the functions vital, necessary and indispensable to the
supposed lack of compliance with the termination usual business or trade of the
report requirement under the applicable DOLE employer.34 Petitioners’ successive re-engagement
Department Orders. The NLRC ruled that in order to perform the same kind of work firmly
petitioners were regular employees for having been manifested the necessity and desirability of their
allowed to continue working after the last work in the usual business of TNS as a market
submitted termination report. Thus, TNS research facility.35 Undisputed also is the fact that
submitted, albeit belatedly, the termination reports the petitioners were assigned office-based tasks
from November 2007 up to the last termination from 9:00 o’clock in the morning up to 6:00 o’clock
report filed on November 18, 2008, by attaching it in the evening, at the earliest, without any
to the motion for reconsideration filed before the corresponding remuneration.
The project employment scheme used by TNS
Although TNS belatedly submitted the supposed easily circumvented the law and precluded its
lacking termination reports, it failed to show the employees from attaining regular employment
corresponding project employment contracts of status in the subtlest way possible. Petitioners
petitioners covering the period indicated in the said were rehired not intermittently, but continuously,
termination reports. TNS itself stated in its motion contract after contract, month after month,
for reconsideration28 before the NLRC that the involving the very same tasks. They practically
project employee status of the employee could be performed exactly the same functions over several
proved by the employment contracts signed years. Ultimately, without a doubt, the functions
voluntarily by the employees and by the they performed were indeed vital and necessary to
termination report filed with the DOLE after the the very business or trade of TNS.
completion of every project.29 Yet, no project
employment contracts were shown. It is well- Granting arguendothat petitioners were rehired
settled that rules of evidence shall be liberally intermittently, a careful review of the project
applied in labor cases, but this does not detract employment contracts of petitioners reveals some
from the principle that piecemeal presentation of other vague provisions. Oddly, one of the terms
evidence is simply not in accord with orderly and conditions in the said contract stated that:
justice.30 The NLRC was correct in saying that in
the absence of proof that the subsequent 1. The need for your services being
employment of petitioners continued to be on a determinable and for a specific project
project-to-project basis under a contract of starting ____________ your employment will
employment, petitioners were considered to have be for the duration of said project of the
become regular employees.31 Company, namely Project ___________ which
is expected to be finished on _____________.
TNS contended that the repeated and successive The Company shall have the option of
rehiring of project employees does not qualify renewing or extending the period ofthis
petitioners asregular employees, as length of agreement for such time as it may be
service is not the controlling determinant of the necessary to complete the project or
employment tenure of a project employee, but
because we need further time to determine In sum, petitioners are deemed to have become
your competence on the job. regular employees. As such, the burden of proving
the legality of their dismissal rests upon TNS.
To the Court, the phrase "because we need Having failed to discharge such burden ofproving a
further time to determine your competence just or authorized cause, TNS is liable for illegal
on the job" would refer to a probationary dismissal.
employment. Such phrase changes the
tenor of the contract and runs counter to Accordingly, as correctly ruled by the NLRC, each
the very nature of a project employment. petitioner is entitled to backwages from the time of
TNS can, therefore, extend the contract their dismissal up to the finality or this decision
which was already fixed when it deemed it plus separation pay, following their prayer for such
necessary to determine whether or not the relief in lieu of reinstatement, computed as follows
employee was qualified and fit for the job. as of May 29, 2009:
Corollarily, TNS can likewise pre-terminate
the contract not because the specific project a) Back.wages:
was completed ahead of time, but because
of failure to qualify for the job. Consistently, October 21, 2008 to May 29,
7.27 mos.
the terms and conditions of the contract, 2009 =
₱382.00 x 26 days x 7.27 mos. =
4. It is expressly agreed and understood
that the Company may terminate your b) Separation Pay:
employment after compliance with
procedural requirements of law, without
December 1, 2008 to May 29,
benefit of termination pay and without any 2009 =
5.93 mos.
obligation on the part of the Company, in
the event of any breach of any conditions ₱382.00 x 26 days x 5.03
mps./12 =
hereof: a) If the project is completed or
cancelled before the expected date of ₱77,113.80
completion as specified in paragraph 1
Finally, nowhere in the NLRC resolution denying
TNS' motion for reconsideration can it be found it
b) If we should find that you are not qualified, outrightly denied the said motion for belatedly
competent or efficient in the above-stated positions submitting the lacking termination reports. In
for which you are hired in accordance with the resolving the motion, the NLRC also took into
company standards made known to you at the consideration the records of the case, meaning,
start of your employment; including those belatedly submitted, and despite
review of these records, it still found the evidence
xxx insufficient to overturn its decision against TNS.

For said reason, at the outset, the supposed To reiterate, the technical rules of evidence are not
project employment contract was highly doubtful. binding on labor tribunals.1avvphi1 Such a rule,
In determining the true nature of an employment, however, is not a license for parties to a case to be
the entirety of the contract, not merely its remiss in their duty to present every and all proofs,
designation or by which it was denominated, is at the earliest opportunity, that will best support
controlling. Though there is a rule that conflicting their claim and help the courts to fully,
provisions in a contract should be harmonized to exhaustively and speedily resolve the controversy.
give effect to all,36 in this case, however,
harmonization is impossible because project WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
employment and probationary employment are January 29, 2013 Decision and the August 7, 2013
distinct from one another and cannot co-exist with Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP
each other. Hence, should there be ambiguity in No. 117637 are SET ASIDE. The July 23, 2010
the provisions of the contract, the ruleis that all Decision of the National Labor Relations
doubts, uncertainties, ambiguities and Commission is hereby RE INSTATED.
insufficiencies should be resolved in favor of
labor.37 This is in consonance with the
constitutional policy of providing full protection to

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