CH - 10 Agriculture

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Food Grains:

 Grains are cultivated in about 75% of total area sown.

 About 50% of total production comes from Grain.

1) Paddy(Rice):
I. Paddy is most important crop of our Country.
II. A large majority of the world and about half of the population of INDIA uses rice.
III. India rank 2nd after China in Paddy Production.
IV. Paddy is sown over 1/4th of our total sown area.
V. Paddy is crop of Torrid Zone.
VI. Paddy is Kharif crop.
VII. Paddy required Hot and Humid climate.
VIII. Paddy required minimum temp. of 200C.
IX. Paddy required fertile alluvial soil.
X. Paddy required more than 100cm of rainfall. It also requires more water.
XI. Paddy grown in regions like Punjab , Haryana & Uttar Pradesh through Irrigation.
XII. Paddy cultivation requires more man power.
XIII. West Bengal , Tamil Nadu , Odisha , Bihar , Telangana , Andhra Pradesh , etc are major
paddy productive states.
XIV. In Gujarat Paddy is grown in Surat , Ahmedabad , Panchmahal , Kheda , Anand , Valsad , Tapi
, etc.
XV. Paddy is grown by Irrigation through Sprinklers method by using less water.

2) Wheat:
I. Paddy is 2nd most important crop of our Country.
II. It is grown over 1/3rd of arable land area.
III. Wheat is staple diet of North and West India.
IV. Wheat is crop of Temperate zone.
V. Wheat is crop of Rabi crop.
VI. It requires Black or Loamy soil.
VII. It requires more than 75cm of annual rainfall.
VIII. By proper Irrigation it can grow on regions having less rainfall.
IX. Wheat cannot be grown in the area receiving more than 100cm rainfall.
X. This states produce about 2/3rd of total national production.
XI. Punjab is known as “Wheat Bowl of India”.
XII. In Bhal region of Gujarat the variety is called ‘Bhaliya Wheat’.
XIII. Gujarat , Punjab , Western Uttar Pradesh , Rajasthan , Haryana , Madhya Pradesh ,
Maharashtra , West Bengal , etc.
3) Jowar:
I. Jowar is 3rd most produced grain.
II. Jowar is both Kharif as well as Rabi crop.
III. It requires temp. betn 250 to 300 C.
IV. It requires Black or Loamy soil.
V. It requires 125cm of annual rainfall.
VI. Maharashtra , Gujarat , Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , Andhra Pradesh are major producers.
VII. In Gujarat, Surat and Tapi having Maximum Farming.

4) Millet(Bajari):
I. Millet is considered to be grains of labourers.
II. It requires temp. betn 250 to 300 C.
III. It requires 40-50cm of annual rainfall.
IV. It requires Light Sandy Soil.
V. Maharashtra , Gujarat , Rajasthan , Uttar Pradesh are major producers
VI. Banskhatha has Highest Millet Production in Gujarat.

5) Maize:
I. Maize is Kharif crop.
II. It is the 3rd most Growing crop in the world.
III. It grows more in hilly areas. Hence, staple food of people living that region is Maize.
IV. Maize Grows Better on Sloppy , Black , Hard , Rocky Soil.
V. It requires 50-100cm of annual rainfall.
VI. It requires temp. betn 210 to 270 C.
VII. Madhya Pradesh , Bihar , Uttar pradesh , Himachal Pradesh , Rajasthan , Jammu and Kashmir
, Andhra Pradesh are major producers.

6) Pulses:
I. Pulses is the Main source of Protien for the Vegetation.
II. Tuver , Udad , Mung , Math , etc are Kharif crops.
III. Gram , Peas , Lentil are Rabi crops.
IV. All Indian states grow Pulses except which having High Rainfall.
V. Madhya Pradesh , Bihar , Uttar Pradesh , Rajasthan , Jammu and Kashmir , Andhra Pradesh
are major producers.
VI. By growing Pulses Nitrogen Level of soil increases.
Oil seeds:
1) Groundnut:
I. Groundnut is Quit Important Oil Seeds.
II. Indian rank 2nd in Groundnut Production.
III. It requires 50-70cm of annual rainfall.
IV. It requires temp. betn 200 to 250 C.
V. It requires Black or Loamy soil.
VI. Groundnut is Kharif crop. By proper irrigation method it can be grow on Summer(Zaid crops)
VII. Gujarat , Andhra Pradesh , Tamil Nadu , Maharashtra are main producers.
VIII. Gujarat make maximum use of Groundnut oil as edible oil.

2) Sesame seeds(Til):
I. Til is used as Edible oil in entire world.
II. India is largest Exporter of Til in the World.
III. North India grow it as Kharif crop. South India grows it as Rabi crop.
IV. Gujarat , Karnataka , Tamil Nadu , Maharashtra are main producers.
V. Gujarat ranks first in India for Til Production.

3) Mustard :
I. This is Rabi crop.
II. This is most Important Crop of North India.
III. Mustard seeds and its oil is used for Edible and Medicinal purpouses.
IV. Rajasthan , Uttar Pradesh , West Bengal , Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh are major

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