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A Data Structure Encryption

Data security refers to the process of protecting data from

unauthorized access and data corruption throughout its lifecycle.
Data security includes data encryption, tokenization, and key
management practices that protect data across all applications
and platforms. Organizations around the globe are investing
heavily in information technology (IT) cyber defense
capabilities to protect their critical assets. The main tools of data
security are cryptography, stenography, watermarking and data
integrity algorithms. Cryptography algorithms are classified into
two types: symmetric algorithms, uses single common key for
both sender and receiver and asymmetric and asymmetric
algorithms, uses two keys for each user. Stenography is another
valuable tool to hide information inside a cover carrier to protect
information. Thirdly, watermarking is the security apparatus to
check the authenticity of the information. Lastly, data integrity
algorithms represent the tools that test the integrity of the data.
They include hash function, message authentication codes
(MAC) and digital signatures.

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