Movere Documentation

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Movere Capabilities

Movere can be really helpful in planning migration of on premise infrastructure to cloud. The Actual
Resource Consumption (ARC) module of Movere gives a detailed picture of the current environment
with an accuracy of 99.9%.

ARC scan provides the following information –

1. Cloud Migration Qualification

a. All Devices present in the infrastructure or domains being scanned by Movere
b. Based on the sizing & usage information of the machines (Windows and Linux both),
it provides a benchmark of the Azure equivalent for the on premise machine in real-
time, i.e., based on the latest Azure Portal data for A0 to G5
c. Captures the software installed in these machines and recommends the cloud
storage requirements using the actual non-OS storage used by applications
d. It provides following fields in the dashboard1 –
i. Azure virtual machine size
ii. Number of Windows Servers & Linux devices matching each Azure size
iii. Azure readiness, change(s) required to move the selected device(s) to Azure
iv. Total Premium Storage requirements based on existing workloads
v. Total Standard Storage requirements based on existing workloads
vi. Number of Windows Servers & Linux devices that are Azure ready
vii. Number of Windows Servers & Linux devices requiring a change to run on
2. Aging information of Devices & Servers (only windows) -

Movere provides the ageing information for Windows & SQL Servers that can answer
questions like –

a. Physical Host information of servers

b. Warranty Information
c. Applications & Services Running
d. Users of the systems and their usage

The dashboard has following fields1 –

 Year the device was created including both servers and workstations
 The number of devices created by year (see refresh cycles)
 SQL instances by year of installation
 The number of instances created by: year, version, edition, platform, etc.

3. Custom Profiling
Movere allows the custom profiling of all the resources based on the organisational setup.
Movere enables user to create a profile of all devices using any combination of custom
names to achieve a desired level of granularity.
For example1:
UL | Washington Corp | Production | Internal
UL | Washington Corp | Production | Self Hosting | FT
UL | Washington Corp | Development
UL | New York Ltd | Production
UL | London | Development

This helps in identifying all the applications and systems across the organisation and makes
migration planning easier.

4. Allows segregation of already migrated machines and systems with on premise systems if we
scan domains that have both types of machines.
It provides the following data as part of dashboard1 –
a. Number of scanned Windows Servers & Linux devices already in the Cloud
b. % of the Windows Server & Linux device environments already in the Cloud
c. Cloud server performance.

5. Captures application and services of all vendors and classifies them for Microsoft and Non-
Microsoft products. These help in quick decision making for migration.
For this, it provides the following fields in the dashboard1 –
a. Applications by Publisher
b. Applications by Title.
c. Service Name
d. Number of devices with service present
e. Service State
f. Service Location
g. Service Creation Date

Note: -

1. As per Movere Insights Guide

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